Display an image in a Fusiontable, which is stored in Google Drive - image

I uploaded some images to a public folder in my Google Drive and would like to display them in a Fusiontable. I defined a column "link" as "Four line image" and store a link to the image there in the following format (provided by #Mori)
example: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=0B6qZJQj7B-4ERS1KZ3p2SE9IbkU
I also tried the following format (provided by #niutech)
Unfortunately the result looks like this (screenshot 1)
Only after right click onto the image placeholder and selecting "View image", the image is displayed in a separate window. Now going back to the fusiontable the image appears correctly, see screenshot 2:
What could be the solution to this problem? I would like to see all images without need to right click first. Btw, I'm using Firefox.
EDIT: I now set the Fusiontable to "visible to anybody with link" and tested with Google Chrome and Opera. There it works fine. Firefox still does not work. Seems to be a browser issue...

I now set the Fusiontable to "visible to anybody with link" and tested with Google Chrome and Opera. There it works fine. Firefox still does not work. Seems to be a browser issue...

After many attempts I was only able to upload my own images to fusion tables via Dropbox and not Drive. I could not find a way to automate this, so for many images it might be better to go to another visualization platform.
Upload the images to your personal Dropbox (mine were .png)
For each image:
Click on Share -> Create a Link -> Copy link.
Open the 'shareable link' in a new tab. It might help to open the link in a private browser to check that anyone not logged in to Dropbox can view the image. Then right click on your image and go to 'Copy Image Location' (Firefox) or 'Copy Image Address' (Chrome). You will notice if you put this link in a new tab it will prompt you to automatically start downloading the image.
Paste this image location URL into the appropriate fusion table cell and make sure the column attribute is defined as e.g. "Four line image" and not 'URL'.

You almost had the correct answer. You have to change your picture's URL from the one for viewing the picture, to a direct URL for download.
See https://www.labnol.org/internet/direct-links-for-google-drive/28356/ for details.
I managed to do this in a calculated column (I use google form to gather info, then google spreadsheet and than synchronized fusion table). I changed the URL with spreadsheet formula:
Where 'URL' is the URL for viewing your picture in the browser.
Hope it helps anyone else!


Can I set a button in google sheets to alter the image url

This feels like it should be dead simple but I've not tried anything like this in google sheets before.
I have an image on a sheet but I want it to change to another image (either via altering the image url, or just hiding one and showing another etc) either via clicking the images themselves or just via a button but have no idea where to start with this and all my googling has ironically, turned up absolutely nothing.
Any help or pointers to useful sources would be greatly appreciated!
insert checkbox:
=IF(A1; IMAGE("https://i.stack.imgur.com/futhU.png");
=IMAGE("https://i.stack.imgur.com/"&IF(A1; "futhU"; "JKel8")&".png")

How to change hyperlinks of images in Work Item in TFS

Image can be inserted into Details section of Work Item in TFS using Insert Image button. Is it possible to change final hyperlink to image ?
Issue is that we are using VPN in order to access TFS and hyperlinks to images do not have the full path with the domain that we need to see it directly in the WI itself.
If is possible to do some configuration changes for this ?
For the local image, now within TFS under the "History" tab where you're inserting your image. It will automatically displays as an image directly. PS: I'm using VS2015
For the online image, it's impossible now. You can only view the hyperlinks or save it as local then update it. Please refer this user voice: https://visualstudio.uservoice.com/forums/330519-team-services/suggestions/2037677-copy-and-paste-screenshots-into-work-items

Uploaded FTP files do not reflect on website

Uploaded files do not reflect on website.
I've done some editing offline and have uploaded the changes through FTP to my website. Some changes are shown but not on the navigation, logo, and header background (an image). I've copied every file exactly as it should go yet it doesn't reflect on the website.
The website is located on: http://www.vargasjpr.com
Any help on this? I would greatly appreciate it.
The logo is supposed to show the logo of the company, not the "Inspiration" logo.
In your browser hold down your SHIFT button and then with your mouse click REFRESH button near the url. I suspect you are viewing the cached copy of old images and just need to clear your cache.
The other way is Tools -> Internet Options ... via browser menus.
This is the logo URL I see: http://www.vargasjpr.com/images/logo.png
Another thing you can do if caching bad, is change the name of the logo file and in your code to logo2.png but clearing your cache should work.

How to know what image is used when looking at the webpage

There is a facebook logo in the frontend design of my site above the header. I want to replace the it with a different colour facebook image. All i did was go to "skin/frontend/default/template_name/images/" and replace the old image with the new one with the same name. But still, the old image is displayed. Please help?????
Rather simple:
make a right click on a image and open image in new tab or inspect the source adress of this image
replace the image on the url that it is really displayed
clear your browser cache if the image still does not change

Outlook truncating images

I'm designing an e-mail template for a company and it tests great in everything besides Outlook. For some reason the bottom images of the email look like they're loading half way and then stop. I've found information online that Outlook won't load images with a height greater than 1728px, but the tallest image we have is much shorter than that. There are images beyond 1728px on the page that are loading just fine, so I'm not sure that's the issue. Does anyone have any experience with this? Any advice would be helpful.
Hi Here is a quick solution for this to be done in the outlook.
Use photoshop and follow this steps:
Once the design is over, slice up the image parts / height(1728px as per yout example).
Save this as, File->Save for web and device. click save. you will get option under save box
Under format change this to HTML and image from drop down.
Save them in one folder. A new HTML file and image file will be created in this folder.
Open this HTML file in a browser.
Just copy and paste the content in the outlook using a single cell table.
That's you are done. Now your image will load without any problem.
