Build simple Vertx web server in multi Server - cluster-computing

I'm a newbie in Vert.x and have many issue with it. There is a litle document and tutorial about it
I want to build an web service running in multi server by Vert.x. And if I do that, do I need to config anything, such as DNS...? Anyone has document about Vert.x, please share

This is a very broad and vague question, not really suited to stack exchange. However there are website tutorials available for a number of languages at
Regarding, DNS etc. I would need to know more about your setup, if you just want to develop something locally try one of the tutorials on the above link.


Where to begin with WebDAV, Cloud storage, and Laravel

Is it possible to give users the ability to remotely edit documents that are stored in the cloud storage of my web application?
I know that with the webdav, you can remotely open and edit ms-office documents on the local machine and save files back to the cloud storage. I want to add this feature on my laravel web-application and i cant find the solution.
I heard about ITHit Webdav Library and i need something like this.
Do I need my own webdav server for this?
Are there any free solutions or libraries for this?
I use minio as cloud storage, can this library help me?
I need at least some guidance for this. Thank you very much in advance.
To answer your questions:
Yes, you need your own WebDAV server, cloud storage providers typically don't have this built-in.
The most popular library for PHP would be sabre/dav
It does not matter which cloud storage provider you use, with WebDAV it will work for most (if not all) and will definitely work with Minio. As for my recommended package, see above.
ITHit WebDAV Library is a commercial library and you should stick with open-source in my opinion.
Implementing it into Laravel would be quite opinionated, but doing so ultimately depends on what you need to achieve from a user experience and functionality perspective.
There is nothing simple about the road you're travelling and it is quite complex.

Question about deploying a Shopify app to Heroku

I have question about Shopify app development and the deployment process.
I've used the getting started guide here, and I have an app that works fine when I use npm run dev and view the app in the store admin.
However, of course, once I stop the server from running, the app is no longer accessible.
I believe I need to deploy the app to Heroku (or something similar) in order to have it work in a non-development environment.
It doesn't seem like there is much guidance online from Shopify about the best way to go about this.
Does anyone know what steps I need to take in order to deploy my app to Heroku, so that I can use the app in by test store on another device?
It seems like every guide online stops JUST BEFORE explaining this process and I can't figure out why! I have tried everything online but nothing has worked:
Adding the code to Github and connecting it to Heroku
Using Docker
Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
You have zero obligations to use Heroku. If you have an IP address dedicated to your house, you could host the App using your house. If you co-locate your own server at an Internet business, and they give you IP addresses you can use that. If you wanted to use Amazon directly, you could use EC2. If you wanted to use Linode, or Azure, or any other cloud service, feel free! It is up to you!
Using Heroku (built on AWS) is traditional only in the sense that it is the original easy peasy hosting in the cloud service. Play with Heroku by reading Heroku-specific documentation or hosting information. This has nothing to do with Shopify. Shopify only mentions Heroku because traditionally, developers used it. No other reason.
If you want to learn how to use Heroku, 100% there are blog posts within easy reach for you to study and learn from.

exoPlatform, where to add LDAP functionality

I'm trying to understand how to implement the LDAP functionality with exoPlatform. I think the documentation is quite extensive but I really don't understand how to get started.
I launched my docker images, exo and mySQL, thanks to this tutorial and I can access the exoPlatform homepage.
However, about the LDAP extension, I clearly don't know where to integrate the config files specified. Is it in the exo docker?

CodenameOne plan for the cloud storage API

Since CodenameOne doesn't support "the cloud storage API" any more and the is going to retire soon as well. Does CodenameOne has any plan to release a new Cloud Storage API or provide suggestions/guidelines to help developers to deal with the parse4cn1 library code, cloud code, database structure and data in
That is something you will have to figure out yourself as parse4cn1 was initially contributed by a community member and wasn't developed by Codenameone team.
You can use a simple webservices created in php, python or java, hosted along your content with any ISP.
You may also have a look at amazon aws which is promising, they provide a cloud solution but their SDKs is not yet integrated to Codenameone.
I made the parse4cn1 lib and I'm also wondering what's smartest to do. With the announcement of's imminent shutdown, there's been a lot of discussion around alternatives. My feeling is that "the dust is yet to settle" as per what options are best and reliable for the longer term (it would be a pity to migrate to another service only for it to be shut down soon). So I personally plan to wait till sometime in Q2 to do a proper evaluation of the alternatives. Hopefully, there'll be more clarity then.
The option to host one's own Parse server (e.g. on AWS or Heroku) is getting interesting. They recently announced support for push notifications on iOS and Android. If (when?) they open source the dashboard code, I think that option would be much more interesting.
At some point in the coming months, I plan to make a parse4cn1 release that exposes an option to set the server path. With that, anyone migrating to the Parse server option should, in principle, be able to continue to use the cn1lib. Of course, for features that are supported by the open source Parse server.
PS: Here are pointers to some of such discussions on Parse alternatives:

Is Parse an adequate solution here?

I'm contemplating to use Parse as a platform for my app, as I'm trying to avoid creating and managing the cloud infrastructure myself.
For the sake of simplicity let's say that my app will hook into an Exchange Server and will need to leverage some hosted Machine Learning service to categorize my e-mail and report on insights found.
I'm assuming that Parse would store my core data, while the hosted ML will store the "Big Data" associated with processing for insights.
I'm also expecting my app to receive push notifications generated by the hosted ML service.
Does this sound like a plausible way to go about it and leverage Parse, or am I better off developing the backend myself?
I think is the right place for you requirements, because they have everything you need like storage of core data, push notifications, cloud module which can be integrated with heroku, social integration, user management functionalities.
They also have large set of client libraries for desktop and mobile apps (node,java,.net etc...) also they have libraries of embedded devices.
The biggest advantage is that everything is setup, and you are focused on software development not on infrastructure things. This is my opinion.
I've been experimenting with the above stack and so far was really impressed. Seems like a viable path forward. The Cloud Code capability of Parse is very solid, and easy to work with. If you want to run services outside of Parse code this us also possible : just issue REST calls.
