Get Configuration Data with a Managed Service - osgi

Here is my ConfigUpdater class
private final class ConfigUpdater implements ManagedService {
public void updated(Dictionary config) throws ConfigurationException {
if (config == null) {
String title = ((String)config.get("title"));
My question is how can I access String title in any other class? Or how can I get config dictionary in any other class... Method updated will only be called when a config file is changed... once it is changed how can access its data in other class?

In general you would create a service that exposes these properties to other components.
For example, you could give your ConfigUpdater a second interface. Another component can than lookup/inject this interface from the service registry and use it's methods to access the properties.
I created an example project on GitHub:
The most important part is the service that implements both ManagedService and a custom interface:
#Component(properties=#Property(name=Constants.SERVICE_PID, value="example.configurationservice"))
public class ConfigurationUpdater implements ManagedService, MyConfiguration{
private volatile String message;
public void updated(#SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Dictionary properties) throws ConfigurationException {
message = (String)properties.get("message");
public String getMessage() {
return message;
The configuration can then be used like this:
properties= {
#Property(name = CommandProcessor.COMMAND_SCOPE, value = "example"),
#Property(name = CommandProcessor.COMMAND_FUNCTION, values = {"showMessage"}) })
public class ExampleConsumer {
private volatile MyConfiguration config;
public void showMessage() {
String message = config.getMessage();


Register DynamicParameterizedType global

How can i register a global available DynamicParameterizedType in hibernate?
I wrote the following type:
public class QuantityType extends AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType<Quantity<?>> implements DynamicParameterizedType {
public static final QuantityType INSTANCE = new QuantityType();
public QuantityType() {
super(DoubleTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE, new QuantityJavaDescriptor(AbstractUnit.ONE));
public String getName() {
return QuantityType.class.getSimpleName();
public void setParameterValues(Properties parameters) {
ParameterType reader = (ParameterType) parameters.get(PARAMETER_TYPE);
if (reader == null) throw new RuntimeException("Not Implemented");
Unit<?> resolvedUnit = resolveUnit(reader);
setJavaTypeDescriptor(new QuantityJavaDescriptor(resolvedUnit));
private Unit<?> resolveUnit(ParameterType reader) {...}
and registered it with a service registration in hibernate:
public class QuantityTypeRegistration implements TypeContributor {
public void contribute(TypeContributions typeContributions, ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) {
If i use the type in an entity, the wrap/unwrap method of the JavaTypeDescriptor gets called,
but instead of the parameterized JavaTypeDescriptor, the default JavaTypeDescriptor gets called. For some reason the setParameterValues method was not called.

JSON-B serializes Map keys using toString and not with registered Adapter

I have a JAX-RS service that returns a Map<Artifact, String> and I have registered a
public class ArtifactAdapter implements JsonbAdapter<Artifact, String>
which a see hit when deserializing the in-parameter but not when serializing the return value, instead the Artifact toString() is used. If I change the return type to a Artifact, the adapter is called. I was under the impression that the Map would be serialized with built-in ways and then the adapter would be called for the Artifact.
What would be the workaround? Register an Adapter for the whole Map?
I dumped the thread stack in my toString and it confirms my suspicions
at java.lang.Thread.dumpStack(
at java.lang.String.valueOf(
at org.eclipse.yasson.internal.serializer.MapSerializer.serializeInternal(
at org.eclipse.yasson.internal.serializer.MapSerializer.serializeInternal(
at org.eclipse.yasson.internal.serializer.AbstractContainerSerializer.serialize(
at org.eclipse.yasson.internal.Marshaller.serializeRoot(
at org.eclipse.yasson.internal.Marshaller.marshall(
at org.eclipse.yasson.internal.JsonBinding.toJson(
is the serializer hell-bent on using toString at this point?
I tried
public class Person {
private String name;
public Person(String name) { = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public class PersonAdapter implements JsonbAdapter{
public String adaptToJson(Person obj) throws Exception {
return obj.getName();
public Person adaptFromJson(String obj) throws Exception {
return new Person(obj);
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<Person, Integer> data = new HashMap<>();
data.put(new Person("John"), 23);
JsonbConfig config = new JsonbConfig().withAdapters(new PersonAdapter());
Jsonb jsonb = JsonbBuilder.create(config);
System.out.println(jsonb.toJson(data, new HashMap<Person, Integer>() {
but still ended up with the toString() of Person
Thanks in advance,
Nik (in my case since that's the default provider for WildFly)

How can I load propeties in a Map with SpringBoot?

I try to initialize a Map in my SpringBoot application but I am doing something wrong.
(Isn't it possible to use some kind of bracket notation like myFieldMap[10001].fieldName for maps (I saw it used for lists).
I tried with my MyConfig.class:
public class MyConfig {
private java.util.Map<Integer, MyMapping> theMappingsMap = new HashMap<Integer, MyMapping>();
public Map<String, MyMapping> getTheMappingsMap() {
return theMappingsMap;
public void setTheMappingsMap(Map<String, MyMapping> theMappingsMap) {
this.theMappingsMap= theMappingsMap;
public class MyMapping {
private String fieldName;
private String fieldName2;
public String getFieldName() {
return fieldName;
public String getFieldName2() {
return fieldName2;
public void setFieldName(final String fieldName) {
this.fieldName = fieldName;
public void setFieldName2(final String fieldName) {
this.fieldName2 = fieldName;
How do I have to adapt my code to let SpringBoot initialize my configuration (Map) with the definitions in the file?
You are missing #ConfigurationProperties annotation. Try this
public class MyConfig {
private java.util.Map<String, MyMapping> myFieldMap = new HashMap<>();
Another issue with your code is, if you want to make MyMapping class as an inner class of MyConfig, then you need to declare it as static. Or else you can make it as a separate class.

Spring Boot YML Config Class Inheritance

Is it possible to use inheritance in Spring Boot YML configuration classes? If so, how would that be accomplished?
For example:
public class Config {
List<Vehicle> vehicles;
And the class (or interface) "Vehicle" has two implementations: Truck and Car. So the YAML might look like:
type: car
seats: 3
type: truck
axles: 3
I do not think it is possible (at least not that I know of). You could however design your code as follow:
Inject the properties into a Builder object
Define an object with all properties, which we'll call the VehicleBuilder (or factory, you choose its name).
The VehicleBuilders are injected from the Yaml.
You can then retrieve each builder's vehicle in a #PostConstruct block. The code:
public class Config {
private List<VehicleBuilder> vehicles = new ArrayList<VehicleBuilder>();
private List<Vehicle> concreteVehicles;
public List<VehicleBuilder> getVehicles() {
return vehicles;
public List<Vehicle> getConcreteVehicles() {
return concreteVehicles;
protected void postConstruct(){
concreteVehicles = -> f.get())
The builder:
public class VehicleBuilder {
private String type;
private int seats;
private int axles;
public Vehicle get() {
if ("car".equals(type)) {
return new Car(seats);
} else if ("truck".equals(type)) {
return new Trunk(axles);
throw new AssertionError();
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
public void setSeats(int seats) {
this.seats = seats;
public void setAxles(int axles) {
this.axles = axles;

smartgwt listgrid RestDataSource not populating

Im new using this front end framework application...
I recently started to work with smartgwt and i'm bulding a new application with a Spring MVC integration.
I'm using a ListGrid with a RestDataSource (Consume the Rest service with mvc:annotation-driven for plain JSON)
I can see that the servaice gets consuming properly perhaps my grid is never shown with the data in it.
Can someone help me here ?
Here's my ListGrid class
public class ListGrid extends com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid.ListGrid {
private final SpringJSONDataSource springJSONDataSource;
public ListGrid(List<DataSourceField> fields) {
this(new PatientDataSource(fields));
public ListGrid(SpringJSONDataSource springJSONDataSource) {
this.springJSONDataSource = springJSONDataSource;
private void init() {
Now there's the DataSource implmentation
public abstract class SpringJSONDataSource extends RestDataSource {
protected final HTTPMethod httpMethod;
public SpringJSONDataSource(List<DataSourceField> fields) {
this(fields, HTTPMethod.POST);
public SpringJSONDataSource(List<DataSourceField> fields, HTTPMethod httpMethod) {
this.httpMethod = httpMethod;
private void addURLs() {
if(getUpdateDataURL() != null)
if(getRemoveDataURL() != null)
if(getAddDataURL() != null)
if(getFetchDataURL() != null)
private void addDataSourceFields(List<DataSourceField> fields) {
for (DataSourceField dataSourceField : fields) {
protected abstract OperationBinding getFetch();
protected abstract OperationBinding getRemove();
protected abstract OperationBinding getAdd();
protected abstract OperationBinding getUpdate();
public abstract String getUpdateDataURL();
public abstract String getRemoveDataURL();
public abstract String getAddDataURL();
public abstract String getFetchDataURL();
The class PatientDataSource that extends SpringJSONDataSource
public class PatientDataSource extends SpringJSONDataSource {
public PatientDataSource(List<DataSourceField> fields) {
protected OperationBinding getFetch() {
OperationBinding fetch = new OperationBinding();
DSRequest fetchProps = new DSRequest();
return fetch;
public String getFetchDataURL() {
return "/spring/fetchPatients";
protected OperationBinding getRemove() {
return null;
public String getRemoveDataURL() {
return null;
protected OperationBinding getAdd() {
return null;
public String getAddDataURL() {
return null;
protected OperationBinding getUpdate() {
return null;
public String getUpdateDataURL() {
return null;
My spring controller PatientControler
public class PatienController {
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PatienController.class);
private PatientServices patientServices;
#RequestMapping(value = "/patientTest", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Object getTest()
return patientServices.getAllPatients();
#RequestMapping(value = "/fetchPatients", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public Object getAllPatients()
return patientServices.getAllPatients();
public class PatientServicesImpl implements PatientServices {
public List<Patient> getAllPatients() {
List<Patient> patients = new ArrayList<Patient>();
Patient patient;
for(int i = 0 ; i < 500 ; i++){
patient = new Patient();
patient.setDateOfBirth(new Date());
patient.setLastConsultation(new Date());
return patients;
*Im Really stuck right now i've been looking for all type of answers .... but so far nothing worked when i tried to override the transformResponse from my RestDataSource impentation the parameter "data" as an OBJECT, returns me an array [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] *
The Data which is transferred from the RestDataSource has a specific format which is described in the JavaDoc of the RestDataSource
Your server must understand the request and send back a valid response.
At the moment your example doesn't seem to honour the contract.
To debug the traffic send to and from your server you can use the SmartClient-Console. You can open it by a browser bookmark like this:
Of cause you need to deploy this console by adding the following module to your gwt.xml
<inherits name=""/>
Now go to the RPC Tab and check Track-RPCs
