I have a live streaming tweets which I need to store in HDFS . Currently I can access the live tweets and able to extract the information from those tweets . My requirement is such that I need to append all the tweets into a single sequence file in HDFS . However I have thought to resolve this issue by two ways . Either I can make a single tweet to store into a small file in HDFS and periodically I can bundle them into a single sequence file .The second approach which i thought of is at the run time I would read the sequence file and then append the new contents into the sequence file .
Please let me know which approach I should go for . Kindly also suggest me if there is any better solution for handling these type of use cases .
I recommend using Flume.
You can see how Tweets are streamed into HDFS in this example:
How can I get the value of one or more keys in HDFS via HTTP or JAVA api from remote client? For example, the file below has a million keys and values. I just want to get the values of the 'phone' and 'toys' keys.
book, 5
notebook, 5
phone, 3
toys, 2
HDFS is block storage, not a Key Value store.
If you need queries such as this, your options include Accumulo, HBase or Hive (plus variants such as Presto/Trino, Drill, Spark, etc).
Otherwise, you must read the entire file, then loop over each line, looking for those values. This is not ideal considering that HDFS files may be several GB large, and you shouldn't be streaming GB worth of data over HTTP/RPC for simple KV lookups. Instead, you could use MapReduce or Spark to read the file as 2-column CSV file, but again, this would iterate and parse all lines, not be an indexable lookup table.
Alternatively, use or dump your data into a traditional database you can query for specific values
I have number of small files generated from Kafka stream so I like merge small files to one single file but this merge is based on the date i.e. the original folder may have number of previous files but I only like to merge for given date files to one single file.
Any suggestions?
Use something like the code below to iterate over the smaller files and aggregate them into a big one (assuming that source contains the HDFS path to your smaller files, and target is the path where you want your big result file):
val fs = FileSystem.get(spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)
fs.listStatus(new Path(source)).map(_.getPath.toUri.getPath).
foreach(name => spark.read.text(name).coalesce(1).write.mode(Append).text(target))
This example assumes text file format, but you can just as well read any Spark-supported format, and you can use different formats for source and target, as well
you should be able to use .repartition(1) to write all results to 1 file. if you need to split by date, consider partitionBy("your_date_value") .
if you're working within HDFS and S3, this may also be helpful. you might actually even use s3-dist-cp and stay within HDFS.
There's a specific option to aggregate multiple files in HDFS using a --groupBy option based n a regular expression pattern. So if the date is in the file name, you can group based on that pattern.
You can develop a spark application. Using this application read the data from small files and create dataframe and write dataframe to big file in append mode.
I'am new to Spark, Hadoop and all what comes with. My global need is to build a real-time application that get tweets and store them on HDFS in order to build a report based on HBase.
I'd like to get the generated filename when calling saveAsTextFile RRD method in order to import it to Hive.
Feel free to ask for further informations and thanks in advance.
saveAsTextFile will create a directory of sequence files. So if you give it path "hdfs://user/NAME/saveLocation", a folder called saveLocation will be created filled with sequence files. You should be able to load this into HBase simply by passing the directory name to HBase (sequenced files are a standard in Hadoop).
I do recommend you look into saving as a parquet though, they are much more useful than standard text files.
From what I understand, You saved your tweets to hdfs and now want the file names of those saved files. Correct me if I'm wrong
val filenames=sc.textfile("Your hdfs location where you saved your tweets").map(_._1)
This gives you an array of rdd's into filenames onto which you could do your operations. Im a newbie too to hadoop, but anyways...hope that helps
I am new to PIG.
Actually I have a use case in which I have to store the data again and again in the same file after every regular interval. But as I gone through some tutorial and links, I didn't see the anything related to this.
How should I do store the data in same file?
It's impossible. Pig uses Hadoop and right now there is no "recommended" solution for appending files.
The other point is that pig would produce one file only if one mapper has been used or one reducer has been used and the end of the whole data flow.
You can:
Give more info about the problem you are trying to solve
Bad solution:
2.1. process data in your pig script
2.2. load data from exisitng file
2.3. union relations hwre first relation keeps new data, the second relation keeps data from exisitng file
2.4. store union result to new output
2.5. replace old file with new one.
Good solution:
Create folder /mydata
create partitions inside folder, they can be /yyyy/MM/dd/HH if you do process data each hour
Use globs to read data:
All files from hour partitions would be read by PIG/HIVE/MR or whatever hadoop tool.
make a date folder like: /abc/hadoop/20130726/
within you generate output based on timestamp like: /abc/hadoop/20130726/201307265465.gz.
Then use getmerge command to merge all data into a single file
Usage: hadoop fs -getmerge <src> <localdst> [addnl]
Hope it will help you.
how to work on specific part of cvs file uploaded into HDFS ?
I'm new in Hadoop and i have an a question that is if i export an a relational database into cvs file then uploaded it into HDFS . so how to work on specific part (table) in file using MapReduce .
thanks in advance .
I assume that the RDBMS tables are exported to individual csv files for each table and stored in HDFS. I presume that, you are referring to column(s) data within the table(s) when you mentioned 'specific part (table)'. If so, place the individual csv files into the separate file paths say /user/userName/dbName/tables/table1.csv
Now, you can configure the job for the input path and field occurrences. You may consider to use the default Input Format so that your mapper would get one line at time as input. Based on the configuration/properties, you can read the specific fields and process the data.
Cascading allows you to get started very quickly with MapReduce. It has framework that allows you to set up Taps to access sources (your CSV file) and process it inside a pipeline say to (for example) add column A to column B and place the sum into column C by selecting them as Fields
use BigTable means convert your database to one big table