Graphical VHDL Component Editor - vhdl

In many of my VHDL designs I create a lot of low level components in HDL (which is fine). However, when I am ready to create multiple instantiations and link them together at the top-level, I find that the file ends up being rather large with tons of internal signals going between tons of component instantiations. It gets a little unwieldy and hard to follow.
Instead, I thought what might be easier to understand and faster to develop with is if there was a graphical tool to do the high level component linking. It would be able to parse my low level HDL files and determine the port inputs/outputs and create a block (or multiple instances of that block). I could then use my mouse to create connections between the blocks and give them a text label. When I am done, it would be able to auto-generate a VHDL file with all appropriate syntax for creating internal signals, component instantiations, port declarations, etc.
I tried experimenting with Xilinx Schematic Editor, but this thing was a beast and I did not have any luck.
Is there any tool out there like this? If it could even get me 90% of the way I'd be happy.

You should take a look at
Sigasi has autocompletes to help you with the instantiations and quick-fixes to help you with the wiring. There is also a premium version that gives you a live, graphical block diagram view (demo screencast)


What is the usefulness of a component declaration?

With VHDL '93 introducing direct instantiation, when would you actually use a component now when your entity is in VHDL? The following are the only time when a component is required I can think of:
Component maps to non VHDL source (Verilog, netlist etc)
You don't have the source yet and need something to compile against (eg. colleague hasn't finished their code yet)
You are binding different entity/architecture pairs to specific components in specific entities via configs. (but who ever actually does this? maybe if you have a simulation arch and synth arch - but again - never seen it used in any meaningful way)
I am discounting people who say that "A component lets me see the port map in the same file" or "having a component library allows me to see everything". This is mostly an old-school approach that people have got into the habit of. In my eyes, maintaining the same code in two places makes no sense.
Are there any others I've missed?
Sorry for the late response to Can't compile VHDL package - Modelsim error: (vcom-1576) expecting END
In addition to the use case listed by the OP and in compliance with his criteria of not so useful cases, I'll add two more cases:
To write platform independent code, one needs to implement e.g. an Altera and a Xilinx specific solution. This code will reference vendor specific libraries like alter_mf or unisim. Both vendor specific implementations can be selected by a if ... generate-statement, or since VHDL-2008 by a case ... generate-statement.
But even with generate-statements, this solution needs to instantiate components, because instances of a direct entity instantiation are bound regardless of the fact that some instances will never appear in the elaborated model. (I consider this a bug in the language - but there was no time to investigate and fix it for VHDL-2018.) Because an entity is immediately bound, the tool tries to load the referenced vendor library and it's packages.
Let's assume you compile on Altera with Quartus, it will complain about an unknown unisim library and a unknown vcomponents package. The same happens on Xilinx with Vivado complaining about an unknown altera_mf library.
Thus, to cut-off the (direct) instantiation tree, a component instantiation is needed.
This technique is used by the PoC-Library. See for example the PoC.misc.sync.Bits implementation for a standard double-FF synchronizer with different attributes applied to an Altera, Xilinx or generic implementation.
In the Open Source VHDL Verification Methodology (OSVVM), components are used for two use cases:
In a toplevel DUT, IP cores are instantiated as components so they can be replaced by dummy implementations. Either as unbound components or as components loading a dummy architecture. This can speed up simulations, reduce possible error sources in testing, replace complex slow implementations like MGTs or memory controllers with simpler and faster implementations, ...
In OSVVM, the test control is implemented in a separate entity called TestController. This entity has several architectures to implement the different test cases applied to the same test hardness. The architectures are bound with a toplevel configuration per test case / architecture. Thus, running a "testbench" means elaborating and simulating one of these configurations.

Developing multi-use VHDL modules

I've recently just started learning VHDL again after not having touched it for years. The hope is to use it to develop a control system with various sensor interfaces, etc. I'm fairly competent in embedded C, which has been my go-to language for any embedded projects I've had up until this point, which makes learning VHDL all the more frustrating.
Basically, my issue right now, which I see as my biggest barrier in being able to progress with my intended project, is that I don't know how to develop and incorporate a module that I can just pass variables to and call (like a function in C) to carry out some task, i.e. display an integer 0-9999 on a 4 digit 7-segment display.
I know there are components in VHDL, but that seems like such a long winded way of performing one task. Is there a better way of doing this?
It seems to me like after you've done all the digital tutorials, there's a huge gap in the info on how to actually develop a full system in VHDL.
EDIT : further explanation re: third comment at the bottom. Apologies for the length of this!
VHDL has functions and procedures too, just like C. (OK, C calls its procedures "void functions"!) And, just like C, you can call them from sequential code using the same kinds of sequential code constructs (variables, loops, if statements, case-statements which have some similarities to C's switch), and so on.
So far, all this is synthesisable; some other VHDL features are for simulation only (to let you test the synthesisable code). So in simulation you can - like C - open, read and write files, and use pointers (access types) to handle memory. I hope you can see why these parts of VHDL aren't synthesisable!)
But what is different in VHDL is that you need a few extra lines to wrap this sequential code in a process. In C, that happens for you; a typical C program is just a single process (you have to resort to libraries or OS functionality like fork or pthreads if you want multiple processes)
But VHDL can do so much more. You can very easily create multiple processes, interconnect them with signals, wrap them as re-usable components, use "for ... generate" to create multiple processes, and so on. Again, all synthesisable : this imposes some restrictions, for example the size of the hardware (number of processes) cannot be changed while the system is running!
KEY: Understand the rules for signal assignment as opposed to variable assignment. Variables work very much as in C; signals do not! What they do instead is provide safe, synchronised, inter-process communication with no fuss. To see how, you need to understand "postponed assignment", delta cycles, wait statements, and how a process suspends itself and wakes up again.
You seem to be asking two questions here:
(1) - can I use functions as in C? Very much so; you can do better than C by wrapping useful types and related functions, procedures in a package and re-using the package in multiple designs. It's a little like a C++ reusable class with some stronger points, and some weaker.
(2) can I avoid entities, architectures and components altogether in VHDL? You can avoid components (search for "VHDL direct entity instantiation") but at some point you will need entities and architectures.
The least you can get away with is to write a single process that does your job, receiving inputs (clk, count) on signals and transmitting to the LEDs on other signals.
Create an entity with all those signals as ports, and an architecture containing your process, connecting its signals up to the ports. This is easy - it's just boilerplate stuff. On an FPGA, you also need to define the mapping between these ports and the actual pins your LEDs are wired to. Synthesise it and you're done, right? .. not quite.
Create another "testbench" entity with no external ports. This will contain your entity (directly instantiated), a bunch of signals connecting to its ports, and a new process which drives your entity's input ports and watches its output ports. (Best practice is to make the testbench self-checking, and assert when something bad comes out!) Usually "clk" comes from its own one-liner process, and clocks both testbench and entity.
Now you can simulate the testbench and watch your design working (or not!) at any level of detail you want. When it works - synthesise.
EDIT for more information: re: components, procedures, functions.
Entities/components are the main tool (you can ignore components if you wish, I'll deal with entities later).
Procedures and functions usually work together in a single process. If they are refactored into a package they can be re-used in other like-minded processes (e.g. operating on the same datatypes). A common abstraction is a datatype, plus all the functions and procedures operating on it, wrapped in a package - this somewhat resembles a C++ class. Functions also have uses in any declaration area, as initialisers (aka "factory" pattern in software terms)
But the main tool is the entity.
This is a level that is probably unfamiliar to an embedded C programmer, as C basically stops at the level of the process.
If you have written a physical block like an SPI master, as a process, you will wrap that process up in an entity. This will communicate with the rest of the world via ports (which, inside the entity, behave like signals). It can be parameterised via generics (e.g. for memory size, if it is a memory). The entity can wrap several processes, other entities, and other logic that didn't fit neatly into the process (e.g. unclocked logic, where the process was clocked)
To create a system, you will interconnect entities, in "structural HDL code" (useful search term!) - perhaps a whole hierarchy of them - in a top level entity. Which you will typically synthesise into an FPGA.
To test the system via simulation, you will embed that top level entity (=FPGA) in another entity - the testbench - which has no external ports. Instead, the FPGA's ports connect to signals inside the testbench. These signals connect to ... some of them connect to other entities - perhaps models of memories or SPI slave peripherals, so you can simulate SPI transactions ... some of them are driven by a process in the testbench, which feeds your FPGA stimuli and checks its responses, detecting and reporting errors.
Best practice involves a testbench for each entity you create - unit testing, in other words. An SPI master might connect to somebody else's SPI slave and a test process, to start SPI transactions and check for the correct responses. This way, you localise and correct problems at the entity level, instead of attempting to diagnose them from the top level testbench.
A basic example is shown here :
Note that he shows port mapping by both positional association and (later) named association - you can also use both forms for function arguments, as in Ada, but not C which only allows positional association.
What "vhdlguru" doesn't say is that named association is MUCH to be preferred, as positional association is a rich source of confusion and bugs.
Is this starting to help?
Basically there are two possibilities of handing information to an entity:
At runtime
Entities communicate with each other using signals that are defined inside a port statement. For better readability I suggest using std_logic_vector, numeric_std or even better record types where appropriate. See link below.
At synthesis time
If you want to set a parameter of an entity to a fixed value at synthesis time (for instance the size of a fifo) you might want to use a generic statement. See also link below.
I can also recommend reading this paper. It helped me a lot when coping with system that exceed a certain complexity:
A structured VHDL design method
Some simple generalizations for entity/component vs subprogram (function / procedure).
Use an entity when a reusable block of code contains a flip-flop (register).
Use a function do to a calculation. For RTL code, I use functions for small, reusable pieces of combinational logic.
I primarily use procedures for testbenches. I use procedures to apply a single transaction (waveform or interface action) to the design I am testing. For testbenches, I further use procedures to encapsulate frequently used sequences of transactions.

Extending functionality of existing program I don't have source for

I'm working on a third-party program that aggregates data from a bunch of different, existing Windows programs. Each program has a mechanism for exporting the data via the GUI. The most brain-dead approach would have me generate extracts by using AutoIt or some other GUI manipulation program to generate the extractions via the GUI. The problem with this is that people might be interacting with the computer when, suddenly, some automated program takes over. That's no good. What I really want to do is somehow have a program run once a day and silently (i.e. without popping up any GUIs) export the data from each program.
My research is telling me that I need to hook each application (assume these applications are always running) and inject a custom DLL to trigger each export. Am I remotely close to being on the right track? I'm a fairly experienced software dev, but I don't know a whole lot about reverse engineering or hooking. Any advice or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: I'm trying to manage the availability of a certain type of professional. Their schedules are stored in proprietary systems. With their permission, I want to install an app on their system that extracts their schedule from whichever system they are using and uploads the information to a central server so that I can present that information to potential clients.
I am aware of four ways of extracting the information you want, both with their advantages and disadvantages. Before you do anything, you need to be aware that any solution you create is not guaranteed and in fact very unlikely to continue working should the target application ever update. The reason is that in each case, you are relying on an implementation detail instead of a pre-defined interface through which to export your data.
Hooking the GUI
The first way is to hook the GUI as you have suggested. What you are doing in this case is simply reading off from what an actual user would see. This is in general easier, since you are hooking the WinAPI which is clearly defined. One danger is that what the program displays is inconsistent or incomplete in comparison to the internal data it is supposed to be representing.
Typically, there are two common ways to perform WinAPI hooking:
DLL Injection. You create a DLL which you load into the other program's virtual address space. This means that you have read/write access (writable access can be gained with VirtualProtect) to the target's entire memory. From here you can trampoline the functions which are called to set UI information. For example, to check if a window has changed its text, you might trampoline the SetWindowText function. Note every control has different interfaces used to set what they are displaying. In this case, you are hooking the functions called by the code to set the display.
SetWindowsHookEx. Under the covers, this works similarly to DLL injection and in this case is really just another method for you to extend/subvert the control flow of messages received by controls. What you want to do in this case is hook the window procedures of each child control. For example, when an item is added to a ComboBox, it would receive a CB_ADDSTRING message. In this case, you are hooking the messages that are received when the display changes.
One caveat with this approach is that it will only work if the target is using or extending WinAPI controls.
Reading from the GUI
Instead of hooking the GUI, you can alternatively use WinAPI to read directly from the target windows. However, in some cases this may not be allowed. There is not much to do in this case but to try and see if it works. This may in fact be the easiest approach. Typically, you will send messages such as WM_GETTEXT to query the target window for what it is currently displaying. To do this, you will need to obtain the exact window hierarchy containing the control you are interested in. For example, say you want to read an edit control, you will need to see what parent window/s are above it in the window hierarchy in order to obtain its window handle.
Reading from memory (Advanced)
This approach is by far the most complicated but if you are able to fully reverse engineer the target program, it is the most likely to get you consistent data. This approach works by you reading the memory from the target process. This technique is very commonly used in game hacking to add 'functionality' and to observe the internal state of the game.
Consider that as well as storing information in the GUI, programs often hold their own internal model of all the data. This is especially true when the controls used are virtual and simply query subsets of the data to be displayed. This is an example of a situation where the first two approaches would not be of much use. This data is often held in some sort of abstract data type such as a list or perhaps even an array. The trick is to find this list in memory and read the values off directly. This can be done externally with ReadProcessMemory or internally through DLL injection again. The difficulty lies mainly in two prerequisites:
Firstly, you must be able to reliably locate these data structures. The problem with this is that code is not guaranteed to be in the same place, especially with features such as ASLR. Colloquially, this is sometimes referred to as code-shifting. ASLR can be defeated by using the offset from a module base and dynamically getting the module base address with functions such as GetModuleHandle. As well as ASLR, a reason that this occurs is due to dynamic memory allocation (e.g. through malloc). In such cases, you will need to find a heap address storing the pointer (which would for example be the return of malloc), dereference that and find your list. That pointer would be prone to ASLR and instead of a pointer, it might be a double-pointer, triple-pointer, etc.
The second problem you face is that it would be rare for each list item to be a primitive type. For example, instead of a list of character arrays (strings), it is likely that you will be faced with a list of objects. You would need to further reverse engineer each object type and understand internal layouts (at least be able to determine offsets of primitive values you are interested in in terms of its offset from the object base). More advanced methods revolve around actually reverse engineering the vtable of objects and calling their 'API'.
You might notice that I am not able to give information here which is specific. The reason is that by its nature, using this method requires an intimate understanding of the target's internals and as such, the specifics are defined only by how the target has been programmed. Unless you have knowledge and experience of reverse engineering, it is unlikely you would want to go down this route.
Hooking the target's internal API (Advanced)
As with the above solution, instead of digging for data structures, you dig for the internal API. I briefly covered this with when discussing vtables earlier. Instead of doing this, you would be attempting to find internal APIs that are called when the GUI is modified. Typically, when a view/UI is modified, instead of directly calling the WinAPI to update it, a program will have its own wrapper function which it calls which in turn calls the WinAPI. You simply need to find this function and hook it. Again this is possible, but requires reverse engineering skills. You may find that you discover functions which you want to call yourself. In this case, as well as being able to locate the location of the function, you have to reverse engineer the parameters it takes, its calling convention and you will need to ensure calling the function has no side effects.
I would consider this approach to be advanced. It can certainly be done and is another common technique used in game hacking to observe internal states and to manipulate a target's behaviour, but is difficult!
The first two methods are well suited for reading data from WinAPI programs and are by far easier. The two latter methods allow greater flexibility. With enough work, you are able to read anything and everything encapsulated by the target but requires a lot of skill.
Another point of concern which may or may not relate to your case is how easy it will be to update your solution to work should the target every be updated. With the first two methods, it is more likely no changes or small changes have to be made. With the second two methods, even a small change in source code can cause a relocation of the offsets you are relying upon. One method of dealing with this is to use byte signatures to dynamically generate the offsets. I wrote another answer some time ago which addresses how this is done.
What I have written is only a brief summary of the various techniques that can be used for what you want to achieve. I may have missed approaches, but these are the most common ones I know of and have experience with. Since these are large topics in themselves, I would advise you ask a new question if you want to obtain more detail about any particular one. Note that in all of the approaches I have discussed, none of them suffer from any interaction which is visible to the outside world so you would have no problem with anything popping up. It would be, as you describe, 'silent'.
This is relevant information about detouring/trampolining which I have lifted from a previous answer I wrote:
If you are looking for ways that programs detour execution of other
processes, it is usually through one of two means:
Dynamic (Runtime) Detouring - This is the more common method and is what is used by libraries such as Microsoft Detours. Here is a
relevant paper where the first few bytes of a function are overwritten
to unconditionally branch to the instrumentation.
(Static) Binary Rewriting - This is a much less common method for rootkits, but is used by research projects. It allows detouring to be
performed by statically analysing and overwriting a binary. An old
(not publicly available) package for Windows that performs this is
Etch. This paper gives a high-level view of how it works
Although Detours demonstrates one method of dynamic detouring, there
are countless methods used in the industry, especially in the reverse
engineering and hacking arenas. These include the IAT and breakpoint
methods I mentioned above. To 'point you in the right direction' for
these, you should look at 'research' performed in the fields of
research projects and reverse engineering.

Gui simulation for smart home application

im looking for suggestion in which GUI tool is most appropriate for me to use in implementing my study. im using java language. i would like the graphics to simulate a house in which graphical changes apply without user inputs from mouse or keyboards. my user input is in the form of sms. thanks in advance guys. im hoping to animate it or simulate a smart home through the conditions i had set in my program. thnaks!
Your questions is very underspecified. I will assume that you are at the early stages of producing a hand-rolled home automation programs, you probably need:
an environment to let you test the core logic of the system (i.e. "If the system is in state X and I issue command Y, what does it actually do, and will I lose the contents of my freezer?")
an environment to let you test the SMS communications module
you may need a demo mode to show prospecitve customers what it does (this is my best guess at what is being requested here)
Now (3) could fill in for (1), but is a lot more programming effort, so from the start you probably want a simple text interface to do (1).
In general, you almost certainly want a modular system: a core logic system supported by at least two input models (SMS and keyboard), three output models (text debug, graphical demo, and control-line/wireless signals for the actual hardware), and various ancillary stuff (configuration reading, saved state handling). Come to think of it, since you probably need a way to probe the current state of the system, you should make the saved state and condition probe code share a single framework as well.

TDD for a Device Communicator

I've been reading about TDD, and would like to use it for my next project, but I'm not sure how to structure my classes with this new paradigm. The language I'd like to use is Java, although the problem is not really language-specific.
The Project
I have a few pieces of hardware that come with a ASCII-over-RS232 interface. I can issue simple commands, and get simple responses, and control them as if from their front panels. Each one has a slightly different syntax and very different sets of commands. My goal is to create an abstraction/interface so I can control them all through a GUI and/or remote procedure calls.
The Problem
I believe the first step is to create an abstract class (I'm bad at names, how about 'Communicator'?) to implement all the stuff like Serial I/O, and then create a subclass for each device. I'm sure it will be a little more complicated than that, but that's the core of the application in my mind.
Now, for unit tests, I don't think I really need the actual hardware or a serial connection. What I'd like to do is hand my Communicators an InputStream and OutputStream (or Reader and Writer) that could be from a serial port, file, stdin/stdout, piped from a test function, whatever. So, would I just have the Communicator constructor take those as inputs? If so, it would be easy to put the responsibility of setting it all up on the testing framework, but for the real thing, who makes the actual connection? A separate constructor? The function calling the constructor again? A separate class who's job it is to 'connect' the Communicator to the correct I/O streams?
I was about to rewrite the problem section in order to get answers to the question I thought I was asking, but I think I figured it out. I had (correctly?) identified two different functional areas.
1) Dealing with the serial port
2) Communicating with the device (understanding its output & generating commands)
A few months ago, I would have combined it all into one class. My first idea towards breaking away from this was to pass just the IO streams to the class that understands the device, and I couldn't figure out who would then be responsible for creating the streams.
Having done more research on inversion of control, I think I have an answer. Have a separate interface and class that solve problem #1 and pass it to the constructor of the class(es?) that solve problem #2. That way, it's easy to test both separately. #1 by connecting to the actual hardware and allowing the test framework to do different things. #2 can be tested by being given a mock of #1.
Does this sound reasonable? Do I need to share more information?
With TDD, you should let your design emerge, start small, with baby steps and grow your classes test by test, little by little.
CLARIFIED: Start with a concrete class, to send one command, unit test it with a mock or a stub. When it will work enough (perhaps not with all options), test it against your real device, once, to validate your mock/stub/simulator.
Once the class for the first command is operational, start implementing a second command, the same way: first again your mock/stub, then once against the device for validation. Now if you're seeing similarities between your two classes, you can refactor to your abstract class based design - or to something different.
Sorry for being a little Linux centric ..
My favorite way of simulating gadgets is to write character device drivers that simulate their behavior. This also gives you fun abilities, like providing an ioctl() interface that makes the simulated device behave abnormally.
At that point .. from testing to real world, it only matters which device(s) you actually open, read and write.
It should not be too hard to mimic the behavior of your gadgets .. it sounds like they take very basic instructions and return very basic responses. Again, a simple ioctl() could tell the simulated device that its time to misbehave, so you can ensure that your code is handling such events adequately. For instance, fail intentionally on every n'th instruction, where n is randomly selected upon the call to ioctl().
After seeing your edits I think you are heading in exactly the right direction. TDD tends to drive you towards a design composed of small classes with a well-defined responsibility. I would also echo tinkertim's advice - a device simulator which you can control and "provoke" into behaving in different ways is invaluable for testing.
