Efficient synchronization algorithm - algorithm

Lets say I have a large sorted (+10 MB, +650k rows) dataset on node_a and different dataset on node_b. There is no master version of the dataset, meaning that either node can have some pieces which are not available to other node. My goal is to have a content of node_a synchronized with content of node_b. What is the most efficient way to do so?
Common sense solution would be:
node_a: Here's everything I have... (sends entire dataset)
node_b: Here's what you don't have... (sends missing parts)
But this solution is not efficient at all. It requires the node_a to send (+10 MB) every time he attempts to synchronize.
So this time using a little brainpower I could introduce a partitioning of the dataset, sending only a part of entire content and expect differences found between first and last row of the part.
Can you think of any better solutions?

For a single synchronization:
Break the dataset up into arbitrary parts, hash each (with MD5, for example), and only send through the hash values instead of the whole data set. Then use a comparison of the hash values on the other side to determine what's not the same on each side, and send this through as appropriate.
If each part doesn't have a global unique ID (i.e. a primary key that's guaranteed to be the same for the corresponding row on each side), you may need some meta-data sent across as well, or send hashes of parts incrementally, determining the difference as you go, and changing what you send if required (e.g. send the hash of 10 rows at a time, if you find a missing row, there will be a mismatch of the rows - either cater for this on the receiver-side, or offset the sender by one row). How exactly this should be done will depend on what your data looks like.
For repeated synchronization:
A good idea might be to create a master version, and store this separately on one of the nodes, although this probably isn't necessary if you don't care about conflicts or being able to revert mistakes.
With or without a master version, you can use versioning here. Store the version of last synchronize, and store a version on each part. When synchronizing, just send the parts with a version higher than the last synchronize version.
As an alternative to a globally auto-incremented version, you could either use a timestamp as the version, or just have a modified flag on each part, setting it when modified, sending all parts with their flag set, and resetting the flags once synchronized.


Synchronize two lists of objects

I have two lists of objects. Each object contains the following:
GUID (allows to determine if objects are the same — from business
point of view)
Timestamp (updates to current UTC each time the
object changed)
Version (positive integer; increments each time
the object changed)
Deleted (boolean flag; switches to "true" instead
of actual object deleting)
Data (some useful payload)
Any other fields if need
Next, I need to sync two lists according to these rules:
If object with some GUID presented only in one list, it should be copied to another list
If object with some GUID presented in both lists, the instance with less Version should be replaced with one having greater Version (nothing to do if versions are equal)
Real-world requirements:
Each list has 50k+ objects, each object is about 1 Kb
Lists are placed on different machines connected via Internet (e.g., mobile app and remote server), thus, algorithm shouldn't waste the traffic or CPU much
Most of time (say, 96%) lists are already synced before sync process, hence, the algorithm should determine it with minimal effort
If there are any differences, most of time they are pretty small (3-5 objects changed/added)
Should proceed OK if one list is empty (and other still has 50k+ items)
Solution #1 (currently implemented)
Client stores the time-of-last-sync-succeed (say T)
Both lists are asked for all objects having Timestamp > T (i.e. recently modified; in the production it's ... > (T - day) for better robustness)
These lists of recently modified objects are synced naively:
items presented only in first list are saved to second list
items presented only in second list are saved to first list
other items has their Version's compared and saved to appropriative list (if need)
Works great with small changes
Almost fits the requirements
Depends on T, which makes the algorithm fragile: it's easy to sync last updates, but hard to make sure lists are completely synced (using minimal T like 1970-01-01 just hangs the sync process)
My questions:
Is there any common / best-practice / proved way to sync object lists?
Is there any better [than #1] solutions for my case?
P.S. Already viewed, not duplicates:
Compare Two List Of Objects For Synchronization
Two list synchronization
All answers has some worth points. To summarize, here is the compiled answer I was looking for, based on finally implemented working sync system:
In general, use Merkle trees. They are dramatically efficient in comparing large amounts of data.
If you can, rebuild your hash tree from scratch every time you need it.
Check the time required to rebuild hash tree. Most likely it's pretty fast (e.g., in my case on Nexus 4 rebuilding tree for 20k items takes ~2 sec: 1.8 sec for fetching data from DB + 0.2 sec for building tree; the server performs ~20x faster), so you don't need to store the tree in the DB and maintain it when data changed (my first try was rebuilding only relevant branches — it's not too complicated to implement, but is very fragile).
Nevertheless, it's ok to cache and reuse tree if no data modifications was done at all. Once modification happened, invalidate the whole cache.
Technical details
GUID is 32 chars long without any hyphens/braces, lowercase;
I use 16-ary tree with the height of 4, where each branch is related to the GUID's char. It may be implemented as actual tree or map:
0000 → (hash of items with GUID 0000*)
0001 → (hash of items with GUID 0001*)
ffff → (hash of items with GUID ffff*);
000 → (hash of hashes 000_)
00 → (hash of hashes 00_)
() → (root hash, i.e. hash of hashes _)
Thus, the tree has 65536 leafs and requires 2 Mb of memory; each leaf covers ~N/65536 data items. Binary trees would be 2x more efficient in terms of memory, but it's a harder to implement.
I had to implement these methods:
getHash() — returns root hash; used for primary check (as mentioned,
in 96% that's all we need to test);
getHashChildren(x) — returns list of hashes x_ (at most 16); used for effective, single-request discovering data difference;
findByIdPrefix(x) — returns items with GUID x*, x must contain exactly 4 chars; used for requesting leaf items;
count(x) — returns number of items with GUID x*; when reasonably small, we can dismiss checking tree branch-by-branch and transfer bunch of items with single request;
As far as syncing is done per-branch transmitting small amounts of data, it's very responsive (you can check the progress at any time) + very robust for unexpected terminating (e.g., due to network failure) and easily restarts from the last point if need.
IMPORTANT: sometimes you will stuck with conflicting state: {version_1 = version_2, but hash_1 != hash_2}: in this case you must make some decision (maybe with user's help or comparing timestamps as last resort) and rewrite some item with another to resolve the conflict, otherwise you'll end up with unsynced and unsyncable hash trees.
Possible improvements
Implement transmitting (GUID, Version) pairs without payload for lightweighting requests.
Two suggestions come to mind, the first one is possibly something you're doing already:
1) Don't send entire lists of items with timestamps > T. Instead, send a list of (UUID, Version) tuples of objects with timestamps > T. Then the other side can figure out which objects it needs to update from that. Send the UUIDs of those back to request the actual objects. This avoids sending full objects if they have timestamp > T, but are nonetheless newer already (or present already with the latest Version) on the other side.
2) Don't process the full list at once, but in chunks, i.e. first sync 10%, then the next 10% etc. to avoid transferring too much data at once for big syncs (and to allow for restarting points if a connection should break). This can be done by e.g. starting with all UUIDs with a checksum equivalent to 1 modulo 10, then 1 modulo 10 etc.
Another possibility would be proactive syncing, e.g. asynchronously posting chances, possibly via UCP (unreliable as opposed to TCP). You would still need to sync when you need current information, but chances are most of it is current.
You need to store not time of last synchronization, but the state of the objects (eg. the hash of object data) at time of last synchronization. Then you compare each list with the stored list and find, what objects have changed on each side.
This is much more reliable than rely on time, cause time requires that both sides have synchronized timer which gives precise time (and this is not the case on most systems). For the same reason your idea of detecting changes based on time + version can be more error-prone than it initially seems.
Also you don't initially transfer object data but only GUIDs.
BTW we've made a framework (free with source) which addresses exactly your problems. I am not giving the link because some alternatively talented people would complain.

Time series in Cassandra when measures can go "back in time"

this is related to cassandra time series modeling when time can go backward, but I think I have a better scenario to explain why the topic is important.
Imagine I have a simple table
CREATE TABLE measures(
key text,
measure_time timestamp,
value int,
PRIMARY KEY (key, measure_time))
The purpose of the clustering key is to have data arranged in a decreasing timestamp ordering. This leads to very efficient range-based queries, that for a given key lead to sequential disk reading (which are intrinsically fast).
Many times I have seen suggestions to use a generated timeuuid as timestamp value ( using now() ), and this is obviously intrinsically ordered. But you can't always do that. It seems to me a very common pattern, you can't use it if:
1) your user wants to query on the actual time when the measure has been taken, not the time where the measure has been written.
2) you use multiple writing threads
So, I want to understand what happens if I write data in an unordered fashion (with respect to measure_time column).
I have personally tested that if I insert timestamp-unordered values, Cassandra indeed reports them to me in a timestamp-ordered fashion when I run a select.
But what happens "under the hood"? In my opinion, it is impossible that data are still ordered on disk. At some point in fact data need to be flushed on disk. Imagine you flush a data set in the time range [0,10]. What if the next data set to flush has measures with timestamp=9? Are data re-arranged on disk? At what cost?
Hope I was clear, I couldn't find any explanation about this on Datastax site but I admit I'm quite a novice on Cassandra. Any pointers appreciated
Sure, once written a SSTable file is immutable, Your timestamp=9 will end up in another SSTable, and C* will have to merge and sort data from both SSTables, if you'll request both timestamp=10 and timestamp=9. And that would be less effective than reading from a single SSTable.
The Compaction process may merge those two SSTables into new single one. See http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/when-to-use-leveled-compaction
And try to avoid very wide rows/partitions, which will be the case if you have a lot measurements (i.e. a lot of measure_time values) for a single key.

Bad performance when writing log data to Cassandra with timeuuid as a column name

Following the pointers in an ebay tech blog and a datastax developers blog, I model some event log data in Cassandra 1.2. As a partition key, I use “ddmmyyhh|bucket”, where bucket is any number between 0 and the number of nodes in the cluster.
The Data model
cqlsh:Log> CREATE TABLE transactions (yymmddhh varchar, bucket int,
rId int, created timeuuid, data map, PRIMARY
KEY((yymmddhh, bucket), created) );
(rId identifies the resource that fired the event.)
(map is are key value pairs derived from a JSON; keys change, but not much)
I assume that this translates into a composite primary/row key with X buckets per hours.
My column names are than timeuuids. Querying this data model works as expected (I can query time ranges.)
The problem is the performance: the time to insert a new row increases continuously.
So I am doing s.th. wrong, but can't pinpoint the problem.
When I use the timeuuid as a part of the row key, the performance remains stable on a high level, but this would prevent me from querying it (a query without the row key of course throws an error message about "filtering").
Any help? Thanks!
Switching from the map data-type to a predefined column names alleviates the problem. Insert times now seem to remain at around <0.005s per insert.
The core question remains:
How is my usage of the "map" datatype in efficient? And what would be an efficient way for thousands of inserts with only slight variation in the keys.
My keys I use data into the map mostly remain the same. I understood the datastax documentation (can't post link due to reputation limitations, sorry, but easy to find) to say that each key creates an additional column -- or does it create one new column per "map"?? That would be... hard to believe to me.
I suggest you model your rows a little differently. The collections aren't very good to use in cases where you might end up with too many elements in them. The reason is a limitation in the Cassandra binary protocol which uses two bytes to represent the number of elements in a collection. This means that if your collection has more than 2^16 elements in it the size field will overflow and even though the server sends all of the elements back to the client, the client only sees the N % 2^16 first elements (so if you have 2^16 + 3 elements it will look to the client as if there are only 3 elements).
If there is no risk of getting that many elements into your collections, you can ignore this advice. I would not think that using collections gives you worse performance, I'm not really sure how that would happen.
CQL3 collections are basically just a hack on top of the storage model (and I don't mean hack in any negative sense), you can make a MAP-like row that is not constrained by the above limitation yourself:
CREATE TABLE transactions (
yymmddhh VARCHAR,
bucket INT,
created TIMEUUID,
rId INT,
value VARCHAR,
PRIMARY KEY ((yymmddhh, bucket), created, rId, key)
(Notice that I moved rId and the map key into the primary key, I don't know what rId is, but I assume that this would be correct)
This has two drawbacks over using a MAP: it requires you to reassemble the map when you query the data (you would get back a row per map entry), and it uses a litte more space since C* will insert a few extra columns, but the upside is that there is no problem with getting too big collections.
In the end it depends a lot on how you want to query your data. Don't optimize for insertions, optimize for reads. For example: if you don't need to read back the whole map every time, but usually just read one or two keys from it, put the key in the partition/row key instead and have a separate partition/row per key (this assumes that the set of keys will be fixed so you know what to query for, so as I said: it depends a lot on how you want to query your data).
You also mentioned in a comment that the performance improved when you increased the number of buckets from three (0-2) to 300 (0-299). The reason for this is that you spread the load much more evenly thoughout the cluster. When you have a partition/row key that is based on time, like your yymmddhh, there will always be a hot partition where all writes go (it moves throughout the day, but at any given moment it will hit only one node). You correctly added a smoothing factor with the bucket column/cell, but with only three values the likelyhood of at least two ending up on the same physical node are too high. With three hundred you will have a much better spread.
use yymmddhh as rowkey and bucket+timeUUID as column name,where each bucket have 20 or fix no of records,buckets can be managed using counter cloumn family

A join operation using Hadoop MapReduce

How to take a join of two record sets using Map Reduce ? Most of the solutions including those posted on SO suggest that I emit the records based on common key and in the reducer add them to say a HashMap and then take a cross product. (eg. Join of two datasets in Mapreduce/Hadoop)
This solution is very good and works for majority of the cases but in my case my issue is rather different. I am dealing with a data which has got billions of records and taking a cross product of two sets is impossible because in many cases the hashmap will end up having few million objects. So I encounter a Heap Space Error.
I need a much more efficient solution. The whole point of MR is to deal with very high amount of data I want to know if there is any solution that can help me avoid this issue.
Don't know if this is still relevant for anyone, but I facing a similar issue these days. My intention is to use a key-value store, most likely Cassandra, and use it for the cross product. This means:
When running on a line of type A, look for the key in Cassandra. If exists - merge A records into the existing value (B elements). If not - create a key, and add A elements as value.
When running on a line of type B, look for the key in Cassandra. If exists - merge B records into the existing value (A elements). If not - create a key, and add B elements as value.
This would require additional server for Cassandra, and probably some disk space, but since I'm running in the cloud (Google's bdutil Hadoop framework), don't think it should be much of a problem.
You should look into how Pig does skew joins. The idea is that if your data contains too many values with the same key (even if there is no data skew) , you can create artificial keys and spread the key distribution. This would make sure that each reducer gets less number of records than otherwise. For e.g. if you were to suffix "1" to 50% of your key "K1" and "2" the other 50% you will end with half the records on the reducer one (1K1) and the other half goes to 2K2.
If the distribution of the keys values are not known before hand you could some kind of sampling algorithm.

Caching vector addition over changing collections

I have the following setup:
I have a largish number of uuids (currently about 10k but expected to grow unboundedly - they're user IDs) and a function f : id -> sparse vector with 32-bit integer values (no need to worry about precision). The function is reasonably expensive (not outrageously so, but probably on the order of a few 100ms for a given id). The dimension of the sparse vectors should be assumed to be infinite, as new dimensions can appear over time, but in practice is unlikely to ever exceed about 20k (and individual results of f are unlikely to have more than a few hundred non-zero values).
I want to support the following operations efficiently:
add a new ID to the collection
invalidate an existing ID
retrieve sum f(id) in O(changes since last retrieval)
i.e. I want to cache the sum of the vectors in a way that's reasonable to do incrementally.
One option would be to support a remove ID operation and treat invalidation as a remove followed by an add. The problem with this is that it requires us to keep track of all the old values of f, which is expensive in space. I potentially need to use many instances of this sort of cached structure, so I would like to avoid that.
The likely usage pattern is that new IDs are added at a fairly continuous rate and are frequently invalidated at first. Ids which have been invalidated recently are much more likely to be invalidated again than ones which have remained valid for a long time, but in principle an old Id can still be invalidated.
Ideally I don't want to do this in memory (or at least I want a way that lets me save the result to disk efficiently), so an idea which lets me piggyback off an existing DB implementation of some sort would be especially appreciated.
