I am implementing Karger's algorithm. From what I understand, the number of edges between the final two nodes is not always the Min Cut. What I am having trouble understanding is how do I actually get the min cut from this algorithm. I keep finding a lot of stuff on probabilities, but it all looks like gibberish to me...
From what I have read, I think I need to run Karger's algorithm multiple times on a graph. This will give me a high probability of success of hitting the min cut. I think?...
Can someone please explain this in a simpler way? How do I find the number of times to run this algorithm? Is what I have said above even correct?
Each time you run Karger's algorithm, it will give you a (semi-random) cut. The probability that that cut is the minimum cut is P = 1 / (n^2/2 - n/2), which is much better than just picking a cut completely randomly.
If you run the algorithm once, your probability of getting the min cut is P, but your probability of not getting it is 1 - P. If you run the algorithm twice, then your chances of not getting the min cut is (1 - P) * (1 - P), since you would have to miss the min cut the first time, and the second time.
That's quite a bit better. Running the algorithm twice gives us a higher likelihood of finding the min cut.
If we run the algorithm T times, then the probability of not getting the min cut is (1 - P)^T, which means that the probability of getting the min cut is 1 - (1 - P)^T.
At this point, you ask yourself how badly you want the right solution. Make up some probability (1 in 1,000,000?), and solve for T. That's how many times you should run the algorithm.
It's common to set T = C * (n choose 2) * ln(n), since that gives you less than a (1 / n)^C chance of not finding the min cut, which is a much easier formula to reason about, especially if you set C to 1. Then, you have a lower chance of getting an incorrect cut than you do of randomly picking a single node of your graph. That's pretty good if your graph is big.
In summary, choose C based on how necessary it is to get the right answer. If you don't know how necessary it is, then C = 1 is a good guess, and just run your algorithm (n choose 2) * ln(n) times.
(Most of this math is taken from the wikipedia page. You can find more details there)
I just want a direction in this programming problem from an online judge (URI online judge - 2699).
Given two numbers, S and N, S is incomplete, so S can be given in the form ?294?? where the first digit is not zero, I need to find the minimum number that has the same digits as S and is multiple of N. If is not possible, then you just return a *. S can have up to 1000 digits and N < 1000.
I will describe my attempts:
Brute Force: I try every combination of numbers and get the first one to be multiple of N. Finding a solution when it exists is not the problem at all, but discovering that does not exist a solution when S is big can be really problematic and take infinite time.
Brute Force but optimizing the form of finding the rest: This attempt i save into an array the rest of the division for the digit 1 in the i position, so for i = 3, in v[3] i will have 1000%N. Knowing that (AB) MOD N = ((A MOD N)B) MOD N it's possible to write an array pretty quick and optimize the way i calculate the Mod of S which. This attempt does improve the time but is a Brute Force Attempt and has the same issues that the previous one.
Using the remainder to do the recursion: Ex: If i have the number
?294?? in S, i get the remainder of 29400 and calculate how much is needed to have a multiple (N - rem), then i try to get it all from the first digit, if it is not possible then i decrease how much I want and try again, then I go to the left and try with another number. Ex if i need 7 to reach N and can get 5 with the first digit, then I will try to find 2 within the second digit and so on.
Does it have a concept that i ain't seeing here ? I'm trying this problem for almost 3 days, searching ways to do this and not getting anywhere because of time.
EDIT: Thanks for the comments, after thinking all day about this problem and reading a lot of Dynamic Programming I could figure a way to apply DP in this problem, I won't say exactly how but the key is to understand DP and figure a way to reduce the size of your problem.
I have a quite tricky task to solve:
You are given a N * M board (1 <= N, M <= 256). You can move from each field to it's neighbouring field (moving diagonally is not allowed). At the beginning, there are two types of fields: active and blocked. You can pass through active field, but you can't go on the blocked one. You have Q queries (1 <= Q <= 200). There are two types of queries:
1) find the next field (neighbouring to A) that lies on the shortest path from field A to B
2) change field A from active to blocked or conversly.
The first type query can be easily solved with simple BFS in O(N * M) time. We can represent active and blocked fields as 0 or 1, so the second query could be done in constant time.
The total time of that algorithm would be O(Q (number of queries) * N * M).
So what's the problem? I have a 1/60 second to solve all the queries. If we consider 1 second as 10^8 calculations, we are left with about 1,5 * 10^6 calculations. One BFS may take up to N * M * 4 time, which is about 2,5 * 10^5. So if Q is 200, the needed calculations may be up to 5 * 10^7, which is way too slow.
As far as I know, there is no better pathfinding algorithms than BFS in this case (well, I could go for an A*, but I'm not sure if it's much quicker than BFS, it's still worst-case O(|E|) - according to Wikipedia ). So there's not much to optimize in this area. However, I could change my graph in some way to reduce the amount of edges that the algorithm would have to process (I don't need to know the full shortest path, only the next move I should make, so the rest of the shortest path can be very simplified). I was thinking about some preprocessing - grouping vertices in a groups and making a graph of graphs, but I'm not sure how to handle the blocked fields in that way.
How can I optimize it better? Or is it even possible?
EDIT: The actual problem: I have some units on the board. I want to start moving them to the selected destination. Units can't share the same field, so one can block others' paths or open a new, better paths for them. There can be a lot of units, that's why I need a better optimization.
If I understand the problem correctly, you want to find the shortest path on a grid from A to B, with the added ability that your path-finder can remove walls for an additional movement cost?
You can treat this as a directed graph problem, where you can move into any wall-node for a cost of 2, and into any normal node for a cost of 1. Then just use any directed-graph pathfinding algorithm such as Dijkstra's or A* (the usual heuristic, manhatten distance, will still work)
this is a puzzle but i think it could be a classical algorithm which i am unaware of :
There are n people at the bottom of a mountain, and everyone wants to go up, then down the mountain. Person i takes u[i] time to climb this mountain, and d[i] time to descend it.
However, at same given time atmost 1 person can climb , and .atmost 1 person can descend the mountain. Find the least time to travel up and back down the mountain.
Update 1 :
well i tried with few examples and found that it's not reducible to sorting , or getting the fastest climbers first or vice versa . I think to get optimal solution we may have to try out all possible solutions , so seems to be NP complete.
My initial guess: (WRONG)
The solution i thought is greedy : sort n people by start time in ascending order. Then up jth person up and kth down where u[j]<= d[k] and d[k] is minimum from all k persons on top of mountain. I am not able to prove correctness of this .
Any other idea how to approach ?
A hint would suffice.
Try to think in the following manner: if the people are not sorted in ascending order of time it takes them to climb the mountain than what happens if you find a pair of adjacent people that are not in the correct order(i.e. first one climbs longer than second one) and swap them. Is it possible that the total time increases?
I think it is incorrect. Consider
u = [2,3]
d = [1,3]
Your algorithm gives ordering 0,1 whereas it should be 1,0.
I would suggest another greedy approach:
Create ordering list and add first person.
For current ordering keep track of two values:
mU - time of last person on the mountain - time of the end
mD - time of earliest time of first descending
From people who are not ordered choose the one which minimises abs(mD - d) and abs(mU - u). Then if abs(mD - d) < abs(mU - u) he should go at the beginning of ordering. Otherwise he goes at the end.
Some tweak may still be needed here, but this approach should minimise losses from cases like the one given in the example.
The following solution will only work with n <= 24.
This solution will require dynamic programming and bit-mask technique knowledge to be understood.
Observation: we can easily observe that the optimal total climb up time is fixed, which is equalled to the total climb up time of n people.
For the base case, if n = 1, the solution is obvious.
For n = 2, the solution is simple, just scan through all 4 possibilities and calculate the minimum down time.
For n = 3, we can see that this case will be equal to the case when one person climb up first, followed by two.
And the two person minimum down time can be easily pre-calculated. More important, this two person then can be treated as one person with up time is the total up time of the two, and down time is the minimum down time.
Storing all result for minimum down time for cases from n = 0 to n = 3 in array called 'dp', using bit-mask technique, we represent the state for 3 person as index 3 = 111b, so the result for case n = 3 will be:
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
dp[3] = min(dp[(1<<i)] + dp[3^(1<<i)],dp[3]);
For n = 4... 24, the solution will be similar to case n = 3.
Note: The actual formula is not just simple as the code for case n = 3(and it requires similar approach to solve as case n = 2), but will be very similar,
Your approach looks sensible, but it may be over-simplified, could you describe it more precisely here?
From your description, I can't make out whether you are sorting or something else; these are the heuristics that I figured you are using:
Get the fastest climbers first, so the start using the Down path
Ensure there is always people at the top of the mountain, so
when the Down path becomes available, a person starts descending
immediately.The way you do that is to select first those people who
climb fast and descend slowly.
What if the fastest climber is also the fastest descender? That would leave the Down path idle until the second climber gets to the top, how does your algorithm ensures that this the best order?. I'm not sure that the problem reduces to a Sorting problem, it looks more like a knapsack or scheduling type.
What would be the best algorithm to solve this problem? I spent a couple of hours on this problem. But couldn't sort it out.
A guy purchased a necklace and planned to make it into two pieces in such a way that the average brightness of each piece should be either greater than or equal to the original piece.
The criteria for dividing the necklaces are
1.The difference in number of pearls between the two pearls sets should not be greater than 10% of the number of pearls in the original necklace or 3 whichever is higher.
2.The difference between number of pearls in 2 necklaces should be minimum.
3.In case if the average brightness of any one of the necklace is less than the average brightness of the original set return 0 as output.
4.Two necklaces should have their average brightness greater than the original one and the difference between the average brightness of the two pieces is minimum.
5.The average brightness of each piece should be either greater than or equal to the original piece.
This problem is rather hard to do efficiently (in NP somewhere).
Say you had a set that averaged to X. That is, X = (x1 + x2 + ... + xn) / n.
Suppose you break it up into sets that average to S and T with s and t items in each set, respectively.
You can mathematically prove that if one of the averages, S or T, is greater than X, the other of the two must be less than X.
Hence, the two sets must have exactly the same brightness because that's the only way your conditions are satisfiable.
Knowing this, you're ending up with the sumset sum problem -- you want to find a subset that sums to exactly half of the sum of the entire set. That's a problem that's known to be hard. (It's been classified NP. And alright, it's not exactly the same as the subset sum problem, but if subtract the average of the full set from each of the brightness values, solving the subset sum problem will give you your answer. (Do the reverse to see how you can solve the subset sum problem from your problem.)
Hence, there's no fast way of doing this -- only approximations or exponential running times... However, maybe this will help. It mentions better running times if your weights (in your case, brightness levels) are bounded.
Given an array of items, each of which has a value and cost, what's the best algorithm determine the items required to reach a minimum value at the minimum cost? eg:
Item: Value -> Cost
A 20 -> 11
B 7 -> 5
C 1 -> 2
MinValue = 30
naive solution: A + B + C + C + C. Value: 30, Cost 22
best option: A + B + B. Value: 34, Cost 21
Note that the overall value:cost ratio at the end is irrelevant (A + A would give you the best value for money, but A + B + B is a cheaper option which hits the minimum value).
This is the knapsack problem. (That is, the decision version of this problem is the same as the decision version of the knapsack problem, although the optimization version of the knapsack problem is usually stated differently.) It is NP-hard (which means no algorithm is known that is polynomial in the "size" -- number of bits -- in the input). But if your numbers are small (the largest "value" in the input, say; the costs don't matter), then there is a simple dynamic programming solution.
Let best[v] be the minimum cost to get a value of (exactly) v. Then you can calculate the values best[] for all v, by (initializing all best[v] to infinity and):
best[0] = 0
best[v] = min_(items i){cost[i] + best[v-value[i]]}
Then look at best[v] for values upto the minimum you want plus the largest value; the smallest of those will give you the cost.
If you want the actual items (and not just the minimum cost), you can either maintain some extra data, or just look through the array of best[]s and infer from it.
This problem is known as integer linear programming. It's NP-hard.
However, for small problems like your example, it's trivial to make a quick few lines of code to simply brute force all the low combinations of purchase choices.
NP-harddoesn't mean impossible or even expensive, it means your problem becomes rapidly slower to solve with larger scale problems. In your case with just three items, you can solve this in mere microseconds.
For the exact question of what's the best algorithm in general.. there are entire textbooks on it. A good start is good old Wikipedia.
Edit This answer is redacted on account of being factually incorrect. Following the advice in this will only cause you harm.
This is not actually the knapsack problem, because it assumes that you cannot pack more items than there is space for in some container. In you case you want to find the cheapest combination that will fill up the space, allowing for the fact that overflow may occur.
My solution, which I don't know is the optimal but it should be pretty close, would be to compute for each item the cost benefit ratio, find the item with the highest cost benefit and fill the structure with this item until there isn't space for one more item. Then I would test to see if there was a combination with any of the other available items that could fill the available slot for less that the cost of one of the cheapest items and then if such a solution exist, use that combination otherwise use one more of the cheapest items.
Amenddum This may actually also be NP-complete, but I am not sure yet. Anyway for all practical purposes this variation should be much faster than the naive solution.