Determine if number is prime in Prolog - prolog

So I'm trying to determine if a number is prime using only one predicate. I don't really understand why every number is being declared false here.
is_prime(X) :-
X > 2, %0 and 1 aren't primes, 2 is dealt with above
1 is mod(X,2), %number is odd
N is floor(X/2), %I want to only divide X from 1 to X/2
forall( between(1,N,Z), mod(X,Z) > 0 ). %This should do X mod 1:X/2

The reason your code don't work is the start value of between/3: It should start with 2 (not 1), since X mod 1 is always 0.

A very straight-forward solution uses CLP(FD) constraints to express the desired properties.
We start with a simpler predicate, which is true iff the number is composite:
is_composite(N) :-
N #= A*B,
[A,B] ins 2..sup.
The exact usage details for CLP(FD) constraints differ slightly between Prolog systems. With at most small modifications, you will be able to run the above in all most widely used systems.
A prime number is an integer greater than 1 that is not composite.
Here are a few examples:
?- length([_,_|_], P), \+ is_composite(P).
P = 2 ;
P = 3 ;
P = 5 ;
P = 7 ;
P = 11 ;
P = 13 ;
P = 17 ;
P = 19 ;
P = 23 ;
P = 29 ;
In general, it is good practice to use CLP(FD) constraints when reasoning over integers in Prolog.


Recursion confuses me

I have understood the theory part of Recursion. I have seen exercises but I get confused. I've tried to solve some, some I understand and some I don't. This exercise is confusing me. I can't understand why, so I use comments to show you my weak points. I should have power (X,N,P) so P=X^N.
Some examples:
?- power(3,5,X).
X = 243
?- power(4,3,X).
X = 64
?- power(2,4,X).
X = 16
The solution of this exercise is: (See comments too)
power(X,0,1). % I know how works recursion,but those numbers 0 or 1 why?
power(X,1,X). % X,1,X i can't get it.
power(X,N,P) :- % X,N,P if only
N1 is N-1, % N1=N-1 ..ok i understand
power(X,N1,P1), % P1 is used to reach the the P
P is P1*X. % P = P1*X
What I know recursion, I use a different my example
related(X, Y) :-
parent(X, Z),
related(Z, Y).
Compare my example with the exercise. I could say that my first line, what I think. Please help me out with it is a lot of confusing.
related(X, Y) :- is similar to power(X,N,P) :- . Second sentence of my example parent(X, Z), is similar to N1 is N-1, and the third sentence is related(Z, Y). similar to power(X,N1,P1), and P is P1*X..
Let's go over the definition of the predicate step by step. First you have the fact...
... that states: The 0th power of any X is 1. Then there is the fact...
... that states: The 1st power of any X is X itself. Finally, you have a recursive rule that reads:
power(X,N,P) :- % P is the Nth power of X if
N1 is N-1, % N1 = N-1 and
power(X,N1,P1), % P1 is the N1th power of X and
P is P1*X. % P = P1*X
Possibly your confusion is due to the two base cases that are expressed by the two facts (one of those is actually superfluous). Let's consider the following queries:
?- power(5,0,X).
X = 1 ;
ERROR: Out of local stack
The answer 1 is certainly what we expect, but then the predicate loops until it runs out of stack. That's certainly not desirable. And this query...
?- power(5,1,X).
X = 5 ;
X = 5 ;
ERROR: Out of local stack
... yields the correct answer twice before running out of stack. The reason for the redundant answer is that the recursive rule can reduce any given N to zero and to one thus yielding the same answer twice. If you look at the structure of your recursive rule, it is obvious that the first base case is sufficient, so let's remove the second. The reason for looping out of stack is that, after N becomes zero, the recursive rule will search for other solutions (for N=-1, N=-2, N=-3,...) that do not exist. To avoid that, you can add a goal that prevents the recursive rule from further search, if N is equal to or smaller than zero. That leaves you with following definition:
power(X,0,1). % the 0th power of any X is 1
power(X,N,P) :- % P is the Nth power of X if
N > 0, % N > 0 and
N1 is N-1, % N1 = N-1 and
power(X,N1,P1), % P1 is the N1th power of X and
P is P1*X. % P = P1*X
Now the predicate works as expected:
?- power(5,0,X).
X = 1 ;
?- power(5,1,X).
X = 5 ;
?- power(5,3,X).
X = 125 ;
I hope this alleviates some of your confusions.

Trying to generate list of non-zero integers in Prolog

I'm trying to define the function int(?X) in prolog which is a non-zero integer number generator which works like this:
?- int(X). X = 1 ; X = -1 ; X = 2 ; X = -2 ;
I tried the following with no luck:
int(X):- positives(Y), Y is abs(X).
positives(X):- positives(Y), X is Y+1.
but I'm getting the following error:
ERROR: is/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
How can I make this work? Thanks!
There is an easy way to find and correct such problems.
Step one: Put clpfd constraints in your program. To do this, simply1 replace (is)/2 by the CLP(FD) constraint (#=)/2, i.e.:
int(X) :- positives(Y), Y #= abs(X).
positives(X):- positives(Y), X #= Y+1.
Step two: The query now completes without errors, and shows you what you are describing:
?- int(X).
X in -1\/1 ;
X in -2\/2 ;
X in -3\/3 ;
X in -4\/4 .
So, from the above, you see that what you are describing is not sufficient to obtain ground solutions: There is still a certain degree of freedom in your relations.
Step three: To actually fix the problem, we think about what we actually want to describe. Here is a start:
int(X) :- positives(Y), ( X #= Y ; X #= -Y).
Step four: We try it out:
?- int(X).
X = 1 ;
X = -1 ;
X = 2 ;
X = -2 ;
X = 3 ;
Seems to work OK, except for the fact that natural numbers are actually never negative. I leave fixing this discrepancy between the title of your question and the relation you are describing as an exercise for you.
TL;DR: When reasoning over integers, use your system's CLP(FD) constraints, then take it from there.
I am assuming that you have already put :- use_module(library(clpfd)). somewhere in your initial file, so that you can use CLP(FD) constraints in all your programs.

Collect all elements of binary tree that are power of 2

I can't get the following to work. This is what I got so far:
X mod 2=:=0,
X1 is X/2,
stepen(X1).//stepen means power(in Serbian).
spoji([X|Xs],Y,[X|Z]):-spoji(Xs,Y,Z).//spoji means append lists
vadi(t(X,L,R),[X|Xs]) :-
spoji(SL,SR,Xs).//list of nodes that are power of 2.
You might find this method of determine whether or not N is a a power of 2 a little more efficient. It's a bit-twiddling hack that takes advantage of the two's complement representation of integer values:
is_power_of_two( N ) :-
integer(N) ,
N \= 0 ,
0 is N /\ (N-1)
Edited to note that the property holds true regardless of the sign of the integer: with one exception — 0, hence the test for non-zero — the only two's-complement integer values for which this property is true are powers of two:
?- between(-1025,+1025,N),pow2(N).
N = 1 ;
N = 2 ;
N = 4 ;
N = 8 ;
N = 16 ;
N = 32 ;
N = 64 ;
N = 128 ;
N = 256 ;
N = 512 ;
N = 1024 ;
(So far nobody commented your code. So I will try)
stepen/1 loops
I assume you refer here to the non-negative powers of two. That is, 2^(-1) and the like are not considered.
First of all, your stepen/1 definition produces an error in ISO conforming systems like gnu-prolog or sicstus-prolog.
| ?- stepen(6).
! Type error in argument 2 of (is)/2
! expected an integer, but found 3.0
! goal: _193 is 3.0 mod 2
This is due to X1 is X/2 which always produces a float or an error, but never an integer. You may replace this by X1 is X div 2 or equivalently X1 is X >> 1.
Will this program now always terminate? After all X div 2 will approach zero. From the negative side, it will end at -1 which then will fail. But from the positive side, it will stay at 0!
Here is the looping program (failure-slice) reduced to its minimum:
?- stepen(0).
stepen(2) :- false.
X mod 2=:=0,
X1 is X div 2,
stepen(X1), false. % stepen means power(in Serbian).
As Nicholas Carey has suggested, you can simplify this predicate to:
stepen(X) :-
X > 0,
X /\ (X-1) =:= 0.
vadi/2 logic
In your definition, this predicate is true, if all nodes of the trees are powers of two. I assume you wanted to "filter out" the powers. The easiest way to do this is by using DCGs instead of spojii/3 vl. append/3. Let's first consider a simpler case, just the nodes of a tree:
nodes(nil) --> [].
nodes(t(X, L, R)) -->
?- T = t(1,nil,t(2,t(3,nil,t(4,nil,nil)),t(5,nil,nil))), phrase(nodes(T),L).
T = t(1,nil,t(2,t(3,nil,t(4,nil,nil)),t(5,nil,nil))), L = [1,2,3,4,5].
Now, you no longer want all elements, but only certain, I will use a separate nonterminal for that:
st(E) --> {stepen(E)}, [E].
st(E) --> {\+stepen(E)}. % nothing!
Or more compactly:
st(E) --> {stepen(E)} -> [E] ; [].
Now, the final non-terminal is:
stepeni(nil) --> [].
stepeni(t(X,L,R)) -->
?- T = t(1,nil,t(2,t(3,nil,t(4,nil,nil)),t(5,nil,nil))), phrase(stepeni(T),L).
T = t(1,nil,t(2,t(3,nil,t(4,nil,nil)),t(5,nil,nil))), L = [1,2,4].
If you consider that 1 is 2^0, you need to change the base case of stepen/1 predicate.
A more important correction is required because your vadi/2 predicate will fail when any node not power of 2 is found in the tree.
Then you should add a clause
vadi(t(X,L,R),Xs) :-
% \+ stepen(X), this test is not mandatory, but it depends on *where* you add the clause
vadi(L,SL), vadi(R,SR), spoji(SL,SR,Xs).

Generating integers < limit

I am trying to generate all integers (natural numbers) smaller than a limit, let's say 10.
I have a predicate nat(X) which produces all numbers from 0 to infinity.
Now my problem is, if I do:
nat10(X) :- nat(X), X =< 10.
This will never terminate, as it tries to find other solutions with nat(X) until infinity.
I need a construct that let's me fail the whole predicate if one subgoal fails. How would I go about doing that?
Depending upon the problem being solved, you might want to consider constraint logic programming over finite domains (CLPFD).
But in this context, you need just prevent Prolog from backtracking if X > 10. The current predicate nat10/1 has no such constraint, so we'll add it:
nat10(X) :- nat(X), ( X > 10 -> !, fail ; true ).
So if X > 10, we do a cut (!) to prevent backtracking to nat(X) (thus avoiding generating natural numbers above 10 infinitely) and then simply fail. Otherwise, we succeed (true).
| ?- nat10(X).
X = 1 ? ;
X = 2 ? ;
X = 9 ? ;
X = 10 ? ;
(3 ms) no
| ?-
If you can use clpfd, then this answer is for you!
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
Simply try:
nat10(X) :-
X in 0..10,

How to Print numbers from 1 to 100 in Prolog?

The following code is a Prolog code which gives all integers greater than 0. Each time i put ; in the interpreter, it gives the next number:
is_integer(X) :- is_integer(Y),X is Y+1.
Is there a way where it gives numbers between 0 and 100 only. When it reaches 100 it should stop.
There is a built-in predicate between/3 for that purpose in B, Ciao, SICStus (library), SWI, YAP, XSB (library).
?- between(0,100,X).
X = 0
; X = 1
; ...
; X = 100.
If you start to learn Prolog, better try to use s(X) numbers first which are much easier to understand and reason about. The same example, but only going up to 3:
?- nat_nat_sum(N,_,s(s(s(0)))).
with the definition:
nat_nat_sum(s(I),J,s(K)) :-
What a nice quiz. It exemplifies very well how difficult can be to control the recursion with the minimal tools that Prolog defines. We must commit our solutions to values lower than the predefined limit, restricting the otherless unbound search:
is_integer(X) :-
( Y >= 100, ! ; X is Y + 1 ).
Here is the trace output limiting the range to 3 (i.e. ... Y >= 3, ! ; ...)
?- is_integer(X).
X = 0 ;
X = 1 ;
X = 2 ;
X = 3 ;
