Debugger.Break() in dll Visual Studio 2010 (c#) and delphi 6 trouble - windows

Year ago I installed the Visual Studio 2010, after 3 month I intalled Delphi 6 (yep, it's very old) and forgot about Delphi. My OS is Windows XP.
Now, I created dll that runs another program. My dll is as plugin for this program. And I want use debugger.
In my code I use Debugger.Break(). Ok, program started, dll started and programm said me: "Do you want to start debugger?". I agreed. And Delphi 6 Debugger started, not VS!
After that I removed Delphi 6, but now than I agree with program offer to use debugger VS debugger doesn't start.
I don't know how to solve this problem. Maybe reinstall the VS will help me but I don't want to do this. Maybe I can change value to Debugger in the Windows, I don't know.
Do you have any ideas?

You can find instructions on how to restore these settings on MSDN:


Visual Studio 2017 64-bit IDE?

Did they finally make x64 IDE for VS2017?
I am asking because I have ~200 projects in solution and it works bad when all are loaded, slowly eats up to 2.5GB of memory and then freezes. vsFunnel helps, but I would prefer x64 IDE.
[EDIT1]: This is something new for big solutions in VS 2017: Enable lightweight solution load
(And plenty of requests here are there for handling bigger solutions and/or process dumps.)
VS2019 may help, it is not fully 64-bit but they say the debugger runs on 64-bit process and demo with Gear of War code in VS2019 keynotes launch day.
GoW debugging at 38:00
You may need to switch to VSCode or VS for Mac for full 64-bit experience.
I hit this question because on Azure Education they launch VS2017 with both 64 and 32-bit system, I'm curious but it till installing with the same installer and in the same Program Files (x86) folder, and when I try to change the folder it says
Visual Studio cannot be installed to a nonempty directory

Why does a VS2010 installation start when I start VB6?

I just upgraded to Windows 10 and noticed that some programs, such as Visual Studio 2010, start a setup when I try to run them and look for their install files. What really makes me wonder though is that this VS2010 setup also starts when I run the VB6 IDE. How can these two be connected?
(I also have VS2008 and VS2013 installed and they don't have these issues.)
When I went through this situation, the only way to resolve it was reinstalling VS2010. In my case when I so was using Windows 7
I tried to restore the system, use CCleaner and others, but none succeeded.
Please try reinstalling VS2010! I hope this helps!

Does Visual Studio 2010 x86 installer work with 64 bits Windows 7?

I got a installer for Visual Studio 2010 x86 from the msdn academic alliance, and I intalled on my computer with Windows 7 Home Premium and M460 i5 processor. It runs great, except it doesn't debug, neither C# nor C++.
If I build the project, and then press the debug button, it works. But why Debug button doesn't build automatically?
How can I make the debug button auto-compile and debug just clicking it, instead of first click build button and then click debug button?
SOLUTION: Oops, problem solved, it was just a silly thing ...
Tools > Options> Projects and Solutions > Build and Run > On Run, When Projects Are Out Of Date > Always build
UPDATE: Since the title is misleading, I think it is important to clarify that Visual Studio 2010 x86 (32 bits) installer works perfectly on amd64 (64 bits) machines. In fact,I think there is only x86 installer.
My VS2010 Pro x86 that I acquired via our WebsiteSpark membership works fine on my Win7 Home Premium 64bit on an HP Pavilion w/AMD Turion II Ultra M620.
Could you elaborate on what you mean by "debug button doesn't do it automatically"? What exactly are you expecting to happen, and what exactly is happening?
Also, from what you say, debugging does work... just not when you try to do it via a certain process.
It works just fine. I'm running it now. If you're having trouble installing, try right-clicking on the installer and selecting "Run as Adminstrator".
not to familier with the software but have had simlar problem with similar programs.
if there is yet a 64x c# or c++ if so try install them it may just update the win7 binery files needed for the scripts to 64bit (or relivent files needed)
possibly a long shot put worth ago
hope it helps sorry for bad spelling

VB6 Program not working in Windows Me

I have written a program in VB6. When I compile it and send it to my friend, he says it is not working. He (like me) has Windows Me.
Why my programs are not working there? Should he install something or what?
Your friend will need the VB6 runtime files to run any VB6 programs. You can find them on Microsoft's site.
You should be able to generate an installer project. There are a number of dependencies for the VB6 runtime (
He should install Microsoft Visual Basic run-time files that all applications created with Visual Basic 6.0 need in order to run.
You can get it from Microsoft's Download Center.
He probably needs the VB runtimes.
But you should look into creating a proper msi installer package for you project.
There is a free one from MS to use with VB6 called the Visual Studio Installer 1.1.
Not much information to go on, if you have more, that would be helpful. I'm just guessing, but, your friend's computer may not have the VB6 runtime installed. If he's willing, he should try installing it and see if that fixes the problem.

VS2010 vs VS2008 SP1 on Windows 7

How stable is Visual Studio 2010 compared with VS2008 SP1 on Windows 7?
So far, VS2010 is only available as an early CTP (from last November) in a VPC, so it's not really a relevant comparison. It's for looking at, not using.
I cannot speak for VS2010 on Windows 7, but I have been using VS2008sp1 on Windows 7 as my primary development machine and it works great.
Considering I've never gotten VS2008 to crash on ANY OS, id say its hard to get any better than that. Granted I may not have put it through its full paces, but I have hit a wide range of abilities over the past year or so since moving to VS2008
Nevermind I just remembered crashing it when a former coworker insisted on using Source Safe, which ran off a laggy server, the lag alone brought VS2008 down.
