Joomla ACL allowing public access to make changes to front end module - joomla

I just finished designing a new website using Joomla 2.5 which was an upgrade of a previous Joomla 1.5 site. I used Jupgrade and all went well. The new site works perfectly on my Xampp server. I uploaded the site to a "live" server and it works except for one important function - public users are able to make changes to a calendar component (Zap Calendar) that I am using. The Joomla ACL is set up so that only registered users are allowed to add events and edit their own. This works fine when a user logs in. If no one is logged in (i.e. public access) you can edit any event and add an event. Joomla ACL is setup properly with inherited "Not Allowed" permissions within the calendar component for all public functions.
What I tried:
Installed ACL Manager, fixed all errors found, and verified public denial of access.
Created a Guest group which behaves the same.
I have spent hours on this and the strange thing again is that the site works properly on my Xampp 1.8.2 server. Both servers are running php 5.4.25. Any help would be greatly appreciated as my site cannot go live with this big security issue.

I have contacted the developer of Zap Calendar but he was not able to fix it. My host moved the site from a subfolder to the root of "public_html" and that fixed the problem. For some apparent reason the site being installed on a subfolder prevented the Joomla ACL from working properly. Odd.


Joomla com_users component unable to load some templates

I have modified the users component of Joomla, specifically the file components/com_users/controllers/profile.php and included some custom templates in components/com_users/views/profile/tmpl
It is mostly some forms which I am submitting and then redirecting to specific pages for further actions.
Example scenario :
Above option is accessible to user right after login. I have put it on the profile page by modifying default profile template.
So when someone enters a name, and presses search, then this form is submitted through form
action="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_users&task=profile.selectSendMessage'); ?>"
This in turn calls the function named selectSendMessage which is placed in profile.php file. The function looks like :
As you can see the function redirects to
I have placed sendMessage.php template in com_users/views/profile/tmpl
Everything works fine on localhost which I have set up on MAMP in MacOS
I moved the website to a live server a few days ago. I have followed all proper steps to migrate website and database from localhost to live server. Still any of the custom templates I have put in are never reached.
The strange thin is that Edit User Profile which is redirected to from the same profile.php file from a function edit(), with template in the same location as I have put in edit.php in views/profile/tmpl works as expected.
I am using 1and1 shared hosting plan 1&1 Unlimited for hosting the website.
I have been trying to fix this for quite some time now, but cannot understand the problem. I have tried reinstalling the website several times, tried installing from web apps from 1&1 control panel and modifying it, but no success.
Any tips and insights are welcome. Thank you.
It turns out that hosting somehow doesn't support layout names with a capital letter in it. I changed all layout names to lower case alphabets and everything worked fine like it should.
If someone faces the same issue, this is worth a try. It was particularly hard to debug since you will never suspect that could be a problem. I accidentally stumbled on the solution while playing around.

Wordpress Issues Regarding IP and Domain Name - Host Gator

I am hoping somebody can help me because I am on the verge of frustration tears.
The company I work for has a site hosted on godaddy and has to remain up until I complete the rebuild on hostgator, using the Wordpress theme, Grand Restaurant
To get around the domain name issue since I cannot change nameservers yet, I had to use the Google Chrome plugin, Virtual Hosts, which has me input the IP and domain, to force access to the site.
Everything was working fine until I needed to use the "content builder." If you look at the Grand Restaurant theme, you can click on Menu. I need to use the "Menu Grid" option in the content builder but it does not work. Whenever I try to add the menu grid, it appears that it is trying to load (showing the gif loading image) yet in never actually loads. I have spent several days and hours going back and forth with host gator and the theme developer.
The theme developer says that the content builder does not work because:
"The WordPress URL and Site URL are set to the domain name. When you are logged in, you are being redirected to the IP, so the browser sees 2 different sites and some functionality ex. AJAX call doesn't allow you to get data from different URLs.
Your WordPress URL and Site URL settings are different from your actual site. You have to change your Domain Name URL and Site URL settings to the IP number."
I did what he said earlier today and it completely broke the site. Spent nearly 2 hours with host gator's tech support to get it back up. All tech support will tell me in regards to the content builder not working is that I need to change the AJAX file to allow the site URL and wordpress URL to be different. I have no idea how to do that!
Any wisdom you all could provide would be greatly appreciated. I have 1700 bakery items that I need upload by the end of July and I do not know what I am going to do if I cannot get the content builder working.
In order for this to work properly you should be using a method of back up and restore. By migrating from one hosting provider to another you could simply deploy the new Wordpress on host gator as a new site and import the Wordpress backup to the host gator with the many different plugins available through Wordpress. The way your trying to complete this is impossible and usually will only work with images and back ups being managed on virtual machines, and VPS. It won't hurt anything on the original up and running site. You mentioned that host gator was able to get the site back up? You shouldn't have to rebuild this if you use a back up and restore method. Everything should fall right into place, you can also test these methods through virtual box, and VMware virtualization products which offer trial versions. Try using a migration method and see if the conflicts still persist with the content builder.
Heres is what I would do if you cannot change the domain over but still use the domain for the dev environment.
Modify your hosts file and use hostgators IP and the company domain as the entry.
Install wordpress to the current company domain by simply entering the domain (Should go to hostgators server since you've added that entry in your hosts file)
With the hosts file modification, you should be able to view the wordpress site thats hosted with hostgator using the live domain name.
This way, when you're launching, theres no need to do any modification on wordpress. Simply change the DNS over, revert your hosts file and the site will swap over seamlessly.

url rewriting issues on magento installed at my local machine

hi i`m very new to magento.i'm working on already developed eCommerce site which is developed by magento.i installed in my local machine.there is some url rewritings issues in is my live instance
every thing is working fine at my live instance but at my local machine it's not working fine,every time i need to put index.php at my url.even some pages were redirecting to my www folder it's like localhost/ me
I am not sure this solution would work but you can try.
Login to you admin panel.
Go to System->Configuration.and click on Web tab.
Under Search engine optimization set the web server rewrite
to "Yes".
Save the changes.
Now clear the cache if any enabled and check on frontend the problem of adding index.php should be fixed.
Hope this will help.

Hostgator Addon Domain Redirecting to Primary Domain Subdirectory

This is for a client so I won't share exact domains but the problem is as follows..
I took over development of a website from a prior developer.
The hosting is Hostgator Business.
The primary domain is
There is an addon domain
The primary domain document root is /home1/username/public_html.
The addon's document root is /home1/username/ had a WordPress installation which the developer had edited instead of using plugins to achieve his goals. The site also needed a complete redesign so I felt it logical to simply wipe the installation and replace it.
So, I deleted all of the WordPress files and uploaded a new copy of WordPress from
Prior to deleting the old installation, the domain loaded files from it's document root perfectly.
After uploading the new installation instead of resolving to it is instead resolving to
I've never seen this happen before so I'm lost.
There's no errors in any available logs.
All file permissions are correct.. I've triple-checked.
I've tried deleting all files and creating simple index.php and index.html files to see if it would access them ... it doesn't.
This happens in each browser I use on Windows and Linux.
I don't understand it because all I did was swap out the old WP install for a new one.
I went and re-uploaded the old WordPress installation so everything is 100% how it was but it is still going to instead of
Has anyone faced this issue before? I usually use Bluehost but even when I've used Hostgator in the past I've never seen this happen.
I double-checked the addon domain settings as well as anything else I could think of and everything appears normal.
I even deleted the addon domain and re-added it with the document root of /home1/username/ and it still goes to in the browser.
I submitted a ticket with Hostgator but they have not replied yet.
I'm sorry if this is long. This is my first time asking for help on here and I wanted to be sure I included everything I could.
Hostgator finally got back to me.
The previous developer had used the one-click WordPress install.
Apparently once someone uses a one-click install the only way it works is if you keep using the one-click install/you cannot do it manually any more.
From all the servers and sites I've setup this makes no sense and is a problem with Hostgator. Support did not really tell me anything other than "you have to use the one click install since the prior developer did". Great service.
Hope this saves someone some hassle.
From this it sounds like you were moving a WordPress site from the primary domain to an add on domain.
Simply moving the files from the primary to the add on domain will not make it work on the add on domain because in the database and throughout the coding of the WordPress site it would all be configured and coded for the primary domain.
It sounds like you would need to update the site home and site url from the primary to the add on domain url.
Also I would be suggest using a search and replace type plugin to go through all the internal coding to update the urls and links to the add on domain.
There is more information here as well

Magento Manage customer not working after upgrade from 1.7 to 1.9

After i upgraded the magento from 1.7 to 1.9,
I am not able to access manage customer section from admin dashboard.
I am getting following error.
Gateway Time-out
The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server
or application.
If i clear the cache it works for the first time and then the issue will reappear if i try to access the manage customer section again.
check your installed extensions if you find any extension for manage customer then disable it and check after refresh cache.
This error generally comes when one server waits for response from another server for too much time. But it could be anything. What I would suggest you to check the Mage_Customer module and if it is enable try to remove log of the website as it make website slow. For removing the log try this
login to shell(SSH) panel and go to your website root/shell folder.
execute the below command inside the shell folder
php -f log.php clean
