Merge multiple lines of table with same name - bash

I have a tab delimited table which I want to change the format of as shown below.
Initially the file was like this
Species Column1 Column2 Column3
A 3
B 1
C 7
D 1
A 8
D 4
B 2
C 5
A 9
What I want is:
Species Column1 Column2 Column3
A 3 8 9
B 1 2
C 7 5
D 1 4
Currently I have this:
Species Column1 Column2 Column3
A 3
A 8
A 9
B 1
B 2
C 7
C 5
D 1
D 4
I used the sort function to get the bottom table but am unsure of how to then combine the rows together. Anyone know how to?

use this script:
nums=$(seq $cols)
files=$(printf "f%s " $nums)
for i in $nums
if [ $i = 1 ]; then
tail -n +2 $1 | cut -f"$i" | grep '^.' | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort -u > f"$i"
tail -n +2 $1 | cut -f"$i" | grep '^.' | cut -d' ' -f1 > f"$i"
head -n1 $1
paste $files
rm -rf $files
output is :
$ ./script file
Species Column1 Column2 Column3
A 3 8 9
B 1 4
C 7 2
D 1 5

Assuming columns are separated by tabs and there are no headers, here's the script:
awk -F "\t" '$2' file.txt | sort > col2.txt
awk -F "\t" '$3' file.txt | sort > col3.txt
awk -F "\t" '$4' file.txt | sort > col4.txt
join -a1 -a2 col2.txt col3.txt | join -a1 -a2 - col4.txt


unix sort groups by their associated maximum value?

Let's say I have this input file 49142202.txt:
A 5
B 6
C 3
A 4
B 2
C 1
Is it possible to sort the groups in column 1 by the value in column 2? The desired output is as follows:
B 6 <-- B group at the top, because 6 is larger than 5 and 3
B 2 <-- 2 less than 6
A 5 <-- A group in the middle, because 5 is smaller than 6 and larger than 3
A 4 <-- 4 less than 5
C 3 <-- C group at the bottom, because 3 is smaller than 6 and 5
C 1 <-- 1 less than 3
Here is my solution:
join -t$'\t' -1 2 -2 1 \
<(cat 49142202.txt | sort -k2nr,2 | sort --stable -k1,1 -u | sort -k2nr,2 \
| cut -f1 | nl | tr -d " " | sort -k2,2) \
<(cat 49142202.txt | sort -k1,1 -k2nr,2) \
| sort --stable -k2n,2 | cut -f1,3
The first input to join sorted by column 2 is this:
2 A
1 B
3 C
The second input to join sorted by column 1 is this:
A 5
A 4
B 6
B 2
C 3
C 1
The output of join is:
A 2 5
A 2 4
B 1 6
B 1 2
C 3 3
C 3 1
Which is then sorted by the nl line number in column 2 and then the original input columns 1 and 3 are kept with cut.
I know it can be done a lot easier with for example groupby of pandas of Python, but is there a more elegant way of doing it, while sticking to the use of GNU Coreutils such as sort, join, cut, tr and nl? Preferably I want to avoid a memory inefficient awk solution, but please share those as well. Thanks!
As explained in the comment my solution tries to reduce the number of pipes, unnecessary cat commands and more especially the number of pipeline sort operations since sorting is a complex/time consuming operation:
I reached the following solution where f_grp_sort is the input file:
for elem in $(sort -k2nr f_grp_sort | awk '!seen[$1]++{print $1}')
grep $elem <(sort -k2nr f_grp_sort)
B 6
B 2
A 5
A 4
C 3
C 1
sort -k2nr f_grp_sort will generate the following output:
B 6
A 5
A 4
C 3
B 2
C 1
and sort -k2nr f_grp_sort | awk '!seen[$1]++{print $1}' will generate the output:
the awk will just generate in the same order 1 unique element of the first column of the temporary output.
Then the for elem in $(...)do grep $elem <(sort -k2nr f_grp_sort); done
will grep for lines containing B then A, then C what will provide the required output.
Now as enhancement, you can use a temporary file to avoid doing sort -k2nr f_grp_sort operation twice:
$ sort -k2nr f_grp_sort > tmp_sorted_file && for elem in $(awk '!seen[$1]++{print $1}' tmp_sorted_file); do grep $elem tmp_sorted_file; done && rm tmp_sorted_file
So, this won't work for all cases, but if the values in your first column can be turned into bash variables, we can use dynamically named arrays to do this instead of a bunch of joins. It should be pretty fast.
The first while block reads in the contents of the file, getting the first two space separated strings and putting them into col1 and col2. We then create a series of arrays named like ARR_A and ARR_B where A and B are the values from column 1 (but only if $col1 only contains characters that can be used in bash variable names). The array contains the column 2 values associated with these column 1 values.
I use your fancy sort chain to get the order we want column 1 values to print out in, we just loop through them, then for each column 1 array we sort the values and echo out column 1 and column 2.
The dynamc variable bits can be hard to follow, but for the right values in column 1 it will work. Again, if there's any characters that can't be part of a bash variable name in column 1, this solution will not work.
while read col1 col2 extra
if [[ "$col1" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ ]]
eval 'ARR_'${col1}'+=("'${col2}'")'
echo "Bad character detected in Column 1: '$col1'"
exit 1
done < "$file"
sort -k2nr,2 "$file" | sort --stable -k1,1 -u | sort -k2nr,2 | while read col1 extra
for col2 in $(eval 'printf "%s\n" "${ARR_'${col1}'[#]}"' | sort -r)
echo $col1 $col2
This was my test, a little more complex than your provided example:
$ cat 49142202.txt
A 4
B 6
C 3
A 5
B 2
C 1
C 0
$ ./run
B 6
B 2
A 5
A 4
C 3
C 1
C 0
Thanks a lot #JeffBreadner and #Allan! I came up with yet another solution, which is very similar to my first one, but gives a bit more control, because it allows for easier nesting with for loops:
for x in $(sort -k2nr,2 $file | sort --stable -k1,1 -u | sort -k2nr,2 | cut -f1); do
awk -v x=$x '$1==x' $file | sort -k2nr,2
Do you mind, if I don't accept either of your answers, until I have time to evaluate the time and memory performance of your solutions? Otherwise I would probably just go for the awk solution by #Allan.

CONCAT columns within a file

I'd like to concatenate column2 until column4.
Example (first.txt):
|1 | a | b | c |
|2 | d | e | f |
To this (mynewfile.txt) :
1 | a b c
2 | d e f
This is my script in cygwin : $ awk '{print $2" "$3" "$4 }' first.txt > mynewfile.txt
Of course, it is not working out well.. How do I improve the script?
You need to set the field separator so that a pipe with optional whitespace around it is the field delimiter.
The pipe at the beginning of the line causes an empty field 1 before the pipe, so the ID is field 2, and columns 2-4 are fields 3-5. So it should be:
awk -F' *\\| *' 'NR == 1 {print "ID|column2|"} NR > 1 {printf("%d | %s %s %s |\n", $2, $3, $4, $5)}' first.txt > mynewfile.txt
Not especially general GNU sed method:
sed 's/^[|]//;1s/2.*/2/;1!{s/|/ /g2;s/ */ /2g}' first.txt
1 | a b c
2 | d e f

merge two files having the same value in bash

I am trying to merge 2 files in one single.
2015-09-30T13:30:57+01:00 6 1
2015-09-30T13:30:58+01:00 6 1
2015-09-30T13:30:59+01:00 6 1
2015-09-30T13:31:00+01:00 6 1
2015-09-30T13:31:01+01:00 6 1
2015-09-30T13:31:02+01:00 6 1
2015-09-30T13:31:04+01:00 6 1
2015-09-30T13:16:19+01:00 4
2015-09-30T13:16:20+01:00 7
2015-09-30T13:16:21+01:00 7
2015-09-30T13:16:22+01:00 8
2015-09-30T13:16:23+01:00 8
2015-09-30T13:16:24+01:00 7
2015-09-30T13:16:25+01:00 2
2015-09-30T13:16:26+01:00 4
2015-09-30T13:16:27+01:00 1
2015-09-30T13:30:58+01:00 1
The result that I am trying to get is to add the column 2 from FILE2 being added to FILE1 as fourth columns as the time match:
2015-09-30T13:30:57+01:00 6 1 4
2015-09-30T13:16:23+01:00 8 3 1
Thank you for your help,
Use cut to find the first column and nested while loop to compare the firsts columns:
printf "" > FILE3
while read line1; do
file1_first_col=$(printf "${line1}" | cut -f1 -d' ')
printf "${line1}" >> FILE3
while read line2; do
file2_first_col=$(printf "${line2}"| cut -f1 -d' ')
if [[ "${file1_first_col}" == "${file2_first_col}" ]]; then
file2_second_col=$(printf "${line2}" | cut -f2 -d' ')
printf " ${file2_second_col}" >> FILE3
done < FILE2
printf "\n" >> FILE3
done < FILE1
Then print the result to a file called FILE3.
NOTE that for large files this may be very slow.

Add column to csv file

I have two files and I need catch the last column of a file and append to other file.
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
5 5
5 5
5 5
Initial proposal
#!/usr/bin/env bash
column=$(awk '{print $(NF)}' $file1)
paste -d',' $file2 < $column
Expected result
5 5 3
5 5 3
5 5 3
But, This script does not work yet
OBS: I do not know how many columns have in the file. I need more generic solution.
You can use this paste command:
paste -d " " file2 <(awk '{print $NF}' file1)
5 5 3
5 5 3
5 5 3
To append last column of file1 to file2:
paste -d " " file2 <(rev file1 | cut -d " " -f 1 | rev)
5 5 3
5 5 3
5 5 3
To paste the second column of file 1 to file 2:
while read line; do
read -u 3 c1 c2 c3;
echo $line $c2;
done < file2 3< file1
You can use Perl too:
$ paste -d ' ' file2.txt <(perl -lne 'print $1 if m/(\S+)\s*$/' file1.txt)
5 5 3
5 5 3
5 5 3
Or grep:
$ paste -d ' ' file2.txt <(grep -Eo '(\S+)\s*$' file1.txt)
5 5 3
5 5 3
5 5 3

Sum of Columns for multiple variables

Using Shell Script (Bash), I am trying to sum the columns for all the different variables of a list. Suppose I have the following input of a Test.tsv file
Win Lost
Anna 1 1
Charlotte 3 1
Lauren 5 5
Lauren 6 3
Charlotte 3 2
Charlotte 4 5
Charlotte 2 5
Anna 6 4
Charlotte 2 3
Lauren 3 6
Anna 1 2
Anna 6 2
Lauren 2 1
Lauren 5 5
Lauren 6 6
Charlotte 1 3
Anna 1 4
And I want to sum up how much each of the participants have won and lost. So I want to get this as a result:
Sum Win Sum Lost
Anna 57 58
Charlotte 56 57
Lauren 53 56
What I would usually do is take the sum per person and per column and repeat that process over and over. See below how I would do it for the example mentioned:
cat Test.tsv | grep -Pi '\bAnna\b' | cut -f2 -d$'\t' |paste -sd+ | bc > Output.tsv
cat Test.tsv | grep -Pi '\bCharlotte\b' | cut -f2 -d$'\t' |paste -sd+ | bc >> Output.tsv
cat Test.tsv | grep -Pi '\bLauren\b' | cut -f2 -d$'\t' |paste -sd+ | bc >> Output.tsv
cat Test.tsv | grep -Pi '\bAnna\b' | cut -f3 -d$'\t' |paste -sd+ | bc > Output.tsv
cat Test.tsv | grep -Pi '\bCharlotte\b' | cut -f3 -d$'\t' |paste -sd+ | bc >> Output.tsv
cat Test.tsv | grep -Pi '\bLauren\b' | cut -f3 -d$'\t' |paste -sd+ | bc >> Output.tsv
However I would need to repeat this line for every participant. This becomes a pain when you have to many variables you want to sum it up for.
What would be the way to write this script?
This is pretty straightforward with awk. Using GNU awk:
awk -F '\t' 'BEGIN { OFS = FS } NR > 1 { won[$1] += $2; lost[$1] += $3 } END { PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "#ind_str_asc"; print "", "Sum Win", "Sum Lost"; for(p in won) print p, won[p], lost[p] }' filename
-F '\t' makes awk split lines at tabs, then:
BEGIN { OFS = FS } # the output should be separated the same way as the input
NR > 1 { # From the second line forward (skip header)
won[$1] += $2 # tally up totals
lost[$1] += $3
END { # When done, print the lot.
# GNU-specific: Sorted traversal or player names
PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "#ind_str_asc"
print "", "Sum Win", "Sum Lost"
for(p in won) print p, won[p], lost[p]
