Elasticsearch aggregation on object - elasticsearch

How do I can run an aggregation query only on object property, but get all properties in result? e.g. I want to get [{'doc_count': 1, 'key': {'id': 1, 'name': 'tag name'}}], but got [{'doc_count': 1, 'key': '1'] instead. Aggregation on field 'tags' returns zero results.
"test": {
"properties" : {
"tags" : {
"type" : "object",
"properties": {
"id" : {"type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed"},
"name" : {"type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed", "enabled": false}
Aggregation query: (returns only IDs as expected, but how can I get ID & name pairs in results?)
'aggregations': {
'tags': {
'terms': {
'field': 'tags.id',
'order': {'_count': 'desc'},
Got ID & Name by aggregating on "script": "_source.tags" but still looking for faster solution.

you can use a script if you want, e.g.
"terms":{"script":"doc['tags.id'].value + '|' + doc['tags.name'].value"}
for each created bucket you will get a key with the values of the fields that you have included in your script. To be honest though, the purpose of aggregations is not to return full docs back, but to do calculations on groups of documents (buckets) and return the results, e.g. sums and distinct values. What you actually doing with your query is that you create buckets based on the field tags.id.
Keep in mind that the key on the result will include both values separated with a '|' so you might have to manipulate its value to extract all the information that you need.

It's also possible to nest aggregation, you could aggregate by id, then by name.

Additional information, the answer above (cpard's one) works perfectly with nested object. Maybe the weird results that you got are from the fact that you are using object and not nested object.
The difference between these types is that nested object keeps the internal relation between the element in an object. That is why "terms":{"script":"doc['tags.id'].value + '|' + doc['tags.name'].value"} make sense. If you use object type, elasticsearch doesn't know which tags.name are with which tags.id.
For more detail:


How to use aggregation value on document update using script in Elasticsearch

I am trying to update a document field based on id using script. The value of that field should be MAX(field) * 2. For example consider the following index
PUT /my-index
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "text"
"cost": {
"type": "integer"
Document will be created with only name field value
POST /my-index/_doc/sp1
"name": "Shirt"
Once this document was created, I want to update this document with cost value as maximum value of cost in that index (max(cost) * 2). I tried this logic using update API as follows
POST /my-index/_doc/sp1
"script" : {
"source": "ctx._source.cost = Math.max(doc['cost'].value) * 2"
But I couldn't able to achieve this. Encountered the following error
"caused_by" : {
"type" : "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason" : "static method [java.lang.Math, max/1] not found"
How to achieve this scenario
It doesn't work that way. The _update API (which you're not using in your example by the way), only allows you to update a document in its own context. You don't have access to any other document, only to the document itself (via ctx._source or doc) and the script parameters (via params).
There's no way to perform an aggregation on the whole index and update a specific document with the result. You need to do this in two steps from your client application (first query for aggregation results + then index the result into a document) or via the transform API but the latter works in its own way.

Elastic query bool must match issue

Below is the query part in Elastic GET API via command line inside openshift pod , i get all the match query as well as unmatch element in the fetch of 2000 documents. how can i limit to only the match element.
i want to specifically get {\"kubernetes.container_name\":\"xyz\"}} only.
any suggestions will be appreciated
-d ' {\"query\": { \"bool\" :{\"must\" :{\"match\" :{\"kubernetes.container_name\":\"xyz\"}},\"filter\" : {\"range\": {\"#timestamp\": {\"gte\": \"now-2m\",\"lt\": \"now-1m\"}}}}},\"_source\":[\"#timestamp\",\"message\",\"kubernetes.container_name\"],\"size\":2000}'"
For exact matches there are two things you would need to do:
Make use of Term Queries
Ensure that the field is of type keyword datatype.
Text datatype goes through Analysis phase.
For e.g. if you data is This is a beautiful day, during ingestion, text datatype would break down the words into tokens, lowercase them [this, is, a, beautiful, day] and then add them to the inverted index. This process happens via Standard Analyzer which is the default analyzer applied on text field.
So now when you query, it would again apply the analyzer at querying time and would search if the words are present in the respective documents. As a result you see documents even without exact match appearing.
In order to do an exact match, you would need to make use of keyword fields as it does not goes through the analysis phase.
What I'd suggest is to create a keyword sibling field for text field that you have in below manner and then re-ingest all the data:
PUT my_sample_index
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"container_name": {
"type": "text",
"fields":{ <--- Note this
"keyword":{ <--- This is container_name.keyword field
"type": "keyword"
Note that I'm assuming you are making use of object type.
Request Query:
POST my_sample_index
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"kubernetes.container_name.keyword": {
"value": "xyz"
Hope this helps!

Is there a way to apply the synonym token filter in ElasticSearch to field names rather than the value?

Consider the following JSON file:
"titleSony": "Matrix",
"cast": [
"firstName": "Keanu",
"lastName": "Reeves"
Now, I know in ElasticSearch, you can apply a synonym token filter to field values as given in the following link: Elasticsearch Analysis: Synonym token filter.
Hence, I can create a "synonym.txt" file with Matrix => Matx, then if I search for titleSony:Matx, it will return the documents with Matrix as well.
Now, what I would like is to create a synonym for the field name titleSony. For example - titleSony => titleAll, such that when I search for titleAll, I should get all documents with titleSony as well.
Is there any way to accomplish this in ElasticSearch?
Now, what I would like is to create a synonym for the field name "titleSony". For example - titleSony => titleAll , hence when I search for "titleAll", I should get all documents with "titleSony" as well.
Yes, somewhat. Elasticsearch has some default behavior very similar to this, which I'll touch on in a bit.
The feature you're looking for is called "Copy to field." It allows you to specify that the terms in one field should be copied into another. This is useful for consolidating terms you expect to match into a single field, to help simplify your query when you would like to match against any one of a number of fields.
In this example, you would specify in your mapping that the terms in the titleSony field ought to be copied into the titleAll field. Presumably you'd have other fields (say, titleDisney) which also copy into that field as well. So a search against titleAll will effectively match the other fields whose terms are copied into it.
An excerpt of your mapping might look something like this:
"movies" : {
"properties" : {
"titleSony" : { "type" : "string", "copy_to" : "titleAll" },
"titleDisney" : { "type" : "string", "copy_to" : "titleAll" },
"titleAll" : { "type" : "string" },
"cast" : { ... },
I mentioned earlier that Elasticsearch does something like this. By default it creates a special field called _all into which all the document's terms are copied. This field lets you construct very simple queries to match against terms that occur in any field on the document. So as you see, this is a fairly common convention in Elasticsearch. (Elasticsearch mapping: _all field.)

Elasticsearch doesn't return results

I am facing a strange issue in elasticsearch query. I don't know much about elasticsearch. My query is:
The issues is for "DE". It is giving me results but for "BE" or "IN" it returns empty result.
You are indexing using the default mapping, which by default removes english stopwords. The country codes "IN", "BE", and many more are stopwords which don't even get indexed, therefore it's not possible to have matching documents, nor get back those country codes when faceting on that field.
The solution is to reindex after having submitted your own mapping for the country code field:
"your_type_name" : {
"country" : {
"type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed"
If you already tried to do this but nothing changed, the mapping didn't get submitted properly. I would suggest to double check that its json structure is correct and that you can actually get it back using the get mapping api.
As this is a common problem the defaults are probably going to change in the future to be less intrusive and avoid applying any language dependent text analysis.

Check for id existence in param Array with Elasticsearch custom script field

Is it possible to add a custom script field that is a Boolean and returns true if the document's id exists in an array that is sent as a param?
Something like this https://gist.github.com/2437370
What would be the correct way to do this with mvel?
Having trouble getting it to work as specified in Imotov's answer.
:sort=>{:_script=>{:script=>"return friends_visits_ids.contains(_fields._id.value)", :type=>"string", :params=>{:friends_visits_ids=>["4f8d425366eaa71471000011"]}, :order=>"asc"}}}
place: {
properties: {
_id: { index: "not_analyzed", store: "yes" },
I don't get any errors, the documents just doesn't get sorted right.
Update 2
Oh, and I do get this back on the documents:
You were on the right track. It just might be more efficient to store list of ids in a map instead of an array if this list is large.
"sort" : {
"_script" : {
"script" : "return friends_visits_ids.containsKey(_fields._id.value)",
"type" : "string",
"params": {
"friends_visits_ids": { "1" : {}, "2" : {}, "4" : {}}
Make sure that id field is stored. Otherwise _fields._id.value will return null for all records.
