Using Gtest how to check if the return type is an expected object or not? - validation

I am using Gtest for unit testing. There are some methods which return an object. Example is shown below
Class ToTest{
object& method(){
object* obj = new object();
return obj;
"ToTest" is the class that is to be tested. It has a method which returns an object "obj". How can i validate this object using Gtest ?

So, you want to test a singleton. As you see, there is almost nothing to test there. You can call that method, and that is it. There is nothing to validate, except there are no leaks (by executing the unit test program using valgrind or similar tool).
class ToTestTest : public testing::Test
ToTest obj;
TEST_F( ToTestTest, method )


Mocking Static Method in c++

I just started working on unit testing using googleTest.
I have a situation where I have a static method of one class is calling inside the other class
class A {
static bool retriveJsonData(std::string name, Json::Value& responseJsonData);
In other class i am using the Class A retriveJsonData method.
class B {
bool Method1 (std::string name) {
Json::Value sampleJsonData;
return A::retriveJsonData(name, sampleJsonData);
Mocking of class A
class MockA : public A {
MOCK_MEHTOD2(retriveJsonData, bool(std::string, Json::Value));
Now I have to mock retriveJsonData in Testing of Method2 of class B using EXPECT_CALL.
Please help me to resolve how can I test this situation?
Google Mock's mock types provide ways to check expected calls for non-static member functions, where either virtual function polymorphism or templates can be used as a "seam" to swap in the mock functions for real functions. Which is great if you can design or refactor everything to use one of those techniques. But sometimes it would be cumbersome to get things working that way in messy legacy code or in code using an external library, etc.
In that case, another option is to define a dependency function which is not a non-static member function (so either a free function or a static member) to redirect to some singleton mock object. Assume we have some translation unit (B.cpp) to be unit tested, and it calls some non-member or static member function (A::retrieveJsonData) not defined in that translation unit.
Normally, to unit test B.cpp, we would note its required linker symbols and provide fake definitions for them that stub them out, just to get the object file B.o to link into the unit test program:
// Fake definition:
bool A::retrieveJsonData(std::string, Json::Value&)
{ return false; }
In this case, we don't want that fake definition; we'll define it later to redirect to a mock object.
Start with a mock class specifically for the problematic function calls. If there are other non-static member functions to test the ordinary way, this class is NOT the same as those classes. (If this is needed for more than one function, these mock classes could be done per function, per class and/or one for free functions, per library, one for everything; however you want to set it up.)
class Mock_A_Static {
Mock_A_Static() {
EXPECT_EQ(instance, nullptr);
instance = this;
~Mock_A_Static() {
EXPECT_EQ(instance, this);
instance = nullptr;
MOCK_METHOD2(retrieveJsonData, bool(std::string, Json::Value&));
static Mock_A_Static* instance;
friend class A;
Mock_A_Static* Mock_A_Static::instance = nullptr;
// The function code in B.cpp will actually be directly calling:
bool A::retrieveJsonData(std::string name, Json::Value& responseJsonData)
EXPECT_NE(Mock_A_Static::instance, nullptr)
<< "Mock_A_Static function called but not set up";
if (!Mock_A_Static::instance) return false;
return Mock_A_Static::instance->retrieveJsonData(name, responseJsonData);
Then just put an object of that type local to a test, or in a fixture class. (Only one at a time, though!)
TEST(BTest, Method1GetsJson)
Mock_A_Static a_static;
B b;
EXPECT_CALL(a_static, retrieveJsonData(StrEq("data_x"), _));
Use A as a template parameter in class B (see Modern C++ Design).
template <class T>
class B {
bool Method1 (std::string name) {
Json::Value sampleJsonData;
return T::retriveJsonData(name, sampleJsonData);
then in your tests use:
B<MockA> b;
In production code:
B<A> b;
You can't use MOCK_MEHTOD2 with static methods.
You can define a private method in B that just call retriveJsonData:
Class B
bool Method1 (std::string name) {
Json::Value sampleJsonData;
return retriveJsonData(name, sampleJsonData); };
bool retriveJsonData(std::string name, Json::Value& responseJsonData) {
return A::retriveJsonData(name, responseJsonData); };
Then you can write a test class to be used in your test instead of B:
Class Test_B : public B
MOCK_METHOD2( retriveJsonData, bool(std::string name, Json::Value& responseJsonData));
This situation is very common in real development. To isolate a target class the gmock is very useful but also very limitted.
However, if you don't want to change any of the class A and B, here is the one of the solution by using "jomock" without changing A and B at all.
// let's say there are class A and B in legacy code.
class A {
static bool retriveJsonData(std::string name, Json::Value& responseJsonData);
class B {
bool Method1 (std::string name) {
Json::Value sampleJsonData;
return A::retriveJsonData(name, sampleJsonData);
// unit test code below
#include "jomock.h"
TEST(JoMock, staticFnTest)
.WillOnce(Return(false)); // return false once.
EXPECT_EQ(B::Method1("arg"), false);

how to test fluent validations error message

I am trying to get to grips with TDD, I have reviewed some tutorials and am trying to implement tests on my validation classes that I have created using fluent validation.
public SomeFormValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.MyClass).NotNull()
.WithMessage("MyClass cannot be null");
I have looked at the TDD examples specifically for fluent validation and created a couple of tests
public void Should_have_error_when_MyClass_is_null()
MyClass myClass = null;
SomeFormValidator.ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor(aup => aup.MyClass, myClass);
public void Should_not_have_error_when_MyClass_is_not_null()
MyClass myClass = new MyClass();
SomeFormValidator.ShouldNotHaveValidationErrorFor(aup => aup.MyClass, myClass);
I would like to now test that the string "MyClass cannot be null" is returned when it is null. I have not been able to find anything covering returned message and I have not been able to work it out.
Thanks to the guidance of #Surgey I was able to come up with a solution that uses the fluent validation built in methods, in addition to that I have been able to better layout my test which I have added below
using FluentValidation.TestHelper;
using NUnit.Framework;
using MyProject.Models...
using MyProject...
namespace MyProject.Tests.Classes.Validation
public class SomeFormValidatorTest
private SomeFormValidator SomeFormValidator;
public void Setup()
SomeFormValidator = new SomeFormValidator();
public void Should_display_correct_error_message_MyClass_is_null()
MyClass myClass = null;
var result = SomeFormValidator.ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor(x => x.MyClass, myClass);
result.WithErrorMessage("MyClass is required");
//first attempt prior to finding WithErrorMessage exists
//foreach (var r in result)
// Assert.AreEqual("MyClass is required", r.ErrorMessage);
I am using result.WithErrorMessage as that is was is provided in the result but I have left the foreach in, but commented, as I find the error message produced by using Assert.AreEqual produce a better message in the test runner.
There is Arrange-Act-Assert (AAA) technique that helps to structure unit tests properly.
First of all, you need to create a System Under Test (SUT) and inputs. In this case that are SomeFormValidator and SomeForm instances:
// arrange
var sut = new SomeFormValidator();
var someFormWithNullProp = new SomeForm { MyClass = null };
Then you need to call the SUT to perform real work. For validators, that is the Validate() method call:
// act
ValidationResult result = sut.Validate<SomeForm>(someFormWithNullProp);
The last part of the unit test checks if the actual result matches the expectations:
// assert
"MyClass cannot be null",

How to get PEX to automatically generate inputs for code involving LINQ

I'm having trouble getting PEX to automatically cover methods calling Linq extension methods, such as Where() and Contains() in this example:
public class MyEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public interface IWithQueryable
IQueryable<MyEntity> QueryableSet();
public class ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryable
private readonly IWithQueryable _withIQueryable;
public ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryable(IWithQueryable withIQueryable)
// <pex>
withIQueryable != null, "withIQueryable");
// </pex>
_withIQueryable = withIQueryable;
public IEnumerable<MyEntity> GetEntitiesByIds(IEnumerable<int> ids)
Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(ids != null, "ids");
// <pex>
(this._withIQueryable.QueryableSet() != (IQueryable<MyEntity>)null);
// </pex>
IEnumerable<MyEntity> entities =
entity => ids.Contains(entity.Id));
if (entities.Count() != ids.Count())
return null;
return entities;
[PexAllowedExceptionFromTypeUnderTest(typeof(ArgumentException), AcceptExceptionSubtypes = true)]
public partial class ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryableTest
public IEnumerable<MyEntity> GetEntitiesByIds(
[PexAssumeUnderTest]ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryable target,
int[] ids)
var result = target.GetEntitiesByIds(ids);
PexAssert.IsTrue(result.Count() == ids.Length);
return result;
When I'm running PEX exploration on this PexMethod I'm seeing the following problems:
I keep getting the same exception and PEX keeps suggesting the same "invariant" fix in the form of the Contract.Assert that you see in the // region:
I believe the problem is somehow related to how Pex relates to Linq but I'm not sure
--- Description
failing test: ArgumentNullException, Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: source
public void GetEntitiesByIdsThrowsArgumentNullException385()
using (PexChooseBehavedBehavior.Setup())
SIWithQueryable sIWithQueryable;
ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryable consumerOfIhaveIQueryable;
IEnumerable<MyEntity> iEnumerable;
sIWithQueryable = new SIWithQueryable();
consumerOfIhaveIQueryable =
int[] ints = new int[0];
iEnumerable = this.GetEntitiesByIds(consumerOfIhaveIQueryable, ints);
--- Exception details
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: source at System.Linq.IQueryable'1 System.Linq.Queryable.Where(System.Linq.IQueryable'1 source, System.Linq.Expressions.Expression'1> predicate)
c:\users\moran\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\PexTuts\PexIQueryable\PexIQueryable\ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryable.cs(29): at System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable'1 PexIQueryable.ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryable.GetEntitiesByIds(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1 ids)
c:\users\moran\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\PexTuts\PexIQueryable\PexIQueryable.Tests\ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryableTest.cs(34): at System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable'1 PexIQueryable.ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryableTest.GetEntitiesByIds(PexIQueryable.ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryable target, System.Int32[] ids)
I can't get PEX to generate relevant inputs. As you can see, I tried to "help" it by adding a PexAssert and a branch in my code, but this branch is never covered, even though it should be relatively simple to generate a code that would walk that path. PEX only tries to pass null or an empty array as the list of Ids (I read somewhere that it is easier for PEX to work with arrays (int[]) rather than IEnumerable.
Would love to get some comments on this...
BTW, this is my first SO post, Hope I didn't spam with too much code and info.
After some time setting up the code for this, I've made a few assumptions. I'm assuming that you're stubbing the IWithQueryable via a Moles stub and also that the NullArgumentException occurs when you remove the Contract assertion that the QueryableSet() method doesn't return null.
As for the code, IMO the more code the better, as long as it's relevant- far better to have too much than too little to go on, so that's fine. As above, do try to make clear all the assumptions in the code (e.g. the Moles stubbing (as there's different ways to achieve this and it's something one has to assume).
I'm not 100% sure what you're asking. The code is failing because the stubbed IWithQueryable object doesn't have an implmementation for the QueryableSet() method and that method returns null. The PexAssert here won't help it figure out how to create a LINQ provider, which is what you're asking it to do. The PexChooseBehavedBehavior.Setup() simply replaces any calls to delegates on the Moles stubs (which don't have a custom delegate) with the default behaviour which is default(T), so that's why the source is null- the QueryableSet() is initialised to null.
You can solve this in a few ways (at least in the sense of providing a way of creating the QueryableSet() method). You can create a factory method to generate either the whole SIWithQueryable, or just the QueryableSet delegate. This is something that Pex suggests (however, with me it got the types and namespaces muddled-up). For instance:
/// <summary>A factory for Microsoft.Moles.Framework.MolesDelegates+Func`1[System.Linq.IQueryable`1[StackOverflow.Q9968801.MyEntity]] instances</summary>
public static partial class MolesDelegatesFactory
/// <summary>A factory for Microsoft.Moles.Framework.MolesDelegates+Func`1[System.Linq.IQueryable`1[StackOverflow.Q9968801.MyEntity]] instances</summary>
public static MolesDelegates.Func<IQueryable<MyEntity>> CreateFunc()
throw new InvalidOperationException();
// TODO: Edit factory method of Func`1<IQueryable`1<MyEntity>>
// This method should be able to configure the object in all possible ways.
// Add as many parameters as needed,
// and assign their values to each field by using the API.
/// <summary>A factory for Microsoft.Moles.Framework.MolesDelegates+Func`1[System.Linq.IQueryable`1[StackOverflow.Q9968801.MyEntity]] instances</summary>
public static SIWithQueryable Create()
var siWithQueryable = new SIWithQueryable();
siWithQueryable.QueryableSet = () => { throw new InvalidOperationException(); };
return siWithQueryable;
// TODO: Edit factory method of Func`1<IQueryable`1<MyEntity>>
// This method should be able to configure the object in all possible ways.
// Add as many parameters as needed,
// and assign their values to each field by using the API.
and then hook it up to the test method with one of the two lines assigning sIWithQueryable:
public void GetEntitiesByIdsThrowsArgumentNullException678()
SIWithQueryable sIWithQueryable;
// Either this for the whole object.
sIWithQueryable = MolesDelegatesFactory.Create();
// Or this for just that delegate.
sIWithQueryable = new SIWithQueryable();
sIWithQueryable.QueryableSet = MolesDelegatesFactory.CreateFunc();
ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryable consumerOfIhaveIQueryable;
IEnumerable<MyEntity> iEnumerable;
consumerOfIhaveIQueryable = ConsumerOfIhaveIQueryableFactory.Create((IWithQueryable) sIWithQueryable);
int[] ints = new int[0];
iEnumerable = this.GetEntitiesByIds(consumerOfIhaveIQueryable, ints);
This will then call your factory methods when creating the stub for IWithQueryable. This is still a problem, as regenerating the explorations will wipe out the stub setup.
If you provide the parameterless factory method to create the stub (MolesDelegatesFactory.CreateFunc()), then Pex will know about this and generate the tests to use it. So, it will correctly manage the behaviour across test regenerations. Unfortuantely, Pex suggests creating this delegate as a factory method- however, it is never called, the default implementation is always used, it seems one has to mock the parent type.
However, I'm wondering why you're creating an interface IWithQueryable that simple wraps another, and also, what you expect to do with the IQueryable. In order to do anything very useful, you'll have a lot of work going on to deal with the IQueryable interface - the Provider and Expression mainly, you'll pretty-much have to write a mock query provider, which will not be easy.

Moq testing LINQ Where queries

I'm using EF 4.1 to build a domain model. I have a Task class with a Validate(string userCode) method and in it I want to ensure the user code maps to a valid user in the database, so:
public static bool Validate(string userCode)
IDbSet<User> users = db.Set<User>();
var results = from u in users
where u.UserCode.Equals(userCode)
select u;
return results.FirstOrDefault() != null;
I can use Moq to mock IDbSet no problem. But ran into trouble with the Where call:
User user = new User { UserCode = "abc" };
IList<User> list = new List<User> { user };
var users = new Mock<IDbSet<User>>();
users.Setup(x => x.Where(It.IsAny<Expression<Func<User, bool>>>())).Returns(list.AsQueryable);
Initialization method JLTi.iRIS3.Tests.TaskTest.SetUp threw exception.
System.NotSupportedException: System.NotSupportedException: Expression
references a method that does not belong to the mocked object:
x => x.Where<User>(It.IsAny<Expression`1>()).
Other than creating a level of indirection (eg, using a ServiceLocator to get an object that runs the LINQ and then mock that method) I can't think of how else to test this, but I want to make sure there is no way before I introduce another layer. And I can see this kind of LINQ queries will be needed quite often so the service objects can quickly spiral out of control.
Could some kind soul help? Thanks!
There is an article on MSDN highlighting how to mock using moq:
The gist of it is to represent linq to entities operations with linq to objects.
var mockSet = new Mock<DbSet<Blog>>();
mockSet.As<IQueryable<Blog>>().Setup(m => m.Provider).Returns(data.Provider);
mockSet.As<IQueryable<Blog>>().Setup(m => m.Expression).Returns(data.Expression);
mockSet.As<IQueryable<Blog>>().Setup(m => m.ElementType).Returns(data.ElementType);
mockSet.As<IQueryable<Blog>>().Setup(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Returns(data.GetEnumerator());
As Ladislav points out there are disadvantages to this as Linq To Objects is simply different to Linq to Entities so it may result in false positives. But it now being an MSDN article it does point that it is at least possible and perhaps recommended in some cases?
One thing that may of changed since the original answers to this post is that the Entity Framework team have opened up areas of Entity Framework in EF 6.0 to make it easier to mock it's inners.
Although I have not tried this, because IDBSet implements IEnumerable you might have to mock the enumerator method so the linq statements will pick up your list of users. You don't actually want to mock linq but by the looks of your code you want to test whether you are finding the right user based on the UserCode which I think is a valid unit test.
var user = new User { UserCode = "abc" };
var list = new List<User> { user };
var users = new Mock<IDbSet<User>>();
users.Setup(x => x.GetEnumerator()).Returns(list.GetEnumerator());
You might get a conflict with the non-generic version of the GetEnumerator but it this might help you on the right track.
Then you have to then place the mocked object on the data context which depends on other code that we don't see.
As I know Moq is able to set up only virtual methods of mocked object itself but you are trying to set up extensions (static) method - no way! These methods are absolutely outside of your mock scope.
Moreover that code is hard to test and requires too much initialization to be able to test it. Use this instead:
internal virtual IQueryable<User> GetUserSet()
return db.Set<User>();
public bool Validate(string userCode)
IQueryable<User> users = GetUserSet();
var results = from u in users
where u.UserCode.Equals(userCode)
select u;
return results.FirstOrDefault() != null;
You will just need to set up GetUserSet to return your list. Such testing has some major issues:
You are not testing the real implementation - in case of EF mocking sets is stupid approach because once you do it you change linq-to-entities to linq-to-objects. Those two are totally different and linq-to-entities is only small subset of linq-to-objects = your unit tests can pass with linq-to-objects but your code will fail at runtime.
Once you use this approach you cannot use Include because include is dependent on DbQuery / DbSet. Again you need integration test to use it.
This doesn't test that your lazy loading works
The better approach is removing your linq queries from Validate method - just call them as another virtual method of the object. Unit test your Validate method with mocked query methods and use integration tests to test queries themselves.
I found it easier just to write the stub:
internal class FakeDbSet<T> : IDbSet<T>where T : class
readonly HashSet<T> _data;
readonly IQueryable _query;
public FakeDbSet()
_data = new HashSet<T>();
_query = _data.AsQueryable();
public virtual T Find(params object[] keyValues)
throw new NotImplementedException("Derive from FakeDbSet<T> and override Find");
public T Add(T item)
return item;
public T Remove(T item)
return item;
public T Attach(T item)
return item;
public void Detach(T item)
Type IQueryable.ElementType
get { return _query.ElementType; }
Expression IQueryable.Expression
get { return _query.Expression; }
IQueryProvider IQueryable.Provider
get { return _query.Provider; }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return _data.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator<T> IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator()
return _data.GetEnumerator();
public TDerivedEntity Create<TDerivedEntity>() where TDerivedEntity : class, T
return Activator.CreateInstance<TDerivedEntity>();
public T Create()
return Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
public ObservableCollection<T> Local
return new ObservableCollection<T>(_data);

How can I apply the "move method" refactoring with IntelliJ IDEA?

I want to be able to move an instance method from one class to another class ("Move method" from Fowler's "Refactoring") in IntelliJ IDEA. Unfortunately, when I try "Move..." (cmd: F6), it tells me that "There are no methods that have a reference type. Would you like to make method static and then move?" I do not want to make my method static, I want it to be an instance method on the other class instead.
My code example:
public class TheClass {
public void doStuff(){
int i = themethod();
private int theMethod() {
System.out.println( "Hello World!" );
return 0;
public class OtherClass {
Say I want to move theMethod from TheClass to OtherClass. Is there an automatic refactoring in IDEA for this, and if so: How do I apply it?
In IntelliJ 14-15 do the following:
Position the caret on theMethod().
press Ctrl/Cmd+F6 (Change signature).
Introduce new parameter: Type=TheOtherClass, Name=theOtherClass, Default value=new TheOtherClass()
Then press F6 (move) and move the method to theOtherClass.
You will end up with:
public class TheClass {
public void doStuff() {
int i = new TheOtherClass().theMethod();
public class TheOtherClass {
int theMethod() {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
return 0;
The Move Method refactoring in IDEA only considers moving the method into classes related to it, i.e. used as its parameter or return value, or called from inside the method. Which is kinda logical: if the method has nothing concrete to do with the target class, why should it be there? OTOH I found this limiting in some cases where I still had a valid reason to move the method. So I had to do it by hand.
In intellij 13.1 (dont' know in previous version) it could be done with the
Choose Refactor | Extract | Delegate on the main menu
but there is a "strange" limit, apparently: it could be done only with a new freshly created class.
So you have to do apply this refactoring without creating the "OtherClass" (it will be create directly when you apply the refactoring).
So a real "move" of method on an alredy created class seems missing, quite strange behaviou
if theMethod() has nothing reference to the host class(TheClass), you can make this method static and then use "Move" command. After the method was moved to the target class, you should remove the static keyword.
There is another method. Imagine you have the code:
public int field;
public void foo(int a) {
assert field == a;
And you want to make foo static. Select the whole body of the method and preess Alt+Ctrl+M (Extract method). Type the same name of the method. Check "Declare static" checkbox (available only if the method only reads and doesn't modify the fields) and press Ok. So you get:
public void foo(int a) {
foo(a, field);
private static void foo(int a, int field) {
assert field == a;
Move static method wherever you want and use old foo's body to call it.
