Length of a sequence of numbers using seq in shell - bash

I am new to shell scripting and I am trying a simple task of getting the length of a sequence of numbers generated using seq.
With the help of a related post here: How to find the array length in unix shell? I was able to do this -
a=(1 2 3 4 5)
echo ${#a[#]} #length of a
5 #length of a = 5 (This is fine !!)
However when I try to do a similar thing using seq ..
b=$(seq 1 1 10)
echo $b
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
echo ${#b[#]}
1 #the length of b is 1, while I expect it to be 10
Why does this happen ? Are the variable types a and b different? is b not an array ?
I am sure I am missing something very trivial here, help is greatly appreciated.

You need to store the output in an array to find the length of the array:
$ b=($(seq 1 1 10))
$ echo ${#b[#]}
Saying b=$(seq 1 1 10) doesn't produce an array.

echo ${b[0]}
It will be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 because all your values are stored in first element of array a as a string.
b=($(seq 1 1 10))
will do what you want.


Divide an output into multiple variables using shell script

So I have a C program that outputs many numbers. I have to check them all. The problem is, each time I run my program, I need to change seeds. In order to do that, I've been doing it manually and was trying to make a shell script to work around this.
I've tried using sed but couldn't manage to do it.
I'm trying to get the output like this:
a=$(./algorithm < input.txt)
b=$(./algorithm2 < input.txt)
c=$(./algorithm3 < input.txt)
The output of each algorithm program is something like this:
12 13 315
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 2 8 9 1 0 0 2 3 4 5
So the variable a has all this output, and what I need is
variable a to contain this whole string
and variable a1 to contain only the third number, in this case, 315.
Another example:
2 3 712
1 23 15 12 31 23 3 2 5 6 6 1 2 3 5 51 2 3 21
echo $b should give this output:
2 3 712
1 23 15 12 31 23 3 2 5 6 6 1 2 3 5 51 2 3 21
and echo $b1 should give this output:
Not exactly what you are asking, but one way to do this would be to store the results of your algorithm in arrays, and then dereference the item of interest. You'd write something like:
a=( $(./algorithm < input.txt) )
b=( $(./algorithm2 < input.txt) )
c=( $(./algorithm3 < input.txt) )
Notice the extra () that encloses the statements. Now, a, b and c are arrays, and you can access the item of interest like ${a[0]} or $a[1].
For your particular case, since you want the 3rd element, that would have index = 2, hence:
Since you are using the Bash shell (see your tags), you can use Bash arrays to easily access the individual fields in your output strings. For example like so:
# Your lines to gather the output:
# a=$(./algorithm < input.txt)
# b=$(./algorithm2 < input.txt)
# c=$(./algorithm3 < input.txt)
# Just to use your example output strings:
a="$(printf "12 13 315 \n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 2 8 9 1 0 0 2 3 4 5")"
b="$(printf "2 3 712 \n 1 23 15 12 31 23 3 2 5 6 6 1 2 3 5 51 2 3 21")"
# Put the output in arrays.
# You can access the array elements individually.
# The array index starts from 0.
# (The names a1 and b1 for the third elements were your choice.)
# Print output strings.
# (The newlines in $a and $b are gobbled by echo, since they are not quoted.)
echo "Output a:" $a
echo "Output b:" $b
# Print third elements.
echo "3rd from a: $a1"
echo "3rd from b: $b1"
This script outputs
Output a: 12 13 315 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 2 8 9 1 0 0 2 3 4 5
Output b: 2 3 712 1 23 15 12 31 23 3 2 5 6 6 1 2 3 5 51 2 3 21
3rd from a: 315
3rd from b: 712
The trick here is that array constants (literals) in Bash have the form
for example
(1 2 3 4 a b c nearly_any_string 99)
Any variable that gets such an array assigned, automatically becomes an array variable. In the script above, this is what happens in a_array=($a): Bash expands the $a to the <space_separated_list_of_elements> and reads the whole expression again interpreting it as an array constant.
Individual elements in such arrays can be referenced like variables by using expressions of the form
like a variable name. Therein, <array_name>is the name of the array and <idx> is an integer that references the individual element. For arrays that are represented by array constants, the index counts elements continuously starting from zero. Therefore, in the script, ${a_array[2]} expands to the third element in the array a_array. If the array would have less elements, a_array[2] would be considered unset.
You can output all elements in the array a_array, the corresponding index array, and the number of elements in the array respectively by
echo "${a_array[#]}"
echo "${!a_array[#]}"
echo "${#a_array[#]}"
These commands can be used to track down the fate of the newline: Given the script above, it is still in $a, as can be seen by (watch the quotes)
echo "$a"
which yields
12 13 315
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 2 8 9 1 0 0 2 3 4 5
But the newline did not make it into the array a_array. This is because Bash considers it as part of the whitespace that separates the third and the fourth element in the array assignment. The same applies if there are no extra spaces around the newline, like here:
12 13 315\n1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 2 8 9 1 0 0 2 3 4 5
I actually assume that the output of your C program comes in this form.
This will store the full string in a[0] and the individual fields in a[1-N]:
$ tmp=$(printf '12 13 315\n1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 2 8 9 1 0 0 2 3 4 5\n')
$ a=( $(printf '_ %s\n' "$tmp") )
$ a[0]="$tmp"
$ echo "${a[0]}"
12 13 315
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 2 8 9 1 0 0 2 3 4 5
$ echo "${a[3]}"
Obviously replace $(printf '12 13 315\n1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 2 8 9 1 0 0 2 3 4 5\n') with $(./algorithm < input.txt) in your real code.

bash search output for similar text and perform calculation between the 2

I am working on a script that will run a pm2 list and assign it to a variable, wait X seconds and run it again assigning it to a different variable. Then I run those through a comm <(echo "$pm2_1") <(echo "$pm2_2") -3 that gives me only the output that is different between the 2 in a nice format
name ID restart count
prog-name 0 1
prog-name 0 2
prog-name-live 10 1
prog-name-live 10 8
prog-name-live 3 1
prog-name-live 3 4
prog-name-live 6 1
prog-name-live 6 6
What I need is a way to compare the restart counts on the 2 lines with similar IDs.. EX
name ID restart count
prog-name 0 1
prog-name 0 2
prog-name-worker 10 1
prog-name-worker 10 8
Any ideas would be very helpful!
awk supports hash hope that helps
awk '{k=$1" "$2; a[k]=$3; print k, a[k]}'
here is example of using it to find difference, you can try any logic
awk '{k=$1" "$2; if (a[k]==0)a[k]=$3; else {a[k]-=$3; q=a[k]>0?a[k]:a[k]*-1;print k,q}}'

Can't seem to add two numbers in shell

I have been googling and trying different methods but nothing seems to work.
I have the following code
string=0 4 5 27 8 7 0 6
for n in "$string"; do
total=$(($total + $n))
This way I want to count the total sum of all the numbers within that string.
I have also tried expr "$total" + "$n" but that gives me an error saying the operand is not an integer.
Any suggestion how I might make this work?
Don't quote the string in the in clause, quoted string is not split into words:
#! /bin/bash
string='0 4 5 27 8 7 0 6'
for n in $string ; do
(( total += n ))
echo $total
string=0 4 5 27 8 7 0 6
This attempts to set the variable string to 0, then invoke the command 4 with arguments 5 27 8 7 0 6.
You need to quote the value:
string="0 4 5 27 8 7 0 6"
And you need to remove the quotes when you refer to it; change
for n in "$string"; do
for n in $string; do
You should use :
total=$(( total + n ))
no need for the $ before variables inside a $(( )) statement

reading vaues from table and editing text file with that values using bash

hi I am a beginner and learning bash scripting..
I have two files one is data table data.dat and another text file input.in
data.dat looks like this
a b c d
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
1 3 5 7
2 4 6 8
and input.in looks like
rc duct.gz
fi as df 500
def bc pff p 1 n 2 n 3 n 4 n n n
def bc po p 1 n 2 y n n n
now i want to replace the values in text file such as 1 2 3 4 with that of 5 6 7 8 from the table and save text file with some other name input2.in
and next time 1 2 3 4 should replace with 1 3 5 7 and save with other name input3.in
like this till it completes the table
line="this is line with parameter a=$a"
eval echo ${line}
EDIT: extended answer.
You need two nested loops. In external one you read values from data.dat into a,b,c and d variables. The internal one reads the file input.in and for each read line you need to display it with eval echo. Just make sure you put $a, $b, $c and $d in proper places, like:
def bc pff p $a n $b n $c n $d n n n

Redirecting Multiple stdins?

I have three files named One, Two, Three.
One contains:
Two contains:
Three contains:
When I give the following command:
$sort < One < Two < Three
I get the output:
But when I give the following command:
$sort One Two Three
I get the ouput:
Can anyone please shed light on what exaclty is happening here? Why does the input from 1 and 2 not taken into consideration in the first command?
Your command is the same as:
sort 0<1 0<2 0<3
(file descriptor 0 is standard input)
Redirections are processed in the order they appear, from left to right.
sort command itself cannot see any of those files.
bash open file 1,2,3 at file descriptor 0 one by one.
So the right most one override left ones.
At last, sort read from file descriptor 0 which is bind to file 3.
You can't redirect multiple files with bash. To work around this limitation you could use cat:
cat 1 2 3 | sort
On a side note, zsh supports what it calls mutlios:
zsh$ setopt multios
zsh$ sort < 1 < 2 < 3 > 4 > 5
zsh$ tr '\n' ' ' < 4 < 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
