Spring Security Logout not clearing securitycontext from all the threads having it - session

We are using spring security with tomcat container for our application.
Suppose a user hits some request to the server. Now while this request is being processed at the server (assuming it's taking some time), we do logout from another tab.
Now what happens that after logout, last session gets invalidated, but when the first request is served, it creates a new session and spring security populates context from ThreadLocalSecurityContextHolderStrategy to this new session.
So in a way even after doing logout, user is still logged into the application.
Is there something out of box which we are missing, can help us fix this.
Atleast somebody please help in direction whether writing a custom securityContextHolderStrategy is good enough or do we need to something else.


Remember me for WebFlux Security application with SESSION and X-CSRF token

I have a NextJS app that communicates with a Spring backend, I'm getting the SESSION and X-CSRF cookie correctly but they only last for the browser session, when the browser window is closed and then reopened I want my users to be able to still be in the session and not have to login again every time.
I know that Spring Security has "Remember me" unfortunately I'm using WebFlux Security and ServerHttpSecurity doesn't have the remember me functionality, I saw this issue https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/issues/5504 but couldn't understand well what they mean with the solution.
I'm using Spring Session and since we can't have remember me, I don't know what exactly are the best steps to take? Would I have to set the Max Age of both cookies and used them for the days that I want my users to be logged in? Is this the best course of action?
I don't want to migrate to regular Spring Servlet Security unless it was the only way to solve this.
Since RememberMe isn't on WebFlux Security applications therefore the only solution I think of, is with the cookies.
You could modify the session cookie in the webflux application by using this guide from Spring Session, for the CSRF token, you could set the max age on CookieServerCsrfTokenRepository, like it was implemented here and that change is coming in the next Security versions.
By setting the max age, you can still use the same session when you reopen the browser window, unless the server session times out.
I don't know if that's the best solution, but if someone wants to add something else that would be great.

Spring Security "Remember Me" cookie gets deleted on browser closed event

I've followed Spring Security's instructions and managed to authenticate my users using JDBC in a Spring Boot project with "Remember Me" feature enabled (and setAlwaysRemember(true)). The "Remember Me" cookie gets created in the client's browser and the Token gets inserted into the "presistent_logins" table without fail.
But here comes the dilemma, When the client closes the browser, the "Remember Me" cookie gets removed automatically, which somehow makes all my effort effectless.
what would be the point of having Remember Me feature, if the cookie which is an essential requirement, gets removed on every browser closed event. Therefore, the user has to do the login all over again.
Here is a picture that shows the remember me cookie has been created after a successful login.
Do I have to take some special measures to make sure that the cookie gets preserved in the browser?
Chrome >>
Firefox >>
It's not the browser who is clearing the remember-me cookie. It's your spring app which tells the browser to clear that cookie (by giving an old expiry time).
So why does spring do that?
Because internally spring is throwing BadCredentialsException. You should debug RememberMeAuthenticationProvider class to make sure why it's throwing that exception.
In my case, the remember-me secret key was different than the one I used in my PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices class.
So please debug your application to find out the root cause of it...
Finally had to use normal mode of Remember Me feature (not DB persistence mode) in order to have this working. :(
When I use DB to persist session information, upon closing the browser, the "remember-me" session vanishes somehow!

Spring MVC SPRING_SECURITY_SAVED_REQUEST causes continuous invalid sessions

I have a Spring MVC App and I have an issue with invalidated sessions.
The app performs AJAX requests that are all authenticated/tied to a session (hold a JSESSIONID)
So here's what happens. Let's say I'm in the app authenticated with a session. If I go into Tomcat and invalidate that session, then the next time an HTTP request gets made, Spring forwards me to the login page. Once I login again, Spring authenticates me fine, but then a number of my AJAX requests get HTTP 403 errors, continuously.
If I go into the HTTP Headers of the requests that get the 403s, I notice they have 2 JSESSIONIDs, one of the authenticated session, the other one of a session that holds only this attribute:
So these sessions are not authenticated sessions so they are causing Spring to return a 403.
The issue is that this persists until I kill the browser (on some mobile devices that doesn't even work, and I have to go into settings to clear the browser cache).
Any suggestions?
this is a big problem because it's happening when Sessions invalidate themselves because of TTL, and we're stuck with users who get booted out, log back in and still get 403s, forever, until they clear the cache.
One thing to note is that Spring Security invalidates the existing session when you login and creates a new one, copying the contents of the old one across. This is intended to create a new session identifier to avoid session fixation attacks. You can try disabling this feature to see if it is related to your problem. It sounds like these are the two sessions you are talking about.
However if there are two JSESSIONID headers in the request then it sounds like a problem on the client side. You should work out why your client is sending two values. Also, it sounds like there may be an issue with Tomcat on the server side if you are still able to read the contents of the previously invalidated session.
Also check that Tomcat isn't sending two JSESSIONID values in the login response. There was an issue ages ago where it was doing just that, but it's unlikely you are running such an old version of Tomcat.

How to do custom action before session invalidation (time-out)?

I want to store some information of current session's user when a session is getting invalidated (because of time out). How can I do that?
If this helps, I'm using Spring Security 3.1. So if there is any configuration in Spring I'm having no trouble understanding that.
There is a thing in Spring Security as Session Expiration. When a session expires, a filter catches it and I can have my desired information from it.
However the problem is when a session gets invalidated (because of timeout). Because, for the next request there will be a new session created and I'm not able to have access to the old one. I want to know how I can customize session invalidation ?

Remember-Me with Spring Security, various questions

I'm using Spring Framework 3.0.5 and Spring Security 3.0.5 for developing a webapplication where users can log in and log out, using Remember-Me-Service, if they want to.
As I don't have pretty much experience, I wonder if it's working correctly. I use PersistentTokenApproach (with my own implementation, because I use Hibernate.) I can see the cookie is created on login and deleted on logout.
If I have an valid Remember-Me-Cookie and close the Browser, Im successfully logged in again when I open the browser again. So far, so good.
Now, I'd just like to know if those things I noticed are working as they are expected to or if I maybe did make a mistake.
1) When a user logs in without remember-me and the browser-tab is closed (not the browser itself), on reopening a new browser-tab he is still authenticated (he's using the same JSESSIONID). When closing the browser and reopening again, he isn't authenticated anymore. Regarding the security of a webapplication, is this a recommended ("normal") behaviour?
2) When remember-me used and the user is successfully authenticated (by login or later by cookie), there are no more checks on the cookie. that means, if meanwhile the user is online I'd delete the cookie from the database, the user would still be logged in, allowed to watch even the secured pages. I guess this happens because he was authenticated before and keeps using the same SESSIONID. When I close the browser and reopen it again, he isn't authenticated anymore.
3) When I dont own a cookie and open the main page, for every request I send (every picture, every file on the page) the server is checking for the rememberme-cookie. Is that correct?
Sorry for the newbie-questions, but I just want to make sure everything is working as it should. :-) Thanks in advance!
1) As far as tabs within a browser go, I am pretty sure they all share the same browser session. If you try using gmail or other web-based services you'll see the same behaviour when you close / open tabs. With older versions of IE (maybe version 6) separate instances had their own sessions, unless they were spawned from existing IE instances.
2) This sounds correct. Its not really ideal to hit the database on every request after they have been authenticated.
3) That is correct, as by default the spring security filters will be filtering on /* - and trying to look for authentication info. You can add excludes to your security config for resources you dont need to protect- ie
<http> <intercept-url pattern="/images/**" filters="none"/>
