How do entity framework handle concurrency access,when issuing multiple delete & create opeartions - linq

I have the following method inside my mvc, and i am trying to understand how will entity framework behave when multiple users access the same method :-
public int changeDeviceSwitch(int fromID , int toID)
var currentdevices = IT.ITSwitchPorts.Where(a => a.SwitchID == fromID);
int count = 0;
foreach (var d in currentdevices)
foreach (var d in currentdevices)
ITSwitchPort tsp = new ITSwitchPort() { SwitchID = toID, TechnologyID = d.TechnologyID, PortNumber = d.PortNumber };
return count;
The above method, will mainly, retrieve all the records that have switchID = fromID, then remove all these records and add new records with new switchID.
so my question is what will happen if multiple users access the same method at the same time? as i understand that entity framework can handle the concurrent access in this way as follow:-
-userA call the method
-userB calls the same method
-userA retrieve all the records, delete, then add new records , save.
-userB retrieve all the records , delete, add new records. but when userB reach the saveChnages() ,
entity framework will raise a DbUpdateConcurrencyException when it try to delete a record that no more exists ? so is this what will happen. ?
can anyone advice please?

General approach to locking in EF is to use Optimistic locking.
EF Locking docu
SO example
-userB retrieve all the records , delete, add new records. but when userB reach the saveChnages() , entity framework will raise a
DbUpdateConcurrencyException when it try to delete a record that no
more exists ? so is this what will happen. ?
Yes this is what will happen IF you have declared a Concurrency field on the record.
public virtual byte[] RowVersion { get; set; }


Fetch history of records using LINQ

I am using entity framework with repository pattern and unit of work objects..
I have an entity Request with properties "RequestId", "OldRequestId", which can be accessed using requestRepository object.
eg: requestRepostiory.GetAll(), requestRepository.GetFiltered(r=> r.Requestid =10)
If I pass a RequestId, it should retrieve me the specific record.
If the OldRequestId is not null in the retrieved record, it should bring the old request data as well.
It should go on until the OldRequestId is null.
Simple way would be something like this:
public static IEnumerable<Data> GetRecursive(int id)
while (true)
var tmp = GetFiltered(x => x.Requestid == id);
yield return tmp;
if (tmp.OldRequestId.HasValue)
id = tmp.OldRequestId.Value;
yield break;
Please note, that this code would run make multiple queries towards the database. Performance won't be the best, but it might work for your scenario.

How to perform deletion of entities based on a list of ids

I am just starting with linq and entity framework in general and I have a question that may seem naive to all of the advanced users!
I have the following code :
var allDocuments = (from i in companyData.IssuedDocuments select i.IssuedDocumentId).ToList<int>();
var deletedDocuments = allDocuments.Except(updatedDocuments);
and I need to delete all the entities in companyData that their id is stored in deletedDocuments in a disconnected scenario.
Could you please show me a way to do this in an efficient manner?
You could avoid fetching all the ids by specifying you only want deleted ids like this:
var deletedIds = from i in companyData.IssuedDocuments
where !updatedIds.Contains(i.IssuedDocumentId)
select i.IssuedDocumentId
Now if companyData.IssuedDocuments is a DbSet you can tell EF to delete them like this:
foreach (var id in deletedIds)
var entity = new MyEntity { Id = id };
This will issue multiple DELETE statements to the database without fetching the full entities into memory.
If companyData.IssuedDocuments is your repository then you could load the full entities instead of just the ids:
var deleted = from i in companyData.IssuedDocuments
where !updatedIds.Contains(i.IssuedDocumentId)
select i
foreach (var entity in deleted)
Again EF issues multiple DELETE statements to the database
If you can upgrade then EF6 has introduced a RemoveRange method on the DbSet that at you could look at. It may send a single DELETE statement to the database - I haven't tried it yet.
If performance is still an issue then you have to execute sql.
Deleting an object without retrieving it
How should I remove all elements in a DbSet?
I suppose the companyData is a IEnumerable type. The type T contains an Id property, which is the Id of the data. Then deletedDocuments contains the ids of all the documents that we want to remove.
One thing that's important and I should note it here is that the deletion of the documents happens in memory and it doesn't execute it in a db. Otherwise you should provide us with the version of entity framework you use and how you access you implelemnt your CRUD operations against your db.
Firstly I would like to thank you all for your suggestions.
I followed Christos Paisios suggestion but I was getting all kinds of exceptions when I was trying to persist the changes to the DB and the way that I finally managed to solve the issues was by adding the following override in my DbContext class
public override int SaveChanges()
var orphanedResponses = ChangeTracker.Entries().Where(
e => (e.State == EntityState.Modified || e.State == EntityState.Added) &&
e.Entity is IssuedDocument &&
e.Reference("CompanyData").CurrentValue == null);
foreach (var orphanedResponse in orphanedResponses)
IssuedDocuments.Remove(orphanedResponse.Entity as IssuedDocument);
return base.SaveChanges();

How does Entity framework perform Transactions inside mvc

I am using entity framework inside my mvc web application, but I can not understand how it will handle multiple transaction accessing the same data.
For example I have the following action method that deelte a collection and then loop through a collection and delete the records:-
public ActionResult AssignPermisionLevel2(ICollection<SecurityroleTypePermision> list, int id)
foreach (var c in list)
return RedirectToAction("AssignPermisionLevel", new { id = id });
Which will call the following repository method:-
public void DeleteSecurityroleTypePermisions(int securityroleID)
var r = tms.SecurityroleTypePermisions.Where(a => a.SecurityRoleID == securityroleID);
foreach (var c in r) {
public void InsertOrUpdateSecurityroleTypePermisions(SecurityroleTypePermision role, string username)
var auditinfo = IntiateAdminAudit(tms.AuditActions.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Name.ToUpper() == "ASSIGN PERMISION").ID, tms.SecurityTaskTypes.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Name.ToUpper() == "SECURITY ROLE").ID, username, tms.SecurityRoles.SingleOrDefault(a=>a.SecurityRoleID == role.SecurityRoleID).Name, tms.PermisionLevels.SingleOrDefault(a=>a.ID== role.PermisionLevelID).Name + " --> " + tms.TechnologyTypes.SingleOrDefault(a=>a.AssetTypeID == role.AssetTypeID).Name);
So let say two users access the same action method at the same time, so will their transactions conflict with each other? , or all the transaction actions (Deletion & Addition) will execute and then the other transaction will start?
Inside my Controller class i will initiate the repository as follow :-
public class SecurityRoleController : Controller
Repository repository = new Repository();
my second question is . You mentioned that EF will mark the entities for deletion or for insetion, then the sql will execute indie the database. but what if one sql statement delete some entities and the other sql statement from the second transaction delete the other entities , could this conflict happen at the database level ? or once the first sql statement from the first transaction start execution, it will prevent other transactions from being executed ? can you advice ?
This entirely depends on how you implement your DbContext. If your context is instantiated within a controller then each transaction will be contained within that context, i.e.
public class SomeController : Controller
var repository = new DbContext();
public ActionResult AssignPermisionLevel2(ICollection<SecurityroleTypePermision> list, int id)
foreach (var c in list)
return RedirectToAction("AssignPermisionLevel", new { id = id });
Each request will create its own instance of the repository and the two will not conflict on an application level. When SaveChanges is called on a DbContext it is done in a single transaction, and as the repository object is created for each request.
Unfortunately Entity Framework does not delete as you expect, and will delete individual elements rather than the entire table. What is actually happening when you are removing the entities in the first step and adding them in the second is as follows:
Load Entities X,Y, and Z
Mark X,Y, and Z for deletion
Insert new rows A, B and C
Run SQL which deletes X, Y and Z, and inserts A, B and C
Now if two requests come in at the same time what could possibly happen is objects X,Y and Z are both loaded in step 1 by both request contexts. They are both marked for deletion and two sets of A, B and C are set to insert. When the first transaction executes it will be fine, however when the second transaction commits it will not be able to find X, Y and Z as they no longer exist.
You may be able to use a lock over the critical section so that the entities are not loaded before they are deleted by another request. The lock would have to be static so something such as:
public class SecurityRoleController : Controller
Repository repository = new Repository();
public static object REQUEST_LOCK = new object();
public ActionResult AssignPermisionLevel2(ICollection<SecurityroleTypePermision> list, int id)
foreach (var c in list)
return RedirectToAction("AssignPermisionLevel", new { id = id });
Update 2
There are two sides to your problem, the way SQL handles transactions and the way Entity Framework performs deletes. Without going into massive detail on threading you basically have to lock the action so that the same method cannot execute twice at exactly the same time. This will prevent the context from reading potentially stale/already deleted data.
You can read more on SQL/EF race conditions with this question: Preventing race condition of if-exists-update-else-insert in Entity Framework

MVC3 Entity Framework Code First Updating Subset Related List of Items

I have a table of data with a list of key value pairs in it.
Key Value
ElementName PrimaryEmail
Value Content/Images/logo-here.jpg
I am able to generate new items on my client webpage. When, I create a new row on the client and save it to the server by executing the following code the item saves to the database as expected.
public ViewResult Add(CardElement cardElement)
db.Entry(obj).State = EntityState.Added;
return Json(obj);
Now, when I want to delete my objects by sending another ajax request I get a failure.
public void Delete(CardElement[] cardElements)
foreach (var cardElement in cardElements)
db.Entry(cardElement).State = EntityState.Deleted;
This results in the following error.
Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0). Entities may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded. Refresh ObjectStateManager entries.
I have tried other ways of deleting including find by id remove and attach and delete but obviously I am approaching in the right fashion.
I am not sure what is causing your issue, but I tend to structure my deletes as follows:
public void Delete(CardElement[] cardElements)
foreach (var cardElement in cardElements)
var element = db.Table.Where(x => x.ID == cardElement.ID).FirstOrDefault();
if(element != null)
although I tend to do database first development, which may change things slightly.
EDIT: the error you are receiving states that no rows were updated. When you pass an object to a view, then pass it back to the controller, this tends to break the link between the object and the data store. That is why I prefer to look up the object first based on its ID, so that I have an object that is still linked to the data store.

Entity Framework LINQ insert command failing. MVC3

Hi I'm trying to do a basic update based on an id using Linq and the entity framework. I'm very new to this but I do not see the problem.
My entity class object is declared at the controller level.
gwwbnEntities db = new gwwbnEntities();
The Method grabs a querystring id and updates the user's registration status who is represented by that id.
public ActionResult ConfirmedAccount(int id)
var q = from u in db.user_registration
where == id && u.reg_status == null
select u;
if (q.Any())
foreach(var item in q){
user_registration user = item;
user.reg_status = 202;
db.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Modified;
return View();
return RedirectToAction("RegistrationError");
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Again everything works and populates correctly, but the context object.SaveChanges() method fails everytime.
Thanks guys!
The exception you are seeing is because you have an open data reader (foreach) and you are trying to create transaction (EF does it for you) in SaveChanges(). Call SaveChanges outside the loop.
In addtion: Don't set the state to Modified - EF will detect that properties changed and will automatically set the state accordingly. You may want to do .ToList() on the q before doing anything. At the moment you are sending to queries to the database (one for .Any() and one to get entities). If you do .ToList() you will send only one query that brings entities but .Any() would be called on the list not on the database so it will be much faster and there is no trip to the database. Also ToList() force query evaluation so your foreach loop will not keep the data reader open as it will iterate on the list.
