Crystal Reports Custom Sort - crystal-reports-2008

I have a hierarchy in my database that goes as follows:
When I ask for Crystal Reports to sort it, the following occurs:
I need my report to be ordered the way I first labeled it. Is there any way for me to get the correct sorting order?

For this you need group by Hierarchy and apply custom sorting in group options in crystal reports.


Magento 2.1 - How do I downgrade Algolia Search?

I've been using Algolia Search for Magento 2.1 for 2 weeks.
Somehow I accidentally ran the composer command and updated Algolia to version 1.10.0.
Now I want to downgrade it back to version 1.8.5.
Could you please show me how to do that?

Core Plot 2.3 download

Where can I download CorePlot 2.3 version? There are a lot of threads talking about 2.3 version of CorePlot since last year but I cannot find it for downloading. I´m using Xcode 9.1 (9B55) and I need Core Plot 2.3 because previous versions of CorePlot give me errors when compiling the project.
The highest released version I found is 2.2 here
It isn't quite finished, so you'll have to get it from the release-2.3 branch and build it yourself. That's easy using CocoaPods.

How to retrieve SonarQube metrics of previous build versions through the api?

How do I get the measures (like code-coverage, technical debt, complexity, nloc, ...) of a certain build version (eg. from the api of SonarQube?
My goal is to get these information and display it along with some-other info pertaining to that version got from other sources like bitbucket.
I am able to only see the measures of the current (latest) build (eg. version through the api/measure/component api link.
Although, I can see these measures for individual builds through the UI under the compare option. But how to get it through rest api?
SonarQube Version 5.5
First of all, SonarQube 5.5 is old, you should first consider using the latest LTS (5.6) in order to be able to get feedbacks.
Versions of projects can be found by using :
api/events/index (it's replaced by api/project_analyses/search in 6.3) -> it will return you the date of analysis on which there's a version.
And in order to get measures from the past, you can use :
api/timemachine/index (it's replaced by api/measures/search_history
in 6.3) -> you'll be able to found the measures from the version you want.

Nested functional complexity issue fix in SonarQube version?

Just found a bug regarding "Do not include complexity of nested functions into nesting one complexity".
It say's its fixed with version 2.15 in sonarsource. But i'm unable to find in what version of SonarQube, the same is fixed. Right now, we use SonarQube version of 4.5.6, but the issue still persist in that version.
SonarJS 2.15 is not compatible with SonarQube 4.5.6: since version 2.14, SonarJS requires SonarQube 5.6 or later.
You need to first upgrade to SonarQube 5.6 or later, and then upgrade SonarJS.

Elastic search version 2.3 to 5.1

My projects java version runs on 1.7.0_71. and my elastic search version is 1.4.3 . Now we want to upgrade the es to 2.3.5. Is it ok to simply upgrade the elastic search version from 1.4.3 to 2.3.5. or should i upgrade the java to 1.8 then migrate it to 5.1 .. because my ultimate target is to for elastic search 5.1 version.
It should be ok to upgrade from 1.4 to 2.3, but it will be trickier (impossible) to go straight from 1.4 to 5.1 or 1.4->2.3->5.x without reindexing.
Segments created two Lucene major versions back are not supported.
So, even if you updgrade to 2.3, there still might be old segments (created in 1.4) when you upgrade to 5.x. There is an upgrade indices API, but as the documentation says it will not be useful for a 1.x -> 5.x upgrade.
Regarding the Java version, yes, you need Java 1.8, at least update 73:
