Testing methods in #Component class having #PostConstruct anotation - spring

I am testing service methods that are placed in controllers in spring applications. It seems to me that my problem is that one essential service method call is done in class which is anotated #Component and the method call is inside #PostConstruct anotated method.
public final class Helper
public void initialize() {
stuff = service.getNessesaryStuff();
The contents of the stuff are coming from a database and they vary in each test. That's why database is populated with needed data before each test. Without the data the other service methods are not working. I have checked that the right data goes to database exactly like intended, but it does not affect right away. I need to run same test couple of times before it gets the right data and passes.
Any fix?
When running the application, Helper class is created itself. When running tests, I need to make a bean of it to avoid NullPointerExceptions.


How to perform Spring Rest controller testing using same test class with different data?

I am currently trying to write very simple integration tests for my Spring REST controllers.
Lets say my test class looks something like this:
public class RealNewTest2 {
private MockMvc mvc;
public void test() throws Exception {
System.out.println("Test done.");
I want to perform very basic test case that would test all the calls(GET,POST,PUT,DELETE) etc. All of my REST controllers are very alike. The goal that I am thinking is that I would have test data for all controllers like the JSON object that it uses when doing PUT test and then it would have the URL/Mapping that the controller uses. All of my controllers Mappings are the same expect the last part for example mysite/accounts and mysite/countries.
So is there any way that i could write one test case that would perform all of these REST calls and then just run it again with different url and JSON object so i wouldn't have to write so many test cases since they are only VERY basic tests and are basically exactly the same expect for the JSON object and REST URL.
Create a class called something like AbstractControllerTest and put the shared behavior you want in it. Then your controller test classes can extend from it. You can customize the parameters (like the URL) of the test class through the constructor.

How to use #Autowired correctly in spring boot standalone app

I've learned a lot recently about Spring and one thing i think i might be misunderstanding is the #Autowired annotation, especially when using it in constructors. You see, the app i'm developing is a service so basically EVERYTHING is initialized within a constructor. The only actual user-driven events that happen are buttons that restart certain modules of the service. This is my main method :
ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx = new SpringApplicationBuilder(MDHIS_Service.class)
java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(() ->
MDHIS_Service frame = ctx.getBean(MDHIS_Service.class);
frame.setSize(1024, 768);
This is the constructor of my main class, where basically everything happens. I have omitted the calls to the methods initializing each module to shorten it :
public MDHIS_Service(GlobalParamService globalParamService, LogEntryService logentryService, InterfaceService interfaceService,
ConnectionService connectionService, OutboundMessageService outboundMessageService, OutboundMessageHistoryService outboundMessageHistoryService,
InboundMessageService inboundMessageService, FacilityService facilityService, ModuleStatusService moduleStatusService,
SequenceService sequenceService)
this.globalParamService = globalParamService;
this.logEntryService = logentryService;
this.interfaceService = interfaceService;
this.connectionService = connectionService;
this.outboundMessageService = outboundMessageService;
this.outboundMessageHistoryService = outboundMessageHistoryService;
this.inboundMessageService = inboundMessageService;
this.facilityService = facilityService;
this.moduleStatusService = moduleStatusService;
this.sequenceService = sequenceService;
My main class has a private final global variable for each service. Each module is a separate thread and i'm finding myself having to pass those variables to the constructor of each module which in term stores them into it own private final variables. The way i'm doing things right now #Autowired is pretty much useless since i'm having to pass the instance around. Is there a way to better use #Autowired? This service is used as the backend for a large web app and i find myself making much better use of the annotation in there. I did a lot of research on this topic and i did try the #PostContruct annotation but all i ever got was null services.
Any help would be appreciated.
I figured out my problem, and it was a pretty dumb one. First off, i had not annotated my main class with #Component so Spring never bothered to inject the dependencies in it. Secondly, I did not realize that a method annotated with #PostContruct would run by itself after the constructor runs WITHOUT NEEDING TO EXPLICITELY BE CALLED!
I moved all my initialization code to an init method annotated with #PostConstruct and annotated my main class with #Component, everything is working now!
You typicall don't have to use a constructor + #Autorwired, you can directly use autowired on fields and spring would fill the dependencies for you:
public class MDHIS_Service {
private GlobalParamService globalParamService;
What is important to understand is that for spring to work, you must let it create the objects for you, and not calling the constructors explicitely. It would then fill the dependencies as needed. This is done by declaring the service as a component (for example with the #Component annotation) and never create the service yourself but getting them from dependency injection.
The first object you start with has to have been created by spring and returned by the application context.
What you gain in exchange is that you don't have to forwared everything explicitely. A sub-sub-sub service quite distant from the root of the application can depend on anything it has visibility without you having to forward the reference all the way.
I would advise to take a look a the spring reference documentation, it quite detailled and complete:
Edit: I'll try to clarify a bit with an example... What do the init code of the various service actually does ?
Maybe it set the dependencies. Then just autowire them:
MySubService {
#Autowired MySubSubService mySubSubService;
Maybe it does some more thing than setting fields so you can add on top an init method that do it and this init method can eventually call the other services.
MySubService {
#Autowired MySubSubService mySubSubService;
public void init() {
//Init code that may use mySubSubService.
You don't have to declare a constructor and forward dependencies yourself, sprint does it for you.
The only case where you'd have problem is if finally you need some parameters that are not dependency to the init method. But even in that case you could do it from you main code. That's actually what you did with the main service calling the various setters rather than messing with the constructor to set theses values.

Where can I use #Transactional

Can someone explain me why this will work:
public void test() {
public void save() {
Scenario scenar = new Scenario();
And this won't, because it won't find a transaction:
public void test() {
public void save() {
Scenario scenar = new Scenario();
Thank you!
Spring #Transactional annotation works using Spring AOP. This means, that when a bean that contains a method with that annotation is injected as a dependency for a different bean, it gets wrapped in a proxy. This proxy has the same interface as the bean, but performs additional actions before a method is invoked (wrapping it in a transaction in this case). You can think of it as a sort of a decorator. You can even see the proxy being invoked when you debug your application.
Now, when the method that you annotate with #Transactional is called from the same class, there is no (at least, no easy) way to inject the proxy. There just isn't a way to replace the object referenced by the "this" keyword in Java.
More reading on Spring AOP proxies.
As you have a method annotated as #Test I assume this is part of a Junit Test class.
Spring developpers know that test methods usually do not implement interfaces, and as such cannot support JDK proxying. So they specially support #Transactional annotation on a #Test method. The doc says :
Enabling and disabling transactions
Annotating a test method with #Transactional causes the test to be run within a transaction that will, by default, be automatically rolled back after completion of the test. If a test class is annotated with #Transactional, each test method within that class hierarchy will be run within a transaction. Test methods that are not annotated with #Transactional (at the class or method level) will not be run within a transaction. Furthermore, tests that are annotated with #Transactional but have the propagation type set to NOT_SUPPORTED will not be run within a transaction.

Accessing Spring #Transactional service from multiple threads

I would like to know if the following is considered safe.
Usual Spring service class that accesses a bunch of DAOS / hibernate entities:
public class MyService {
public SomeObject readStuffFromDB(String key) {
//return some records from the DB via hibernate entity etc
A class in the application that has the service wired in:
public class ServiceHolder {
private MyService myService;
private SomeOtherObject multiThreadedMethod() {
//calls myService.readStuffFromDB() and uses the results
//to return something useful
multiThreadedMethod will be called from multiple threadpool threads. I would like to know if the multiThreadedMethod is safe in its calls to myService.
It is NOT making any modifications to the DB - only reading.
What happens if two threads call myService.readStuffFromDB() at exactly the same time? Will a concurrent modification exception be thrown from somewhere?
I've been running it with no issues but I'm not 100% sure it will always work.
Yes you will call the same object in the same time as long as your service bean is defined as singleton (which is default and proper), but you should not rely on local variables in you services. So the methods should be written that way they can work independently (you don't need a mutual exclusion here). If you called db and tried do any operations nothing would happen because every thread would receive a new instance of entity manager. If you modified db in the same time and any type of db exception was thrown you would get a rollback exception which is perfectly fine.
entityManager.persist() will do more or less entityManager.getEntityManagerAssignedToCurrentThread().persist()
It is a proxy not real object. So you are safe :)

#PostConstruct fails silently on a Grails Service

I thought the Spring annotations were supposed to work out of the box in a Grails environment, but I cannot get it to work at all. I also tried the afterProperties method, which did not work either.
Can anyone spot a mistake? Is there some configuration I need to do?
package dashboard
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct
class EmailJobSchedulerService
def grailsApplication
def init() {
def cronExpression = grailsApplication.config.emailAt8AmTrigger
EmailSubscribersJob.schedule(cronExpression, new HashMap())
Try changing it to
void init() {
(i.e. void instead of def). I'm not sure whether Spring specifically enforces this but the specification of #PostConstruct states that among other things "The return type of the method MUST be void".
Edit: uchamp's comment is correct, I just tried the same test and indeed the #PostConstruct annotated method is called only the first time the service bean is used and, not necessarily immediately at startup. You can add
static lazyInit = false
to the service class to force it to be initialized eagerly at startup. This doesn't appear to be documented in the user guide, I deduced it by reading the code.
Note that "used" in the previous paragraph doesn't necessarily mean you have to call a method on it. The service bean will be initialized the first time it is fetched from the application context, either directly or because it has been autowired into another bean that is being initialized. For example, injecting the service into BootStrap using
def emailJobSchedulerService
would be enough to fire the #PostConstruct method, you don't have to actually call any of the service's methods from the BootStrap.init closure. Similarly, if your service were injected into any controllers then the init would fire the first time one of those controllers handled a request (any request, it doesn't have to be an action that calls the service).
Just adding on the answer from #Ian - For some reason i had:
private void init() {
This also failed silently and gave strange behavior. Solution was to remove "private":
void init() {
