Cannot debug web projects anymore "invalid pointer" - debugging

I haven't been working on web projects for a while but last time I did debugging was working just fine.
I have worked on some console apps recently where debugging is working fine. I now went back to a SharePoint 2010 project, set a break point and hit F5 but first got this prompt:
I click OK and next prompt is
I also tried to attach to process (w3wp.exe) instead of F5 but no difference
I tried to disable IntelliTrace but then got
I tried to repair .Net 4.5.1 in the control panel
I tried to repair VS2012 in the control panel
I tried to create a new project but same error
Since debugging is working fine for console apps I guess it's something with IIS/web.config but not sure if it has changed since last time I looked at this project.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.


Unable to start debugging -visual studio 2012

I have a solution where i have 8/9 projects.
everything was working good and suddenly, I started to get an error when I start to debug. and it says
Unable to start debugging.
If I close visual studio and run it again, it works in the first try.
and after that it stops working.
In the configuration manager it is set to "Any CPU".
I tried many thing with no luck. Is there any help??
this is how the error looks like..
I got similar error:
"Unable to start debugging. Check your debugger settings by opening
project properties and navigation to 'Configuration properties --> Debugging"
I have solved it by setting :
Properties--> Debugging --> Working Directory
to $(ProjectDir)
As it's an MVC web application, there's a couple of things to check. Firstly, are you sure the web project is set as your startup (this catches me and a couple of others in my office out from time to time)?
Secondly, where are you hosting the project? Are you using Cassini, or are you hosting it in IIS while you debug? If so, check IIS and make sure that the site is started, there's no issues with the AppPool, etc.
Finally, one way to try is to actually press Ctrl+F5 to run without the debugger attached, I often find that IE will then actually display an error that's causing the issue.

can not debug mvc4 project in VS2012

I have an internet app project in mvc4. when I press the F5 key, VS start debugging. However when the browser starts, it waits and waits and waits... No exception, No error, ... It just worked fine, until I add a linq-to-entities query in one of my views.
I checked with both chrome and ie 10. nothing changed.
How can I find out where is the problem?
Please reset your visual studio settings and try once again.

Visual Studio 2010 hangs on attach to process / debugging

Whenever I try to debug a Visual Studio 2010 web project, VS hangs, and ultimately crashes. This happens if I try to start the project using F5, or through Attach to Process, before the process list even appears.
Hitting F5 in, for example, a Windows Form project works fine, but attach to process fails here too.
Any ideas on what can be causing this? Obviously attaching to the devenv.exe process won't work as I can't get the Attach to Process dialog to appear...
Oh, running W7 (x64), VS2010 SP1 (had same problems without SP1)
In Solution Explorer there is a Show All Files icon (highlighted in the photo below):
Make sure it's turned off,
When It's turned on, Visual Studio tries to index all the files in the solution and if you have a giant Solution it could take forever!
I hope this has helped someone :)
Have you recently installed Mono and/or Mono Tools for VS2010?
I found that to be the problem it my case. Not sure why, but it somehow got in the way.
In my case hangs when executable type was not correctly set, ex. Managed v4.0 and trying to attach to Native.

VS2010: "Unable to start debugging"

My VS2010 debugger has stopped functioning suddenly today on my Dell M4500. I had reinstalled VS2008 SP1 last week, but the 2010 debugger ran fine since then, so I'm not sure its the culprit.
I can launch a project once just fine, & afterwards I get a message that reads "Unable to start debugging," without any error # or explanation of why. Doing IISRESET doesn't help, I get the same message until I close VS with the entire solution and reload it. Here are some things I've tried:
Verified I have the latest project files
Repair option for VS2010
Complete uninstall/reinstall VS2010
Replaced Web.config with known good copy
Added localhost to the list of trusted sites in IE
Performed \aspnet_regiis -i in the 2.0 & 4.0 directories
Through IIS Services Mgr -> Default Website:
verified Enable HTTP Keep-alives checked
placed check in Integrated Windows authentication
Ensured Debug on "Any CPU" is selected
Tried building to Platform targets "Any CPU," "x86" & "x64"
Added DisableLoopbackCheck registry key entry in
Tested under both IIS & VS Development web server
Does anybody have any suggestions I can also try? Any help is very greatly appreciated!
Just a side note. I got a similar error in VS2013 trying to attach to chrome the error was:
Unable to attach the application 'chrome.exe' using XXX The 32 bit
version of the visual studio remote debugging monitor (msvsmon.exe)
cannot be used to debug 64 bit processes or 64-bit dumps. Please use
the 64-bit version instead
I had to untick "Silverlight" in the web project Web section:
I received this same message, preventing my web project from running and opening in a browser. Turns out another developer had made a change in the project properties to "Use Custom Web Server" which pointed to an external URL instead of to the web server on my machine.
Try this:
Right-click your project in Solution Explorer - click Properties - click Web tab - under Servers click "Use Visual Studio Development Server". For reference the usual port value here is "Auto-assign Port". Best of luck.
Here's why I got this error.
In Debug properties, verify that Start external program is not empty.
VS 2010 will warn you about it being empty, but will let you save it
I was trying to switch it from IE to Chrome, lost track of changes I was making, and spent an hour trying to figure out where this error was coming from.
I had the same issue but it worked when I switch Build => Platform target from x64 to x86.
Kindly turned off Debug Edit and Continue option
Turn on vs2010, run debug.
turn off debug, shut down all lunched webServers (i had few of them for different services)
Turn off VS2010
Turn on VS2010.
After that everything works perfect.

Visual Studio detaches from application as soon as debugging starts

I have a web application that I've always been able to run in Visual Studio and it debugs just fine (breakpoints work, I can pause execution, etc). Recently, the behavior changed suddenly, and a few things happen:
I start debugging, it lauches IE and loads the application, but after a few seconds (sometimes the page hasn't even displayed yet), Visual Studio acts as if debugging has stopped - I'm able to edit code in VS again, and the "Play" button on the toolbar is enabled. The application continues to run in the IE window just spawned, but I'm not attached to it
During this few seconds that VS is "debugging", because it detaches, my breakpoints show as hollow - as if I'm set to "Release" mode and they won't be hit. In fact, I have a breakpoint set in Page_Load, and it skips right by. I've checked, and I'm set to debug mode, though the compile mode dropdown is missing from my toolbar (I checked in the build properties to ensure I was in debug mode).
Can anybody shed some light here?
It turns out that this was actually a result of an upgrade to Windows Vista. VS wasn't being "Run as an Administrator", which caused it to lack the rights to attach to other processes for debugging. As a result, debugging would stop right after it started. Changing the VS shortcut to run as an administrator resolved this problem.
I've experienced samely looking behavior. The cause was in existence of several <system.web> sections (which is allowed by web.config schema). Visual Studio debugger (versions 2008 and 2010 were tested) looks in the first encountered section only. So if your <compilation debug="true"> tag is not in the first one, it thinks that there are no compilation.debug setting present and genrally tryes to add <compilation debug="true"> to the first <system.web>. In some cases VS2008 just silently procceds in this case. For example look here:"
Have you installed anything else on the server / workstation recently?
We have a third party app that doesn't allow us to debug, w3wp.exe crashes immediately upon an attempt to debug.
I ran into something similar when I had placed some code in a constructor that was crashing. Exact same issues where the Debug would disconnect just after the application started up.
The short if it, check that you haven't configured a class constructor to run during web startup that is crashing...
Quick windows 7 update: I had to add "localhost" to my list of trusted sites to correct this issue...go figure.
Just a workaround for those (like me) for whom the above solutions do not work: After starting the app you wish to debug, go to Debug -> Attach to Process, and attach it to the process you want to debug. Works on my machine.
In my case, I faced this issue with Visual Studio 2019 and 2022 as well.
I tried upgrading/downgrading Visual Studio versions but nothing helped.
On debugging, I finally found the root cause and sharing it here to help others facing the same problem.
I was using Brave browser with Visual Studio and whenever I uploaded a file in my application, the Visual Studio debugging stopped automatically. The root cause of this issue is the feature in Visual Studio to stop debugging on closing the browser. With Brave browser Visual Studio feels like we have closed the browser on uploading the file. So to fix this issue I have turned of this setting as given here.
You can find this setting here
Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > Web Projects > Stop debugger when browser window is closed, close browser when debugging stops
Just turn it off and everything should work fine.
