Notice: layouts:head not found in paths: joomla, yoothemes, warp - joomla

I am in a pickle..I tried to move my joomla site from a sub folder to the root...I've done it before and it worked fine..this time after to the move I got an error:
Notice: layouts:head not found in paths: [/home/p446072r/public_html/beer/templates/yoo_revista/layouts, /home/p446072r/public_html/beer/templates/yoo_revista/warp/systems/joomla/layouts, /home/p446072r/public_html/beer/templates/yoo_revista/warp/layouts] in /home/p446072r/public_html/beer/templates/yoo_revista/warp/helpers/template.php on line 53
I can get into admin
I tried uploading a new copy of the template and it worked..I still have some customizing to do but at least I'm close.


Joomla "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare jblogerror() in on line 0"

Here is a weird problem i'm facing; after updating Joomla to the latest version, website failed to up load but, as i've made a backup manually from these folders:
and all the root files, after restoring the backup still the website is not loading and just says
"Fatal error: Cannot redeclare jblogerror() in on line 0" !
Any suggestion? Thank you.
Apparently, the version of jBlog you are using is loading its attempting to load its own classes twice.
Let's assume the jBlog developers already fixed it and you carelessly ignored the warning to ensure all your extensions are compatible before updating.
Are you able to access administrator? Simply go there and upgrade jBlog including any modules.
Else, the issue lies within a plugin. In order to access the administrator and perform the update, you will need to manually disable the offending plugin.
A simple way is to rename its folder: start from plugins/system then plugins/content hopefully you'll have spotted it by then. Look into the subfolders of each and spot any that may be relevant to jBlog (or grep through the folder to locate the specific string)
If you have console access, simply run
# grep -rl jblogerror plugins/system
and you should see all the files that include such string, just rename their main plugin folder. But you could also do all this through ftp and guessing.

I am trying to install jomsocial 4.0.9 on the joomla version 2.5.16 and it gives me the error "JFolder :: create: infinite loop detected Warning! -

I am trying to install jomsocial 4.0.9 on the joomla version 2.5.16 and it gives me the error:
JFolder :: create: infinite loop detected
Warning! - The file can not be moved!
Hmm, you gave too less details. It would be helpful if we know what you tried to do, what action did you take to result error above.
I'm guessing that you tried to upload a file (installation? photo upload?).
It seems like your tmp directory may not have been defined properly.
Check what values are defined for the log and tmp paths in configuration.php
This may also helps:

Error uploading big extensions to joomla on a localhost

I get the following error when I tried uploading the Akeeba Backup extension on my localhost: "There was an error uploading this file to the server."
I tried uploading JCE Editor and it worked fine. I understand this error appears because I cannot upload extensions bigger than X MB (JCE is 1,5MB and Akeeba is 2,25MB). So my guess is I cannot upload extensions bigger than 2MB.
Researching I came across two solutions, neither worked for me.
First solution:
In the file ini.php find the following line upload_max_filesize = xM and replace "x" with a value of 10 (for example). I could not find the above mentioned line in the ini.php file.
Second solution:
In your .htaccess add the following:
php_value max_upload_size 10M
added the code, nothing happened.
I am using Joomla 3.2
Rather than trying to manually find the correct line to edit, in your code editor, use Ctrl + F which will open up the "find" box. Copy and paste upload_max_filesize and click "find". This will take you to the exact line where it is located. Once changed, save the file and restart Apache/All services on your localhost.

Magento cache_dir is not writable and throws an error

I am new to Mangento. Any operation i do like navigation in the admin panel i am getting the following error.
Can someone tell me where can i find the cache_dir directory in a Magento Installation ?
Also it was working perfectly fine until 3 days. what could have made this error ?
The cache folder is by default here:
or here:
/var/www/html/<Magento installation dir>/var/cache
By the way, if you're not sure how to find a folder, you can always go to the root directory and do:
ls -R | grep -i cache
The name of the variable is cache_dir. It is taken from: app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Config/Options.php:
$this->_data['cache_dir'] = $this->_data['var_dir'].DS.'cache';

fatal error Varien_Autoload not found

Goodday everyone,
I installed magento with the sample data I refreshed the page and everything seemed to work. My complete shop was filled with sample data. A couple of minutes after I refreshed again and since then I keep getting this error:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Varien_Autoload' not found in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 53
I double checked if Varien_Autoload exists and it is there in lib/Varien/Autoload.php
It looks like that file is not included for some reason but I would have no idea how to get that fixed. So my question is: how do I get this fixed?
This error occurs because of the lib folder is not in the include_path. This may happen only if the COMPILER_INCLUDE_PATH constant is defined. Most likely this constant is defined in the includes/config.php file.
I have the same problem, I did following steps and now it is working :)
Check Compilation mode is disabled or not in include/config.php file. if not then edit and make sure these two lines should be same as written below :-
Flush magento cache Storage
sudo rm -rf var/cache/*
Set Correct Permission
sudo chmod -R 755 *
Restart the Webserver (apache/nginx)
Now Verify.
Check out the permission problem, Mage.php may not have the right to load the class 'Varien_Autoload'.
