Why is the Google Apps Marketplace UpgradeableApp API returning this response on a successful upgrade? - google-apps-marketplace

I'm in the process of writing a script to upgrade an old OAuth 1 listing to a newer OAuth 2 listing in the Google Apps Marketplace. I've successfully linked the old listing to the new one and upgrading it via my script is possible. However, the response I'm getting on a success case is...strange.
According to the documentation, the response should have an upgrade_status field, with either SUCCESS or various failure statuses. Instead, the response.body looks like this on a success:
When I have the user check out their Google Apps admin panel, everything seems to have worked. The discrepancy between the docs and the actual response is a bit concerning though. Why is this happening?


Review Data - Google My Business/Business Profile Performance API: Permi

I need to use the GMB API to get review data but I get the following error.
Google My Business API has not been used in project 341557982028 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/mybusiness.googleapis.com/overview?project=341557982028 then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.
When I click on the link I get "failed to load" (see image attached). I enabled all the APIs (8 or 9) but still doesn't work. I completed the form and got the authorization from Google from the app already. Location data is working fine.
I really need help with this one!

Could not execute google form api on google developer documentation

I got the below popup when I tried to execute the google form api from google developer documentation.
I tried this same process with google docs api which work perfectly. I tried tp turn on less secure app access, but it seems google made it unavailable.
what is the other way out.
This appears to be a bug with the try me on forms.
I have logged it on the issue form and im going to see if i can find someone at google to ping about it
Forms.get try me not working
I suspect however that this may have something to do with the app being in early access. That being said i would have expected a different error message if that was the issue.
It is most likely due to the permission for the client they are using. It is an internal error and not something you have done.
May i suggest creating your own app and testing it that way. Just remember this api is in early access so be sure that you fill out the form found on this page Google Forms API now available in open beta
Developers can apply to join our Early Adopter Program and begin developing using the Google Forms API by filling out this form.

My Google API keeps returning a limit reached error, when I am sure I am under the limit

I am currently building a NodeJS backend app that is querying the Google Calendar API. I have setup a new project on Google Cloud API platform and have generated all the required credentials. As stated by the google calendar API page, the allowed queries per day is 1,000,000. Since I am only querying for testing purposes at the moment, I am sure that I haven't even hit a 100. Yet whenever I try to query the API it returns the error:
"The API returned an error: Error: Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."
Also I have noticed that the dev console has generated a API key for me. Where am I supposed to put that?
My initial thinking is that Google API requires me to perform an additional signup using some CLI tools or something along those lines to signup. If not, where am I supposed to sign up?
Thanks in advance.
Note: I already have all the information from the cloud platform such as client_id, client_secret, project_id.
In "Error: Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded", they key word is Unauthenticated. Your request to the Calendar API is missing an OAuth Access Token. You will need to research Google OAuth.
This question has been answered many times. Please learn how to search SO for similar questions whenever you post a new question. https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=google+oauth+%22daily+limit+for+unauthenticated%22
To anyone who comes across this post in the future. I fixed the issue by using the project generated by Google Calendar API site (https://developers.google.com/calendar/quickstart/nodejs) by clicked the big blue "Enable the google calendar api" and then changing the name of the quickstart project that was generated. I don't know why it works now but it does and it's been working quite stably so far. Lets see how to goes.

Steam Web API not retrieving user reviews

I have been trying to get some user reviews from an app on Steam using their API which is documented here. However, some of the requests return only the JSON {"success":2} and nothing else.
You can try these two requests on your browser:
Miner Ultra Adventures Steam Web API reviews: this request returns {"success":1,"query_summary":{...},"reviews":[...]} and if you open this Steam Community page you can check that the game has reviews and they are being retrieved correctly.
UFO: Afterlight - Old Version: this returns {"success":2} but when you open the game's Steam Community page you can see that the game has several reviews but they are not being retrieved.
I have not found any information on this response code. I do not think this matters but I am using two Python libraries: Requests and BeautifulSoup.
I have found this unofficial website that has response codes. It seems to be a generic error and I still do not know how to access some app reviews.
UFO: Afterlight - Old Version was removed from Steam store.
You will get same response with any other game Title that has been removed from Store.

how to interpret google api oauth callback

i'm attempting to gain access to my own gmail account via a sinatra app i'm building. i'm sending a request to the google api in the form of
and after I authorize the app via google's web interface, i'm getting what appears to be a correct callback to my own sinatra app. I'm unclear what I do next in this process. what i'm getting from the google auth system looks like
I'm then attempting to use the xoauth gem to then query google for information about my account, ie, https://github.com/nfo/gmail_xoauth
My hope is that the xxxxxx.yyyy string above corresponds in some way to value of
:token as written in the xoauth gem documentation. when I run a local script to check if things are working correctly, i'm getting a Invalid credentials (Failure) (Net::IMAP::NoResponseError)
the documentation i'm using to understand the oauth process is https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2WebServer
i don't think i'm handling the callback correctly or either i'm misinterpreting what it is.
Google has only added support for OAuth 2 authorization for GMail IMAP/SMTP recently. The library you are using however does not support this yet.
So your options are:
Improving the library yourself (would be my recommendation)
Waiting for the library to update
Falling back to the already deprecated OAuth 1
