What can I expect about hive and hadoop in performance? - hadoop

I'am actually trying to implement a solution with Hadoop using Hive on CDH 5.0 with Yarn. So my architecture is:
1 Namenode
3 DataNode
I'm querying ~123 millions rows with 21 columns
My node are virtualized with 2vCPU #2.27 and 8 GO RAM
So I tried some request and i got some result, and after that i tried the same requests in a basic MySQL with the same dataset in order to compare the results.
And actually MySQL is very faster than Hive. So I'm trying to understand why. I know I have some bad performance because of my hosts. My main question is : is my cluster well sizing ?
Do i need to add same DataNode for this amount of data (which is not very enormous in my opinion) ?
And if someone try some request with appoximately the same architecture, you are welcome to share me your results.
Thanks !

I'm querying ~123 millions rows with 21 columns [...] which is not very enormous in my opinion
That's exactly the problem, it's not enormous. Hive is a big data solution and is not designed to run on small data-sets like the one your using. It's like trying to use a forklift to take out your kitchen trash. Sure, it will work, but it's probably faster to just take it out by hand.
Now, having said all that, you have a couple of options if you want realtime performance closer to that of a traditional RDBMS.
Hive 0.13+ which uses TEZ, ORC and a number of other optimizations that greatly improve response time
Impala (part of CDH distributions) which bypasses MapReduce altogether, but is more limited in file format support.
I'm saying that with 2 datanodes i get the same performance than with 3
That's not surprising at all. Since Hive uses MapReduce to handle query operators (join, group by, ...) it incurs all the cost that comes with MapReduce. This cost is more or less constant regardless of the size of data and number of datanodes.
Let's say you have a dataset with 100 rows in it. You might see 98% of your processing time in MapReduce initialization and 2% in actual data processing. As the size of your data increases, the cost associated with MapReduce becomes negligible compared to the total time taken.


Spark Performance On Individual Record Lookups

I am conducting a performance test which compares queries on existing internal Hive tables between Spark SQL and Hive on Tez. Throughout the tests, Spark was showing query execution time that was on par or faster than Hive on Tez. These results are consistent with many of the examples out there. However, there was one noted exception with a query that involved key based selection at the individual record level. In this instance, Spark was significantly slower than Hive on Tez.
After researching this topic on the internet, I could not find a satisfactory answer and wanted to pose this example to the SO community to see if this is an individual one-off case associated with our environment or data, or a larger pattern related to Spark.
Spark 1.6.1
Spark Conf: Executors 2, Executory Memory 32G, Executor Cores 4.
Data is in an internal Hive Table which is stored as ORC file types compressed with zlib. The total size of the compressed files is ~2.2 GB.
Here is the query code.
#Python API
#orc with zlib key based select
dforczslt = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM dev.perf_test_orc_zlib WHERE test_id= 12345678987654321")
The total time to complete this query was over 400 seconds, compared to ~6 seconds with Hive on Tez. I also tried using predicate pushdown via the SQL context configs but this resulted in no noticeable performance increase. Also, when this same test was conducted using Parquet the query time was on par with Hive as well. I'm sure there are other solutions out there to increase the performance of the queries such as using RDDS v. Dataframes etc. But I'm really looking to understand how Spark is interacting with ORC files which is resulting in this gap.
Let me know if I can provide additional clarification around any of the talking points listed above.
The following steps might help to improve the performance of the Spark SQL query.
In general, Hive take the memory of the whole Hadoop cluster which is significantly larger than the executer memory (Here 2* 32 = 64 GB). What's the memory size of the nodes ?.
Further, the number of executers seems to be less (2) when compare to the number of number of map/reduce jobs generated by the hive query. Increasing the number of executers in multiples of 2 might help to improve the performance.
In SparkSQL and Dataframe, optimised execution using manually managed memory (Tungsten) is now enabled by default, along with code generation
for expression evaluation. this features can be enabled by setting spark.sql.tungsten.enabled to true in case if it's not already enabled.
sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.tungsten.enabled", "true")
The columnar nature of the ORC format helps to avoid reading unnecessary columns. However, But, we are still reading unnecessary rows even if the query has WHERE clause filter.ORC predicate push-down would improve the performance with it's built-in indexs. Here, the ORC predicate push-down is disabled in the Spark SQL by default and need to be explicitly enabled.
sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.orc.filterPushdown", "true")
I would recommend you to do some more research and find the potential performance blockers if any.

Hive query having 15 tables join is expected to generate 1 Billion records, on 3 datanodes, 16GB RAM each Is this the right way to do?

My name is Vitthal.
The Hortonworks HDP 2.4 Cluster on Amazon is 3 Datanodes, Masters on different Instances.
7 Instances 16GB RAM each.
Total 1TB HDD Space
3 Data Nodes
Hadoop version 2.7
I have pulled data from Postgres into Hadoop Distributed Environment.
The Data is 15 Tables, Among them 4 tables are having 15 Million Records, rest are Masters.
I've pulled them in HDFS, compressed as ORC, and SnappyCodec. Created Hive External Tables with schema.
Now I'm firing a query which joins all the 15 tables and selects the columns which I need in a final flat table. The records expected are more than 1.5 Billion.
I have optimized Hive, Yarn, MapReduce Engine viz. Parallel Execution, Vectorization, Optimized Joins, Small Table Condition, Heap Size etc.
The query is running on Cluster / Hive / Tez since 20 hours & it's reached 90% where the last reducer is running. The 90% is reached long back like since 18 hours it's stuck at 90%.
Am I doing it the right way ?
If I understand, you have effectively copied tables in their raw form from your RDBMs into Hadoop in order to create a flattened view into one or more new tables. You're using Hive to do this. All of this sounds fine.
There are many possibilities why this is taking so long, but several come to mind.
First, YARN will allocate containers (one per CPU core, typically) that mappers and reducers will use to run the parallelized parts of the query. This should allow you to utilize all of the resources you have available.
I use Cloudera, but I assume Hortonworks has similar tools that let you see how many containers are in use, how many mappers and reducers are created by Hive, and so on. You should see that most or all of your available CPUs are in use constantly. Jobs should be finishing at some reasonable rate (perhaps every minute, or every 15 minutes). Depending on the query, Hive is often able to break it into distinct "stages" that are executed distinctly from others, then reassembled at the end.
If this is the case, everything may be fine, but your cluster may be under-resourced. But before you throw more AWS instances at the problem, consider the query itself.
First, Hive has several tools that are essential for optimizing performance, most importantly, partitioning. When you create tables, you should find some means of partitioning the resulting datasets into roughly equal subsets. A common method is to use dates, for example year+month+day (perhaps 20160417), or if you expect to have lots of historical data, maybe just year+month. This will also allow you to dramatically optimize queries that can be constrained by date. I seem to recall that Hive (or maybe it's YARN) will allocate partitions to different containers, so if you don't see all your workers working, then this would be a possible cause. Use the PARTITIONED BY clause in your CREATE TABLE statement.
The reason to choose something like date is that presumably your data is relatively evenly distributed over time (dates). We had chosen a customer_id as a partition key in an early implementation but as we grew, so did our customers. Hundreds of smaller customers would finish in a few minutes, then hundreds of mid-sized customers would finish in an hour, then a couple of our largest customers would take 10 or more hours to complete. We would see complete utilization of the cluster for that first hour, then only a couple containers in use for the last couple of customers. Not good.
This phenomenon is known as "data skew", so you want to carefully choose partitions to avoid skew. There are some options involving SKEW BY and CLUSTER BY that can help deal with getting evenly sized or smaller data files that you could consider.
Note that the raw import data should also be partitioned, as partitions act like indexes in a RDBMS, so are important for performance. In this case, choose partitions that use the keys that your larger query joins on. It is possible and common to have multiple partitions, so a date-based top-level partition, with a sub-partition on the join key could be helpful ... maybe ... depends on your data.
We have also found that it's very important to optimize the query itself. Hive has some hinting mechanisms that can direct it to run the query differently. While quite rudimentary compared to RDBMS, EXPLAIN is very helpful for understanding how Hive will break up the query and when it needs to scan a full dataset. It's hard to read the explain output, so get comfortable with the Hive documentation :-).
Lastly, if you can't make Hive do things in a sensible manner (if its optimizer still results in imbalanced stages) you can create intermediate tables with an additional Hive query that runs to create a partially transformed dataset before building the final one. This seems expensive since you're adding an additional write, and read of new tables, but in the case you describe it may be much faster overall. Also, it's sometimes useful to have intermediate tables just to test or sample data.
Writing Hive is a lot less like writing regular software -- you can get the Hive query done pretty quickly in most cases. Getting it to run fast has taken us 10 or 15 tries in a few cases. Good luck, and I hope this is helpful.

Mapreduce Vs Spark Vs Storm Vs Drill - For Small files

I know spark does the in memory computation and is much faster then MapReduce.
I was wondering how well does spark work for say records < 10000 ?
I have huge number of files around ( each file having around 10000 records , say 100 column file) coming into my hadoop data platform and i need to perform some data quality checks before i load then into hbase.
I do the data quality check in hive which uses MapReduce at the back-end. For each file it takes about 8 mins and thats pretty bad for me.
Will spark give me a better performance lets say 2-3 mins ?
I know I got to do a bench marking but i was trying to understand the basics here before i really get going with spark.
As I recollect creating RDD's for the first time will be an overhead and since i got to create a new RDD for each incoming file that going to cost me a bit.
I am confused which would be the best approach for me - spark , drill, storm or Mapreduce itself ?
I am just exploring the performance of Drill vs Spark vs Hive over around millions of records. Dill & Spark both are around 5-10 times faster in my case (I did not perform any performance test over cluster with significant RAM, I just tested on single node) The reason for fast computation - both of them perform the in-memory computation.
The performance of drill & spark is almost comparable in my case. So, I can't say which one is better. You need to try this at your end.
Testing on Drill will not take much time. Download the latest drill, install on your mapr hadoop cluster, add hive-storage plugin and perform the query.

Why does YARN takes a lot of memory for a simple count operation?

I have a standard configured HDP 2.2 environment with Hive, HBase and YARN.
I've used Hive (/w HBase) to perform a simple count operation on a table that has about 10 million rows and it resulted with a 10gb of memory consumption from YARN.
How can I reduce this memory consumption? Why does it need so much memory just to count rows?
A simple count operation involves a map reduce job at the back end. And that involves 10 million rows in your case. Look here for a better explanation. Well this is just for the things happening at the background and execution time and not your question regarding memory requirements. Atleast, it will give you a heads up for the places to look for. This has few solutions to speed up as well. Happy coding

Is Hadoop Suited to Serve 100 byte Records Out of 50GB Dataset?

We have a question on whether Hadoop is suitable for simple tasks that require no application running, but require very fast reads and writes of small amount of data.
The requirement is to be able to write roughly a 100-200 bytes long messages with couple of indexes at rate 30 per second, at the same time to be able to read (search by those two indexes) at rate roughly 10 per seconds. The read queries must be very fast - 100-200 milliseconds max per query and return few matching records.
The total data volume is expected to reach 50-100 gb and is to be maintained at this rate by removing older records (something like daily task to delete records that are older than 14 days)
As you can see the total data volume is not really that big, but we are concerned that the search speed of Hadoop may be slower than our need anyway.
Is Hadoop a solution for this?
Hadoop, alone, is very bad at serving out many small segments of data. However, HBase is an indexed table database-like system meant to be run on top of Hadoop. It is excellent at serving out small indexed files. I would research that as a solution.
Another problem to keep an eye on is that importing data into HDFS or HBase is not trivial. It can slow your cluster down quite a bit, so if Hadoop is your choice, you have to also solve how to get those 75GB into HDFS so Hadoop can touch them.
As Sam noted HBase is the Hadoop stack solution that can handle your requirements. However I wouldn't go with Hadoop if these are your only requirements from the data.
You can go with other NoSQL solutions like MongoDB or CouchDB or even MySQL or Postgres
