C-u M-x - recompile error: "Wrong type argument: consp, nil" - debugging

If I do C-u M-x recompile inside a buffer that's not the *compilation* buffer, (i.e. the source file for instance), I get this error - "Wrong type argument: consp, nil" after it prompts for the compilation command. Why is this? I want to run recompile interactively as comint works, sometimes outside the compilation buffer. How do I do this?

Try using emacs -Q, just to be sure (yes, I know you said you commented out all of your init file, but just to be sure -- and it's a lot easier to do than comment-out everything).
Next, set debug-on-error to t -- You can do M-x toggle-debug-on-error to do that, if you prefer.
Next, provoke the error and look at the debugger *Backtrace*. It will show you not only which function raised the error because it expected a cons and got nil instead, but also what function called it, passing the bad argument. And so on down the stack.
If necessary, you can click mouse-2 on functions on the stack (at the left, to see their source code. Or put the cursor on them and use C-h f to see their doc -- in particular, what arguments they expect and what their return values should be.
In this way it's pretty easy to find the code that is the culprit. (Most likely, in spite of what you said, it is some non-vanilla Emacs Lisp code you loaded somehow.)
Also, state your emacs version : M-x emacs-version. If you are using a development snapshot then the problem could come from vanilla code (i.e., emacs -Q); otherwise, that's not so likely.
Also, you say you get the error after it prompts you. Immediately after it prompts, before you type anything? After you type a command name and hit RET? Try to be more specific.
Update after your comment:
Load library compile.el (not .elc). Then do M-x debug-on-entry recompile, then step through the debugger using d when function recompile is entered. What you are interested in is when compilation-start is called (applied to its args).
It seems that the value of compilation-arguments that is passed to it is no good. The command name you enter at the prompt becomes the first of the list of compilation-arguments. The others are taken from when you last invoked compile: recompile just reuses the same arguments (except the command name): (mode name-function highlight-regexp)mode name-function highlight-regexp).
However, be aware that compilation-arguments is buffer-local. So if you changed to a different buffer then its value is likely not what you need. You need the value from your last compile, so you should do the recompile in the same buffer where you did compile.
(FWIW, I don't use (re)compile myself, as I don't develop software anymore. I just took a look at the source code.)

Such kind of errors usually depicts a problem with your configuration. Try to investigate messages buffer output. There can be some clues there.
And of course, it is normal to call a recompile command from a buffer with your code. It is a convention to bind it to C-c C-c.


M-g g (a.k.a M-x goto-line) acting weird

Emacs noob (sort of) here. I'm getting unexpected behavior from the goto-line command. The wording of the manual seems imprecise. I'm assuming the phrase "move to line LINE..." means "set point to line LINE". So my interpretation of the manual's entry on goto-line is that it is supposed to set mark at the current location of point and then move point to the line specified by the argument you enter. Is this correct? Because what is happening instead is that, yes, it does set mark at the current location successfully (which I don't care about since I can set mark myself very easily if I want to) but then it sets point at the beginning of the buffer instead of where I specified. Is this what goto-line is supposed to do? Am I misunderstanding either the manual or the purpose of this command?
The activity I'm engaged in is reading the Emacs Lisp manual and evaluating expressions in it. I have line numbers turned on in the left margin, and I would like to be able to simply do M-g g LINE-NUMBER, C-e, C-x C-e and see how the form evaluates. But instead, I have to do this klutzy routine of subtracting current point line number from target line number and then doing M-DIFFERENCE C-n. Or I just C-nnnnnnn...or C-pppppp... or even use the mouse, which is the type of slow and clumsy navigation I'm trying to get away from by using Emacs.
Unfortunately, goto-line in an Info buffer is working on the source rather than the rendered outcome.
(If you visit the elisp.info file, you'll see where the real line numbers are coming from.)
Unfortunately that doesn't help you (or anyone, I suspect), but it does explain why the feature doesn't work as expected.
You could M-x report-emacs-bug and propose that this be changed to work the way people would expect it to work.
If you're using Emacs 26 and its native display-line-numbers-mode then you can customize the display-line-numbers-widen option to prevent line numbers changing when buffers are narrowed, in which case you'll be able to use the number you can see with goto-line.

How to find a bug in ".emacs" or "init.el"?

Sometimes when I open Emacs, Emacs initialization fail.
That is because .emacs or init.el files have a bug. (My bugs often come from just mistyping.)
I want to find the bug in .emacs or init.el. Is there any way to do this?
To find out what part of your init file (~/.emacs) is causing the behavior you see, bisect your init file recursively: First comment-out half, to see which half is responsible, then 3/4, to see which quarter is responsible,...
To comment out a region of text (e.g. succession of lines that you have selected), I recommend comment-region (which I bind to C-x C-;). With a numeric prefix arg it uses that many ; comment chars. With a plain prefix arg (C-u) it uncomments the region instead of commenting it.
You can also start Emacs with the command-line switch --debug-init. This will cause the debugger to open when an error is raised during Emacs startup, including while your init file is loaded. The debugger backtrace tells you which evaluation raised the error (which function was called), and it shows you which function called the function where the error was raised, which function called that one, and so on.
When you know which function is the problem, if you need to you can debug its evaluation by putting (debug-on-entry 'THE-FUNCTION) near the start of your init file. That will open the debugger when the function is entered instead of just showing what happened when the error was raised. You can then step through the debugger using d (or c to skip through a step), to see just what went wrong.
If you prefer to step through the function starting at some breakpoint, then copy the source code that defines the function to your init file, and insert (debug) at the position where you want the debugger to open.
As always, the Emacs manuals are your friends. See, for instance, node Checklist in the Emacs manual and node Invoking the Debugger in the Elisp manual.
There is another debugger also, called edebug, which is also documented in the manuals. Some people prefer it to debug. (I prefer debug.) Both are good.
Using the debugger is generally more informative if you have loaded Emacs Lisp source files rather than their byte-compiled versions. If you start investigating a particular problem using the debugger, you might want to first load the *.el (not *.elc) file(s) in question.
I've had great success with elisp bug hunter https://github.com/Malabarba/elisp-bug-hunter.
The most common problems are unmatched parenthesis, loading-failed packages.:
Automated error hunting
If your Emacs init file signals an error during startup, but you don’t
know why, simply issue
M-x bug-hunter-init-file RET e
and The Bug Hunter will find it for you. Note that your init.el (or
.emacs) must be idempotent for this to work.
Interactive hunt
If Emacs starts up without errors but something is not working as it
should, invoke the same command, but choose the interactive option:
M-x bug-hunter-init-file RET i
The Bug Hunter will start a separate Emacs instance several times, and
then it will ask you each time whether that instance presented the
problem you have. After doing this about 5–12 times, you’ll be given
the results.
You can debug your .emacs file like this: Debugging a customization file
Start Emacs with the ‘-debug-init’ command-line option. This enables
the Emacs Lisp debugger before evaluating your .emacs file, and places
you in the debugger if something goes wrong. The top line in the
trace-back buffer will be the error message, and the second or third
line of that buffer will display the Lisp code from your .emacs file
that caused the problem.
You can also evaluate an individual function or argument to a function
in your .emacs file by moving the cursor to the end of the function or
argument and typing C-x C-e (M-x eval-last-sexp).
Use C-h v (M-x describe-variable) to check the value of variables
which you are trying to set or use.
I'll add it's good to anticipate. The function below, coming from oremacs.com allows to check the validity of our init file (or any other file) without starting up emacs:
(defun ora-test-emacs ()
(require 'async)
(lambda () (shell-command-to-string
"emacs --batch --eval \"
(condition-case e
(load \\\"~/.emacs\\\")
(message \\\"-OK-\\\"))
(message \\\"ERROR!\\\")
(signal (car e) (cdr e))))\""))
`(lambda (output)
(if (string-match "-OK-" output)
(when ,(called-interactively-p 'any)
(message "All is well"))
(switch-to-buffer-other-window "*startup error*")
(delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
(insert output)
(search-backward "ERROR!")))))
One can even add a Travis CI test.
ps: solutions summed up on wikemacs.
Some good advice has already been given. In particular, I think #Drew's response pretty much covers what you need to do.
I wanted to also mention that how you structure your config file can also help in tracking down problems. For example, grouping similar or related configuration options together can be very helpful.
However, the one thing which I found to be the most helpful was to break up my configuration into separate files. Essentially, my init.el file does nothing but setup some load-path settings so that my actual configuration code can be found and then just calls '''require to load each of the files.
In my .emacs.d directory, I have a directory called lisp and in that directory, I have a bunch of *.el files with names like init-org.el, init-clojure.el, init-javascript.el etc. In each of those files, I have the config settings relevant to the name i.e. org setup stuff in init-org.el, javascript stuff in init-javascript.el etc.
Each of these files ends with a 'provide' form i.e.
(provide 'init-org)
at the end of init-org.el and
(provide 'init-javascript)
at the end of init-javascript.el etc.
In my init.el file, I just have lines like
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "lisp" user-emacs-directory))
(require 'init-org)
(require 'init-javascript)
(require 'init-clojre)
The benefit of doing this is that it is now even easier to bisect my init file. I can just comment out the first half of the require statements - many fewer lines.
the other benefit is that sometimes, if I'm having problems with some config, but it isn't really related to the work I need to do now, I can just comment out that require and get back to work. For example, if I am doing some clojure coding, but having some error when starting emacs due to a problem in my javascript setup, then I can just comment out the (require 'init-javascript) line and I'm good to go.

Can I initiate debugging from the interactive interpreter?

I'm currently in a Python interactive interpreter session. I have a function that I know is doing something funky, so I want to step through it in a debugger session. I know the file name and line number of the function.
Is there any way for me to now set a breakpoint in the start of that function, then run it and step through it? Without having to open an editor, locate the file, locate the function, manually insert import pdb; pdb.set_trace(), saving the file, then go back to the interpreter, reload the module the function came from and running it? Not to mention that if I forgot to remove the pdb trace that'd spell trouble later.
Summarizing the question: If I'm in a normal Python interpreter session (or iPython), is it possible to set a breakpoint somewhere and start debugging, without having to actually edit in the code pdb.set_trace() somewhere?
I can't believe I missed this, but I just glanced over the pdb documentation a second time and realized that all the run* functions do pretty much exactly what I want. They don't let me set a specific line as a breakpoint, but I can pass the function and the arguments I want to use, and it will break on the first line of the function:
import pdb
pdb.runcall(my_wonky_function, "arg1", "arg2", *myargs)
Well actually it broke at a mystical location called "EOF":
(Pdb) list
and I had to step twice before I got to the first line of the function, but that's hardly a problem.

How do Perl file descriptors work on Windows?

Are file descriptors supported on windows? Why do things "seem to work" in Perl with fds?
Things like "fileno", "dup" and "dup2" were working but then randomly inside some other environment, stopped working. It's hard to give details, mostly what I'm looking for is answers from experienced Windows programmers and how file descriptors work/don't work on Windows.
I would guess that it's the PerlIO layer playing games and making it seem as though file descriptors work, but that's only a guess.
Example of what is happening:
open($saveout, ">&STDOUT") or die();
open(STDOUT, ">&=".fileno($saveout)) or die();
The second line die()s but only in certain situations (which I have yet to nail down).
Windows uses file descriptors natively. See Low-Level I/O on MSDN. They all report errors through the C variable errno, which means they show up in Perl's $!.
Note that you can save yourself a bit of typing:
open(STDOUT, ">&=", $saveout) or ...;
This works because the documentation for open in perlfunc provides:
If you use the 3-arg form then you can pass either a number, the name of a filehandle or the normal “reference to a glob.”
Finally, always include meaningful diagnostics when you call die! The program below identifies itself ($0), tells what it was trying to do (open), and why it failed ($!). Also, because the message doesn't end with a newline, die adds the name of the file and line number where it was called.
my $fakefd = 12345;
open(STDOUT, ">&=", $fakefd) or die("$0: open: $!");
This produces
prog.pl: open: Bad file descriptor at foo.pl line 2.
According to the documentation for _fdopen (because you used >&= and not >&), it has two failure modes:
If execution is allowed to continue, errno is set either to EBADF, indicating a bad file descriptor, or EINVAL, indicating that mode was a null pointer.
The second would be a bug in perl and highly unlikely because I don't see anywhere in perlio.c that involves a computed mode: they're all static strings.
Something appears to have gone wrong with $saveout. Could $saveout have been closed before you try to restore it? From your example, it's unclear whether you enabled the strict pragma. If it's not lexical (declared with my), are you calling a function that also monkeys with $saveout?

Can one configure gdb/ddd to never step into certain functions? [duplicate]

I have some C++ code like this that I'm stepping through with GDB:
void foo(int num) { ... }
void main() {
Baz baz;
foo (baz.get());
When I'm in main(), I want to step into foo(), but I want to step over baz.get().
The GDB docs say that "the step command only enters a function if there is line number information for the function", so I'd be happy if I could remove the line number information for baz.get() from my executable. But ideally, I'd be able to tell GDB "never step into any function in the Baz class".
Does anyone know how to do this?
Starting with GDB 7.4, skip can be used.
Run info skip, or check out the manual for details: https://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/Skipping-Over-Functions-and-Files.html
Instead of choosing to "step", you can use the "until" command to usually behave in the way that you desire:
(gdb) until foo
I don't know of any way to permanently configure gdb to skip certain symbols (aside from eliding their debugging information).
Edit: actually, the GDB documentation states that you can't use until to jump to locations that aren't in the same frame. I don't think this is true, but in the event that it is, you can use advance for the same purpose:
(gdb) advance foo
Page 85 of the GDB manual defines what can be used as "location" arguments for commands that take them. Just putting "foo" will make it look for a function named foo, so as long as it can find it, you should be fine. Alternatively you're stuck typing things like the filename:linenum for foo, in which case you might just be better off setting a breakpoint on foo and using continue to advance to it.
(I think this might be better suited as a comment rather than an answer, but I don't have enough reputation to add a comment yet.)
So I've also been wanting to ignore STL, Boost, et al (collectively '3rd Party') files when debugging for a while. Yesterday I finally decided to look for a solution and it seems the nearest capability is the 'skip' command in GDB.
I found the 'skip' ability in GDB to be helpful, but it's still a nuisance for me because my program uses a lot of STL and other "3rd Party" template code. In this case I have to mark a bunch of files as skip. After the 2nd time doing so I realized it would be more helpful to be able to skip an entire directory--and most helpful to skip a directory and all subdirectories. That way I can skip, for example, /usr since none of my code lives there and I typically have no interest in debugging through 3rd party code. So I extended the 'skip' command in gdb to support a new type 'dir'. I can now do this in gdb:
skip dir /usr
and then I'm never stopped in any of my 3rd party headers.
Here's a webpage w/ this info + the patch if it helps anyone: info & patch to skip directories in GDB
It appears that this isn't possible in GDB. I've filed a bug.
Meanwhile, gdb has the skip function command. Just execute it when you are inside the uninteresting function and it will not bother you again.
skip file is also very useful to get rid of the STL internals.
As Justin has said, it has been added in gdb 7.4. For more details, take a look at the documentation.
