MS Windows - Capture windows' gpu bitmaps - windows

I presume dwm holds bitmap data of each rendered window in the GPU. Can I access this data? I want to use it as a texture in D3D (or preferably OpenGL). Screenshotting each window to RAM and back to GPU is too slow.
Ive seen other posts like : obtaining full desktop screenshot from the GPU
so Im doubtful, but maybe something has changed in the last 3 years.
So do all applications use Direct3D to draw all components? Would, say, this chrome browser's content, or file explorer's, or anything exist as an image in the graphics card or are only borders and such rendered through Direct3D/2D? Want to make sure before pursuing. BTW: my idea is a desktop for the Rift without running an alternate shell.


How to draw directly to an inactive display?

I noticed that, when you are changing monitor resolutions in Windows with extra monitors attached, you can select "Show desktop only on [n]" (where n is the number of your various displays).
Is it possible to write a program that will open an extra monitor (not being used by Windows, but plugged into the video card) and write image data to it (directly or through OpenGL or something)? Where would I begin looking to accomplish this?
It does not appear to be possible to draw directly to a monitor device. It may become possible to some extent with the release of Nvidia and ATI's updated drivers for VR headsets, however it seems that these are only available for Oculus Rift at the moment, with other VR headsets forthcoming.
I haven't found any mention of whether or not they intend to open this feature up to general use with any plug-and-play monitor.

Access every window's rendering area

What is the best way to access the rendering area of every single window in Microsoft Windows, so I can render them myself in 3D? I know the Desktop Window Manager (dwm) gives every window a rendertarget and renders them alltogether on the screen.
There are tons of 3D window managers out there, but finding some code or other information is hard for me, so I'm asking you.
I would like to do it in OpenGL, but I can imagine it's just possible in DirectX, but that's fine too.
Thanks in advance!
You have to use the operaring system / graphics system specific API dedicated for that task. OpenGL is operating and graphics system agnostic and has no notion of "windows".
In Windows the API you must use is the DWM API. For Windows versions predating the DWM API (XP and earlier) some "dirty" hacks have to be employed to get the contents of the windows (essentially hooking the WM_PAINT and WM_ERASEBACKGROUND messages, and the BeginPaint and EndPaint functions of the GDI to copy the windows' contents into a DIBSECTION that can be used for updating a texture).
In X11 the API to use is XComposite + the GLX_ARB_texture_from_pixmap extension

Windows: Low level software rendering to a window

I've heard about various methods of rendering to a Window, but these all involve using some thing such as GDI+, DirectX, OpenGL, or something else.
How do these libraries work, and how do they get pixels into a Window? Just out of curiosity, how hard is it to raw access a Window's image data?
That's a pretty broad question.
The various Windows subsystems that draw images interface with the video drivers. Or use so combination of working with GDI+ and interfacing with the video drivers. How the drivers work is going to depend on the video card manufacturer.
I don't know what you mean by "raw access a Window's image data." You can capture a window's image into a bitmap, massage it, and write it back to the window's DC. But getting to the actual bits that Windows uses to render the bitmap would require digging into undocumented data structures. You'd have to know how to follow a window handle down to the low-level data structures that are maintained inside the GDI subsystem.

Porting a GUI from a pc to a wince device - issue is with the size of the screen

I have to port a GUI that is currently running on a pc, to a wince device. I have already compiled the code on a win CE platform, the problem is now with the size of the screen of the device which is smaller than some of the dialog boxes of the GUI. I could resize some them in resource view of visual studio 2005. I am unable to proceed further as a lot of screens have bitmaps mapped to them and i cannot just resize the dialog boxes without changing the corresponding bitmaps.
What is the best way to proceed- my last resort would be to disable the bitmaps and redraw them at a later stage.
is there some method of automatically mapping the size of the screen to all the dialog boxes so that they would automatically resize (alongwith the assocaiated buttons etc)
Honestly I think my advise would be to stop and think about the differences between the two contexts before event considering how you would scale the interfaces.
PCs and phones have completely different interaction paradigms and simply scaling from a PC to a phone is very unlikely to work. Even if you could, it's likely to produce an unsatisfactory user experience.
I would expect that the best way to proceed is to sit down and draft up a new UI for the phones. Then bring you back ground code across from the PC and code up the interface part to work with the new UI. If you code is designed according to MVC principles then you are just looking at recoding the controllers and redesigning the views.

Is it possible to capture a window with windows 7 DWM thumbnail in it?

I am starting to believe that you can do nothing with Windows API.
I have two windows. One has a DWM thumbnail in it. What I want to do is, I want to be able to capture the screen of the window with the thumbnail into the other one.
When I do this, using bitblt, everything is copied except the thumbnail. It just isn't there in the bitmap.
So how does the DWM rendering work? I mean, if DWM renders thumbnails directly onto the DC of the registered window, then my approach should work. I'm confused.
Thanks a bunch.
That's not how DWM works: the contents of the thumbnail are never blitted onto the DC of your window. Instead, the DWM composition engine will render the thumbnail directly over the contents of your window when the desktop is presented.
There's no (official) way to access the image data of a DWM thumbnail unfortunately (there is however a hack on the net that tries to access the underlying vertex data and render it in DirectX 9).
You cannot expect a thumbnail to be place in a window's device context, because the thumbnail is not placed in a window's device context. So your approach will not work.
But if you're trying to steal the thumbnail of an application, just ask the Dwm to give you it's thumbnail. That will allow you to present to the user the exact thumbnail you want.
If, on the other hand, you want to access the pixels in the thumbnail of another process, then you have a problem.
