Can't debug windows phone app on real device - debugging

I'm trying to debug my WP8 App on a nokia 520. All works fine on the emulator but once i pick "device" as target, I still get the same error :
Error 1 Error : DEP6100 : The following unexpected error occurred during boostrapping stage 'Downloading package 'FF6XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXF32'':
SmartDeviceException - Referenced package not found
I am using VS2013 Update RC2.
The device is registered.
Would someone know how to fix it ?


Errors while running the first tutorial (Import SDK Demo)

The Logcat (error ) file shows these errors.
2019-03-13 20:29:04.361 7671-7671/com.dji.importSDKDemo E/sdk: install begin
2019-03-13 20:29:04.416 7671-7671/com.dji.importSDKDemo E/sdk: install begin
2019-03-13 20:29:04.857 7671-7694/com.dji.importSDKDemo E/linker: "/data/app/com.dji.importSDKDemo-km6EFSAoVvMZd-4YxdRtug==/lib/x86/" has text relocations
2019-03-13 20:29:04.864 7671-7694/com.dji.importSDKDemo E/zygote: No implementation found for byte[] dji.midware.natives.SDKRelativeJNI.native_getXXXX(java.lang.String) (tried Java_dji_midware_natives_SDKRelativeJNI_native_1getXXXX and Java_dji_midware_natives_SDKRelativeJNI_native_1getXXXX__Ljava_lang_String_2)
2019-03-13 20:29:04.865 7671-7694/com.dji.importSDKDemo E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: AsyncTask #1
Process: com.dji.importSDKDemo, PID: 7671
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for byte[] dji.midware.natives.SDKRelativeJNI.native_getXXXX(java.lang.String) (tried Java_dji_midware_natives_SDKRelativeJNI_native_1getXXXX and Java_dji_midware_natives_SDKRelativeJNI_native_1getXXXX__Ljava_lang_String_2)
at dji.midware.natives.SDKRelativeJNI.native_getXXXX(Native Method)
at com.dji.h.a.a.c.b(Unknown Source:22)
at dji.midware.e.b(Unknown Source:2)
at dji.sdk.sdkmanager.DJISDKManager.(Unknown Source:2)
at dji.sdk.sdkmanager.DJISDKManager.getInstance(Unknown Source:0)
at com.dji.importSDKDemo.MainActivity$
at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Have you followed this tutorial to learn how to import DJI Android SDK to your application?
Yes I followed the tutorial and the code successfully executed, problem was in the app key . I was using different app key for different project package. Also DJI SDK tutorials run successfully on mobile device than in virtual emulator so it is better to check your application on mobile device.

How to get a simple app deployed on watchOS 3 with Xamarin?

I can't get a simple app to run on watchOS 3 and it's driving me CRAZY!
I'm running with Xcode 8.
Recreate scenario: Create a newiOS app (defaults to deployment target 10), add WatchOS project (3.0). Try to compile.
I get:
Could not AOT the assembly (MT3001)
Changing Build link to "Don't Link" on all three projects and downgrading to target 8.4 and Watch OS 2.2 results:
Error MT1006: Could not install the application on the device: Sent message error( error : 0xe800002d).
Changing to target 10, but keeping Watch OS 2 finally gets compiled and installed on the phone and deployed on device, but debugger either:
A. Never manage to connect over Wifi to the watch (stuck at "waiting for the app to connect on port 10000)
B. Get the following error:
Launched watch application 'com.XXX.testwatch.watchkitapp' on 'Apple Watch' with pid 270
Exception: Xamarin.Hosting.MobileDeviceException: Send Message Error (error: 0xe800002d)
at Xamarin.Hosting.RealDevice.StartSession () <0x118c24dd0 + 0x0009d> in :0
at Xamarin.Hosting.DebugService+c__AnonStorey6.<>m__0 (System.Object v) <0x118c24450 + 0x000cf> in :0
[MVID] 703d5be3b466420882f6cb97c41b6723 0,1
What am I doing wrong here?
I've submitted a bug report To Xamarin. They confirmed. You need to modify the default compilation to disable the incremental build.

cannot deploy app to windows phone 8.1 device

When trying to deploy (any) windows phone 8.1 error I get the following error in VS2013:
Error 3 Error : DEP6100 : The following unexpected error occurred during boostrapping stage 'Downloading package 'FF63DEA8-0A0C-4E52-B20F-84F390C30F32'': DirectoryNotFoundException - The system cannot find the path specified.
And in VS2015:
Show Details Severity Code Description Project File Line Error Error : DEP6100 : The following unexpected error occurred during bootstrapping stage 'Downloading package 'EB22551A-7F66-465F-B53F-E5ABA0C0574E (NativeMsVsMon)'': DirectoryNotFoundException - The system cannot find the path specified.
I can deploy app in visual studio 2012 , but in my case this is not an option because vs2012 does not support universal apps, so i cant open my project.
Phone is recognized by computer, it is unlocked, I've tried resetting import export settings, nothing works...
I have vs2013 update 4.

cannot deploy app to windows phone 8.1 device

When I'm trying to deploy (any) Windows Phone 8.1 error I get the following error in VS2013:
Error 3 Error : DEP6100 : The following unexpected error occurred during boostrapping stage 'Downloading package 'FF63DEA8-0A0C-4E52-B20F-84F390C30F32'':
DirectoryNotFoundException - The system cannot find the path specified.
And in VS2015:
Show Details Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error Error : DEP6100 : The following unexpected error occurred during bootstrapping stage 'Downloading package 'EB22551A-7F66-465F-B53F-E5ABA0C0574E (NativeMsVsMon)'':
DirectoryNotFoundException - The system cannot find the path specified.
I can deploy the app in Visual Studio 2013 , but in my case this is not an option because VS2013 does not support universal applicationss, so I can't open my project.
Phone is recognized by my computer, it is unlocked, I've tried resetting import export settings.
I have VS2013 update 4.
I was facing the same issue. Don't know if this is related to your issue but I've discovered that all the mess was generated by a failed attempt to update the device OS.
In short, i was unable to update my device to the last OS version. This blocked appx installations and also VS deploys.
For reference
The only soultion I've found is to reset the device via the recovery tool mentioned in the above link
good luck

Distributing In-House iPad app is now generating code signing error in Lion using Xcode 4.3.2 (4E2002)

After upgrading our Jenkins CI Mac mini to Lion and Xcode 4.3.2 (4E2002) we now receive an
unrecognized status -67068 from code signing
In the past code signing worked just fine, before we upgraded to Lion and the new Xcode. Now that all our developers are using Lion and the new version of Xcode, we were forced to update our CI box. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
May 10 18:17:49 unknown installd[70] : unrecognized status -67068 from codesigning library
May 10 18:17:49 unknown installd[70] : 00281000 verify_signer_identity: Could not copy validate signature: -402620415
May 10 18:17:49 unknown installd[70] : 00281000 preflight_application_install: Could not verify executable at /var/tmp/install_staging.aKaDJC/foo_extracted/Payload/
May 10 18:17:49 unknown installd[70] : 00281000 install_application: Could not preflight application install
May 10 18:17:49 unknown[110] : MobileInstallationInstall: failed with -1
May 10 18:17:50 unknown installd[70] : 00281000 handle_install: API failed
May 10 18:17:50 unknown installd[70] : 00281000 send_message: failed to send mach message of 71 bytes: 10000003
May 10 18:17:50 unknown installd[70] : 00281000 send_error: Could not send error response to client
May 10 18:18:18 unknown profiled[65] : (Note ) profiled: Idled.
May 10 18:18:18 unknown profiled[65] : (Note ) profiled: Service stopping.
Thanks to ThomasW I was able to Google, "Cannot find code object on disk", and found this article.
