Issues trying to copy file to dest folder with FileUtils.cp - ruby

I have tried so many variations to the following line to try and get the file located at file_path to copy to the dest "#{location}/#{customer}/#{version}/" but I continually get the error that "#{location}/#{customer}/#{version}/" is a folder.
The Ruby 1.9.3 docs it says that if dest is a folder it will copy to dest/src... so I'm at a loss here.
FileUtils.cp("#{file_path}", "#{location}/#{customer}/#{version}/")
Where file_path is
and "#{location}/#{customer}/#{version}/" resolves to:
I know I'm probably doing something really easily fixable but I have tried many things including:
FileUtils.cp(file_path, "#{location}/#{customer}/#{version}/")
FileUtils.cp("#{file_path}", '#{location}/#{customer}/#{version}/')
Thanks for any help!

If anything under file_path is a directory and not a file, FileUtils.cp will definitely throw Errno::EISDIR: Is a directory.
If that's your situation, you would need to use FileUtils.cp_r instead.


How can I create a file on my desktop from a Ruby script?

I'm building a webcrawler and I want it to output to a new file that is timestamped. I've completed what I thought would be the more difficult part but I cannot seem to get it to save to the desktop.
Dir.chdir "~/Desktop"
dirname = "scraper_out"
filename = "#{time}"
Dir.mkdir(dirname) unless File.exists?(dirname)
Dir.chdir(dirname), "w")
It errors out on the first line
`chdir': No such file or directory # dir_chdir - ~/Desktop
I've read the documentation on FileUtils, File and cannot seem to find where people change into nested directories from the root.
Edit: I don't think FileUtils understands the ~.
~/ is not recognized by Ruby in this context.
Dir.chdir ENV['HOME']+"/Desktop"
This might help you
Create a file in a specified directory

How to set the path of a Tempfile in ruby

I have a couple of files that i'd like to turn into Tempfile objects.
Is there a way to do something like:
The reason i'm asking is that I'm trying to run an ImageMagick command that creates multiple files from a single Tempfile. Unfortunatly the newly created files do not get garbage collected...
Just thought of something. Instead of dumping the new file into a Tempfile, just overwrite it.
tempfile ='foo')
tempfile.close path, tempfile.path

How to delete a non-empty directory using the Dir class?

causes this error:
Directory not empty - /usr/local/var/lib/trisul/CONTEXT0/meters/oper/SLICE.9stMxh
How to delete a directory even when it still contains files?
Is not possible with Dir (except iterating through the directories yourself or using Dir.glob and deleting everything).
You should use
require 'fileutils'
FileUtils.rm_r "/usr/local/var/lib/trisul/CONTEXT0/meters/oper/SLICE.9stMxh"
When you delete a directory with the Dir.delete, it will also search the subdirectories for files.
If the directory was not empty, it will raise Directory not empty error. For that ruby have FiltUtils.rm_r method which will delete the directory no matter what!
require 'fileutils'
FileUtils.rm_r "/usr/local/var/lib/trisul/CONTEXT0/meters/oper/SLICE.9stMxh"
I use bash directly with the system(*args) command like this:
folder = "~/Downloads/remove/this/non/empty/folder"
system("rm -r #{folder}")
It is not really ruby specific but since bash is simpler in this case I use this frequently to cleanup temporary folders and files. The rm command just removes anything you give it and the -r flag tells it to remove files recursively in case the folder is not empty.

RubyZip - files from different directories have path in zip

I'm trying to use RubyZip to package up some files. At the moment I have a method which happily zips on particular directory and sub-directories.
def zip_directory(zipfile)
Dir["#{#directory_to_zip}/**/**"].reject{|f| reject_file(f)}.each do |file_path|
file_name = file_path.sub(#directory_to_zip+'/','');
zipfile.add(file_name, file_path)
However, I want to include a file from a completely different folder. I have a the following method to solve this:
def zip_additional(zipfile)
additional_files.reject{|f| reject_file(f)}.each do |file_path|
file_name = file_path.split('\\').last
zipfile.add(file_name, file_path)
While the file is added, it also copies the directory structure instead of placing the file at the root of the folder. This is really annoying and makes it more difficult to work with.
How can I get around this?
there is setting to include (or exclude) the full path for zip libraries, check that setting
Turns out it was because the filename had the pull path in. My split didn't work as the path used a / instead of a . With the path removed from the filename it just worked.

What a safe and easy way to delete a dir in Ruby?

I'd like to delete a directory that may or may not contain files or other directories. Looking in the Ruby docs I found Dir.rmdir but it won't delete non-empty dir. Is there a convenience method that let's me do this? Or do I need to write a recursive method to examine everything below the directory?
require 'fileutils'
A pure Ruby way:
require 'fileutils'
If you need thread safety: (warning, changes working directory)
FileUtils.rm_rf("directory/to/go", :secure=>true)
If some looking for answer on #ferventcoder comment -
Just a note, I found that with Windows and Ruby 1.9.3 (at least) FileUtils.rm_rf will follow links (symlinks in this case) and delete those files and folders as well. This was found based on creating a symlink with CreateSymbolicLinkW and then running FileUtils.rm_rf against a parent directory the symlinks are in. Not exactly expected behavior.
– ferventcoder
Safest way is to iterate path and delete it manually.
def rec_del(path):
if path is file call FileUtils.rm_rf - it is safe to delete even in windows
if dir call Dir.rmdir which will succeed for empty dir and dir symlink. else will get ENOTEMPTY for regular non empty dir.
iterate the dir and call rec_del for each item.
now call again Dir.rmdir which will succeed
The laziest way is:
def delete_all(path)
`rm -rf "#{path}"`
