How to Clear recently viewed items (frontend user function) - Magento - magento

Currently in the Magento cart there is a link button that clears the cart of its contents.
In a similar manner, I need to have a link button in the "Recently Viewed" panel that clears a user's recently viewed products list. I'm suspecting this needs to occur by somehow clearing the user's visitation cache - I'm unsure how Magento records and stores visited products.
Does anyone know of a way to do this in Magento?
If anyone has any suggestions on how I may do this, I'd be grateful.
(note this is not a question on how to clear the overall cache in the Magento admin)

Recently viewed products data are stored in report_viewed_product_index table.
you can delete these records based on customer_id/visitor_id


Recently Viewed Products in Magento

I want to be able to clear recently viewed products when I click on a link Clear Recently Viewed Products.
When customers login and view some products in Magento then Magento displays recently viewed products on the right side. I would like to add one link under that recently viewed products block which when clicked - it should remove/clear all the recently viewed products from that right block and it should show "There are no recently viewed product available" message there.
$_products = $this->getRecentlyViewedProducts();
Recently viewed products data are stored in this table report_viewed_product_index.
So simply you can delete those records based on customer_id.

Magento enterprise upsell products missing after updating to 1.12

We have recently updated a Magento site to version 1.12. Now the site wont retrieve up-sell products to product details page anymore. No custom code changes committed and no target rules specified. Still the up-sell product relations are visible in back end and in the catalog_product_link table as well. But I always get an empty result set to template\targetrule\catalog\product\list\upsell.phtml.
Anyone came across a problem like this?
Are there some other conditions that needs be satisfied in order to show up-sell products?
May by my database update scripts haven't run correctly. If so what are the tables/modules I should have a look at?
Did you run reindexing.
For product collections flat tables are used.This needs reindexing.
Also make sure you clear your cache after reiundexing.

Magento 1.7 - 2 stores with differnt domains sharing a cart?

I have successfully setup 2 stores with 2 different domains with Magento 1.7. I am unable to get them to share 1 cart, is there a trick to get this working? I have no been able to find any info on this for current versions of magento.
Thanks for your replies, one of magento's strengths is the ability to have multiple "stores" while sharing the same admin section, products, customers, ect. (I have this already set up). I just cant get the stores to "share" a cart. In my case I have 2 stores that do not share products, but need to share a cart, so you can add a product to the cart while being in one store then hop over to the other store while having that product still in your cart. is a good example of this happening with subdomains. I know the functionality is possible because of all the discussions / solutions out there for older versions of Magento. I can just not find a solution for the newer version.
Magento shopping carts (quotes) are linked to a single store. This is stored by the store_id column in the sales_flat_quote table of your database. By default you cannot share a shopping cart between stores.
Can you provide a clearer description of how your websites, stores and store views are configured? This information can be found in the admin under 'System > Manage Stores'.

Does joomla virtuemart support reordering?

Does joomla virtuemart support reordering of products.If a customer shops a set of products and will he/she able to order it repeatedly after a custom time period(for eg: 2 weeks).So that once he/she gives an order for the first time ,will he/she would be getting products every 2 weeks.Is there any solution for this?
Only way I know of doing this would be to edit the VM 'Save to cart' function. The VM forums explain how to save the cart in database and call each time the user logs in. This is a core hack so ensure you backup before trying.

My client can't see any of products - Magento

I am having a weird situation. I worked on a magneto ecommerce website. My friends and I can see the products on the website, but only my client can't see any of them.
I suspected magento cache, so I refreshed and disabled all the caches. My client still can't see all the products. I made him to clear browser cache. It didn't work as well. I also let him use FF or Safari. He still can't see the products.
What is the problem??? I can't try any other things now...
In addition to checking multiple websites, are you logged in or do you have a specific customer group? Magento allows you to show products only to certain customers. Check to make sure that as a logged-out, anonymous user, you can see the products.
Hope that helps,
Have you configured multiple stores, websites or store views in your Magento instance? Whether or not Magento displays a product depends on a lot of settings, but if one user can, and another user cannot see them, it's most likely related to which store view they are accessing.
The store view Magento is showing isn't always determined by the URL alone, there is also a setting which is stored in the cookie and can be changed via a dropdown (in the default templates anyway).
Stores are configured via System > Manage Stores. If you have multiple rows in there you have multiple store views (or websites or stores).
