How to get file name before upload using CodeIgniter - codeigniter

I want to upload files to my server with CodeIgniter, and I need to change the file name dynamically with some random numbers.
But before changing the name I also need the original name to store it in the database. How can I do that?

Depending on which browsers you support you can use some of the functional extensions to the array prototype. Namely filter and every.
var arr = [[1,null,null],[1,null,null],[1,5,2],[null,null,null],[null,1,null],[1,2,3]];
var filtered = arr.filter(function(x){
return x.every(function(value){
return value != undefined;

Just add these arrays to new one:
$newArray = [
for dynamic, use something like that (not tested):
var newArray = [];
var oldArray = [/* ... */];
function addElement(eId){
$.each(SomeRandomArrayIndexes, function(k, eId){


How to get multiple properties from objects in JXA?

Is there a way in JXA to get multiple properties from multiple objects with a single call?
For example, I want to get name and enabled property from menu items which can be done for each individual property as follows:
Application("System Events").processes.byName('Finder').menuBars[0]
Application("System Events").processes.byName('Finder').menuBars[0].menuBarItems.enabled()
but is it possible to get them with a single function call? Something like:
Application("System Events").processes.byName('Finder').menuBars[0]'name', 'enabled')
I know, that I can iterate through the menuBarItems and collect properties from .properties() method, but this approach is too slow, that's why I'm looking for other options.
I'm looking for better performance, not for nicer syntax, i.e. I want properties to be retrieved in a single call to System Events.
I'd probably do it like this:
sys = Application('');
FinderProc = sys.processes['Finder'];
FinderMenuBarItems = FinderProc.menuBars[0].menuBarItems();
By first converting the object to an array, this allows one to map each element and retrieve the desired properties for all in one go. The code is split over several lines for ease of reading.
EDIT: added on 2019-07-27
Following on from your comment regarding Objective-C implementation, I had a bit of time today to write a JSObjc script. It does the same thing as the vanilla JXA version above, and, yes, it clearly makes multiple function calls, which is necessary. But it's performing these functions at a lower level than System Events (which isn't involved at all here), so hopefully you'll find it more performant.
var err = {
var unwrap = ObjC.deepUnwrap.bind(ObjC);
var bind = ObjC.bindFunction.bind(ObjC);
bind('CFMakeCollectable', [ 'id', [ 'void *' ] ]);
Ref.prototype.nsObject = function() {
return unwrap($.CFMakeCollectable(this[0]));
function getAttrValue(AXUIElement, AXAttrName) {
var e;
var _AXAttrValue = Ref();
e = $.AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(AXUIElement,
if (err[e]!='Success') return err[e];
return _AXAttrValue.nsObject();
function getAttrValues(AXUIElement, AXAttrNames){
var e;
var _AXAttrValues = Ref();
e = $.AXUIElementCopyMultipleAttributeValues(AXUIElement,
if (err[e]!='Success') return err[e];
return _AXAttrValues.nsObject();
function getAttrNames(AXUIElement) {
var e;
var _AXAttrNames = Ref();
e = $.AXUIElementCopyAttributeNames(AXUIElement, _AXAttrNames);
if (err[e]!='Success') return err[e];
return _AXAttrNames.nsObject();
(() => {
const pid_1 = $.NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace
const appElement = $.AXUIElementCreateApplication(pid_1);
const menuBar = getAttrValue(appElement,"AXMenuBar");
const menuBarItems = getAttrValue(menuBar, "AXChildren");
return => {
return getAttrValues(x, ["AXTitle", "AXEnabled"]);

Dynamic menu configuration section with conditional inputs on Magento custom module

I've followed this tutorial to create a custom dynamic backend configuration with serialized data, and everything is working as expected. yay
But now I want to take another step and only show some inputs when a specific value is selected in a select box. I know that I can use when doing this with system.xml, but how can I accomplish the same thing via code with dynamics serialized tables?
I ended up doing some kind of Javascript workaround to enable/disable a certain input.
function togleSelect(element)
var val = element.value;
var name =;
if (val == 0) // select value to be triggered
name = name.substr(0, name.lastIndexOf("[")) + "[name_of_my_input]";
var target = document.getElementsByName(name);
target[0].disabled = false;
name = name.substr(0, name.lastIndexOf("[")) + "[name_of_my_input]";
var target = document.getElementsByName(name);
target[0].disabled = true;
It's not the best solution but it's working.

How to access local paths on TYPO3 using eID

I have an image map on my frontend and from there I need to access some images that are stored on different folders under the fileadmin directory. And I'm trying to do it with eID, following this example:
But my problem is that I can only access one directory. I haven't been able to access different directories based on the user selection from my front end.
This is the code of what I been trying to do:
On my Controller I have an ajaxAction, where I need to give the full path of one directory, because I haven't figure it out how pass the directory id on to my ajaxAction, here might be my question and maybe the solution:
* #return void
public function ajaxAction() {
$image_file_path = "fileadmin/Images/Sattic/Amik/small";
//$image_file_path = "fileadmin/Images/Sattic/'+$id+'";
$d = dir($image_file_path) or die("Wrong path: $image_file_path");
while (false !== ($entry = $d ->read())) {
if($entry != '.' && $entry != '..' && !is_dir($dir.$entry))
$images[] = $entry;
return json_encode($images);
On my index.html I have a map tag where the function updateImage(id) is called, when the user clicks on the different areas and my updataImage(id) function looks like this:
function updateImageGallery(id) {
var ajaxUrl = "{f:uri.action(action:'ajax', pageType:'100101')}";
$.getJSON(ajaxUrl, function(data) {
var items1 = [];
var items2 = [];
$data = data;
console.log('dataLength: ' + $data.length);
console.log('dataArray: ' + $data);
$.each($data.slice(0, 4), function(key, val) {
valLink = val.replace("small.", "");
items1.push('<td><img width="145" height="145" id="" src="fileadmin/Images/Sattic/' + id +'/small/'+ val +'"/></td>');
$('<tr/>', {
html: items1.join('')
$.each($data.slice(4, 8), function(key, val) {
valLink = val.replace("small.", "");
items2.push('<td><img width="145" height="145" id="" src="fileadmin/Images/Sattic/' + id +'/small/'+ val +'"/></td>');
$('<tr/>', {
html: items2.join('')
return false;
I would like to be able to pass from updateImageGallery(id) function, the id of the directory, so I could get the images for each directory.
Is it possible to do this? I hope so, I have 30 different regions and if I solve my problem the way I'm doing now I would need to use 30 different eID's. I guess it might be a smarter way to solve this.
Any sugestions?
You can use t3lib_div::_GET('myid') to access the myid get variable.
I guess you can use var ajaxUrl = "{f:uri.action(action:'ajax',**myid:id,** pageType:'100101')}"; to set it.
Anyway, sure to generate a list of valid paths/ids inside you PHP script and check the get parameter agains those.

django multiple model in dictionary json

I want to pass to create a json output with a dictionary with multiple models, like this:
results = {}
results["game_info_db"] = db.gameInfo.objects.get(name='name')
results["dlc_list_db"] = db.gameAddon.objects.filter(game__name='name')
What i tried is serialize (serializers.serialize) all dicts entrys and after this i dumps (simplejson.dumps) all the dict... but it doesn't seems to be correct ...
any sugestion ?
You could pass in the values of the models and convert it to a list:
results = {}
results["game_info_db"] = list(db.gameInfo.objects.get(name='name').values())
results["dlc_list_db"] = list(db.gameAddon.objects.filter(game__name='name').values())
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(results), mimetype='application/javascript')
The data will appear as objects on the javascript side. Assuming you have a name column, you can access the attributes like the following:
$.getJSON("/ajax/", function(data) {
var dlcs = data.dlc_list_db;
for (i = 0; i < dlcs.length; i++) {
var dlc = dlcs[i];

Observing properties of an array that is being observed in KnockoutJS

I'm working on an ASP.Net MVC application. My action is returning a view with a model that is an array of objects (a class with properties like Name, ID, IsViewable).
var model = #Model.ToJson(); // done via extension call
I want to observe this array, so whenever it changes I can update a table that has been bound to a template.
var viewModel = {
accounts = ko.observableArray(model)
This works just fine for adding and deleting elements from the array. However, I also want the template to update when a property in one of the accounts changes (ie, Name or ID).
On the KnockoutJS website, it says: Of course, you can make those properties observable if you wish, but that’s an independent choice. This is what I cannot figure out how to do.
I tried something like this with no avail:
var viewModel = {
accounts = ko.oservableArray([])
for(var i = 0; i < model.length; i++) {
I can post the template and the table if it's needed.
You should look into the knockout.mapping plugin. I think it does everything you are looking to do.
I ended up getting this to work, so I thought I would share with anyone that might have having the same problem.
You need to wrap your array items in a JavaScript class. Then in the constructor, set each property to obserable:
var model = #Model.ToJson();
var viewModel = {
accounts = ko.observableArray(ko.utils.arrayMap(model, function(account) {
return new AccountWrapper(account);
function AccountWrapper(account) {
this.Property1 = ko.observable(account.Propery1);
this.Property2 = ko.observable(account.Propery2);
this.Property3 = ko.observable(account.Propery3);
And if you want to modify one of the items directly to see the change, you could do something like:
viewModel.accounts()[3].Name('My Name Changed');
And you can still get notified when items are added or remove:
Here's another approach that works and doesn't require the mapping plugin:
var model = #Model.ToJson();
var viewModel = {
accounts: ko.observableArray([]),
fromJS: function(js) {
for (var i = 0; i < js.length; i++) {
Property1: ko.observable(js[i].Property1),
Property2: ko.observable(js[i].Property2),
Property3: ko.observable(js[i].Property3)
