Can't change height of NSTextField in Interface Builder - cocoa

When I do something simple, like add a Wrapping Text Field in Interface builder (drag and drop method), I find that I'm unable to size the object as I would like using the mouse pointer.
For example, once I've placed this Wrapping Text Field into the upper left hand corner of my Document, I can't adjust the height of the object by dragging down on the bottom-middle sizing tool.
This happens all the time when sizing different objects in Interface Builder, it's really frustrating! The only workaround seems to be to open the Size Inspector and to manually adjust the height of the object by increasing the value.
What am I doing wrong? Is it because the object clamps to the top-left corner of the Document when I place it there? I'm not adding any constraints, merely dragging and dropping elements onto the Document in the xib.
I'm using Xcode Version 5.1.1 (5B1008) on OS X 10.9.2 (13C1021)

OK so after a bit of playing around in Interface Builder, I've noticed that I can switch off the "Use Auto Layout" feature in the File Inspector. Now when I switch to the Sizing Inspector I have an easy to use "Auto Sizing" feature that when I hover over the preview, shows me exactly how the NSTextField will size when re-sizing the parent document.
Also once I've switched off "Use Auto Layout", I can use the mouse pointer to adjust the NSTextField height and width in the Interface Builder.
I guess the "Use Auto Layout" is constraining the height of the NSTextField to the appropriate height it thinks it should be but I can't tell where it get's this value from.


How to make NSSearchField take up whole width of toolbar

I am trying to make a NSSearchField taking up the whole width of a toolbar in a NSWindowController.
I created a new NSWindowController using Xcode storyboard, add a toolbar to it, when add search field to the toolbar.
I drag the search field from allowed toolbar items to default toolbar items
Set toolbar item's max width to a large number say 1000
I build the app and run. The search field shrinks when window width shrinks, but does not expand beyond a certain width when window width expands.
The question is how to make search field expand and take up all remaining space of the toolbar?
It doesn't sound to me like the toolbar is really what you want to use here. The purpose of the toolbar is to allow multiple UI elements to be included in a user-configurable way. If you want to force one element that takes up the entire width, I suggest just putting it in the window's content view and setting up the layout constraints to pin to both the left and right sides. If you set the "Textured" check box in Interface Builder, it should look roughly the same as it would have looked using the toolbar.

OS X App - Cannot Resize App Window

I have an OS X app originally built using Xcode 4, now using Xcode 7. When "springs-and-struts" was superseded by constraints, I reworked the UI to use constraints. Simple enough, and seemed to work well.
Fast forward two years after first release, and for the second release I needed to add controls and increase the height of the main app view. Unfortunately, my test team is using smaller screens and cannot see the whole view. They need to resize vertically.
Problem - even though the resize controls box is checked, the window cannot be resized. The controls do not show at run time. I tried
Setting lower minimum window content size height, but that did not change anything.
Changing content compression resistance did not change anything.
I am thinking this issue has something to do with constraints.... Any ideas on how to get resize to work?
Edit: After playing with a new test app some, I am more certain the problem is due to constraints. I have a control where I have constrained leading and trailing space to superview and width - there went horizontal resize.
I really need to have a view where the user can resize the window, but scroll the content. However, in this case, the content is other controls. I think on iOS, I would use a UIScrollView. On OS X, I have tried a scroll view control and have tried embedding in a scroll view, and neither have the desired effect.
I had the same issue and solved it by adding a view to be used as a "container" in the view controller.
Pin the top left corner of the "container view" to the view controller (leading space 0 and top space 0). Add equal width and height constraints on the "container view" to the view controller. Then move all your objects into the "container view" and add your object constraints on the "container view" not the view controller.
In my case, it happened in this way (Xcode 13.1).
I mistakenly added a view from IB outside of the window view hierarchy. The new view was added as a separated object (a top node in the interface builder file). I added the new view into the window by drag-n-drop.
I found the new view had different behaviours, for example, I couldn't set the top space constraint. With this view in the view hierarchy, I couldn't change the window size (content view size) at all.
I removed the view and added another in the view hierarchy, it worked as normal.
I think IB initialises the view differently if it is a separated object (top node of the interface builder file).

Add vertical scroll bar to document-based Mac app's window

I'm looking at MyDocument.xib in Interface Builder and I can't for the life of me find how to add a vertical scrollbar.
It's set to 768x756 minimum size and 768x1024 maximum size. It starts out at minimum size (to support schools that use older MacBooks with 800px high screens), but the content does occupy 1024 height. So I need a vertical scrollbar to scroll the rest of the app window contents into view.
I tried setting the window contentSize, but that just makes the window larger.
Bit baffled by this as in every other environment in the world, not necessarily IDEs, it's a matter of ticking a box...
Select your document view object in Interface Builder and select Editor->Embed In->Scroll View.
Or you can just drag an NSScrollView from the object palette into your window.

Can't Edit NSWindow's Toolbar - Cocoa

So I'm using the method:
[someWindow setContentBorderThickness:24.0 forEdge:NSMaxYEdge];
But I can't seem to get the toolbar to increase in height. It simply stays the same as in default. Can anyone shed some light here?
An NSToolbar is automatically resized to accommodate the height of the tallest NSToolbarItem. The standard (large) toolbar items are all 32 px tall, so the toolbar has no need to make itself larger. If you do something like add a custom view toolbar item, then it will be resized to accommodate that item, as shown in the image below:
(To accomplish the result shown above, I clicked on the toolbar twice in IB to bring down the Allowed Toolbar Items sheet, then dragged an NSView custom view from the library palette onto that sheet).
P.S. I'd recommend using this capability with discretion.
You cannot specify an arbitrary height for NSToolbar. You can, however, specify a size mode. A toolbar with 24x24-pixel icons has a small size mode:
[toolbar setSizeMode: NSToolbarSizeModeSmall];
which is equivalent to Size: Small in Interface Builder’s Attributes Inspector.

How to change the height of an NSProgressIndicator?

By default, cocoa progress bars are slightly fat and I want something a little slimmer, like the progress bars seen in the Finder copy dialog. However, Interface Builder locks the NSProgressIndicator control height to 20 pixels and my programmatic attempts to slim down aren't working, as calls to
[progressBar setControlSize:NSMiniControlSize];
[progressBar setControlSize:NSSmallControlSize];
in awakeFromNib don't do anything, and the suggestive looking NSProgressIndicatorThickness seen in the header file doesn't seem to plug into any methods that I can see.
What's the trick?
Those calls should have worked. In Interface Builder, in the Geometry pane (the one whose icon is a ruler), there is an equivalent control size selector that offers "Regular" and "Small" sizes.
in IB
select your NSProgressIndicator control
in the utilities view select the View Effects inspector
press + in Content Filters
select Lanczos Scale Transform filter
set the appropriate scale value in the Scale row
set the Aspect Ratio too if you need to change the height only
