How to ensure Traceur output is compatible with amd/commonjs - amd

I want to run my ES6 though Traceur. However I would also like to use Webpack which can accept AMD modules or commonjs.
I was wondering if traceur gone through any steps to be compatible (ES5 output maintains requires+defines etc) with these and whether I can go ahead with my Webpack builds not worrying about Traceur.

The established module systems, i.e. AMD & CommonJS all still work. Traceur does some pretty straightforward source translation – akin to CoffeeScript – and old-style module definitions are not affected.
ES6 modules and imports/exports are not yet properly implemented in Traceur, so you won't be able to use those yet.

import/export is fully implemented, but there is still work to be done on the loader. You can use CommonJS or AMD


How to use Go -buildmode=archive

Using -buildmode=archive produces mylib.a. I'm not fully understanding the steps required to then use this library in another Go program.
I've tried instead generating -buildmode=c-archive which produces a header file and archive, but the headerfile is not designed to be imported using cgo (there is conflicts with imported types).
Research online has yielded the conclusion that -buildmode=c-archive is specifically not designed for cgo use for this reason.
My query is what is -buildmode=archive actually used for if it cannot be included?
I'm not fully understanding the steps required to then use this library in another Go program.
It can be tricky. Need to look into each compiler toolchain for linking them correctly, i.e. gcc/clang etc. and find how, and if it's even possible to link them and use them.
What is -buildmode=archive actually used for if it cannot be included?
From the docs:
Build the listed non-main packages into .a files. Packages named
main are ignored.
That's what it does, what you do with it, it's up to you, there's tons of information online, for example:

How can I inspect x86/x64 code generated by V8 from WebAssembly? allows inspection of WebAssembly (WASM) files and the corresponding SpiderMonkey-generated x86 code. I'd like to similarly inspect instructions generated by V8's WASM compilers (Liftoff and TurboFan).
I'm entirely unfamiliar with V8's codebase/API (I compiled & linked it and followed some tutorials, though). There seems to be a v8::CompiledWasmModule class available, but it does not seem to expose access to generated x86/x64 instructions by either Liftoff or TurboFan.
WebAssembly - adding a new opcode describes the process of adding a WASM opcode to V8. Seemingly appropriate functions for WASM compilation/execution are available in the mentioned classes. Though, these seem rather deeply layered within the V8 codebase and would be difficult to access were I to link V8 as a library. Also, I'm unsure if this corresponds to Liftoff or TurboFan.
Could anybody familiar with the V8 codebase give me some pointers as to how I can access Liftoff and/or TurboFan's WebAssembly compilation module, as to obtain x86/x64 code?
To inspect generated code, you can run the d8 shell with the --print-wasm-code flag. You'll need either a debug build, or a release build with the v8_enable_disassembler = true GN arg.
There's no existing way to retrieve generated code via V8's API; so if that's what you want, then you'd have to add it. Keep in mind that V8 is not designed to be a standalone compiler, which means generated code assumes that it's going to run "inside V8", so if you wanted to use it for anything else, you'd have to make significant modifications.

Can VPP plugins be implemented using Go?

VPP provides the I/S for developing custom plugins that can be hooked into a graph of nodes. I've only seen examples for such plugins written in the C language, and was wondering whether other language, Go for instance, can also be used to write such plugins.
I have no idea what "VPP" is but nonetheless the answer is: "maybe"; here's why:
Go code is able to interface with C libraries via its facility known as cgo.
cgo is a multiple-faceted thing: it allows you to "export" certain Go functions in a certain way so that they can be called from the C side, and it allows you to call functions from the C side. It also allows you to write bits of inline C code to provide glue for the C side, when necessary.
Since some time Go building toolset (at least its "reference" implementation) provides for compiling Go code into a static or dynamic library with C-compatible API.
See this.
With these things in mind, in theory, it should be possible to do what you're after.
Note some possible obstacles:
Most of the time, if a "platform" allows you to write a "plugin" in C, it presupposes your plugin will make extensive use of the platform's own API.
This usually means your plugin is supposed to include certain header files provided by the platform.
The platform might also require your plugin to link against some platform-provided library (usually shared), or libraries.
cgo can do all of the above, but you will need to scrutinize the API provided by the platform and maybe write Go helpers to make its usage more natural for the Go code.
Building/linking issues (usually the locations of the header files and the libs) may also be a thing to solve.

Python/C API: Statically-Linked Extensions?

I've been writing a Python extension use the Python/C API to read data out of a .ROOT file and store it in a list of custom objects. The extension itself works just fine, however when I tried to use it on a different machine I ran into some problems.
The code depends upon several libraries written for the ROOT data manipulation program. The compiler is linking these libraries dynamically, which means I cannot use my extension on a machine that does not have ROOT installed.
Is there a set of flags that I can add to my compilation commands to make these libraries statically linked? Obviously this would make the file size much larger but that isn't much of an issue providing that the code runs at the same speed.
I did think about collating all of the ROOT libraries that I need into an 'archive' file. I'm not too familiar with this so I don't know if that's a good idea or not.
Any advice would be great, I've never really dealt with the static/dynamic library issue before.
Thanks, Sean.

What is the modularization story for TypeScript in the browser?

I am new to browser development, so I have no prior experience with AMD, CommonJS, UMD, Browserify, RequireJS, etc. I have been reading a lot about them and I believe I generally understand the JavaScript story but I am still very confused as to how to make everything work together.
I have a library written in TypeScript. It is a pure TypeScript library, it doesn't interact with a browser or any browser framework nor any node or NPM things.
I also have a TypeScript client application that leverages this library. The client application may leverages a web framework as well (e.g., jQuery).
Now when I compile my two TypeScript files (which we will assume are in separate projects, isolated from each other and built separately), each will generate a .js file. In Visual Studio I have to choose AMD or Common as my module loader.
This is where things fall apart. My research tells me that if I want to work on the web I either need to use Browserify or RequireJS. Browserify appears to require I first install Node on my machine and then use a command line tool as a post-build step to generate a file and as far as I can tell this isn't available as a NuGet package. Alternatively, I can use RequireJS but then all of the examples stop working. Something about not doing things on window load and instead doing them somewhere else, but nothing that I have found really explains that well.
So, what is the story here? I want to use TypeScript but at the moment it really feels like it is just a language, there aren't any compelling usage stories available to me as a developer as I have grown accustomed to in the Microsoft ecosystem.
TypeScript does support AMD and CommonJS just as JavaScript. But in addition it also supports internal modules. When using internal modules in conjunction with a decent build system like gulp-typescript you'll find that internal modules can cover lot of use cases where one would choose AMD/CommonJS in traditional JavaScript projects.
TypeScript gives you the freedom to decide yourself. If you need asynchronous module loading you are free to use AMD via external modules. You can also use CommonJS and/or use browserify to link together your code into a single file.
I've found that when you are a library developer - that is you ship your TypeScript compiled JS code to other developers - internal modules are a good compromise. You don't force your target audience (developers) to use any special module system like AMD/CommonJS, but instead ship isomorphic JS that runs in the browser as well as in node. Yet you still have a way of modularizing your code internally, just as AMD/CommonJS would allow you.
TL;DR: When you use TypeScript you get internal modules for free, and they provide you with a flexibility that would else only be achieved by AMD/CommonJS. Yet external modules still have their advantages. In the end, you should decide what is the best fit for your project.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript so its story is the story of JS, not of .NET or any other Microsoft product.
If you compile your TypeScript modules to AMD, then you load them through an AMD module loader like RequireJS (or Dojo, or curl) in your entrypoint HTML file, which can be as simple as this (using RequireJS):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Application name</title>
<script src="scripts/require.js" data-main="scripts/client"></script>
(Assuming that your built TypeScript module is scripts/client.js.)
The Start page for RequireJS or the Dojo Introduction to AMD modules are both resources that can tell you more about how to load AMD-formatted modules in a browser.
You got a really good technical answer from C Snover, but the answer you're actually looking for is "don't use external modules". By external modules, I mean "AMD" or "CommonJS" modules.
If you actually need what external modules offer, they can be very useful, but they come at a significant cost in terms of build/deployment complexity and concepts that you need to understand.
Just because external modules are way more complicated doesn't mean they're better; the TypeScript compiler itself is written using internal modules.
You can convert an external module back to an internal module by omitting any export statements on the module itself (and by not having an export = statement at the end of the file either). For example, this is an internal module:
module MyLibrary {
export class MyClass {
public Foo = 1;
If you are using internal modules, all you have to do is reference them in the right order via script tags in your HTML files and they will work without having to deal with any sort of loader system.
<script src="MyLibrary.js"></script>
<script src="MyUICode.js"></script>
