converting rgb image to double and keeping the values in matlab - image

I have an image and I want to import this image to matlab. I am using the following code. The problem that I have is that when I convert the image to grayscale, everything will be changed and the converted image is not similar to original one. In another words, I want to keep the values (or let say the image) as it is in the original image. Is there any way for doing this?
I = imread('myimage.png');
figure, imagesc(I), axis equal tight xy
I2 = rgb2gray(I);
figure, imagesc(I2), axis equal tight xy

Your original image is already using a jet colormap. The problem is, when you convert it to grayscale, you lose some crucial information. See the image below.
In the original image you have a heatmap. Blue areas generally indicate "low value", whereas red areas indicate "high values". But when converted to grayscale, both areas indicate low value, as they aproach dark pixels (see the arrows).
A possible solution is this:
You take every pixel of your image, find the nearest (closest)
color value in the jet colormap and use its index as a gray value.
I will show you first the final code and the results. The explanation goes below:
I = im2double(imread('myimage.png'));
map = jet(256);
Irgb = reshape(I, size(I, 1) * size(I, 2), 3);
Igray = zeros(size(I, 1), size(I, 2), 'uint8');
for ii = 1:size(Irgb, 1)
[~, idx] = min(sum((bsxfun(#minus, Irgb(ii, :), map)) .^ 2, 2));
Igray(ii) = idx - 1;
clear Irgb;
subplot(2,1,1), imagesc(I), axis equal tight xy
subplot(2,1,2), imagesc(Igray), axis equal tight xy
>> whos I Igray
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
I 110x339x3 894960 double
Igray 110x339 37290 uint8
First, you get the jet colormap, like this:
map = jet(256);
It will return a 256x3 colormap with the possible colors on the jet palette, where each row is a RGB pixel. map(1,:) would be kind of a dark blue, and map(256,:) would be kind of a dark red, as expected.
Then, you do this:
Irgb = reshape(I, size(I, 1) * size(I, 2), 3);
... to turn your 110x339x3 image into a 37290x3 matrix, where each row is a RGB pixel.
Now, for each pixel, you take the Euclidean distance of that pixel to the map pixels. You take the index of the nearest one and use it as a gray value. The minus one (-1) is because the index is in the range 1..256, but a gray value is in the range 0..255.
Note: the Euclidean distance takes a square root at the end, but since we are just trying to find the closest value, there is no need to do so.
Here is a 10x faster version of the code:
I = im2double(imread('myimage.png'));
map = jet(256);
[C, ~, IC] = unique(reshape(I, size(I, 1) * size(I, 2), 3), 'rows');
equiv = zeros(size(C, 1), 1, 'uint8');
for ii = 1:numel(equiv)
[~, idx] = min(sum((bsxfun(#minus, C(ii, :), map)) .^ 2, 2));
equiv(ii) = idx - 1;
Irgb = reshape(equiv(IC), size(I, 1), size(I, 2));
Irgb = Irgb(end:-1:1,:);
clear equiv C IC;
It runs faster because it exploits the fact that the colors on your image are restricted to the colors in the jet palette. Then, it counts the unique colors and only match them to the palette values. With fewer pixels to match, the algorithm runs much faster. Here are the times:
Elapsed time is 0.619049 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.061778 seconds.

In the second image, you're using the default colormap, i.e. jet. If you want grayscale, then try using colormap(gray).


Extract a page from a uniform background in an image

If I have an image, in which there is a page of text shot on a uniform background, how can I auto detect the boundaries between the paper and the background?
An example of the image I want to detect is shown below. The images that I will be dealing with consist of a single page on a uniform background and they can be rotated at any angle.
One simple method would be to threshold the image by some known value once you convert the image to grayscale. The problem with that approach is that we are applying a global threshold and so some of the paper at the bottom of the image will be lost if you make the threshold too high. If you make the threshold too low, then you'll certainly get the paper, but you'll include a lot of the background pixels too and it will probably be difficult to remove those pixels with post-processing.
One thing I can suggest is to use an adaptive threshold algorithm. An algorithm that has worked for me in the past is the Bradley-Roth adaptive thresholding algorithm. You can read up about it here on a post I commented on a while back:
Bradley Adaptive Thresholding -- Confused (questions)
However, if you want the gist of it, an integral image of the grayscale version of the image is taken first. The integral image is important because it allows you to calculate the sum of pixels within a window in O(1) complexity. However, the calculation of the integral image is usually O(n^2), but you only have to do that once. With the integral image, you scan neighbourhoods of pixels of size s x s and you check to see if the average intensity is less than t% of the actual average within this s x s window then this is pixel classified as the background. If it's larger, then it's classified as being part of the foreground. This is adaptive because the thresholding is done using local pixel neighbourhoods rather than using a global threshold.
I've coded an implementation of the Bradley-Roth algorithm here for you. The default parameters for the algorithm are s being 1/8th of the width of the image and t being 15%. Therefore, you can just call it this way to invoke the default parameters:
out = adaptiveThreshold(im);
im is the input image and out is a binary image that denotes what belongs to foreground (logical true) or background (logical false). You can play around with the second and third input parameters: s being the size of the thresholding window and t the percentage we talked about above and can call the function like so:
out = adaptiveThreshold(im, s, t);
Therefore, the code for the algorithm looks like this:
function [out] = adaptiveThreshold(im, s, t)
%// Error checking of the input
%// Default value for s is 1/8th the width of the image
%// Must make sure that this is a whole number
if nargin <= 1, s = round(size(im,2) / 8); end
%// Default value for t is 15
%// t is used to determine whether the current pixel is t% lower than the
%// average in the particular neighbourhood
if nargin <= 2, t = 15; end
%// Too few or too many arguments?
if nargin == 0, error('Too few arguments'); end
if nargin >= 4, error('Too many arguments'); end
%// Convert to grayscale if necessary then cast to double to ensure no
%// saturation
if size(im, 3) == 3
im = double(rgb2gray(im));
elseif size(im, 3) == 1
im = double(im);
error('Incompatible image: Must be a colour or grayscale image');
%// Compute integral image
intImage = cumsum(cumsum(im, 2), 1);
%// Define grid of points
[rows, cols] = size(im);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:cols, 1:rows);
%// Ensure s is even so that we are able to index the image properly
s = s + mod(s,2);
%// Access the four corners of each neighbourhood
x1 = X - s/2; x2 = X + s/2;
y1 = Y - s/2; y2 = Y + s/2;
%// Ensure no co-ordinates are out of bounds
x1(x1 < 1) = 1;
x2(x2 > cols) = cols;
y1(y1 < 1) = 1;
y2(y2 > rows) = rows;
%// Count how many pixels there are in each neighbourhood
count = (x2 - x1) .* (y2 - y1);
%// Compute row and column co-ordinates to access each corner of the
%// neighbourhood for the integral image
f1_x = x2; f1_y = y2;
f2_x = x2; f2_y = y1 - 1; f2_y(f2_y < 1) = 1;
f3_x = x1 - 1; f3_x(f3_x < 1) = 1; f3_y = y2;
f4_x = f3_x; f4_y = f2_y;
%// Compute 1D linear indices for each of the corners
ind_f1 = sub2ind([rows cols], f1_y, f1_x);
ind_f2 = sub2ind([rows cols], f2_y, f2_x);
ind_f3 = sub2ind([rows cols], f3_y, f3_x);
ind_f4 = sub2ind([rows cols], f4_y, f4_x);
%// Calculate the areas for each of the neighbourhoods
sums = intImage(ind_f1) - intImage(ind_f2) - intImage(ind_f3) + ...
%// Determine whether the summed area surpasses a threshold
%// Set this output to 0 if it doesn't
locs = (im .* count) <= (sums * (100 - t) / 100);
out = true(size(im));
out(locs) = false;
When I use your image and I set s = 500 and t = 5, here's the code and this is the image I get:
im = imread('');
out = adaptiveThreshold(im, 500, 5);
You can see that there are some spurious white pixels at the bottom white of the image, and there are some holes we need to fill in inside the paper. As such, let's use some morphology and declare a structuring element that's a 15 x 15 square, perform an opening to remove the noisy pixels, then fill in the holes when we're done:
se = strel('square', 15);
out = imopen(out, se);
out = imfill(out, 'holes');
This is what I get after all of that:
Not bad eh? Now if you really want to see what the image looks like with the paper segmented, we can use this mask and multiply it with the original image. This way, any pixels that belong to the paper are kept while those that belong to the background go away:
out_colour = bsxfun(#times, im, uint8(out));
We get this:
You'll have to play around with the parameters until it works for you, but the above parameters were the ones I used to get it working for the particular page you showed us. Image processing is all about trial and error, and putting processing steps in the right sequence until you get something good enough for your purposes.
Happy image filtering!

Plot sparse matrix in matlab

I want to plot a sparse matrix in an imagesc type of style (one color for each pixel, and not symbols a la scatter). The matrix consists of blobs that are spread ut over a 10000x10000 square. I expect about 100 blobs and each blob being 50x100 pixels. This matrix is so big that it becomes very laggy to zoom in or out or to move around in it to inspect the data. And I still want to keep the resolution. Is there any way to plot a sparse matrix which just plots the blobs and has the "zero-color" of the colormap as a background that does not take any space in memory?
Lets say we have a matrix M that looks like this:
[1, 2, 1, 0;
0, 1, .4, 0;
0, 0, 0, 0;
0, 7, 0, 0]
When I plot it as a sparse matrix
It takes the same size as omitting the sparse-command. This is what I want to circumvent.
Instead of treating the matrix as an image, you could plot only its nonzero values. Using scatter (instead of plot) allows you to have color as a function of value, as in imagesc.
By default scatter leaves the background white, so you have to adjust that. This is done in two steps: make sure scatter's color scaling assigns the first color of your colormap to value 0; and then manually set the axis' background to that color.
I haven't tested if this takes up less memory, though.
%// Generate example matrix
M = 10000*rand(1000);
M(M>100) = 0;
M = sparse(M); %// example 1000x1000 matrix with ~1% sparsity
%// Do the plot
cmap = jet; %// choose a colormap
s = .5; %// dot size
colormap(cmap); %// use it
[ii, jj, Mnnz] = find(M); %// get nonzero values and its positions
scatter(1,1,s,0) %// make sure the first color corresponds to 0 value.
hold on
scatter(ii,jj,s,Mnnz); %// do the actual plot of the nonzero values
set(gca,'color',cmap(1,:)) %// set axis backgroud to first color
colorbar %// show colorbar
Note axes' orientation may be different from imagesc.

How to add a Gaussian shaped object to an image?

I am interested in adding a single Gaussian shaped object to an existing image, something like in the attached image. The base image that I would like to add the object to is 8-bit unsigned with values ranging from 0-255. The bright object in the attached image is actually a tree represented by normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data. The attached script is what I have have so far. How can I add a a Gaussian shaped abject (i.e. a tree) with values ranging from 110-155 to an existing NDVI image?
Sample data available here which can be used with this script to calculate NDVI
file = 'F:\path\to\fourband\image.tif';
[I R] = geotiffread(file);
outputdir = 'F:\path\to\output\directory\'
%% Make NDVI calculations
NIR = im2single(I(:,:,4));
red = im2single(I(:,:,1));
ndvi = (NIR - red) ./ (NIR + red);
ndvi = double(ndvi);
%% Stretch NDVI to 0-255 and convert to 8-bit unsigned integer
ndvi = floor((ndvi + 1) * 128); % [-1 1] -> [0 256]
ndvi(ndvi < 0) = 0; % not really necessary, just in case & for symmetry
ndvi(ndvi > 255) = 255; % in case the original value was exactly 1
ndvi = uint8(ndvi); % change data type from double to uint8
%% Need to add a random tree in the image here
%% Write to geotiff
tiffdata = geotiffinfo(file);
outfilename = [outputdir 'ndvi_' '.tif'];
geotiffwrite(outfilename, ndvi, R, 'GeoKeyDirectoryTag', tiffdata.GeoTIFFTags.GeoKeyDirectoryTag)
Your post is asking how to do three things:
How do we generate a Gaussian shaped object?
How can we do this so that the values range between 110 - 155?
How do we place this in our image?
Let's answer each one separately, where the order of each question builds on the knowledge from the previous questions.
How do we generate a Gaussian shaped object?
You can use fspecial from the Image Processing Toolbox to generate a Gaussian for you:
mask = fspecial('gaussian', hsize, sigma);
hsize specifies the size of your Gaussian. You have not specified it here in your question, so I'm assuming you will want to play around with this yourself. This will produce a hsize x hsize Gaussian matrix. sigma is the standard deviation of your Gaussian distribution. Again, you have also not specified what this is. sigma and hsize go hand-in-hand. Referring to my previous post on how to determine sigma, it is generally a good rule to set the standard deviation of your mask to be set to the 3-sigma rule. As such, once you set hsize, you can calculate sigma to be:
sigma = (hsize-1) / 6;
As such, figure out what hsize is, then calculate your sigma. After, invoke fspecial like I did above. It's generally a good idea to make hsize an odd integer. The reason why is because when we finally place this in your image, the syntax to do this will allow your mask to be symmetrically placed. I'll talk about this when we get to the last question.
How can we do this so that the values range between 110 - 155?
We can do this by adjusting the values within mask so that the minimum is 110 while the maximum is 155. This can be done by:
%// Adjust so that values are between 0 and 1
maskAdjust = (mask - min(mask(:))) / (max(mask(:)) - min(mask(:)));
%//Scale by 45 so the range goes between 0 and 45
%//Cast to uint8 to make this compatible for your image
maskAdjust = uint8(45*maskAdjust);
%// Add 110 to every value to range goes between 110 - 155
maskAdjust = maskAdjust + 110;
In general, if you want to adjust the values within your Gaussian mask so that it goes from [a,b], you would normalize between 0 and 1 first, then do:
maskAdjust = uint8((b-a)*maskAdjust) + a;
You'll notice that we cast this mask to uint8. The reason we do this is to make the mask compatible to be placed in your image.
How do we place this in our image?
All you have to do is figure out the row and column you would like the centre of the Gaussian mask to be placed. Let's assume these variables are stored in row and col. As such, assuming you want to place this in ndvi, all you have to do is the following:
hsizeHalf = floor(hsize/2); %// hsize being odd is important
%// Place Gaussian shape in our image
ndvi(row - hsizeHalf : row + hsizeHalf, col - hsizeHalf : col + hsizeHalf) = maskAdjust;
The reason why hsize should be odd is to allow an even placement of the shape in the image. For example, if the mask size is 5 x 5, then the above syntax for ndvi simplifies to:
ndvi(row-2:row+2, col-2:col+2) = maskAdjust;
From the centre of the mask, it stretches 2 rows above and 2 rows below. The columns stretch from 2 columns to the left to 2 columns to the right. If the mask size was even, then we would have an ambiguous choice on how we should place the mask. If the mask size was 4 x 4 as an example, should we choose the second row, or third row as the centre axis? As such, to simplify things, make sure that the size of your mask is odd, or mod(hsize,2) == 1.
This should hopefully and adequately answer your questions. Good luck!

Simplifying an image in matlab

I have a picture of a handwritten letter (say the letter, "y"). Keeping only the first of the three color values (since it is a grayscale image), I get a 111x81 matrix which I call aLetter. I can see this image (please ignore the title) using:
colormap gray; image(aLetter,'CDataMapping','scaled')
What I want is to remove the white space around this letter and somehow average the remaining pixels so that I have an 8x8 matrix (let's call it simpleALetter). Now if I use:
colormap gray; image(simpleALetter,'CDataMapping','scaled')
I should see a pixellated version of the letter:
Any advice on how to do this would be greatly appreciated!
You need several steps to achieve what you want (updated in the light of #rwong's observation that I had white and black flipped…):
Find the approximate 'bounding box' of the letter:
make sure that "text" is the highest value in the image
set things that are "not text" to zero - anything below a threshold
sum along row and column, find non-zero pixels
upsample the image in the bounding box to a multiple of 8
downsample to 8x8
Here is how you might do that with your situation
aLetter = max(aLetter(:)) - aLetter; % invert image: now white = close to zero
aLetter = aLetter - min(aLetter(:)); % make the smallest value zero
maxA = max(aLetter(:));
aLetter(aLetter < 0.1 * maxA) = 0; % thresholding; play with this to set "white" to zero
% find the bounding box:
rowsum = sum(aLetter, 1);
colsum = sum(aLetter, 2);
nonzeroH = find(rowsum);
nonzeroV = find(colsum);
smallerLetter = aLetter(nonzeroV(1):nonzeroV(end), nonzeroH(1):nonzeroH(end));
% now we have the box, but it's not 8x8 yet. Resampling:
sz = size(smallerLetter);
% first upsample in both X and Y by a factor 8:
bigLetter = repmat(reshape(smallerLetter, [1 sz(1) 1 sz(2)]), [8 1 8 1]);
% then reshape and sum so you end up with 8x8 in the final matrix:
letter8 = squeeze(sum(sum(reshape(bigLetter, [sz(1) 8 sz(2) 8]), 3), 1));
% finally, flip it back "the right way" black is black and white is white:
letter8 = 255 - (letter8 * 255 / max(letter8(:)));
You can do this with explicit for loops but it would be much slower.
You can also use some of the blockproc functions in Matlab but I am using Freemat tonight and it doesn't have those… Neither does it have any image processing toolbox functions, so this is "hard core".
As for picking a good threshold: if you know that > 90% of your image is "white", you could determine the correct threshold by sorting the pixels and finding the threshold dynamically - as I mentioned in my comment in the code "play with it" until you find something that works in your situation.

Comparing 2 images intensities

I have two images 1 and 2. I want to get the v (intensity) value of the hsv images; then I want the v (intensity) value of the first image equal to v (intesity) value of the second image?
I used this code to get the v
v = image1(:, :, 3);
u = image2(:, :, 3);
How do I make both u and v the same value?
It definitely sounds like you want to do some kind of histogram equalization. As a first attempt you can try Matlab's histeq function. (You should also read the documentation for imhist.) To make the intensity values in image1 more closely match those in image2 (they will almost certainly never become identical) you would do something like this:
v = image1(:, :, 3);
u = image2(:, :, 3);
targetHist = imhist(u);
newV = histeq(v, targetHist);
newImage1 = cat(3, image1(:, :, 1), image1(:, :, 2), newV);
% or, alternatively %
image1(:, :, 3) = newV;
If this technique doesn't give you the results you need, there are other methods of histogram equalization that you can use, including adaptive techniques that equalize intensities by regions.
Here's a little about what the code is doing. For more information you can look at the Algorithm section of the link to histeq I gave above.
Given a reference image (in this case image2) in HSV format, we're taking the Value channel (or Intensity, or Brightness channel) and using imhist to divide the intensity levels in the image into 256 bins (by default), with each bin containing the number of pixels that have that intensity value.
histeq in this usage actually does histogram matching. It calculates the histogram for the second image and tries to "match" the input histogram. For instance, if the histogram has all of the bins empty except for bin 100, which has 300 pixels, and your image has all of the bins empty except for bin 80, which has 300 pixels, histeq will increase the intensity of each pixel in the image by 20. A very simplistic example, but hopefully you get the idea.
It would be very helpful to plot the 3 histograms for image1, image2 and the equalized histogram to see how the intensity levels for image1 are changed.
