I wrote matlab code for face detection.In my code it is detecting face for first 100 frames and it crop faces from each frame and saves it in database folder.Problems iam facing
1.Detecting frame by frame is very slow.Is there any idea to run faster since i have to work on 4000 frames.
2.In my database folder it has to show 1 to 100 face images but it is not showing 11th and 12th face images directly it showing 13th face image after 10th image.23rd face image is blurr.Likewise so many images are missing and some are blurr.Last image number it is showing as 216.But total 106 face images are there in database folder.In that 12 images are blurr.Remaining are correct images.
clear all;
for k=0:99
videoFrame = step(obj);
%using viola-jones algorithm
FaceDetect = vision.CascadeObjectDetector;
BB = step(FaceDetect,videoFrame);
for i = 1:size(BB,1)
%crop faces and convert it to gray
for i = 1:size(BB,1)
J= imcrop(videoFrame,BB(i,:));
%save cropped faces in database folder
filename = ['G:\matlab_installed\bin\database\' num2str(i+k*(size(BB,1))) '.jpg'];
There are a few of things you can try:
Definitely move FaceDetect = vision.CascadeObjectDetector; outside of the loop. You only need to create the face detector object once. Re-creating it for every frame is definitely your performance bottleneck.
vision.VideoFileReader returns a frame of class 'single' by default. If you change the output data type to 'uint8', that should speed up the face detector. Use obj=vision.VideoFileReader('basu.avi', 'VideoOutputDataType', 'uint8');
vision.VideoFileReader can also do the conversion to grayscale for you. Use obj=vision.VideoFileReader('basu.avi', 'VideoOutputDataType', 'uint8', 'ImageColorSpace', 'Intensity'); This may be faster than calling rgb2gray.
Try limiting the size of the faces being detected using 'MinSize' and 'MaxSize' options of vision.CascadeObjectDetector and/or try downsampling the frame before detecting faces.
I'm saving my images with
for 1:30
file = 'stuff.tif' % 2269 x 1452 image
RGBImage = imread(file);
filename = sprintf('example.tif');
However when doing so Matlab down-sizes my images and saves the image as a smaller, "zoomed out" version of itself, which cripples its quality.
Input, 'stuff.tif' when zoomed in
Output, 'example.tif' when zoomed in
How can I save my images automatically in a for loop while retaining their original size and quality?
I highly recommend using Oliver Woodford's function export_fig from the File Exchange. That should solve your problem. (Now Yair Altman takes care of it).
I've been playing around writing a scraper that scrapes Deviantart.com. It saves a copy of new images locally, and also creates a record in a Postgresql DB for the image. My problem: as new images come in, how do I know if this new image corresponds to an image I've seen before? Dupes are fairly rare on DA, but at the same time, this is an interesting problem in a more general sense.
Thoughts on ways to proceed?
Right now the Postgresql DB is populated as I scrape images, and which has a table which looks like:
url varchar(5000) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
dateadded timestamp without time zone default (now() at time zone 'utc'),
width int,
height int
Where url is the link to the image as I scraped it from DA (ex: http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/222/2/3/sketch_dump_56_by_lilaira-d7uj8pe.png), dateadded is the datetime the scraper found the image, and width & height are the image dimensions.
I currently don't store the image itself in the database, but I do keep a local mirror -- I take the url for the image and wget -r -nc the file. So for a url: http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/222/2/3/sketch_dump_56_by_lilaira-d7uj8pe.png I keep a local copy at <somedir>/th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/222/2/3/sketch_dump_56_by_lilaira-d7uj8pe.png
Now, image recognition in the general case is quite hard. I want to be able to handle things like slight resizes, which I could account for by normalizing all images kept to a specific resolution, and normalize the query image to that same resolution at query time. I want to be able to handle things like change of format (PNG vs JPG vs etc) which I could do by reading an image file into a normalized format (ex: uncompressed RGB values for each pixel, though ideally some "slack" would be tolerated here).
Nice to haves (would be willing to give up for simplification/better accuracy):
I'd like to be able to handle cropping an image (ex: I've previously seen imageA, and somebody takes imageA and crops it and uploads it as imageB I'd like to notice that as a duplicate).
I'd like to be able to handle watermarking an image with a logo
I'd like to be able to handle cropping in a case where the new image to classify is a subimage of a previously seen image (ie - I have imageA stored, somebody takes imageA and crops it, I'd like to be able to map that cropped image to imageA)
Constraints/extra info:
I'm not at all interested in finding images that are different yet similar (ex: two distinct photos of the same Red Bus should be reported as two distinct images)
while I'm not entirely opposed to using metadata (ex: artist, image category, etc), I'd like to keep this as constrained to just the image data (EXIF data, resolution, RBG colour values) as possible.
an image that is sized down and appears in a new larger image I wish to consider as different. Ex: I have imageA, I resize it to 50x50, and that 50x50 grid appears in a new image, I would not consider the new image "the same" as imageA (though I suppose by the criteria outlined previously I would consider imageA a duplicate of the new image)
It would be nice but not required if one could detect "minor" revisions in the image (ex: a blanket change to the the gamma value in an image, etc)
Thoughts? Suggestions?
For my use case I'm far more concerned about false positives than false negatives, and as such a "fuzzy match" approach should err on the side of caution.
In case it matters I'm writing all of this in Python, though TBH I'm happy to use an alternate tech if it solves my problem elegantly/efficiently.
I would grab a small subimage somewhere not near the edges, and cross correlate this within the vicinity of its source location in your database images. You can resample it prior to cross correlation to account for small resizes, and you can choose the size of the vicinity that you match against to account for asymmetrical crops of a certain percentage.
To avoid percect fits on featureless regions (e.g. the sky) you could use local image variation as a selection criterion for the subimage location.
This would still be quite slow, so it will be necessary to use a global image metric to first select candidate duplicates from the database (e.g. the color histograms mentioned by danf).
i have an PSD file for a website header and it's (960x152) pixel i want to resize it so it appear like it was made at this size for example resize from 960x125 to:
851 X 350 pixels
2120 X 1192 pixels (16:9 ratio)
3.270 X 270 pixels
4.1545 X 423 pixels
thanks in advance
This will be your best bet (I'm actually gonna try it too). - OnOne Perfect Resize 7.5
There's a free trial to test out. After reading a few reviews it seems to be legit.
This is the best result i can get after trying many solution, but it takes some work and effective in PSD files that don't have a lot of layers:
open the PSD file and make sure all the layers that you want all visible.
convert each layer into a smart object.
create new PSD file with the new dimensions that you want.
use grid and guidelines to make your work more easy.
transform each layer (object) to get the desired lock inside the PSD file.
i hope this can help.
I'm currently creating my figures in matlab to embed themvia latex into a pdf for later printing. I save the figures and save them via the script export_fig! Now I wonder which is the best way to go:
Which size of the matlab figure window to chose
Which -m option to take for the script? It will change the resolution and the size of the image...
I'm wondering about those points in regards to the following two points:
When chosing the figure-size bigger, there are more tickmarks shown and the single point markers are better visible
When using a small figure and using a big -m option, I still have only some tickmarks
When I generate a image which is quite huge (e.g. resolution 300 and still 2000*2000px) and than embed it into the document: Does this than look ugly? Will this be embedded in a nice scaling mode or is it the same ugliness as if you upload a 1000*1000px image onto a homepage and embed it via the widht and height tags in html -> the browser displays it quite ugly because the browser doesn't do a real resize. So it looks unsharp and ugly.
Thanks in advance!
The MATLAB plots are internally described as vector graphics, and PDF files are also described using vector graphics. Rendering the plot to a raster format is a bad idea, because you end up having to choose resolution and end up with bigger files.
Just save the plot to EPS format, which can be directly embedded into a PDF file using latex. I usually save my MATLAB plots for publication using:
saveas(gcf, 'plot.eps', 'epsc');
and embed them directly into my latex file using:
Then, you only need to choose the proportion of the line the image is to take (in this case, 70%).
Edit: IrfanView and others (XnView) don't display EPS very well. You can open them in Adobe Illustrator to get a better preview of what it looks like. I always insert my plots this way and they always look exactly the same in the PDF as in MATLAB.
One bonus you also get with EPS is that you can actually specify a font size so that the text is readable even when you resize the image in the document.
As for the number of ticks, you can look at the axes properties in the MATLAB documentation. In particular, the XTick and YTick properties are very useful manually controlling how many ticks appear no matter what the window resolution is.
Edit (again): If you render the image to a raster format (such as PNG), it is preferable to choose the exact same resolution as the one used in the document. Rendering a large image (by using a big window size) and making it small in the PDF will yield bad results mainly because the size of the text will scale directly with the size of the image. Rendering a small image will obviously make for a very bad effect because of stretching.
That is why you should use a vector image format. However, the default MATLAB settings for figures produce some of the same problems as raster images: text size is not specified as a font size and the number of ticks varies with the window size.
To produce optimal plots in the final render, follow the given steps:
Set the figure's font size to a decent setting (e.g. 11pt)
Render the plot
Decide on number of ticks to get a good effect and set the ticks manually
Render the image to color EPS
In MATLAB code, this should look somewhat like the following:
function [] = nice_figure ( render )
% invisible figure, good for batch renders.
f = figure('Visible', 'Off');
% make plots look nice in output PDF.
set(f, ...
'DefaultAxesFontSize', 11, ...
'DefaultAxesLineWidth', 0.7, ...
'DefaultLineLineWidth', 0.8, ...
'DefaultPatchLineWidth', 0.7);
% actual plot to render.
a = axes('Parent', f);
% show whatever it is we need to show.
% save file.
saveas(f, 'plot.eps', 'epsc');
% collect garbarge.
Then, you can draw some fancy plot using:
function [] = some_line_plot ( a )
% render data.
x = -3 : 0.001 : +3;
y = expm1(x) - x - x.^2;
plot(a, x, y, 'g:');
% force use of 'n' ticks.
n = 5;
xlimit = get(a, 'XLim');
ylimit = get(a, 'YLim');
xticks = linspace(xlimit(1), xlimit(2), n);
yticks = linspace(ylimit(1), ylimit(2), n);
set(a, 'XTick', xticks);
set(a, 'YTick', yticks);
And render the final output using:
With such code, you don't need to worry about the window size at all. Notice that I haven't even showed the window for you to play with its size. Using this code, I always get beautiful output and small EPS and PDF file sizes (much smaller than when using PNG).
The only thing this solution does not address is adding more ticks when the plot is made larger in the latex code, but that can't be done anyways.
I want to switch back and forth between two images, like blinking: 1 second for the first image and one second for second image.
I'm not totally sure of what you want to do (specifically what type of images you are trying to display), but here's some sample code that may do what you want:
image1 = imread('cameraman.tif'); % Load a test image
image2 = imread('circles.png'); % Load another test image
hAxes = gca; % Get a handle to the current axes
for iLoop = 1:5, % Loop five times
I used the general function IMSHOW, but this sometimes changes other properties of the figure/axes and that may not be to your liking (since you mention adding this to an existing GUI). You may want to use the IMAGE function instead. Also, instead of the for loop you could use a while loop that stops switching images when a condition is met (such as a button press).
How are your images stored in Matlab? As a matlab movie or a 3 or 4 dimensional matrix depending on if the images are color or grayscale. Also, if you have the image processing toolbox, implay and immovie. Another option assuming that your images are in a mxnx3xk (rgb color) or a mxnxk (gray scale) matrix. Then the following should work. Assuming the following
Img - matrix storing image data either with dimensions mxnx3xk
or mxnxk
handles.imageAxes -
handle for the axis you want to
display the image (set the tag of the
axis to imageAxes in GUIDE)
Now you can loop through Img
for i=1:k
% display the i^th image use `Img(:,:,i)` for a gray scale stack
pause(1) % pause one second
that's it.