Bash Boolean testing - bash

I am attempting to run a block of code if one flag is set to true and the other is set to false. ie
if [[ $var1 && ! $var2 ]]; then var2="something"; fi
Since that did not evaluate the way that I expected I wrote several other test cases and I am having a hard time understanding how they are being evaluated.
if [[ "$aa" ]]; then echo "Test0" ; fi
if [[ "$bb" ]]; then echo "Test0.1" ; fi
if [[ !"$aa" ]]; then echo "Test0.2" ; fi
if [[ ! "$aa" ]]; then echo "Test0.3" ; fi
if [[ "$aa" && ! "$bb" ]]; then echo "Test1" ; fi
if [[ "$aa" && ! "$aa" ]]; then echo "Test2" ; fi
if [[ "$aa" ]] && ! [[ "$bb" ]]; then echo "test3" ; fi
if [[ "$aa" ]] && ! [[ "$cc" ]]; then echo "test4" ; fi
if [[ $aa && ! $bb ]]; then echo "Test5" ; fi
if [[ $aa && ! $aa ]]; then echo "Test6" ; fi
if [[ $aa ]] && ! [[ $bb ]]; then echo "test7" ; fi
if [[ $aa ]] && ! [[ $cc ]]; then echo "test8" ; fi
When I run the preceding codeblock the only output I get is
however, my expectation is that I would get
I have tried to understand the best way to run similar tests, however most examples I have found are set up in the format of
if [[ "$aa" == true ]];
which is not quite what I want to do. So my question is what is the best way to make comparisons like this, and why do several of the test cases that I would expect to pass simply not?
Thank you!

Without any operators, [[ only checks if the variable is empty. If it is, then it is considered false, otherwise it is considered true. The contents of the variables do not matter.

Your understanding of booleans in shell context is incorrect.
Both the above variables are true since those are non-empty strings.
You could instead make use of arithmetic context:
$ a=1
$ b=0
$ ((a==1 && b==0)) && echo y
$ ((a==0 && b==0)) && echo y
$ ((a && !(b))) && echo y; # This seems to be analogous to what you were attempting

The shell does not have Boolean variables, per se. However, there are commands named true and false whose exit statuses are 0 and 1, respectively, and so can be used similarly to Boolean values.
if $var1 && ! $var2; then var2="something"; fi
The difference is that instead of testing if var1 is set to a true value, you expand it to the name of a command, which runs and succeeds. Likewise, var2 is expanded to a command name which runs and fails, but because it is prefixed with ! the exit status is inverted to indicate success.
(Note that unlike most programming languages, an exit status of 0 indicates success because while most commands have 1 way to succeed, there are many different ways they could fail, so different non-zero values can be assigned different meanings.)

true and false are evaluated as strings ;)
[[ $var ]] is an equivalent of [[ -n $var ]] that check if $var is empty or not.
Then, no need to quote your variables inside [[. See this reminder.
Finally, here is an explication of the difference between && inside brackets and outside.

The closest you can come seems to be use functions instead of variables because you can use their return status in conditionals.
$ var1() { return 0; }
$ var2() { return 1; } # !0 = failure ~ false
and we can test this way
$ var1 && echo "it's true" || echo "it's false"
it's true
$ var2 && echo "it's true" || echo "it's false"
it's false
or this way
$ if var1; then echo "it's true"; else echo "it's false"; fi
it's true
$ if var2; then echo "it's true"; else echo "it's false"; fi
it's false
Hope this helps.


use `true` builtin instead of `/bin/true` in bash

I have written some code that uses the /bin/true by accident and I want to force the usage of the builtin of true and false.. any Idea what is the correct way of doing so?
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eEuo pipefail
if [[ $1 == "Y" ]]; then
"${CONFIRM}" || echo "Deletion will not happen, please run with '${0} Y' to confirm"
if $CONFIRM; then
echo "I deleted the stuff!"
To me, this looks like a job for if ... else:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eEuo pipefail
if [[ $# -eq 1 && $1 == Y ]]; then
echo "I deleted the stuff!"
echo "Deletion will not happen, please run with '${0} Y' to confirm"
If you need to save the result:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eEuo pipefail
# with the set-mode above, you can set `conform` like this:
[[ $# -eq 1 && $1 == Y ]] && confirm=$? || confirm=$?
# otherwise, you could just set it after the above test
# truth test
[[ $confirm -eq $() ]] || echo "Deletion will not happen, please run with '${0} Y' to confirm"
# truth test again
if [[ $confirm -eq $() ]]; then
echo "I deleted the stuff!"

Bash Script : Check if number starts with

The $var is dynamic. How do I check if it starts with 15? I tried:
if [[ $var == 15* ]]; then
echo "Yes"
if (( $var -eq 15* )); then
echo "Yes"
Neither works.
Remove the $ from the assignment.
The first if statement you wrote is correct.
if [[ $var == 15* ]]; then
echo "Yes"

Regarding Bash substring comparison

I try to test if a string starts with a certain prefix. But my script seems not work (I would expect the "if" branch will not get run). Can some Bash expert help to take a look? thanks!
Here is my code and test result:
$ cat testb.bash
if [[ "${my_var:0:5}"=="order" ]]; then
echo "value of my_var is ${my_var}.";
if [[ "${my_var:0:5}" -eq "order" ]]; then
echo "value of my_var is ${my_var}.";
if [ "${my_var:0:5}"="order" ]; then
echo "value of my_var is ${my_var}.";
$ bash -x testb.bash
+ my_var=abcdefg
+ [[ -n abcde==order ]]
+ echo 'value of my_var is abcdefg.'
value of my_var is abcdefg.
+ [[ abcde -eq order ]]
+ echo 'value of my_var is abcdefg.'
value of my_var is abcdefg.
+ '[' abcde=order ']'
+ echo 'value of my_var is abcdefg.'
value of my_var is abcdefg.
Whitespace is significant in this case. As you can see in the -x output, it understands the first condition as
[[ -n "${my_var:0:5}==order" ]]
Moreover, to test for a prefix, you can use a pattern:
[[ $my_var == order* ]]
To test the existence of substring, you can use either of these:
if [[ "$j" =~ string1 ]]; then
if [[ $j == *string1* ]]; then
In your particular case, you miss a space surounding ==, so instead of
if [[ "${my_var:0:5}"=="order" ]]; then
it should be
if [[ "${my_var:0:5}" == "order" ]]; then
^ ^
Finally, note that your condition was evaluated as true because it was evaluating if [ "string" ], which is true if string is not empty:
$ [ "a" ] && echo "yes"
$ cat a
if [[ "${my_var:0:5}" == "order" ]]; then
echo "value of my_var is ${my_var}."
elif [[ "${my_var:0:5}" == "abcde" ]]; then
echo "yeahaa"
echo "is not"
$ ./a
Ok, i tested your code, you shoud such as the following code:
echo $len
if [[ "${prefix:0:len}" == "blahvlah" ]] ; then
echo "dddd"
use == for string comparation
for ${} you should initilize a string variable before ${}
use len=${#pre} for lenght of string.
A POSIX-compliant way to test for a prefix is to attempt to remove the prefix, and compare the result to the original string. If the two are the same, the prefix is not present, the removal fails, and the expression expands to the original string.
if [ "${string#$prefix}" = "$string" ]; then
printf "$string does not start with $prefix\n"
printf "$string starts with $prefix\n"

Using unset vs. setting a variable to empty

I'm currently writing a bash testing framework, where in a test function, both standard bash tests ([[) as well as predefined matchers can be used. Matchers are wrappers to '[[' and besides returning a return code, set some meaningful message saying what was expected.
string_equals() {
if [[ ! $1 = $2 ]]; then
error_message="Expected '$1' to be '$2'."
return 1
So, when a matcher is used, and it fails, only then an error_message is set.
Now, at some point later, I test whether the tests succeeded. If it succeeded, I print the expectation in green, if it failed in red.
Furthermore, there may be an error_message set, so I test if a message exists, print it, and then unset it (because the following test may not set an error_message):
if [[ $error_message ]]; then
printf '%s\n' "$error_message"
unset -v error_message
Now my question is, if it is better to unset the variable, or to just set it to '', like
Which one is better? Does it actually make a difference? Or maybe should I have an additional flag indicating that the message was set?
Mostly you don't see a difference, unless you are using set -u:
/home/user1> var=""
/home/user1> echo $var
/home/user1> set -u
/home/user1> echo $var
/home/user1> unset var
/home/user1> echo $var
-bash: var: unbound variable
So really, it depends on how you are going to test the variable.
I will add that my preferred way of testing if it is set is:
[[ -n $var ]] # True if the length of $var is non-zero
[[ -z $var ]] # True if zero length
As has been said, using unset is different with arrays as well
$ foo=(4 5 6)
$ foo[2]=
$ echo ${#foo[*]}
$ unset foo[2]
$ echo ${#foo[*]}
So, by unset'ting the array index 2, you essentially remove that element in the array and decrement the array size (?).
I made my own test..
foo=(5 6 8)
echo ${#foo[*]}
unset foo
echo ${#foo[*]}
Which results in..
So just to clarify that unset'ting the entire array will in fact remove it entirely.
Based on the comments above, here is a simple test:
isunset() { [[ "${!1}" != 'x' ]] && [[ "${!1-x}" == 'x' ]] && echo 1; }
isset() { [ -z "$(isunset "$1")" ] && echo 1; }
$ unset foo; [[ $(isunset foo) ]] && echo "It's unset" || echo "It's set"
It's unset
$ foo= ; [[ $(isunset foo) ]] && echo "It's unset" || echo "It's set"
It's set
$ foo=bar ; [[ $(isunset foo) ]] && echo "It's unset" || echo "It's set"
It's set

bash - Possible to 'override' the test ([[)-builtin?

Is it possible to override Bash's test builtin? So that
[[ $1 = 'a' ]]
not just does the test but also outputs which result was expected when it fails? Something like
echo "Expected $1 to be a.'
I know this is bad :-).
The test expression compound command does real short-circuiting that affects all expansions.
$ set -x
$ [[ 0 -gt x=1+1 || ++x -eq $(tee /dev/fd/3 <<<$x) && $(echo 'nope' >&3) ]] 3>&1
+ [[ 0 -gt x=1+1 ]]
++ tee /dev/fd/2
+ [[ ++x -eq 2 ]]
So yes you could do anything in a single test expression. In reality it's quite rare to have a test produce a side-effect, and almost never used to produce output.
Also yes, reserved words can be overridden. Bash is more lenient with ksh-style function definitions than POSIX style (which still allows some invalid names).
function [[ { [ "${#:1:${##}-1}" ]; }; \[[ -a -o -a -o -a ]] || echo lulz
Yet another forky bomb.
if function function if function if if \function & then \if & fi && \if & then \function & fi && then \function fi
Something like this?
if [[ $1 == 'a' ]]; then
echo "all right";
echo 'Expected $1 to be "a"'
Anyway, what's the point of the test if you only expect one answer? Or do you mean that for debugging purposes?
[[ 'a' = 'a' ]] || echo "failed"
[[ 'b' = 'a' ]] || echo "failed"
