How to improve load time of Kendo grid in a aspx page? - kendo-ui

We are using kendo grid control in our aspx page. We have significant amount of data in the grid. currently the load time of the page is around 5-7 seconds. Is there any smart tricks to reduce the load time? We are trying reduce the load time to 3-4 seconds. We are populating the grid using REST service. We have already removed the duplicate REST calls & unnecessary parameters form the REST web service.
We would really appreciate a prompt response on this.
Thanks in advance

Do you have time on where are you spending time?
Things that you can try: do not load full kendo.all.min.js but only what you need. There is a very good blog on this in Kendo UI website Using UI Libraries Without the Bloat
Use serverPaging in order to transfer less data.
You might also consider using virtual scrolling


How to load billions of records easily in handsontable in sinatra using mongo?

I used handsontable to load thousand of records. When i load page, it will take lots of time to load. So, my question is: Is there any buffer functionality to buffer some data once then some other while scroll?
I am trying to load "100" data while first time refresh. Then while scroll, it will fetch another "100" records. But it will not work. Please help me out.
What you are looking for is called infinite scroll and handsontable seems to have all the tools needed to build support for it. Read their documentation's Function datasources section. You will need to implement the lazy loader yourself though.
The feature has been requested couple of years ago, but has not been implemented yet. Some have written plugins with a support.
Alternatively, implement it in the form of pagination. Handsontable already has the support. When user clicks on the other page link, load it through AJAX and feed it back to Handsontable. The link above has an example, just add your ajax call.

Ajax Load Vs Pagination

Is there a 'right' way to load lists of data/classifieds/articles on a web page, I'm currently loading 8 items via an AJAX request with a view more option at the bottom of these 8 items which once clicked will load the next 8 items and so on until there are no more new items to display.
I was looking around and there is an almost 50/50 split between Ajax loading and pagination listing for data depending on what website you look at. I'm wondering is it easier for a user to use one or the other or is it all the same these days and it's just down to me as the developer to decided?
I know that if I go down the pagination route it removes the overhead of an javascript or jquery needed to be used which is a negligible difference.
Technically it doesn't matter either way to me as I've implement both options before numerous times.
This is more a question of user experience then a coding issue.

WP Gravity Forms Speed Loading Issue

I've searched alot about this issue but haven't got any solution, thats why posting here. I've a form In Gravity Forms which has lots of fields and also conditional fields. Say more than 100. Its loading fine but it took over 20 minutes to on website, which really annoying.
So i want something AJAX like solution, mean when page loads, than only first input field will show than on clicking on that further fields should be show via AJAX (or from database). So please help me our on this issue. And thanks in advance :)
You can use the "Page Break" field to break your form into multiple pages.
This way you can have only one or several fields in your first page, then the next set of fields on the next page, etc.
This will not use AJAX by default, but will certainly make your form load faster. And you can implement AJAX loading for the page steps with some custom coding if this is a requirement.

Telerik MVC Grid sever binding with ajax editing

I have an application that is making extensive use of telerik controls and am looking for an example/demo of Telerik MVC grid that uses server binding to display the initial grid and then allow inline editing using ajax. I have a selection that is returning a lot of data and erroring out at the maxJsonLength. The code to configure the grid would be helpful and I should be able to fiigure out the rest. I think I saw an example somewhere of an ajax bound grid that used server binding for the initial load but I can't find it.
Having a server-side bound grid with ajax editing is possible. However you first need to solve the maxJsonLength problem. The grid needs to serialize the first page of data (which is initially displayed server-side) as JSON so it can be then edited on the client-side. It seems that you are serializing too much data which hits the maxJsonLength limit. I can think of two ways to deal with this:
Use a ViewModel and serialize only the properties which are bound to the grid. This will reduce the total JSON size.
Increase the maxJsonLength. This however is not easy as setting it from web.config does not work in ASP.NET MVC. You need to create a custom JsonResult object with its own JsonSerializer. This code library project shows how.
You have mentioned Telerik in your title but not in main question, so I assume that you are okay with other grid controls.
In that case you can try Jq grid, it's very flexible and easy to use. I have been using it for some time now and find it very useful.
For your particular case see below link

Delayed loading for large queries

A pleasant user experience requires a page to load very fast. This can be difficult when there is a large query taking place or when a web service is being used.
I deally, the entire page should be loaded first with loading images everywhere a cumbersome task takes place.
In ASP.NET, this can be accomplished using update panels and a 1 second trigger. The trigger would load some data and then the updatepanel will the update. This approach may be less popular if you do not require entire page life cycle events to fire. With this approach, allot of methods will fire consuming more resources and time. What if you simply want to display data?
Another aproach would be to create an .ashx httphandler that returns a representation of data in html format. A timer would go off one second after the page loads which triggers a div panel to be populated with the html returned from the .ashx handler. This would bring high performance but you would lose postbacks and viewstate. I suppose that is expected when losing the page-life cycle.
How would you go about creating a delayed task that uses viewstate and postback if possible that brings great performance?
Maybe creating an http handler to a custom extension, and in the implementation of the handler return the data (or pre-formatted html, json, or xml) that you then insert into an html element of the container page with a javascript ajax call.
