Git Segmentation fault: 11 - macos

I had to reinstall OS X Lion on my Macbook Pro, and upon trying to use git I got an error stating Segmentation fault: 11. No matter what git command I try I get that error. I'm just doing this through the Mac terminal. No fancy programs or anything external.
I uninstalled git and just to make sure it was uninstalled I typed git init and it gave me a command not found message.
I reinstalled git and I'm still getting the segmentation fault message. I get the message regardless of what directory I'm in and what command I use.

I got it to work by uninstalling it again and installing 1.8.1 instead of 1.9.2. I guess OS X Lion doesn't like the latest release.

Try setting an email address in your git config if you haven't done so already - traced errors and that's what fixed it for me.
git config --global ""

Working with a Mac OS X Version 10.7.5 (Lion)
Uninstalling Git latest version (2.2.0) and reinstalling Git version worked for me. Here is the download link for git
It says snow-leopard but actually works for Lion here is the page with all git-osx-installer

I had the same problem, I was using (2.12.2) on Windows 7(x64), I downgraded it to (2.12.1) and now everything is working fine.


OS X can't update PHP by homebrew

I want to install PHP7.2
I ran the command below:
$ brew install php#7.2
Error: You are using macOS 10.10.
We (and Apple) do not provide support for this old version.
You may encounter build failures or other breakages.
Please create pull-requests instead of filing issues.
My PC can't update anymore.
What should I do?

How to get GIT running on Mac OS X 10.7.5

I am totally new in this area and tried to download and install Git on my Notebook. As I could not configurate me as a user via the terminal I was doing some research and found out that the latest version of Git might now be ideal for my Mac. So I tried to uninstall Git which I failed to do. I have tried using different commands which I have found in the internet. How can I uninstall or make git usable?!
Information to be found in my Terminal:
macgaia:~ miriam$ which git
macgaia:~ miriam$ git --version
Segmentation fault: 11
macgaia:~ miriam$

Git clone command not working [duplicate]

I am using the command git clone ssh://.... and getting the following error on the terminal:
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: ___strlcpy_chk
Referenced from: /usr/local/git/bin/git
Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
dyld: Symbol not found: ___strlcpy_chk
Referenced from: /usr/local/git/bin/git
Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Trace/BPT trap: 5
I needed to install command line tools from Xcode. To do so-
Open Xcode and hit Cmd+,
Click Downloads
Install command line tools.
Had the same problem. I have OS X 10.8, so XCode was not a solution for me.
Turns out I had a Git version that's not compatible with my OS X version
This info might help(found it googling :) ):
If you are running:
10.6 Snow Leopard: git-2.2.1-intel-universal-snow-leopard
10.7 Lion: git-2.2.1-intel-universal-snow-leopard
10.8 Mountain Lion: git-2.2.1-intel-universal-snow-leopard
10.9 Mavericks: git-2.2.1-intel-universal-mavericks
10.10 Yosemite: git-2.2.1-intel-universal-mavericks
You can download from here:
I was also having troubles with the same error. I tried the PATH and .bash_profile tricks (didn't help). I wasn't really interested in installing Xcode and then the 'Command Line Tools' as others had suggested. But I did stumble upon half an answer.
First, I uninstalled my current version of Git (1.9.2). I then found that it is possible to install the Command Line Tools by themselves, without installing Xcode:
Xcode page:
Downloads near the top
Scroll down to 'Additional Tools'->'View Downloads'
Command Line Tools (OS X Mountain Lion)
With those installed, doing 'git --version' returned this:
git version (Apple Git-48)
The file "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" was untouched during this process. Or at least, the file size and date did not change. Since that library didn't change, I would surmise that it isn't Xcode that is fixing things, but the version of Git that is installed.
I thought about testing that theory and found the older source code for various versions of Git, but didn't have time to spend compiling/installing/testing each one to see if this theory is correct. And I didn't see a simple method of uninstalling the 'command line tools'. Maybe someone else is more intrepid. :)
-- J
One can also look at and just make a .bash_profile, that worked for me.
The issue is that the git maintainers only support MaxOS10.9 (mavericks). If you have an earlier version, you can't use their distribution.
Recommended by somebody else at work - use (home)brew. Basically with brew installed you can merely use:
brew install git
and it will give you an up to date version. Subsequently to get a new version use:
brew upgrade git
Now brew itself uses git, so it might be that this install is recursive - I had to install it recently for another purpose and it took me several hours - but once you have it there, things should be OK. All I can say is that when I installed brew originally, "git" still referred to the 1.8.x Apple version, and with this change I'm now getting git v2.1.0.
I was also plagued with git causing the dreaded:
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: ___strlcpy_chk
Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/git
Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
dyld: Symbol not found: ___strlcpy_chk
Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/git
Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
After reading many successfully executed suggestions revolving around updating xCode (>2G) or just the Command Line Tools part of xCode (~200M) I installed the Command Line Tools and this fixed my problem when using git from the command line.
Interestingly, I was having trouble with PyCharm getting the same error, even after I did the update. I was able to fix this by changing the path where git was found (In PyCharm->Preferences...->Version Control->Git, I changed /usr/local/bin/git to /usr/bin/git near the top):
Image of PyCharm->Preferences...->Version Control->Git
I finally figured out exactly what’s going on -- and to pay homage to all the help I received from the web, want to share the specifics:
I discovered there were two versions of git installed on my machine:
(also interestingly: /usr/local/bin/git -> ../git/bin/git)
Some suggestions for putting /usr/bin in the path are somewhat helpful, but might not solve the niggling problem that there’s a version of git installed that doesn’t work.
So note this:
$ pwd
$./git --version
git version 2.8.1
$ pwd
$ ./git --version
git version (Apple Git-48)
The Apple git version is the one that works -- this is the one likely installed by installing the Command Line Tools from xCode. Note the paths in each. Also note that you don't necessarily have to install the whole Command Line Tools, just a proper version of git.
Further, in the /usr/local/git/bin/ directory, there’s an script. In that script, it uses pkgutil to uninstall the version of git. (You should use this script to do the uninstall.) You can run this line to verify that this utility has record of installing git:
pkgutil --packages | grep com.git.pkg
This is not the version you want. You want the Apple version. Use the script in the /usr/local/git/bin to uninstall the broken version of git.
Uninstalling it assures you will never get this error, and that you will be using the proper version of git.
Hope that helps some others. The info was good but incomplete. And there was almost nothing for PyCharm.

Issues while trying to run git on Mac OS

I wanted to try to update Git on my Mac OS to the latest version and it says to run the provided first. I must confess that I ran the pkg before reading the "Read me". Not sure if that screwed it all up ...
Now I am not big with the terminal and found the following command to run a shell script:
$ sh uninstall
but that resulted in:
/usr/sbin/uninstall: /usr/sbin/uninstall: cannot execute binary file
where I got stuck now.
Any idea what I have to do to resolve this error?
You should run the packaged with your previous distribution of Git, as explained in "Install and Update to latest version Git on Mac OSX 10.10 Yosemite":
Upgrading Git from a previous version to the latest 2.0.1
If you have previously installed Git you can upgrade to the latest version by uninstalling the previous install using the file with the installation.
Go through the same process of downloading and mounting and the .dmg – then launch the Terminal.
uninstall and are two different things. The former is a binary that comes with the os, the latter is a shell script that comes with the package.
Try: sh instead

How do I change the git origin remote location of Homebrew in Mac OS X 10.8 (mountain lion)?

In setting up my Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion environment (per these instructions), I am running into an issue with Homebrew after installing it and running brew doctor in the shell.
Warning: Suspicious git origin remote found.
With a non-standard origin, Homebrew won't pull updates from
the main repository. The current git origin is:
Unless you have compelling reasons, consider setting the
origin remote to point at the main repository, located at:
How can I change the git origin remote location?
Thanks to this post, I discovered my issue.
When installing Homebrew, it doesn't seem to pull the latest version. After installation, run brew update. Homebrew more recently fixed the "Origin issue" in a later release which is reflected upon updating the installation.
I just upgraded my iMac to 10.9.1 and then did a brew update. After that brew doctor gave me the 'non-standard origin' warning. The post referred to by #tom-geoco didn't really say what was wrong or explain how to manually change the 'origin remote' setting, but, as per #jesdisciple's comment above I just quit the Terminal, run it up again and tried brew doctor and the problem vanished. brew --config now reports ORIGIN: which is correct. Spooky eh?
Comment: (I do not have enough reputation to comment, so please add this and delete this)
brew update
brew doctor -> Suspicious origin error
restart terminal
brew doctor -> Suspicious origin error
brew update
restart terminal
brew doctor -> All ok.
This is how it was for me. I hope this helps someone else out there. Notice that you must run brew update twice to get rid of it.
