Shared IP in CoreOS - cluster-computing

I am looking into using CoreOS at work and for a couple of projects where I want no single point of failure. CoreOS and Docker looks promising, and I can have hipache running talking to an ambassador container talking to the service. Basically, it can work.
But what about the shared public IP? How is that problem supposed to be solved? I can't find any good documentation on this. looks like something that would solve this problem. But is it the right tool in this situation?
Am I missing something here? Why isn't people talking more about this problem?

There are a few different methods of taking care of this. If you're using a cloud provider (EC2 / OpenStack / Google Compute Engine) there is the concept of a floating IP which can be moved via an API call. This gets rid of having to use things like VRRP directly.
In the long run this is best handled by utilizing DNS entries with a short TTL. Using that method also allows you the greater flexibility of having location aware applications (where DNS in different regions can route to the closest location), easy transition to IPv6, and failover across physical locations without needing to maintain your own internal routing infrastructure.

If you are using keepalived just add a startup service with the floating ip in your cloud-init so config in every node of the coreos cluster
- name: local-paas-ip.service
command: start
content: |
Description=Receive traffic from keepalived floating ip
ExecStart=/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/ip addr add XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX dev lo:1
I have have the same question/doubts about if this is the right option but I need something working now.


ElasticSearch replication home/server

I am running a local ElasticSearch server from my own home, but would like access to the content from outside. Since I am on a dynamic IP and besides that do not feel comfortable opening up ports to the outside, I would like to rent a VPS somewhere, setup ElasticSearch and let this server be a read only copy of the one I have at home.
As I understand it, this should be possible - however I have been unsuccessful at creating any usable version that lets another server be a read-only version of my home ES-server.
Can anyone point me to a piece of information or create a guide, that would help me to set this up? I am rather known to ES-usage, however my setup-skills are still vague.
As I understand it, this should be possible
It might be possible with some workarounds, but it's definitely not built for that:
One cluster needs to be in one physical region; mainly because of latency and the stability of the network connection.
There are no read-only versions. You could only allow read access to a node (via a reverse proxy or the security plugin), but that's only a workaround.

How to configure kube-proxy master_url with multiple apiservers

I'm using a cluster setup with multiple apiservers with a loadbalancer in front of them for external access, with an installation on bare metal.
Like mentioned in the High Availability Kubernetes Clusters docs, I would like to use internal loadbalancing utilizing the kubernetes service within my cluster. This works fine so far, but I'm not sure what is the best way to set up the kube-proxy. It obviously cannot use the service IP, since it does the proxying to this one based on the data from the apiserver (master). I could use the IP of any one of the apiservers, but this would cause losing the high availability. So, the only viable option I currently see is to utilize my external loadbalancer, but this seems somehow wrong.
Anybody any ideas or best practices?
This is quite old question, but as the problem persists... here it goes.
There is a bug in the Kubernetes restclient, which does not allow to use more than one IP/URL, as it will pick up always the first IP/URL in the list. This affects to kube-proxy and also to kubelet, leaving a single point of failure in those tools if you don't use a load balancer (as you did) in a multi-master setup. The solution probably is not the most elegant solution ever, but currently (I think) is the easier one.
Other solution (which I prefer, but may not work for everyone and it does not solve all the problems) is to create a DNS entry that will round robin your API servers, but as pointed out in one of the links below, that only solves the load balancing, and not the HA.
You can see the progress of this story in the following links:
The kube-proxy/kubelet issue:
The restclient PR:
The "official" solution:
I think the way it is meant to be set up is that you have a kube-proxy on each master node, so each kube-proxy points to its master on / localhost
The podmaster determines which api-server should run, which in turns makes use of the local proxy of that master

Inter-Gear Communication for Openshift?

I'm trying to create an app such that gear 2 according to this model can be accessed by gear 3,4...n when using the --scaling option.
The idea being for this structure is the head of a chain of relays. I'm trying to find where the relevant information is so all the following gears have the same behavior. It would look like this:
I've found no documentation that describes how to reach gear 2 (The Primary DNAS) with a url (internal/external ip:port) or otherwise, so I'm a little lost as to how to let the app scale properly.
I should mention so far I've only used bash scripting, but I'm not worried about starting the program in other languages, but so long as it follows that structure in openshift I'm not worried.
The end result is hopefully create a scalable instance of shoutcast on openshift.
To Be Clear:
I'm developing a cartridge, not using the diy, all I understand of openshift is in this guide but of course I'm limited because I'm new.
I'm stuck trying to figure out how to have the cartridge handle having additional gears use the first gear as a relay. I am not confused about how Openshift routes requests externally to the gears and load balances them. I'm not lost how to use port-forwarding to connect to my app, the goal would be to design the cartridge so this wouldn't be a requirement at all, to only use external routes.
The problem as described above is that additional gears need some extra configuration, they need an available source (what better than the first gear?). In fact the solution to my issue might be to somehow set up this cartridge to bypass haproxy with an external route that only goes to the first gear.
Github for those interested, pass it around, it'll remain public. Currently this works only as a standalone, scaling it (what I'd like to fix) causes issues. I've been working on this too long by myself, so have at it :)
There's a great KB article that explains how the routing works on OpenShift gears here
On a scalable application, haproxy handles all the traffic routing to your gears. the only way to access your gears is through the ports mentioned in the article above. rhc does however provide a port-forwading option that would allow you to access things like mysql directly from your local machine.
Please note: We don't allow arbitrary binding of ports on the externally accessible IP address.
It is possible to bind to the internal IP with port range: 15000 - 35530. All other ports are reserved for specific processes to avoid conflicts. Since we're binding to the internal IP, you will need to use port forwarding to access it:

Failover proxy on Amazon aws?

This is a fairly generic question. Suppose I have three ec2 boxes: two app boxes and a box that hosts nginx as a reverse proxy, delegating requests to the two app boxes (my database is hosted elsewhere). Now, the two app machines can absorb a failure amongst themselves, however the third one represents a single point of failure. How can I configure my setup so that if the reverse proxy goes down, the site is still available?
I am looking at keepalived and HAproxy. For me this stuff is non-obvious, and any help for the ears of a beginner is appreciated.
If your nginx does no much more than proxying HTTP requests, please have a look at Amazon Elastic Load Balancer. You can set up your two (or more) app boxes, leave some spare ones (in order to keep always two or more up, if you need it), set up health checks, have SSL termination at the balancer, make use of sticky sessions, etc.
There is a lot of people, though, that would like to see the ability to set elastic IP addresses to ELBs, and others with good arguments why it is not neeeded.
My suggestions is that you take a look at ELB documentation, as it seems to perfectly fit your needs. I also recommend reading this interesting post for a good discussion on this subject.
I think if you are a beginner with HA and clusters, your best solution is Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) which is maintained by Amazon. They scale up automatically and implements a high availability cluster of balancers. So using ELB service you already mitigate the point of failure that you commented. Also it's important to have in mind that an ELB is cheaper than 2 instances in AWS. And of course it's easier to launch and maintain.
You can't see multiple ELB because it is a service, so you don't have to take care of the availability.
Other important point is that AWS elastic ips aren't assigned to NIC interface of your OS instance, so use virtual ips as well in classical infrastructures it's difficult.
After this explanation, if you still want Nginx as a proxy reverse in AWS because your reasons, I think you can implement an autoscaling group with a layer composed by Nginx instances. But if you aren't expert in autoscaling technology, it could be very tricky.

Amazon EC2 + Windows Server 2008 + Memcached = how?

We are building a system that would benefit greatly from a Distributed Caching mechanism, like Memcached. But i cant get my head around the configuration of Memcached daemons and clients finding each other on an Amazon Data Center. Do we manually setup the IP addresses of each memcache instance (they wont be dedicated, they will run on Web Servers or Worker Boxes) or is there a automagic way of getting them to talk to each other? I was looking at Microsoft Windows Server App Fabric Caching, but it seems to either need a file share or a domain to work correctly, and i have neither at the moment... given internal IP addresses are Transient on Amazon, i am wondering how you get around this...
I haven't setup a cluster of memcached servers before, but Membase is a solution that could take away all of the pain you are experiencing with memcached. Membase is basically memcached with a persistence layer underneath and comes with great cluster management software. Clustering servers together is as easy since all you need to do is tell the cluster what the ip address of the new node is. If you already have an application written for Memcached it will also work with Membase since Membase uses the Memcached protocol. It might be worth taking a look at.
I believe you could create an elastic ip in EC2 for each of the boxes that hold your memcached servers. These elastic ips can be dynamically mapped to any EC2 instance. Then your memcached clients just use the elastic ips as if they were static ip addresses.
As you seemed to have discovered, Route53 is commonly used for these discovery purposes. For your specific use case, however, I would just use Amazon ElasticCache. Amazon has both memcached and redis compliant versions of ElasticCache and they manage the infrastructure for you including providing you with a DNS entry point. Also for managing things like session state, you might consider this article on the DynamoDB session state provider.
General rule of thumb: if you are developing a new app then try and leverage what the cloud provides vs. build it, it'll make your life way simpler.
