How to improve DB load produced by SSRS reports - performance

I would like to know whether there is a posibility to reduce the DB load produced by SSRS reports.
I have a SSRS report consisting of several sub-reports. Every one of them has at least one DB query.
Many of them query the same data since the most sub-reports have a kind of template header filled with dynamic data.
Some sub-reports are shown depending on whether a query returns any data. So once the data is queried to determine whether to show the report at all. Then the report itself queries the same data to show it in a table
In general I can tell that I need a mechanism to pass queried DB data from parent report to a sub-report. The parent report will query some data, it will iterate over the data sets and for every data set it will show a sub-report passing the current data set as a parameter.
I could not find a mechanism to pass the data set (data row). That's why I show the sub-report by passing a kind of data set ID. The sub-report itself queries the same data again, filters by the passed data set ID and shows only the relevant data set. This causes huge load on the DB.
Thank you in advance!

The design you describe is fairly standard and I would not expect it to cause "huge load on the DB". I would expect the DB load of running 10 filtered sub-reports to only be about 10-20% more than running one report covering the same 10 items.
I would add an index on the "data set ID" column to make that filter more efficient.

Depending on complexity of your subreports using lookup function may be an acceptable faster solution. And previous comment about hiding rows or subreports with no data applies here too.


Filter a Data Source from a Different Data Source

I have two chart tables both with different data sources. I want one table to act as the filter to the other table.
Here is the problem...
I tried a custom query for my data source which used the email parameter to filter the data source.
The problem is every time a user changes a filter on any page a query is executed in BigQuery, slowing the results and exponentially increasing my BigQuery monthly charges.
I tried blending the two tables.
The problem is the blended data feature only allows for 10 dimensions to be added to the resulting blended data source and is very slow.
I tried creating a control filter using a custom field on the "location" column on each table sharing the same "Field Id".
The problem is that the results table returns all the stores until you click on a location in the control list. And I cannot let a user see other locations.
Here is a link to a data studio sample report you can clearly see what I am trying to do.
One solution which i can recommend to over come your first challenge, i.e. High cost. You can customize cost by using GCP-Memorystore, depending on frequency of data that is getting updated.
Moreover, Bigquery also cashes data for a query if you are not using Wild cards on tables and Time partitioned tables. So try to customize your solution over analysis cost if it is feasible over your solution. Bigquery Partition and Clusting may also help you in reducing BQ analysis cost.

Check queries not used in a Oracle reports

I'm using Oracle Report Builder and I have a heavy report that has defined a large number of queries. I think not all that queries are used in the report and are not linked to any layout object.
Is there a easy way to detect what queries (or other objects) aren't used at all in a specific report? Instead of delete the query, compile and run and verify one by one if are used or not?
If there is an easy way to do that, I don't know it. A long time ago, when Reports 1.x was used, report was saved in the database so you could write a query to fetch metadata you're interested in. I never did that, though, but - that would be an option. Now, all you have is a RDF (or a JSP) file.
However, a few suggestions, if I may.
Open Paper Layout Editor. Click the repeating frame and observe its property palette as it contains information about the group it belongs to. "Group" can be viewed in Data Model layout.
As there aren't that many repeating frames, you should be able to eliminate queries that don't have any frames, i.e. don't contribute to the final result.
Another option is to put a condition
WHERE 1 = 2
into every query so that they won't return any rows. Run the report and check what's missing - then remove that condition so that you'd get values. Move on to second query, and so forth. That's a little bit tedious and time consuming, but should still be faster than deleting queries.
You can return a report results to an XML file. Each query with data will contain something in XML-s tags.
enter image description here

Handle large dataset in birt

I am running into issues with out of memory exceptions . I need to display a large set of data in a cross tab. I need to display 5,277,888 rows aggregated into 403,920 rows. I don't think birt can handle this and would like some advice.
These are the options I was thinking
Some how fetch some data at a time and aggregate it (might still run out of memory)
Find a different reporting framework that renders html
Not use cross tab and do all of the aggregation server side and try to display it in a sudo cross tab.
Fetaching large amonunt of data and providing it to BIRT increases data trafic and also many a times (as in your case) lead to system / report engine hang.
What you are thinkning is correct. (Option 3) It is preferable to use aggregate functions in your db and give an already summarized data to BIRT at times.
SQL provides options for cross tab outputs (SQL Pivot Function) as well in case required.

Selecting items from combined stored procedure

I had two separate stored procedures each with their own column description and info. Now that i combined them both information of the stored procedures are displayed but with the column description of my first select statement (stored procedure). Is it possible in any way that i could distinguish between the two statements? The reason is because i am using a report page to display information but because i cannot have two datasets in one list, i thought i could combine all the information into one dataset and then distinguish between the information to show in different tables but within the same list/dataset.
Perhaps you should return one DataTable for the report, and just use the report grouping features. This is usually much, much easier than trying to manipulate multiple DataSets and/or multiple DataTables within a DataSet. I've rewritten ridiculously complex reports, using 5 or 6 DataSets, into one DataSet with report grouping and it was much, much simpler. I could live with the fact that data is repeated in rows, since creation and maintenance was easier.
That is, depending on your data of course. If you can logically query related data into one result set (e.g. Customers and their Orders), you can query customers and all of their orders in one result set. Naturally, the customer info will repeat for each record many times, but use the grouping feature of your reporting tool to display it once.

Grid - When should you switch from html to server side table processing?

,This question is likely subjective, but a lot of "grid" Javascript plugins have come out to help paginate and sort tables. They usually work in 2 ways, the first and simplest is that it takes an existing HTML <table> and converts it into a sortable and searchable information. The second is that it passes info to the server and has the server select info from the database to be displayed.
My question is this: At what point (size wise) is it more efficient to use server-side processing vs displaying all the data and have the "grid plugin" convert it to a sortable/searchable table client-side?
Using datatables as an example, I have to execute at least 3 queries to get total rows in the table, total filtered results for pagination, and the filtered results to be displayed for the specific selected page. Then every time I sort, I am querying again. Every time I move to another page, or search in the table, more queries.
If I was to pull the data once when the client visits the page, I would be executing a single query, and then formatting and pushing the results to the client all at once. This increases the page size, and possibly delays loading of the page once it gets too big. The upside is there will only one query, and all the sorting, searching, and pagination is handled by the plugin, so no waiting for a response and no more queries.
If I was to have just a few rows, I imagine just pushing the formatted table data to the client at the page load would be the fastest. But with thousands of rows, switching to server-side would be the most efficient way.
Where is the tipping point? Is there a tipping point, or is server-side or client-side the way to go 100% of the time?
The answer on your question can be only subjective. So I explain how I personally understand the problem and give me recommendation.
In my opinion the data with 2-3 row and 3-4 column can be displayed in HTML table without usage any plugin. The data you display for the user the more important will be that the user will be able to grasp the information which will be displayed. So I think that the information for example have to be good formatted and marked with colors and icons for example. This with help to grasp information from probably 10 rows of data, but not much more. If you just display table with 100 rows or more then you overtax the user. The user will have to analyse the data to get any helpful information from the table. Scrolling of the data makes this not easier.
So I think that one should give the user comfortable or at least convenient interface to sort and to filter the data from the table. The exact interface is mostly the matter of taste. For example the grid can have an additional filter bar
For filtering and even for sorting of the data it's important to have not pure strings, but to be able to distinguish the data types like integer (10 should be after 9 and not between 1 and 2), numbers (correct interpret '.' and ',' inside of numbers), dates (3/20/2012 should be grater as 4/15/2010) and so on. If you just convert HTML table to some grid you will have problems with correct filtering or sorting. Even if you use pure local JavaScript data to display in grid it would be important to have datasource which has some kind of type information and then to create the grid based in the data. In the case you can gives date as JavaScript Date or as ISO 8601 string "2012-03-20" and in the grid display the data corresponds the specified formatter as 3/20/2012 or 20-Mar-2012.
Whether you implement filtering, sorting and paging on the server side or on the client side is not really important for the user who open the page. It's important only that all works quickly enough. The exact choose of the grid plugin, the filtering (with filter toolbar or external controls) and styling of the grid depend on your taste and the project requirements.
