I am looking to see if there is any tool or engine which translates Ecore (meta-)models to Alloy specification?
if it does this translation considering accompanying OCL expressions, it would be great :)
There are a number of research papers on the topic of translating between Alloy and UML. A quick google scholar search for "ocl alloy" returned more than 6000 results. Here are some that seemed the most relevant:
On challenges of model transformation from UML to Alloy
Analysis of model transformations via alloy
Formal refactoring for UML class diagrams
A research paper that explicitly focus on translating UML class diagrams annotated with OCL is "Translating between Alloy specifications and UML class diagrams annotated with OCL", by Alcino Cunha, Ana Garis and Daniel Riesco.
You can check out the implementation here. It should be trivially adaptable to Ecore meta-models.
An Eclipse plugin called Lightning allows to do such transformations. It is currently in test phase, and will normally be available online at the end of the week. (I will edit this answer with the update-site link when it will be release)
If you can't wait that long, I might arrange you an early access.
edit :
update site > http://lightning.gforge.uni.lu/update-site
With Gensim < 4.0, we can retrain a word2vec model using the following code:
model = Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format("GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin", binary=True)
model.train(my_corpus, total_examples=len(my_corpus), epochs=model.epochs)
However, what I understand is that Gensim 4.0 is no longer supporting Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format. Instead, I can only load the keyedVectors.
How to fine-tune a pre-trained word2vec model (such as the model trained on GoogleNews) with my domain-specific corpus using Gensim 4.0?
I don't think that code would've ever have worked in Gensim versions before 4.0. A plain list-of-word-vectors, like GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin, does not (& never has) had enough info to continue training.
It's missing the hidden-to-output layer weights & word-frequency info essential for training.
Looking at past source code, as of release 1.0.0 (February 2017), that code wouldn've already given a deprecation-error with a pointer to the method for loading a plain set-of-word-vectors - to address people with the mistaken notion that could work – and raised other errors on any attempts to train() such a model. (Pre-1.0.0, docs also warned that this would not work, & would have failed with a less-helpful error.)
As one of those errors mentioned, there has at times been experimental support for loading some of a prior set-of-word-vectors to clobber any words in an existing model's already-initialized vocabulary, via .intersect_word2vec_format(). But by default that both (1) locks the imported vectors against further change; (2) brings in no new words. That's unlike what people most often want from "fine-tuning", so it's not a ready-made help for that goal.
I believe some people have cobbled together custom code to achieve various kinds of fine-tuning in their projects – but I don't know of anyone who's published a reliable recipe or strong results. (And I suspect some of the people who think they're doing this well just haven't rigorously evaluated the steps they are taking.)
If you have any recipe you know worked pre-Gensim-4.0.0, it should be adaptable - 4.0 changes to the Word2Vec-related classes were mainly refactorings, optimizations, & new options (with little-to-none removal of functionality). But a reliable description of what used-to-work, or which particular fine-tuning strategy is being pursued for what specific benefits, to make more specific recommendations.
If I'm implementing some data structure in Clojure using deftype, how should I decide which of the core Clojure interfaces to implement?
I was unable to find a comprehensive guide to the various Clojure interfaces; in fact, the only relevant piece of information I was able to find was this question, which is very limited in scope.
What I'm looking for is a list of each of the core Clojure interfaces, with a brief description of what it is and when you should implement it (or if you should even implement it at all!), as well as a list of all the common functions in clojure.core that use it. A description or diagram of the inheritance tree of all these interfaces would also be helpful.
i can not answer all your questions but I usually start from clojure atlas http://www.clojureatlas.com/ to find which interfaces to implement.
The excellent book Clojure Applied by Ben Vandgrift and Alex Miller provides detailed information on this exact topic in "Chapter 2. Collect and Organize Your Data", under "Building Custom Collections". A visual diagram of interfaces in clojure.lang is provided on page 39.
I am just getting into the concept of BDD and have listened to Scott Bellware's talk with the Herding Code guys. I have been playing around with SpecFlow some and like it pretty well.
I understand the distinction between ATDD and TDD as described in the blog post Classifying BDD Tools (Unit-Test-Driven vs. Acceptance Test Driven) and a bit of BDD history, but that leads me to a question.
As described, isn't using a BDD tool (such as MSpec) just another unit testing framework? It seems to me that it is.
Furthermore, this seems to suggest that using SpecFlow to spec out the lower level components (such as your repositories and services) would be wrong. If I can use the same tool for both ATDD and TDD of lower level components, why shouldn't I? There seems to still be some blurry lines here that I feel like I'm not quite understanding.
The Quick Answer
One very important point to bring up is that there are two flavors of Behavior Driven Development. The two flavors are xBehave and xSpec.
xBehave BDD: SpecFlow
SpecFlow (very similar to cucumber from the Ruby stack) is excellent in facilitating xBehave BDD tests as Acceptance Criteria. It does not however provide a good way to write behavioral tests on a unit level. There are a few other xBehave testing frameworks, but SpecFlow has gotten a lot of traction.
xSpec BDD: NSpec
For behavior driven development on a unit level, I would recommend NSpec (inspired directly by RSpec for Ruby). You can accomplish BDD on a unit level by simply using NUnit or MSTest...but they kinda fall short (it's really hard to build up contexts incrementally). MSpec is also an option, there has been a lot of work put into it, but there are just somethings that are just simpilier in NSpec (you can build up context incrementally in MSpec, but it requires inheritance which can become complex).
The Long Answer
The two flavors of BDD primarily exist because of the orthogonal benefits they provide.
Pros and Cons of xBehave (GWT Syntax)
helps facilitate a conversations with the business through a common dialect called (eg. Given ...., And Given ...., When ......, And When ..... , Then ...., And Then)
the common dialect can then be mapped to executable code which proves to the business that you actually finished what you said you'd finish
the dialect is constricting, so the business has to disambiguate requirements and make it fit into the sentences.
While the xBehave approach is good for driving high level Acceptance Criteria, the cycles needed to map English to executable code via attributes makes it infeasible for driving out a domain at the unit level.
Mapping the common dialect to tests is PAINFUL (ramp up on your regex). Each sentence the business creates must be mapped to an executable method via attributes.
The common dialect must be tightly controlled so that managing the mapping doesn't get out of hand. Any time you change a sentence, you have to find method that directly relates to that sentence and fix the regex matching.
Pros and Cons of xSpec (Context/Specification)
Allows the developer to build up context incrementally. A context can be set up for a test and some assertions can be performed against that context. You can then specify more context (building upon the context that already exists) and then specify more tests.
No constricting language. Developers can be more expressive about how a certain part of a system behaves.
No mapping needed between English and a common dialect (because there isn't one).
Not as approachable by the business. Let's face it, the business don't like to disambiguate what they want. If we gave them a context based approach to BDD then the sentence would just read "Just make it work".
Everything is in the code. The context documentation is intertwined within the code (that's why we don't have to worry about mapping english to code)
Not as readable given a less restrictive verbiage.
The Bowling Kata is a pretty good example.
SpecFlow Sample
Here is what the specification would look like in SpecFlow (again, this is great as an acceptance test, because it communicates directly with the business):
Feature File
The feature file is the common dialect for the test.
Feature: Score Calculation
In order to know my performance
As a player
I want the system to calculate my total score
Scenario: Gutter game
Given a new bowling game
When all of my balls are landing in the gutter
Then my total score should be 0
Step Definition File
The step definition file is the actual execution of the test, this file includes the mappings for SpecFlow
public class BowlingSteps
private Game _game;
[Given(#"a new bowling game")]
public void GivenANewBowlingGame()
_game = new Game();
[When(#"all of my balls are landing in the gutter")]
public void WhenAllOfMyBallsAreLandingInTheGutter()
_game.Frames = "00000000000000000000";
[Then(#"my total score should be (\d+)")]
public void ThenMyTotalScoreShouldBe(int score)
Assert.AreEqual(0, _game.Score);
NSpec Sample, xSpec, Context/Specification
Here is a NSpec example of the same bowling kata:
class describe_BowlingGame : nspec
Game game;
void before_each()
game = new Game();
void when_all_my_balls_land_in_the_gutter()
before = () =>
game.Frames = "00000000000000000000";
it["should have a score of 0"] = () => game.Score.should_be(0);
So Yea...SpecFlow is cool, NSpec is cool
As you do more and more BDD, you'll find that both the xBehave and xSpec flavors of BDD are needed. xBehave is more suited for Acceptance Tests, xSpec is more suited for unit tests and domain driven design.
Relevant Links
RSpec vs Cucumber (RSpec stories)
BDD with Cucumber and rspec - when is this redundant?
NSpec Project Site
Continuous Testing
Introduction to BDD and Mocking
BDD using NUnit and Moq
A true behavior driven tool would be something like Cucumber. We use it at my job against .NET code. This allows us to write features that define behavior of the system as a whole and we can then execute the features and verify that the system does what we expect. The whole process works very well for us.
There is a .net implementation called NStep that connects to cucumber via the wire protocol, it allows you to write step definitions in C# using lambdas...its pretty awesome.
Step definitions look like this:
When("^I go to the \"([^\"]*)\" (?:[Ss]creen|[Pp]age)$", (string pageName) =>
var screen = ParseScreen(pageName);
I think your understanding is in line with mine. BDD is more suited for integration testing and generally tests your system as the end user, eg:
Given I am an authorised user
When I go to the front page
Then there should be a link to my profile with my username as the link text.
There is no reason to not to unit test your repositories at a more granular level. I think both are useful and appropriate.
Can't I just use normal unit testing tools?
BDD is a process and mentality and so, yes, you can do it with any tools (or not, you can write your own without a tool if you want). However, the TDD tools had certain assumptions which cause some friction when trying to do things in a BDD way. For instance, TDD assumes you are testing an architectural unit of the software; class, module, service. Whereas BDD assumes you are specifying some functional portion of the system.
Should I use SpecFlow/Cucumber to describe lower-level components?
First of all, I think the question is a bit misguided. You wouldn't tend to describe components unless those components directly represent behavior. I'll still answer what I believe the spirit of the question is.
Story oriented tools like Cucumber are great for talking about behavior from a customer/user perspective. It can allow you to make specifications that are easily approachable by laymen. However, it can be tedious to describe large amounts or complex state with those tools.
Unit testing, or more code oriented specification tools like rSpec and Machine.Specification, can be a lot more convenient when dealing with complex or large state setups. You can use the various tools available to the languages to manage the state. Things like inheritance and fakes/mocks. Machine.Specification has some good approaches to this for the .NET minded.
So, should you use Cucumber to specify lower-level behavior? I'd say only if its important to have high levels of visibility for that particular behavior. On my current project, we've developed an architectural component to represent certain business-rule intensive portions of the system. Those components are specified with Cucumber, but the majority of system is covered with NUnit.
Btw, SpecFlow is really nice and approachable for .NET folks just getting into BDD, but eventually you'll want to graduate to full-blown Cucumber+nStep. The Cucumber ecosystem is HUGE and helpful. SpecFlow's is much smaller.
Also, the lambda syntax offered by nStep is quite a bit nicer than having to decorate methods a la SpecFlow or Cuke4Nuke.
I did some of the original development on nStep but I'm using SpecFlow on my current project. I'm working to introduce BDD here and needed something simple and approachable.
It is interesting that this blog on Classifying BDD Tools talks about TDD and ATDD. As Liz Keogh points out: BDD is about conversation and exploration. The easier it is for all involved guys to contribute, communicate intension, share ideas, understand the others, etc. the faster we get to an adequate solution and the better software we build. When we finally follow the tool path, what are the tools that support collaboration between stakeholders of software projects best?
Based on the this blog on the differences between TDD, BDD, and ATDD I would say that there are at least three different flavors of BDD tool:
Unit Testing Frameworks
JUnit changed our view on development and testing. One of its strengths is that tests can be written in the same programming language as the application itself. Thus, we can build on the knowledge we already have in the delivery team. When the tests are even used to drive the development we reach the heaven of TDD.
Programming languages have been optimized to reduce redundancy, which is according to Ron Jeffries one of the worst sins of developers. Therefore, we often rely on these tools when we do technical testing to build the product right as they help us to be most efficient.
Several guys tried to make automated tests more understandable, as unit tests aren't really readable. One of the first attempts was to parse unit tests and provide a concise summary that is also readable to non-developers. For example TestDox / AgileDox creates simple documentation from the method names of JUnit test classes or Pickels generates documentation based on feature files written in Gherkin.
Frameworks such as MSpec help to write tests that are better readable and additionally provide readable output. These flavor of BDD tools focuses on human readable output, which enables the involvement of non-developers after the developers did their job.
Scenario Testing Frameworks
To involve stakeholders earlier in the development cycle, new tools were created that focus more on readable input. Cucumber utilizes plain text files to provide human readable inputs for automated tests. The text files contain scenarios written in a specially structured language based on the given-when-then structure. These frameworks are great tools that support collaborative definition of acceptance criteria.
Acceptance Testing Frameworks
In parallel to the BDD idea, another flavor of tools has been developed, where FIT was an early representative. This Framework for Integrated Test allows to specify examples within tables that are embedded into a documentation related to the examples. To write these documents no development skills are required and they can be easily read and reviewed by non technical guys as they are purely text based. Additionally, the text can be structured as the documents are not plain text files but the output of rich editors.
FitNesse allows to specify the expected behavior collaboratively based on a wiki. As wikis are easy to access and use, it has a low entry and learning curve, which propels the common work of the entire team. Many agile proponents emphasize that the best way for collaboration is face-to-face communication. But, if you write down what you have thought and discussed, it should be as rich and well structured as possible.
Concordion provides a lot of flexibility as you can describe your requirements in normal language using paragraphs, tables and proper punctuation. Any part of your description can be used as input to your automated tests and for the validation of the outputs of your system under test. As it is based on HTML you can structure your documents and integrate images. Simply, you have the expressiveness of the web to describe the expected behavior.
BDD should help to build the right product
You could implement BDD with all three flavors of tools, but each has its strengths and weaknesses. Unit testing frameworks and xSpec like tools perfectly use the strengths of programming. As they are tools from developers for developers, they are a perfect choice if you try to get the technical part right.
When you want to communicate the intention of the application you are probably better off with a tool that is strongly related with tools that editors use for their work. If a specification contains only inputs and expected outputs, anyone who reads it will have to reconstruct your ideas from the relation of inputs to expected outputs. A short description explaining the goal of a specification in the header helps the reader understand the structure of the specification. Documents based on specification-by-example could look like:
Yes, SpecFlow is cool, NSpec is cool ...
FitNesse and Concordion are cool as well
I am an engineering student, and deciding upon my final year project.
One of the many candidates is an online UML tool with code generation facilities. But I did not take compiler designing classes, so I am not much aware of the code generation techniques.
I want to know about the techniques that I should look to study in order to build something like this. If these techniques are as complicated as writing a compiler, then perhaps I will have to abandon this idea.
Compilation is really the opposite of the kind of code generation you are describing, so I don't think you need to know how to write a compiler.
Code generation can be as simple as combining text strings or using templates, or as complex as using Reflection.Emit to create classes at runtime.
I would start with this Wikipedia article.
The creation of an UML tool is a long term project. You need many to acquire different expertises which can not be known by just one member of the team.
Your academic project is too ambitious.
An easy project which has never been done is to generate code from an activity or state diagram. You should not try to recreate the graphical editor because this is very very complex but only to take the xmi export and generate code from it using a xml parser. This would be a good 6 months project for your thesis :-)
Most UML tools generate source code. The generation is normally quite a bit simpler than a compiler as well. For example, a class diagram will have a collection of data structures representing classes and links between those classes (inheritance). To generate output, you walk through the class objects, and for each you "print" out a representation of that object in the syntax of the target language.
I'm not sure exactly what capabilities your code generation will require, but the UML tools that I have used are not very sophisticated in their code generation.
Tools that I have used simply create files and drop your function names into them with arguments derived from the inputs. This would not require any understanding of compilers. Most of the difficulty would be in the user interface and how you store the data to make code generation easy.
You can just find that here:
http://yuml.me and http://askuml.com
As a pet project, I was thinking about writing a program to migrate applications written in a language A into a language B.
A and B would be object-oriented languages. I suppose it is a very hard task : mapping language constructs that are alike is doable, but mapping libraries concepts will be a very long task.
I was wondering what tools to use, I know this has to do with compilation, but I'm a bit afraid to use Lex and Yacc and all that stuff.
I was thinking of maybe using the Eclipse Modeling Framework, which would help me write models (of application code) transformations in a readable form.
But first I would have to write parsers for creating the models (and also create the metamodel from the language grammar).
Are there tools that exist that would make my task easier?
You can use special transformation tools/languages for that TXL or Stratego/XT.
Also you can have a look and easily try Java to Python and Java to Tcl migrating projects made by me with TXL.
You are right about mapping library concepts. It is rather hard and long task. There are two ways here:
Fully migrate the class library from language A to B
Migrate classes/functions from language A to the corresponding concepts in language B
The approach you will choose depends on your goals and time/resources available. Also in many cases you wont be doing a general A->B migration which will cover all possible cases, you will need just to convert some project/library/etc. so you will see in your particular cases what is better to do with classes/libraries.
I think this is almost impossibly hard, especially as a personal project. But if you are going to do it, don't make life even more difficult for yourself by trying to come up with a general solution. Choose two specific real-life programming languages ind investigate the possibities of converting between them. I think you will be shocked by the number of problems and issues this will expose.
There are some tools for direct migration for some combinations of A and B.
There are a variety of reverse engineering and code generation tools for different languages and platforms. It's fairly rare to see reverse engineering tools which capture all the semantics of the source language, and the semantics of UML are not well defined ( since it's designed to map to different implementation languages, it itself doesn't define a complete execution model for its behavioural representations ), so you're unlikely to be able to reverse engineer and generate code between tools. You may find one tool that does full reverse engineering and full code generation for your A and B languages, and so may be able to get somewhere.
In general you don't use the same idioms on different platforms, so you're more likely to get something which emulates A code on B rather than something which corresponds to a native B solution.
If you want to use Java as the source language(that language you try to convert) than you might use Checkstyle AST(its used to write Rules). It gives you tree structure with every operation done in the source code. This will be much more easier than writing your own paser or using regex.
You can run com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.gui.Main from checkstyle-4.4.jar to launch Swing GUI that parse Java Source Code.
Based on your comment
I'm not sure yet, but I think the source language/framework would be Java/Swing and the target some RIA language like Flex or a Javascript/Ajax framework. – Alain Michel 3 hours ago
Google Web Toolkit might be worth a look.
See this answer: What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language?