Recovering deleted rows from oracle table - oracle

Is this possible to recover the deleted rows from oracle table? My data is stored in a table MANUAL_TRANSACTIONS. Schema name is CCO.I have accidentally deleted some 500 Thousands rows in a table and did the commit too. Now I want to recover them.I am using Oracle 11g R2.Thanks

You can recover the details using Oracle Flashback Query.
You could query the contents of the table as of a time before the deletion to find out what data had been lost, and, if appropriate, re-insert the lost data in the database.
Here's the sample query:
select * from MANUAL_TRANSACTION as of timestamp to_timestamp('28-APR-2014 12:30:00', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS') where ' clause based on your deleted data';

answers are already given just what i learned form above .
FLASHBACK can only be done by DBA( I guess ) but we can use below query
TIMESTAMP TO_TIMESTAMP('2018-07-23 06:41:59', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS'));
or you can go for this query for one day records

select * from MY_TABLE as of timestamp to_timestamp('04-MAY-2017 12:30:00', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS') where ID=1822904; --- 12Hr Clock
Above query works for me. You can even look for 24Hr timeframe using below query
select * from MY_TABLE as of timestamp to_timestamp('04-MAY-2017 13:30:00', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') where ID=1822904;

Yes, you can, use flash back query.
Using Oracle Flashback Query (SELECT AS OF)
This assumes that the undo tablespace was big enough, with enough undo retention. If the undo is already freed, you might need to perform a restore and recovery, in a clone database and copy the data to the original database. Also check TSPITR, TableSpace Point In Time Recovery. This is only possible if your database runs in archivelog mode and has a backup available.

If you have backup and Oracle 12c you could use Table Point In Time Recovery (PITR):
UNTIL TIME xxxxyyy
Your data at that point in time will be available:


I know this is too late for the answer, after long search about how to recovery and restore tables in oracle I finally found a good way to restore by using restore point, according to Pro Oracle Database 12C Administration book, before any action into your table you could use restore point by using following lines:
CREATE RESTORE POINT <your_key_point_name>;
for recovery table with restore point you can use :
FLASHBACK TABLE <[your_schema.]your_table_name> TO RESTORE POINT <your_key_point_name>;
beside this all of above answers "about recovering using FLASHBACK" forgot to consider two key points:
for using FLASHBACK recycle bin mode must be enabled
before any row recovery using FLASHBACK , row movement in your table must be enabled (with ALTER TABLE <[your_schema.]your_table_name> enable ROW MOVEMENT). According to oracle documents link:
Before you can use Flashback Table, you must ensure that row movement is enabled on the table to be flashed back, or returned to a previous state.

Restores the data in the table to the given time(provided the table was not truncated).
In your case:

Use this query,

There are some options:
Flashback Query as
create table before_delete as select * from Table as of TIMESTAMP XX;
Logminer if Oracle supplement log is enabled , you can get undo sql for your delete statement
-- switch again logfile to get a minimal redo activity
alter system switch logfile;
-- mine the last written archived log
exec dbms_logmnr.add_logfile('archivelog/redologfile', options =>;
exec dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr(options => dbms_logmnr.dict_from_online_catalog);
select operation, sql_redo from v$logmnr_contents where seg_name = 'EMP';
Oracle PRM-DUL will be last option. Even deleted row piece in Oracle block is always just marked row flag with deleted mask, the row piece still can be read via scan Oracle data block . PRM-DUL can scan the whole table , find out every record/row piece marked deleted and write out to flat file.

what you may try is :
flashback query, available from oracle 10g , may failed with ora-01555 snapshot too old
redo logminer , mine redo and may find undo sql
prm-dul tool ( a commercial recovery tool for oracle), which can scan oracle block and find even deleted row piece


Truncate and Insert

I am connecting to oracle using an ETL tool.The operation what I am doing is truncating an existing table and inserting records into that table from a different table. This is working fine for 15 to 20 cycles of job run. After that my job got stuck in the portion where its inserting record.Is there anything wrong which I am doing here. Please find the query I am using below.Could some one help on this, from the previous experience.
truncate table TABLE1;
insert into TABLE1 select * from TABLE_SRC where TYPE in('MP','DA')
and ID in(select ID from TABLE_SRC where TYPE in('MP','DA') and FLAG='Y');
I believe the table is going in lock situation.
Check with dba’s .
Select * from dba_lock ;

how to find deleted records oracle questions

Suppose in one table 1000 records are there randomly some are records are deleted in oracle. how to find deleted records.tell the query to find the deleted records.
Look into flashback query. You can find the state of the table in a certain date/time range if still in UNDO.
You can use flashback.
If you remember the date when the table was in your database you can do like an exemple :
TO_TIMESTAMP('2017-06-13 22:30:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS');
Or if you know the SCN number :
FLASHBACK TABLE Table_name TO SCN 123456;
Or you can check recyclebin
I hope i helped you
There is no query to find deleted records. If there is an identifying column populated by a monotonically incrementing sequence it might be possible to find the missing values. But that would be a best guess, not a guaranteed set.
The correct solution is to put auditing or journalling in place, so that a shadow history of the table is maintained elsewhere.

Oracle Create Table as Select * from Another_Table same table space

I didn't design the DB so don't judge me on this.
I have a log table that is receiving A LOT of entries. I only need to keep a day or so on this this log table. My initial thought was:
In a single transaction:
1. rename the log table
2. create the original log table from the renamed log table
3. commit the trx and life goes on
The second time this happens I drop the renamed table and do it all over again. This will run as an Oracle job once a day.
The original question:
Would anyone know if I specify a table space name in table #1 like so:
create table "my_user"."first_table" (pkid number, full_name varchar2(50)) nologging tablespace "my_custom_tablespace";
Then I do something like:
create table second_table as select * from first_table where 1=2 -- because I only want the structure
Will my second_table be in the same table_space?
Thanks in advance for your help.
If you are on Enterprise Edition with partitioning, then a simpler solution is to go with an interval partitioned table, with one partition per day. Then truncate the partitions when you don't need them.
If not, then go with two tables, a synonym to point to the 'current' one that is being inserted into, and a view that selects from a union of the two tables. The nightly job would truncate the 'old' table and switch the synonym to make it the 'new' one.

How to restore the data in a Oracle table?

I did a terrible mistake on my work, I executed an updated query on a oracle table without the 'where' clause and everything changed on this table, I was wondering if there is any way to restore the data on a table. I know I can use Flashback, but Is there another way to do that? If you know how to make a flashback table in oracle, please let me know.
I'm using Oracle 10g R2
First, did you commit the change? If not, you can simply issue a rollback to revert your changes.
Assuming that you did commit your changes, are other users modifying the table at the same time? Do you need to preserve the changes that others have made and only revert the changes you made in your transaction? Or can you restore the entire table to a point in time before your changes were made?
If you can restore the entire table to a point in time
FLASHBACK TABLE <<table name>>
TO TIMESTAMP( systimestamp - interval '10' minute )
will return a table to the state it was in 10 minutes ago assuming that the UNDO necessary to do so remains available (so you only have a limited time after making a mistake to be able to flashback that mistake). In order to issue a FLASHBACK TABLE, you also have to make sure that
The table has enabled row movement ALTER TABLE <<table name>> ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT
You must have FLASHBACK privileges on the table or the FLASHBACK ANY TABLE system privilege.
Starting from Oracle9i R2, doesn't require specific rights
Revert updated columns
update <table> t
set (<column1>, <column2>, ...)
= (select <column1>, <column2>, ...
from <table> as of timestamp to_timestamp('2016-07-21 09:39:20', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS') h
where t.<uk> = h.<uk>);
Revert deleted rows
insert into <table>
select * from <table> as of timestamp to_timestamp('2016-07-21 03:30:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS')
where <uk> not in
(select t.<uk> from <table> t);
Don't be misleaded with DB timezone and verify current time
select sysdate from dual;

Obtain Oracle 11g partitioning interval by direct system table query

I've got a table which is partitioned on a NUMBER variable in Oracle 11g, with the INTERVAL set to 1. On our development system I can execute
to verify that the table is partitioned as expected, which it is. On our production box, however, developers aren't allowed to modify data or to run any procedures, and thus I can't use DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL to get the DDL and, hence, to determine the INTERVAL set on the production DB. Could someone provide an idea of how to find the value used in the INTERVAL clause when the production table was built by querying system tables or views? Thanks.
Get select access to dba_part_tables (for 11gr2):
select interval from dba_part_tables where table_name = 'SOME_TABLE' and owner = 'SOME_OWNER';
