zen cart + ckeditor set defaults for toolbar item - ckeditor

I have ckeditor installed and am using this as the default editor in zen cart when adding products. For just about every product I have an iframe which displays the products external page. Every time I add an iframe I have to set the width, height, alignment, scroll bars and border.
My question is: is there a way that I can configure ckeditor so that I can set defaults for these values?

If you add the iframe through a dialog box from ckeditor, they provide a great article on setting default values here: http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_3.x/Howto/Default_Field_Values


How to display images without their titles in Drupal 8?

Drupal 8.5.3
I want to display some images in a Views Block in a grid format and without the image title being shown. This is not working and the title is always displayed.
I have created a content type for the images with just the required title field and the image field and I have deleted the body field.
I have set the image label to hidden or "visually hidden" in the content view mode in the "Manage Display" tab for both default and teaser. The label seems to affect only the name of the content type itself not the image title.
I have set the view grid to display only teasers.
I have run drush cr multiple times.
The image titles still show up in the view.I can find no way to turn them off there. However the tile is not displayed in the default view mode on the node page itself. Which ironically is where I want it!
Figured out how to do exclude node tiles from display. You have to use a contrib module such as the appropriately named Exclude Node Title

Magento: SOLR: How to add custom product thumbnail image in auto complete dropdown

I would like to display custom image which is newly created ie., thumbnail attribute. Currently solr displays resized big image(300x200) so its not looks good. I want to display the image of product thumbnail which is proportionally cropped(100x100). Here is the example dropdown i'm getting.
Check your SolrBridge/Solrsearch/Model/Ultility.php file for the method generateThumb() and change the width & height variables.
Possibly you might need to edit the CSS in file skin/frontend/base/default/solrsearch/css/autocomplete.css for the larger thumb to display correctly.

Magento Product Page

Where exactly can I modify the style for things like buttons on the product page?
The specific problem I am having is that the add-to-cart button is inheriting black font, so that it’s illegible with the black background.
For every style modification you can refer the style.css of your skin/frontend/package/theme folder.
Use firebug plugin with firefox to check the line number and required styling for any perticular object.
About your add-to-cart button : you can give color background the span element inside the button tag.
Hope that helps.

Customizing view modal popup in jqgrid

How I can increase the width of the view record dialog in jqgrid. I see there are currently options for edit or add case. Currently I'm doing through css, is there any nice way?
Vijaya Anand
The View form has some properties which can be used to change many dialog settings, like width for example. Default vlue of the width is 300.


I Have three records which I want to display in three Accordion Panes
which (every pane) will have a Header and a content ( Two label controls, 1 text box and 1 checkbox and 1 link button)
I am able to display data on the accrodion from database but when I am trying to Update the text in textbox by clicking link button the LINKBUTTON doesnot fire and unabel to make the update. How can we create Update event working ??
I am creating the Accordion Panes and Content controls statically and directly assigning the values to the controls from Code behind in Page Load.
I was able to do it using the "ItemCommand" event of the Accordion Panel by using the Command Name property of a Link Button which will update the Text Boxes.
It works for me now but I felt JQUERY will be a better option which has no postback, css issues..
