VB6 MDI child form : picturebox invokes Form_Load event - vb6

I use several instances (myForm1, myForm2,etc...) of the same MDIChild form (frmChart) to display different MSCharts:
Private Sub Open()
dim myForm1 as frmChart
dim myForm2 as frmChart
End sub
The problem happens when I try to save the MSChart of one opened instance, because I call a frmChart.SaveChart() function which resizes a picturebox and then the Form_Load() event is invoked, so a new extra frmChart is opened.
Public Sub SaveChart()
picGrapgh.Height = chChart.Height
picGrapgh.Width = chChart.Width
picGraph.Autoredraw = True
picGraph.Picture = picGraph.Image
SavePicture picGraph.picture, FileName
End Sub
When I call that sub, it invokes the Form_Load() of the frmChart. This only happens when I use form instances (myForm1). Once I use any property of the PictureBox control of the frmChart it launches the Form_Load event. How could I prevent it?.
Thank you very much in advance.

There are 2 problems:
dim myForm1 as frmChart
This just declares that myForm1 will be of the Type frmChart if/when one is created (instanced). To create an actual instance of frmChart:
dim myForm1 as New frmChart
Since myFormN is now an instance of frmChart, you can call those procedures directly on/thru the instance variable:


I want my code to show me 4 form2 when i press button2 but it wont why?

Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
For i As Integer = 0 To 4
i = i + 1
End Sub
'This is my code with problem
I used for loop but the form2 only appears once so i have to keep pressing the button
It sounds like what you want is 4 different instances of your form to appear. (After all, the same form can't "appear 4 times" because once it's already visible, it's already visiblt.) For that you'd need 4 instances of your form. Something like this:
Private form2Instances As New List(Of Form2)
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
For i As Integer = 0 To 4
Dim form2 As New Form2()
i = i + 1
End Sub
The idea here is that your class is maintaining a collection of Form2 instances, and click your button essentially does a few things:
Populates that collection with those instances. (As it's assumed that you'll want to reference them later, outside the scope of this click handler.)
Shows each of those instances.
Hides the current form (which only needs to happen once, outside the loop).

cannot reference main form code

I have 3 user controls and a main form and I can reference the user controls and use methods from the main form just fine:
Dim ReviewPanel As New ReviewPanel
ReviewPanel.Go(-8, 0)
But referencing from the user control to the main form doesn't work properly:
Private Sub SelectionPanelClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Click, picCover.Click, lblTitle.Click
Dim _Main As New Form1
End Sub
The code still runs fine; I can add messageboxes in the main form method and they'll still show up. However, nothing visually happens like a label won't update with the username.
I've tried to solve it and find workarounds but nothing is working.
Use the ParentForm() property and cast it to Form1:
' ... in your UserControl ...
Dim frm As Form = Me.ParentForm
If Not IsNothing(frm) AndAlso TypeOf frm Is Form1 Then
Dim f1 As Form1 = DirectCast(frm, Form1)
End If

Outlook add-in mailitem.display not working Visual Basic

I'm in the process of converting some outlook VBA macros to an Add-in. I am having difficulty with my macros that create emails based on a template. I decided to code a simple button to create and display a new email with the subject test.
Everything is working up to displaying the email which doesn't happen.
Private Sub ButtonGenEmail_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonGenEmail.Click
Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
objApp = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application
objMail = objApp.CreateItem(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem)
objMail.Subject = "test"
End Sub
At one point I added msgbox "Done" after objMail.Display(False) and the message never appears.
Thanks in advance
This should obviously work. I'm not so skilled in Outlook but I guess the problem here is that you run it from a form (I see the Me.Close)
Isn't then Outlook blocking to display the mail because the form is still open (I guess modal = ShowDialog())?
I think you will have to either change the form to be not modal (use Show() instead of ShowDialog()) or handle the event after the form is closed, something like
All code below written from top of my mind, so I may miss something
A method from where you initialize the form
Dim frm as new YourForm()
if frm.MyState = TheyClickOnButton Then
' Run your mailItem code here
End If
in the form code
Public Enum State
Unknown = 0
End Enum
Public Property MyState as State
Private Sub ButtonGenEmail_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonGenEmail.Click
MyState = TheyClickedOnButton
End Sub

visual basic multiple toolstripmenuitems to perform the same on click

I am new here. So apologize in advance if not wording question properly.
I am developing an application (VS2013, Visual Basic) that using multiple menu items in the MenuStrip. When item is clicked the identical function is called - the Tab is created and appropriate form is loaded.
Private Sub XXXMNU0039_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles XXXMNU0039.Click
Dim f1 As New frm_B05_01_SalesQuotes
Dim imgnm As String = "XXXMNU0039"
Call XXXTabPages("Sales Quotes", f1, imgnm)
End Sub
Private Sub XXXMNU0040_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles XXXMNU0040.Click
Dim f1 As New frm_B05_03_SalesQuotesReports
Dim imgnm As String = "XXXMNU_Reports"
Call XXXTabPages("Sales Quotes Reports", f1, imgnm)
End Sub
I am wondering is there is a way to create a "global" default "on click event" for all menu items that will accomplish the same thing by default. I have all the relevant information for each menu item stored in a table and hope to avoid creating "on click" for each item.
Thanks in advance.
You could have the same handler for the click event of your ToolStripMenuItems.
Just add, after the first Handles XXXMNU0039.Click the event to handle for another ToolStripMenuItem and so on
Oviously, then problem is how to differentiate the various ToolStripMenuItem that calls the same event handler. But in the event arguments there is the Sender object that represent the current ToolStripMenuItem that has called the event.
Just DirectCast to a ToolStripMenuItem and read its name to pass the correct parameter to the XXXTablPages method
Private Sub menuItemHandler_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles XXXMNU0039.Click, XXXMNU0040.Click
Dim f1 As New frm_B05_01_SalesQuotes
Dim itm = DirectCast(sender, ToolStripMenuItem)
Dim imgnm As String = item.Name
Call XXXTabPages("Sales Quotes", f1, imgnm)
End Sub

Copy event handler assignment to another instance

I am trying to create a clone of an object instance.
Creating the new instance and copying property values is no problem but the original object instance has some event handlers assigned to its events. How can I copy event handlers to the new instance?
Here is a code sample...
Public Sub ButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
MessageBox.Show(sender.Name + "was clicked")
End Sub
Public Sub CloneButton()
Dim newButton = New Button
newButton.Name = Button1.Name + "_Clone"
newButton.Text = Button1.Text
newButton.Width = Button1.Width
newButton.Height = Button1.Height
'Some code here to copy Button1's event handler ButtonClick,
'so when the new button is clicked "Button1_Clone was clicked" is displayed.
End Sub
This is freakin' old, I know, but I can't believe this guy didn't get an answer, it's been answered on SO before, right here.
Just one thing; in the example code given, miHandler will be Nothing if there is no event handler attached to the sourceObject, you should test for that.
