Auto expand regions in Visual Studio 2013? - visual-studio-2013

<= Visual Studio 2012, you could use the I Hate #Regions plugin to auto expand regions, but this isn't available for 2013.
Is there an alternative, or is this option available natively now?

There is now Visual Studio 2013 support according to the site
I Hate #Regions
And OP has confirmed that it is working in VS2013 now. So we never have to be bothered by pesky regions again.

Slightly offtopic, but for the record:
There are key combos for expanding and collapsing regions. The mentioned plugin just expands everything when a file is opened.


What happened to Edit.MoveLineUp/Down in Visual Studio 2012

In Visual Studio 2010 you can assign keyboard shortcuts for moving lines up and down.
I can't find these commands in 2012.
Have they been renamed or removed? Is there any way, out-of-the-box, to move lines using ALT + ↑↓? (I'm not buying ReSharper.)
This command is a part of Productivity Power Tools.
The 2012 version was released in November 2012. You can find it here:
Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2012
Nothing happened to it, these commands don't exist in VS2010 either. Check what add-ins you've got installed.
Not sure what it does, but consider Edit.ScrollLineUp/Down. Default binding is Ctrl+Up/Down arrow.

Visual Studio not closing curled bracket

For some reason, on a new computer, Visual Studio won't auto-close curled brackets.
if(Username.Text.Equals()) {
And it doesn't auto-close. Works perfectly on all other machines I've installed VS2010 on. And now it just won't.
And there doesn't seem to be a setting in the options menu to alter this behavior. What do I need to do?
I'm not sure if this is actually built in to vs2010. But you can install the MS Productivity Power Tools (Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2012) Which will give you brace auto completion. this is quite a common add in so maybe the other copies of VS you have tried have it installed??
Visual Studio will auto-format matching pairs of brackets as you type, but I have never seen this on Visual Studio 'out of the box'.
According to this Microsoft Connect entry, it's officially not on VS2010, having been cut due to time priority issues vs time constraints.
However, add ons like the free Microsoft Productivity Power Tools, or the not-so-free JetBrains ReSharper will add this functionality for you. Perhaps you had one of these (or other similar) add-ons installed in the other computers you have previously worked on.

Collapse all files at once in Solution Explorer window in Visual Studio

Is there a way to collapse all the files at once in the Solution Explorer window in Visual Studio?
Use the extension Collapse Solution. Usually, this feature comes with ReSharper, but I presume that you are not using ReSharper.
There are also a lot of macros out there that help you do the same. One of them is in ‘Collapse All’ in Visual Studio.
Note: There is no inbuilt way in Visual Studio to actually achieve this. And considering just how practical it is, I would have thought they would have added this kind of feature way back in Visual Studio 2005 itself. I know people have been asking for it for years. But in their infinite wisdom, Microsoft don't consider it important enough.
In visual studio 2013, there is a button in solution explorer - Collapse All
I think this extension have requested functionality - PowerCommands for VS 2010.
Also Productivity Power Tools
contains solution navigator which also have this feature and much more usefull stuff for solution navigation and search.
Edited: there also a lot of examples of macro, doing this stuff.
Try free VSCommands 2010 Lite extension. It has this and few other free features.
In Visual Studio 2013 you can do it with right click by Solution -> Collapse All
Of course, you can collapse any selected node by pressing '-', but I understand you are probably looking to collapse the entire tree.

Using RockScroll v1 with Visual Studio 2010 problem

I knew about RockScroll at this blog, I downloaded it to run on Visual Studio 2010, but it doesn't seem to work with VS 2010.
What might be the problem? Doesn't RockScroll v1 work with VS 2010?
If so, what would be an alternative?
If not, what might be wrong?
The Productivity Power Tools now include a scroll bar similar to RockScroll/MetalScroll as described by #shaunmartin in another question:
Alternatives are MetalScroll and AllMargins.
I haven't tried MetalScroll. I installed AllMargins, and it's neat, but I can't say its been very useful.
RockScroll doesn't work with VS2010. Last I checked, there were a couple of somewhat-similar-looking extensions on the VS Gallery, though I don't know if any work with VS2010 and the new editor. I know at MS a couple of VS folks are working on a new RockScroll-like VSIX in their free time, for possible inclusion in a future version of the Pro Power Tools, though I haven't heard anything about it in the last couple months.

How can I highlight the active line in Visual Studio, without using ReSharper?

How can I highlight the active line in Visual Studio 2005 and/or 2008? I would like the current line to be highlighted as other IDE's and text editors do, such as Eclipse and UltraEdit. ReSharper can do this, but it comes at additional costs.
SlickEdit Gadgets have a free "line ruler" gadget that does this.
Upgrade to Visual Studio 2010 with the Productivity Power Tools extension. I know--doesn't answer the question; then again, this wasn't an option when the question was written. :)
You can't do it out-of-the-box
Using resharper or another addin that has this feature is your only option.
