SSH permission denied (publickey.gssapi-with-mic) windows openssh - windows

I am trying to SSH on my server using key but i am getting below error. I have windows machine. Also, I tried same from Cygwin and it connected!!. But , not able to do from command prompt. Error is below.
Could not create directory '/home/Rahul/.ssh'.
The authenticity of host ' ' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 67:b6:1e:8a:0f:26:db:75:8e:78:af:16:ae:be:49:c2.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/Rahul/.ssh/known_hosts).
Permissions 0644 for 'C:/Users/Rahul/.ssh/id_rsa' are too open.
It is recommended that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.
This private key will be ignored.
bad permissions: ignore key: C:/Users/Rahul/.ssh/id_rsa
Enter passphrase for key 'C:/Users/Rahul/.ssh/id_rsa':
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic).
I have done various solution but not able to find solutions. Please help. THanks in advance


SSH Permission Denied and Different Fingerprint Generated in Terminal compared to in Gitlab SSH Key

Currently I am facing a problem with git clone a repo using SSH. I had set up my SSH Key and inserted it into GitLab. However still it does not work out.
Permission denied as like below:
And another problem is the fingerprint generated above is different from the one that is generated in Gitlab as shown below:
Hope if anyone could help. Had been troubleshooting this for a few days.
I tried to delete the .ssh folder and regenerate new key and did everything the same again but turn out to be the same, Permission denied and fingerprint is never matching.
I am using OpenSSH and OS: Windows 11 for this problem. I had also tried ssh -Tvvv <username#server> , ssh <username#server>, ssh -Tv <username#server> to verify whether if I am connected but the same permission denied.
As commented, the server fingerprint (for the ~/.ssh/known_hosts) differs from the public key fingerprint.
For the latter, test it with ssh -Tv, and check your private key is used.
If your private key does not have a default name (like id_rsa), you would need a ~/.ssh/config to reference your key.
Host gl
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/myKey
And ssh -Tv gl for testing.

SSH to wpengine works in windows command terminal but not git bash

Recently I had to get my hard drive replaced on my work machine and thus had to reconfigure everything. As a result I had to reinstall git bash. Before I was able to ssh fine into wpengine and now I cannot.
I am able to connect via the regular windows terminal fine but when I try with git bash I am getting the "Permission denied (publickey)." error for the same exact command.
I have tried all the suggested options from wpengine and in the different questions related to this on other SE questions and nothing is working.
I am using a Windows machine on windows 10.
Here are the following things I have tried:
Regenerating the key and adding it to my user public keys again and
then waiting 24 hours.
Adding the config details to the ssh_config file in C:\Program
Adding a config file to my /User/username/.ssh/ folder.
I have tried using the following link and adding the wpengine rsa file: as well.
Any and all help would be appreciated.
My guess is there is some kind of permissions issue going on the local machine?
Why would the request from git bash terminal to wpengine look different from windows command terminal?
I did solve my issue. If it helps you please use it!
When I used the command to the ssh host with : ssh -v info
I got back this among the debug errors:
debug1: Offering public key: /c/Users/USERNAME/.ssh/KEY_FILENAME RSA XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX explicit
debug1: send_pubkey_test: no mutual signature algorithm
debug1: No more authentication methods to try. Permission denied (publickey).
After finding this page:
I was able to solve the issue by adding the line:
PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa to my ssh config file.
Honestly I am not even 10% certain on WHY this worked, however, it solved my problem.
How To Connect with SSH In WPEngine
If you are having trouble connecting to SSH in WPEngine Following are the commands which I used:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f c:/users//.ssh/wpengine_rsa
Add Fingerprint in WPEngine My Profile – SSH
Add Config file
Host *
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/wpengine_rsa
IdentitiesOnly yes
Connect with your wordpress website (windows command prompt)

Can't clone remote git repo from cPanel to local PC

I've created GIT repo at my account of shared hosting via cPanel. Then I've installed Git to my local PC with Windows, right-clicked local repo folder and selected the command "Git Bash Here". Next I've run in CMD the command like
git clone ssh://
First I've received
The authenticity of host ' (...)' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:...
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
I've typed "yes" and received the error
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.
Next I've copy-pasted the file id_rsa from the folder .ssh at my hosting to my local folder C:/Users/MyUserName/.ssh
Now if I run the command of cloning I receive
Enter passphrase for key '/c/Users/MyUserName/.ssh/id_rsa':
Why? What is the passphrase and where can I get it?
The pass-phrase is the password(s) you used when you created the ssh keys. You must use those password(s) to unlock access to the ssh keys.
Note that the warnings (about whether the host is known or not) are just that: warnings. The first time you connect to some other system, your ssh software checks the identity message that comes from that host. But there's nothing to check against, so you get the warnings. After that, the identity is saved, so the second, third, etc., times that you connect to the host, your ssh makes sure it identifies itself the same way. (This is a fancied-up variant of having the host tell you its password, which you then check to make sure you're still talking to the same guy.)
Of course, the host doesn't know whether the guy claiming to be you is really you, so the host demands that you provide your password. Your "password" in this case is your ssh key ... and your ssh key is protected with another password (or rather, "pass phrase": you can use multiple words). So you give your machine your "get me the password" pass-phrase, after which your machine gets the password to give to their host.

Trying connect SSH get Permission denied (publickey)

I'm trying to connect to my server where I have Magento installed.
I loaded the key on my windows cmd with ssh-add, and then connected with:
ssh -pPORT user#server
and I get:
Permission denied (publickey).
How can I fix this? I can't run chmod 600 on windows and already checked the permissions on the key file and are 'full control'
A permission denied, as commented, means SSH does connect, but does not find the right public key to validate the private one used locally.
Try ssh -Tv -pPORT user#server to see what key is used locally.
Then make sure your public key is copied to the remote server, in ~user/.ssh/ (replace "user" by the actual user account name you need in your case)
This error usually means your key hasn't been added to the authorized keys list on the host machine. You can either manually add the public key to the server, or use the following command from the machine you're using to connect to the server.
ssh-copy-id -pPORT user#server
This will require you to enter the users password first time, but will then copy your public key onto the host/server to allow key based authentication next time you login.

Authentication by key in Ruby via ssh: Could not parse PKey: no start line

I'm trying to connect to a server with ssh using an ssh key. The logs me an error and it also asks me for the password which I shouldn't be asked for because I'm using the key authen-ion and my intention is get rid of having to enter the password:
ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.key_manager[2b02154b7610]: could not load private key file `/home/me/.ssh/': ArgumentError (Could not parse PKey: no start line)
My code:
Net::SSH.start(ip_item, "root", host_key: "ssh-rsa", keys: ["~/.ssh/"], verbose: :debug) do |ssh|
Is that a bug? Why does it say "private"?
The key exists.
I'm able to connect to the server via the terminal without a password and it's added to the list of the known hosts of the server properly since I'm able to connect to it.
Also cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server shows my public key.
You need to provide the path to the private key when connecting to a host, not the public key.
Try change "~/.ssh/" to "~/.ssh/id_rsa" in your code. It should help.
