Golang tour distributed pattern - go

According to this article, the app-engine front-end and the playground back-end communicate through RPC calls. Each one of app-engine front-end instance and playground instance can be created to support scaling.
I am asking myself what is/are the patterns (solutions) to load balance works between front-end request and back-end instance while keeping RPC.
One solution may be to use one global working queue where tasks are puts inside it with a 'Reply-To' header. This header should point to a per front-end instance queue where responses are put. Something like the following schema (from RabbitMQ tutorial) with rpc_queue shared between back-end instances :
I am not sure this would be a good way to do especially the fact that if the shared queue is offline, the whole system fail (but how to take care of this?).
Thank you.

As an answer and a follow-up of comments I received on the first post, I developed Indenter, a small proof of concept based on the idea proposed of a service discovery daemon (I use etcd instead of ZooKeepr for simplicity however).
I wrote an article about it and release the code if someone may be interested one day:
Indenter: a scalable, fault-tolerant, distributed web service copying the go playground architecture.


One giant servicer of many services vs. one servicer per service

My app uses gRPC for frontend/backend separation
Backend (server + services) is written in Python
I'd love to achieve live-updates including:
Updating existing services
Adding new services
Removing services
I can achieve #1 by using Python's importlib feature. But there are fewer options for adding/removing services. It seems to depend on the app's gRPC implementation. The major constraints seem to be the fact that servicers can only be registered before running the server, i.e., through the call to
So does adding reflection support, which is through the call to
service_names = [
reflection.enable_server_reflection(service_names, my_server)
Solution Candidates
Approach 1: Have one servicer per service, much like the official SayHello example of gRPC
Approach 2: Have one giant servicer that includes all the other services as its RPC methods.
Approach 1 seems to be intuitive, but it won't support adding/removing services while the server is running.
Approach 2 seems promising, but it is confusing by sticking the entire universe in a single servicer. And I'm not sure how gRPC's thread pool would like this approach.
Can I achieve my goals with these approaches?
If true, which one is better in terms of both maintainability and performance?
If false, are there alternatives?
As per #DougFawley's comments,
Typically microservices would have multiple replicas deployed, and be restarted in a rolling update when new services are added.
"What's the best user experience like in this scenario?" ->
microservice clients should expect and be resilient to RPC failures.
They can happen for many other reasons in steady state. Typically you
will run multiple replicas and when one is restarted, if you
gracefully shut it down, clients will have a chance to create
connections to other backends and no RPCs will fail. But if they do
fail, clients should retry and will use another backend. Users should
not really be impacted by this.
In short, it's a bad idea to add/remove services without rebooting server. So for this reason, I'd better adopt the one-to-one servicer-service binding and not hack it for this particular live-update intent.

KDB+/Q: GRPC implementation?

gRPC is a modern open source high performance RPC framework that can
run in any environment. It can efficiently connect services in and
across data centers with pluggable support for load balancing,
tracing, health checking and authentication. It is also applicable in
last mile of distributed computing to connect devices, mobile
applications and browsers to backend services.
I'm finding GRPC is becoming increasingly more pertinent in backend infrastructure, and would've liked to have it in my favorite language/tsdb kdb+/q.
I was surprised to find that kdb+ does not have a grpc implementation. Obviously, the (https://code.kx.com/q/interfaces/protobuf/)
package doesn't support the parsing of rpc's, is there anything quantitatively preventing there being a KDB+ implementation of the rpc requests/services etc. found in grpc?
Why would one not want to implement rpc's (grpc) in kdb+ and would it be a good idea to wrap a c++/c implemetation therin inorder to achieve this functionality.
Thanks for your advice.
Interesting post:
outlines event sourcing, which I think might be a better fit for kdb?
What is the main issue with services using RPC calls to exchange information? Well, it’s the high degree of coupling introduced by RPC by its nature. The whole group of services or even the whole system can go down if only one of the services stops working. This approach diminishes the whole idea of independent components.
In my practice I hardly encounter any need to use RPC for inter-service communication. Partially because I often use Event Sourcing, more about it later. But we always use asynchronous communication and exchange information between services using events, even without Event Sourcing.
For example, an order microservice in an e-commerce system needs customer data from the customer microservice. These dependencies between microservices are not ideal. Other microservices can go down and synchronous RESTful requests over https do not scale well due to their blocking nature. If there was a way to completely eliminate dependencies between microservices completely the result would be a more robust architecture with less bottlenecks.
You don’t need Event Sourcing to fix this issue. Event-driven systems are perfectly capable of doing that. Event Sourcing can eliminate some of the associated issues like two-phase commits, but again, not a requirement to remove the temporal coupling from your system.

Can AWS Lambda be used as the backend for getstream.io?

I didn't find any posts related to this topic. It seems natural to use Lambda as a getstream backend, but I'm not sure if it heavily depends on persistent connections or other architectural choices that would rule it out. Is it a sensible approach? Has anyone made it work? Any advice?
While you can build an entire website only in Lambda, you have to consider the followings:
Lambda behind API Gateway has a timeout limit of 30 seconds and a Payload size limit (both received and sended) of 6MB. While for most of the cases this is fine, if you have some really big operations or you need to send some really big datas (like a high resolution image), you can't do it with this approach, but you need to think about something else (for instance you can send an SNS to another Lambda function with higher timeout that can do all this asynchronously and then send the result to the client when it's done, supposing the client is capable of receiving events)
Lambda has cold starts, which in terms slow down your APIs when a client calls them for the first time in a while. The cold start time depends on the language you are doing your Lambdas, so you might consider this too. If you are using C# or Java for your Lambdas, than this is probably not the best choice. From this point of view, Node.JS and Python seems to be the best choices, with Golang rising. You can find more about it here. And by the way, you can now specify a Provisioned Throughput for your Lambda, which aims to fix the cold start issue, but I haven't used it yet so I can't tell if there is any difference (but I'm sure there is)
If done correctly you'll end up managing hundreds of Lambda functions, while with a standard Docker Container under ECS you'll manage few APIs with multiple endpoints. This point should not be underestimated, as on one side it will make changes easier in the future, since lambda will be small and you'll easily find the bug and fix it, but on the other side you have to move across these functions, which if you don't know exactly which lambda is responsible of what can be a long process
Lambda can't handle sessions as far as I know. Because after some time the Lambda container gets dropped, you can't store any session inside the Lambda itself. You'll always need a structure to store the session so it can be shared across multiple Lambda invocations, such as some records in a DynamoDB table or something else, but this mean that you have to write the code for this, while in a classic API (like a .NET Core one) all of this is handled by the language itself and you only need to store or retrieve items from the session (most of the times)
So... yeah! A backed written entirely in Lambda is possible. The company I work in does it and I must say is a lot better, both in terms of speed and development time. But those benefits comes later, since you need to face all of the reasons I listed above before, and is not as easy as it could seem
Yes, you can use AWS Lambda as backend and integrate with Stream API there.
Building an entire application on Lambda directly is going to be very complex and requires writing lot of boiler plate code just to enforce some basic organization and structure to your project.
My recommendation is use a serverless framework to do this that takes care of keeping your application well organized and to deploy new versions (and environments).
Serverless is a good option for that: https://serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/guide/intro/

Simple application in Microservices

I am a newbie in Microservices, having theoretical knowledge. I want to make a small application in Microservices. Can anyone please help me with the idea of how to implement microservices?
Thanks in Advance!!
You can create something like a currency conversion app with three microservices like these:
Limit service;
Exchange service;
Currency conversion service.
Limit service and currency conversion service can communicate with the database for retrieving the values of the limits and currencies conversion.
For more info check github.com/in28minutes and look after a microservice repository.
No matter how perfect the code of your microservice is, you may face issues with support and development if the microservice architecture doesn’t work according to certain
The following rules can help you with microservices a lot:
You have to do everything by yourself because you do not have any Rails and architecture out of the box that can be started by one command. Your microservice should load libraries, establish client connections, and be able to release resources if it stops working for any reason.
It means that being in the microservice folder and having made the 'ruby server.rb' command (a file for starting a microservice) we should make the microservice do the following:
Load used gems, vendor libraries (if used), and our own libraries
Use the configuration (depend on the environment) for adapters or classes of client connections
Establish client connections (permanent connections are meant here). As your microservice should be ready for any shutdowns, you should take care of closing these client connections at such moments. EventMachine and its callback mechanism helps a lot with this.
After that your microservice should be loaded and ready for work.
Incapsulate your communication with the services into abstractly named adapters. We name these adapters based on their role (PubSub, SMSMessenger, Mailer, etc.). This way, we can always change the inner implementation of these adapters by replacing the service if the names of our classes are service agnostic.
For example, we almost always use Redis in our application from the very beginning, thus it is also possible to use it as a message bus, so that we don’t have to integrate any other services. However, with the application growth we should think about solutions like RabbitMQ which are more appropriate for cases like ours.
If your code is designed in such a way that your classes are coupled with each other, do it according to the dependency inversion principle. This will help your code to avoid issues with lib booting.
Learn more here
You can try splitting an existing Monolithic application to gain perspective on microservice architecture.
I wrote this article, which talks about splitting a Django App into microservices. Hope it helps.

Go-kit real world example with inter microservice data transfers

I try to work with go-kit (gokit.io) and to build real-work application with it.
I look through examples. These examples are great. But I do not understand how to do services to service communications / data transfers in go-kit framework.
I can see "real-world" shipping app, but I do not understand how it could be "real world" micro-services. I can see in sources that, for example, they build the booking service just passing foreign repositories into service
type service struct {
cargoRepository cargo.Repository
locationRepository location.Repository
routingService routing.Service
handlingEventRepository cargo.HandlingEventRepository
and later they get data from repositories (this repository belongs to foreign micro-service) just calling the method:
Could someone please explain me:
how to build micro-service to micro-service communications in go-kit framework? Just show me the way / pattern, please. I do not understand it at all.
I see it as they just share direct access to data. But in real world micro-services, I expected that micro-services will communicate to each other to get needed data. And I do not understand how to do it in go-kit framework.
I'm the author of the shipping example. Sorry for not seeing your question earlier.
This particular example needs a bit of explanation. It is an example based on tactical patterns from Domain Driven Design, which means that we need to understand what we are talking about when we're referring to a service.
There are application services that deal with the use cases offered by the application, e.g. booking.Service. There are domain services that reside in the domain layer and provides your domain with concepts that aren't necessarily bound to a domain object. In the shipping example, routing.Service is a domain service whose implementation actually queries another application, in this case it talks to this routing service.
Application and domain services are merely ways of organizing our code. Putting it differently, these services communicate within a process, while microservices typically communicate over a network using some form of common transport, e.g. JSON, gRPC and so on.
Coming back to your question, what I believe you are looking for is the implementation of the routing.Service which you can find here.
The proxy service used here is explained under Client-side endpoints on this page, and is used to make requests from your application to another.
If you want more detail, I wrote a blog post on the subject a while ago.
