Sending email via Postmark on Heroku with a MeteorJS application - heroku

I have recently deployed my MeteorJs application to Heroku and have setup the Postmark addon to be able to send emails.
I setup the MAIL_URL config item and the authentication works, but when an email is sent Postmark returns this error:
ErrorCode: '400', Message: 'Sender signature not defined for From address.'.
The From address that Meteor sets by default is I tried setting up a signature in my Postmark addon using my personal email, but you can't do that either.
Anyone have luck getting this setup?

You need to define a sender signature:
To get started, run heroku addons:open postmark and create your first sender signature.


sign up not working for heroku hosted scoold

Hi I deployed scoold to heroku following the steps here. The application is running but I cannot sign in to an account. When I tried to sign up for an account it shows that a confirmation email is sent but I don't receive one. Anyone know what's wrong?
You have not configured SMTP properly. You need a real SMTP server with a username and password. After configuring it you can resend your email confirmation and log in.
You can enable SMTP debug logging with this option:
para.mail.debug = true

Laravel mailbox inbound parse sendgrid

So I'm trying to make my own inbox for emails using the followin packag beyondcode/laravel-mailbox
I installed the package on a blank project, in order to test it out.
I can send emails with the sendgrid API, so that's not a problem at all.
Now, I have some environment variables set;
The config just the same as given in the package.
In my AppServiceProvider, I have in the boot the following:
Mailbox::catchAll(static function(InboundEmail $email) {
// Handle the incoming email
But when I take a look in the logs, when I send an email to, nothing hapens...
This is my DNS configuration:
And here is the inbound parse config on the sendgrid side:
What am I missing or doing wrong here? I looked at my access logs and not even a request is being made to the server from sendgrid...
So How can I make sure I can receive messages to
Your DNS should also have a few CNAME records so that you can verify your domain with SendGrid.

Email verification failing

I have installed Parse Server directly from Heroku and mLab button and then Deploy to Heroku Button.
This is working fine, but now I need to set up email verification. I have installed Mailgun and Mailgun Email Verification addons directly from Heroku. Under Config vars the correct keys are all there, but I get the error
An appName, publicServerURL, and emailAdapter are required for
password reset and email verification functionality. (Code: 1,
Version: 1.17.2)
I was under the impression that when installing addons directly from Heroku, the settings was deployed automatically. Do I need to configure anything else after installing?
That message isn't from Mailgun; it's from the parse server itself.
You'll have to either customize the code or configure it properly. I don't think the example code gives you a way to configure appName, publicServerUrl, or emailAdapter from the environment so you'll probably have to deploy a customized instance that sets those variables. This example looks helpful.

Laravel not sending emails on to SendGrid

Im hosting a Laravel spark website on I have configured the environment variables within the GUI to be what is suggested in their guides but for some reason SendGrid isn't picking up the emails.
I am using my SendGrid Log in details for username and password - I have also tried by using my API Keys.
There are no errors or anything and both SendGrid and are being useless saying they can't do or see anything, so im pretty lost as to where I go next. I have tried many various configuration options but none seem to have worked.
Here is the snippet of code to send the mailable in Laravel:
Mail::to($input['email'])->send(new BetaSignUp($referral, $referralFacebookUrl, $referralTwitterUrl));
Has anyone successfully got Laravel running on, and sending emails via SMTP (SendGrid)
With the help of PSH i have run a python script they sent me to do a test on the container - this test was successful and I can see the email in SendGrid. Here is the test Script:
import smtplib
sender = ''
receivers = ['']
message = """From: Deck Stream Team<>
Reply-To: Deck Stream Team<>
To: To Person <>
Subject: SMTP e-mail test
This is a test e-mail message.
server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465)
server.login("****", "****")
server.sendmail(sender, receivers, message)
Have you follow this
Email support can be enabled/disabled per-environment. By default, it
is enabled on the master environment and disabled elsewhere. That can
be toggled in through the web UI or via the command line, like so:
platform environment:info enable_smtp true

How can I configure Meteor to use Amazon SES when running on Heroku?

I would like to use the built in email methods that Meteor provides, but I need my app to run on Heroku and use the smtp endpoint of Amazon SES to transport my message.
I'm using the Meteorite build pack and the accounts-password package.
Follow instructions below to get meteor emails sending correctly from heroku using amazon ses
1) set up smtp access via aws console, get your smtp credentials
2) using a javascript console (chrome dev tools / firebug) run
to encode the username/password for use in your smtp url
3) take resulting strings to build your smtp url like so
4) set the MAIL_URL variable to tell meteor to use this method for sending emails
heroku config:add MAIL_URL=YOUR_SMTP_URL
(do not surrond the url with qoutes)
5) set sender to be a SES verified sender within your meteor app via
Accounts.emailTemplates.from = "SENDER_NAME <SENDER_EMAIL>";
That will allow Meteor default email methods to function properly.
In addition to what you've suggested in your gist you could also use Meteor.http methods with SES API and send a POST/GET request.
Full API docs at
Of course this is a manual solution, and wont use the built in meteor mail method. It can however be corrected by redefining the mail function via Email.send = function(...
You can also use the email-ses package on atmosphere
mrt add email-ses
More info here:
