For example if there are facts of who likes which color and everyone likes green, but not everyone likes pink: likes(X, green) is true for all X, can Prolog somehow give a result that likes(X, green) is true for all X-es?
Lets say that there's also information about the gender of people within the rules in the form female(deby). male(robert). If according to the data set all females but not all males like pink, can Prolog return something like this: likes(X, pink) :-female(X)
Edit: When I say "I want to ask" in the last paragraph, I mean my query to Prolog should have this meaning.
To be clear I don't want to specify what Prolog should check. In English I don't want to ask, whether everyone likes green, but I want to ask: Can you make new rules based on the facts available?
likes(albert, green).
likes(brett, green).
likes(chloe, green).
likes(deby, green).
likes(albert, pink).
likes(chloe, pink).
likes(deby, pink).
If you want to check if everyone likes green, then you just need to define what everyone means. Let's suppose it means "all the males and females". Then you could do this:
everyone_likes(Color) :-
all_likes(Everyone, Color).
everyone(Everyone) :-
findall(E, (male(E) ; female(E)), Everyone).
all_likes([Person|People], Color) :-
likes(Person, Color),
all_likes(People, Color).
all_likes([], _).
Option 2
An alternative to the above is to think about the logic in the negative. If everyone likes green, that is the opposite of someone doesn't like green. Expressing that in Prolog:
everyone_likes(Color) :-
\+ ( (male(P) ; female(P)),
\+ likes(P, Color)
Rather than having to define who everyone is in this version, we need an is_color fact and/or predicate which defines a valid color (if we want the everyone_likes(X) query to work). This could be define simply as:
Or, you could define it as a predicate which derives the choices of color from other facts.
Yes, you can make new rules based on the facts available but I would suspect that it's very dependent on specific Prolog implementation. If you're working on SWI-Prolog, you can look at chapter 4.13 ("Database") in documentation and see how to use constructing predicates: assert/1, clause/2, clause/3 and others. It might be helpful to see description for copy_predicate_clauses/2.
Say you have a group of people who played chess. You want to determine if a player exists who never lost to anybody (undefeated). Suppose the facts are given as won(james, tom). won(james, peter), won(craig, tom). lost(peter, tom). Then a player X has never lost according to the conditions.
undefeated(X) :- \+ won(_, X), \+ lost(X, _).
so undefeated(james) is true and undefeated(craig) are true but undefeated(tom) and undefeated(peter) are false. Now the problem arises when calling undefeated(X) as this will simply return no. To resolve this we want a statement that is always true at the start so we add facts whiteplayer() and blackplayer() for a player who plays white and black pieces respectively.
and change undefeated to:
undefeated(X) :- (whiteplayer(X); blackplayer(X)), \+ won(_, X), \+ lost(X, _).
But now we run into a new problem. Querying undefeated(X) gives solutions james, craig, james, this happens since james plays both white and black pieces but craig only plays white pieces. So the problem is undefeated(james) is proceeding to continue for both whiteplayer(james) and blackplayer(james), how can I make it so that it only proceeds for one of these while backtracking?
If your facts and rules allow a specific instantiation of variables to succeed multiple ways, you're going to get duplicates unless you use a cut (which also then generally eliminates valid solutions, which is not desirable), or you can collect the redundant subsolutions using setof (or "manually") which eliminates duplicates.
So you can do something like this:
validplayer(X) :- whiteplayer(X) ; blackplayer(X).
undefeated(Player) :-
setof(P, validplayer(P), Players),
member(Player, Players),
\+ won(_, Player), \+ lost(Player, _).
Ideally, it's better if you can define validplayer/1 such that it succeeds once for any given player and doesn't cut. But your current definition of facts don't enable this.
I would also suggest you shouldn't need both won/2 and lost/2 facts, since won(X, Y) is equivalent to lost(Y, X). It's best to stick with one or the other. Hopefully, your database doesn't have both won(john, paul) and lost(paul, john) or the above solution will still yield duplicates and you'd need to do the setof/3 on undefeated/1: setof(U, undefeated(U), ListOfUndefeatedPlayers).
If you know that there is atleast one person who won from X then X is not undefeated. Simply you just try to find atleast one Z such that Z won from X.If this happends then it means that prolog finds a match and it will try to return true and you just invert that value in false and cut all other branches.
Same goes for one who is not undfeated. In this case prolog find no match and returns false without inverting it's value.
This is your code if i understood your questionr right btw it's always good to use guitracer to see what's going on.
\+ won(_Z,X),!.
I've been learning and I came across a problem. I understood the cut operator from the tutorials but I'm trying to solve a problem and I cannot understand the solution.
If the car color is red, made in Italy, then it's a Ferrari. If it's red but made in Germany (or any other country. could be more than one), it's Benz. If it's not red and is big, it's ford. If it's not red and not big, it's Toyota.
That is:
red & Italy: Ferrari
red & Germany (or not Italy): Benz
not red & big: ford
not red & not big: Toyota
Given some facts for a particular car object:
color(cx, red).
speed(cx, 220).
make(cx, italy).
type(cx, sport).
I want to write a predicate brand(X, name) that will return the brand of the particular car objects, like:
brand(X, ferrari):-
color(X,red), make(X,T), T=italy.
brand(X, benz) :-
color(X,red), not(make(X,italy)).
brand(X, ford) :-
not(color(X,red)), size(X,big).
brand(X, toyota) :-
not(color(X,red)), not(size(X,big)).
Question is how (and where) do I use the cut operator here so that it doesn't check the same property (eg: here "make") twice? I can't seem to wrap my head around this.
If I check for red and then for make, if the make turns out not italy, how do I write the brand(X, brand_name) for a set of facts for car object "ck" such that it doesn't check the make again? It appears impossible to me.
The short answer: Don't.
Almost invariably, using !/0 will lead to loss of valid solutions.
Always keep in mind that Prolog programs are typically much more general than programs in other languages. In particular, keep in mind that users can always post the most general query, which in your case is:
?- brand(X, Y).
If you have !/0 in this definition, then yes, you will likely "check only once", but on the other hand, you will fail to generate all valid answers.
One good way out is to use if_/3 from library(reif). For example, in your case, you can write the facts as:
color(cx, red, true).
speed(cx, 220, true).
make(cx, italy, true).
type(cx, sport, true).
And now you can write:
car_type(C, Type) :-
if_(make(C, italy), Type=ferrari, Type=bentz),
if_(type(C, big), Type=ford, Type=toyota)).
Importantly, the most general query will still work even if there are multiple solutions:
?- car_type(C, Type).
C = cx,
Type = ferrari.
I have 5 people in a room. I'll be writing rules to determine whether the people are happy or sad. However, before I even start with that, I have the overlying knowledge that - of the 5 - exactly 3 are happy and 2 are sad (and none can be both). It should therefore be possible to make deductions based on this: if - by any means - I know who the three happy people are, then I can deduce the two sad people, and vice versa.
What I've got so far is as follows:
happy(X) :-
\+ sad(X),
findall(Y, sad(Y), YS),
length(YS, 2).
When asked happy(X), Prolog will give me Roy, Steve and Jack, because it already knows who the two sad people are. Problem: I'm unable to define a sad/1 rule in the same manner, because of the mutual recursion with happy/1. I want to be able to add in rules such that the outcome in the above example remains the same, yet the following initialisation would list Bob and Tim as sad:
Is there a better way I should be thinking about this? It's important that I'll be able to go on to later write more rules for sad/1 and happy/1, adding additional logic beyond the fact that deduction should be possible based on the knowledge that the 5 are split into 3 happy and 2 sad.
How about using clpb?
:- use_module(library(clpb)).
Sample query:
?- Hs = [Bob,Tim,Steve,Roy,Jack],
sat(card([3],Hs)), % exactly three are happy.
Who = sad, sat(~H_bob * ~H_tim) % specify the sad ones ...
; Who = happy, sat(H_jack * H_roy * H_steve) % ... OR the happy ones?
Who = sad, Bob = 0, Tim = 0, Jack = 1, Roy = 1, Steve = 1, Hs = [0,0,1,1,1]
; Who = happy, Bob = 0, Tim = 0, Jack = 1, Roy = 1, Steve = 1, Hs = [0,0,1,1,1].
Sorting the logic out is a matter of consistency and avoiding conflicting meanings of a given predicate or fact.
Your definition of sad/1 is currently a fact that results in one result for each backtrack to the query, sad(X). But your definition of happy/1 generates a list. That leaves you with how you want to define sad/1 to generate a list, which would be in conflict with your current definition of sad/1 as a query that is true if the argument is a sad person.
A more consistent approach would be define happy/1 to behave the way sad/1 behaves:
happy(X) :-
\+ sad(X).
Then you can define your list versions:
happy_all(A) :-
findall(X, happy(X), A).
sad_all(A) :-
findall(X, sad(X), A).
Now the above assumes you have explicit facts for person/1 which defines the universe of all valid people, and sad/1 which defines who the sad ones are. It also assumes that if a person isn't sad, then they must be happy.
You could flip this around and explicitly define happy people with happy/1 facts, then define sad/1 in terms of people not being happy assuming that a person must be happy if they aren't sad:
sad(X) :-
\+ sad(X).
And the happy_all/1 and sad_all/1 predicates will still apply.
If you want to mix your facts with happy/1 and sad/1, this can create a consistency issue: (1) cases where a person isn't defined as happy or sad... then what are they? and (2) what if a person is defined as both happy and sad?
Semantically, you may want to define both sad/1 and happy/1 explicitly if you are also allowing for someone not being either happy or sad. You can do this:
happy_all(A) :-
findall(X, happy(X), A).
sad_all(A) :-
findall(X, sad(X), A).
But not define predicates for happy/1 or sad/1 since they are already facts. That keeps things simple. We just don't know if jack is happy or sad.
But what if we want to say that if a person isn't happy or sad, then they must be happy and add that rule back in. To avoid the looping you mentioned, we don't to be mixing rule names with fact names. In that case:
% A person is happy if they are, in fact, happy
happy_person(X) :-
% A person is happy if they are neither happy or sad
happy_person(X) :-
\+ happy(X),
\+ sad(X).
% A person is sad if they are, in fact, sad
sad_person(X) :-
% Who are all the happy people?
happy_all(A) :-
findall(X, happy_person(X), A).
% Who are all the sad people?
sad_all(A) :-
findall(X, sad_person(X), A).
I got a database that looks like
hasChild(person1, person2).
hasChild(person1, person3).
hasChild(person4, person5).
Which means that (for example) person1 has child named person2.
I then create a predicate that identifies if the person is a parent
parent(A):- hasChild(A,_).
Which identifies if the person is a parent, i.e. has any children
Then I try to create a predicate childless(A) that should return true if the user doesn't have any children which is basically an inverse of parent(A).
So I have 2 questions here:
a) is it possible to somehow take an "inverse" of a predicate, like childless(A):-not(parent(A)). or in any other way bypass this using the hasChild or any other method?
b) parent(A) will return true multiple times if the person has multiple children. Is it possible to make it return true only once?
For problem 1, yes. Prolog is not entirely magically delicious to some because it conflates negation and failure, but you can definitely write:
childless(X) :- \+ hasChild(X, _).
and you will see "true" for people that do not have children. You will also see "true" for vegetables, minerals, ideologies, procedures, shoeboxes, beer recipes and unfeathered bipeds. If this is a problem for you, a simple solution is to improve your data model, but complaining about Prolog is a very popular alternative. :)
For problem 2, the simplest solution is to use once:
parent(A) :- once(hasChild(A, _)).
This is a safer alternative to using the cut operator, which would look like this:
parent(A) :- hasChild(A, _), !.
This has a fairly significant cost: parent/1 will only generate a single valid solution, though it will verify other correct solutions. To wit:
?- parent(X).
X = person1.
Notice it did not suggest person4. However,
?- childless(person4).
This asymmetry is certainly a "code smell" to most any intermediate Prolog programmer such as myself. It's as though Prolog has some sort of amnesia or selective hearing depending on the query. This is no way to get invited to high society events!
I would suggest that the best solution here (which handles the mineral/vegetable problem above as well) is to add some more facts about people. After all, a person exists before they have kids (or do they?) so they are not "defined" by that relationship. But continuing to play the game, you may be able to circumvent the problem using setof/3 to construct a list of all the people:
parent(Person) :-
setof(X, C^hasChild(X, C), People),
member(Person, People).
The odd expression C^hasChild(X, C) tells Prolog that C is a free variable; this ensures that we get the set of all things in the first argument of hasChild/2 bound to the list People. This is not first-order logic anymore folks! And the advantage here is that member/2 will generate for us as well as check:
?- parent(person4).
?- parent(X).
X = person1 ;
X = person4.
Is this efficient? No. Is it smart? Probably not. Is it a solution to your question that also generates? Yes, it seems to be. Well, one out of three ain't bad. :)
As a final remark, some Prolog implementations treat not/1 as an alias for \+/1; if you happen to be using one of them, I recommend you not mistake compatibility with pre-ISO conventions for a jovial tolerance for variety: correct the spelling of not(X) to \+ X. :)
Here's another way you could do it!
Define everything you know for a fact as a Prolog fact, no matter if it is positive or negative.
In your sample, we define "positives" like person/1 and "negatives" like childless/1. Of course, we also define the predicates child_of/2, male/1, female/1, spouse_husband/2, and so on.
Note that we have introduced quite a bit of redundancy into the database.
In return, we got a clearer line of knowns/unknowns without resorting to higher-order constructs.
We need to define the right data consistency constraints:
% There is no person which is neither male nor female.
:- \+ (person(X), \+ (male(X) ; female(X))).
% Nobody is male and female (at once).
:- \+ (male(X), female(X)).
% Nobody is childless and parental (at once).
:- \+ (childless(X), child_of(_,X)).
% There is no person which is neither childless nor parental.
:- \+ (person(X), \+ (childless(X) ; child_of(_,X))).
% There is no child which is not a person.
:- \+ (child_of(X,_), \+ person(X)).
% There is no parent which is not a person.
:- \+ (child_of(_,X), \+ person(X)).
% (, quite likely, a lot more integrity constraints...)
This is just a rough sketch... Depending on your use-cases you could do the modeling differently, e.g. using relations like parental/1 together with suitable integrity constraints. YMMY! HTH
I've got a little problem and don't know where to find a solution. You probably heard of problem of flying birds:
I tried to modify and use this knowledge for some "love story". Imagine this
maried(a, b).
maried(c, d).
lovers(a, d).
likes(X, Y):-maried(X, Y).
Now I want to say something like "If X is maried with Y, but X is Z's lover, then X doesn't like Y, but likes Z".
I tried this:
likes(X, Y) :- lovers(X, Y).
likes(X, Y) :- maried(X, Y), lovers(X, _),!,fail.
likes(X, Y) :- maried(X, Y).
It works unless I want to evaluate a goal
likes(A, B).
If there is more facts in the database and Prolog finds first cheater, it will stop backtracking and I can't find any other solution. Maybe it will be obvious after, but now I have nothing on my mind..
Thanks in advance (and maybe sorry for my English :))
Already your first example is not too useful. You can ask:
is the eagle a bird?
is the penguin a bird?
can the eagle fly?
can the penguin fly?
but you can't even ask, "which birds can fly?":
?- can_fly(Bird).
If you would want to be able to ask more general question, like, "which birds can fly?", or "which birds cannot fly?", you would need to either explicitly list the flying or non-flying birds. As most birds can fly, let's list explicitly the non-flying birds:
can_fly(Bird) :-
\+ flightless_bird(Bird).
extinct_bird(Bird) :-
Note the use of the ISO predicate for negation, \+/1. It is true if the goal cannot be proven. It is much cleaner than the fail-cut combination you are using.
How you organize your knowledge is a totally different question. The example I have given is incomplete and not necessarily the best way to do it. As a general rule, you should try to keep your data in a normalized form, with facts and clauses of facts playing the role of tables and table rows.
Hopefully this answer points in the right direction.
The cut-fail thing is an antipattern that's misleading you. It would be much better to say something in the original like this:
can_fly(X) :- bird(X), \+ flightless(X).
See #boris's answer for an excellent and much more detailed discussion of this problem.
So, you have this database. I'm going to put names in so that I can comprehend it a little better.
married(bill, hillary).
married(barack, michelle).
lovers(bill, michelle).
Now what you want to say is that married people like each other, unless they're cheating. Well, it would be better to define these terms in Prolog so we can reason with them. Create the language we need to use to define our domain. That's going to look like this:
cheating(Cheater, SpitedSpouse, Lover) :-
married(Cheater, SpitedSpouse),
lovers(Cheater, Lover),
SpitedSpouse \= Lover.
Now it's much easier to define likes/2!
likes(Husband, Wife) :- married(Husband, Wife), \+ cheating(Husband, Wife, _).
likes(Husband, Lover) :- cheating(Husband, _, Lover).
We can even define dislikes properly:
dislikes(SpitedSpouse, Lover) :- cheating(_, SpitedSpouse, Lover).
dislikes(Cheater, Spouse) :- cheating(Cheater, Spouse, _).
Look at what we've learned: what you really have is a marriage relationship between two people, or a cheating relationship between three people, and of your other predicates are just projections of these two fundamental relationships. That's pretty neat, yeah? :) cheating/3 is basically the classic "love triangle." That suggests ways we could evolve the program to be more potent: handling love quadrilaterals, of course! And so forth.
Notice something interesting? This code can't "catch" michelle—isn't she just as culpable as bill? This underscores a bigger problem: the gender/orientation limitation of the predicates. I think it helps to have concrete nouns like these to see the logical relationships, but it's a dangerous shortcut that should be resolved. An easy way to handle the logic would be to create a predicate like this:
spouse(X, Y) :- married(X, Y)
spouse(X, Y) :- married(Y, X).
Of course you then have to do more checks to make sure you don't have the same people repeated, but it's not hard, and then change your variables to be less gender-specific.