Error handling prioritization - fine-uploader

Is there anyway to change the priority of the various error handling messages?
There are cases where more than 1 error message applies. For instance:
If I now select one file that has the wrong file extension, it shows me the error message that I haven't selected enough files (0), instead of showing the error message with the wrong file extension.

No, there isn't any way to change the order of the internal validation checks. However, that is not the problem. What you are describing sounds like a bug that may have been fixed in a recent version. Please upgrade to the latest version. If you are still seeing the issue, file a bug in the github project's issue tracker with steps required to reproduce.


"Check Component Dependency" without any details on conflict

I have tried to add the trust pilot extension following this guide.
However, when it comes to the readiness check in the extension manager, there is a failure on "Check Component Dependency" without any details on the conflict. The guide seems to indicate that the error would be shown but that's not the case (please see image below)
There does not appear to be anything in the exception log and I'm not sure where to check for the details regarding the conflict. Any recommendations on where to look would be really helpful.
I've encountered the same issue, what solved it for me was to edit user.ini in Magento root. The memory limit should be set to 2G.

Scintilla error message on unrelated code

First off, ScintillaNET v2.6 was installed as a control and I have been able to use it and compile, so I assume the installation is ok:
This app is targeting the full .NET 4.0 framework, not the client profile)
Environment variable
ScintillaNT folder content
The error message:
The code triggering the error:
The error happens on the second line when I "step-in" the load method. Looks completely unrelated, but highly reproducible: the error always happens at that exact step.
The problem turned out to be a corrupted XML file. I still don't know why the crash page was all about ScintillaNET, but it appears this had nothing to do with Scintilla.
I am not deleting this question because I could not find any indication that this could happen (errors in different parts of the code triggering a Scintilla error page) and it would have saved me a lot of time trying to track back the "scintilla" problem.

How to write messge ids to html file with pylint 1.1

We recently upgraded to pylint-1.1 from pylint-0.28, and I can no longer get the message ids written to the html files generated when using --output-format=html.
Changes in pylint 1.X took away the --include-ids option, and these questions:
How do I get Pylint message IDs to show up after pylint-1.0.0?
PyLint 1.0.0 with PyDev + Eclipse: "include-ids" option no longer allowed, breaks Eclipse integration
suggest using the --message-template option to restore it, but that only seems to work with screen output. So, currently the 'type' column in the html file only contains one of the five message types. How can I get the message name or message id into the html files instead?
Also, FWIW the pylint documentation here
still mentions the --include-ids option, and doesn't mention --message-template.
Mark E. Hamilton
That's right that this option disappears in pylint 1.1.
Text reporters advantagously get the message-template instead, but HTML loose a bit of configurability on the way. Anyway IMO, the html reports should be fixed to systematically include the symbolic name and that's it.
Please submit an issue on about that.

Error on uploading Magento extension

After several attempts I have succeed to packaged one extension by using instructions from this PDF -
Everything looks good, but when I try to upload the extension, it throws an error, saying that the filename should be in the format XXXXXX-1.0.0 format without the extension, where xxxxxxxxx is my form key, but when I try to upload the renamed copy of the packaged file (one that Magento connect manager extension generated), it throws these 2 errors:
An error occurred during upload to channel MagentoConnect 1.0: Unable
to upload new release XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-1.0.0.tgz
An error occurred
during upload to channel MagentoConnect 2.0: Package
AnattaDesign_AbandonedCarts not found
I did a bit of research on the error and got to know this has been an issue with Magento in the past and people were facing the exact same issue. On some of them, I found #rondata replying back who was the community manager in back those days, but not sure if he still is.
So any clue how can I get this issue resolved? Whether it could also be an issue with how I packaged the extension? Or may be who is the current community manager and where can I seek some escalation on their uploader bug?
So I think I know what the reason is. When you are asked for the extension key when creating a new extension on, don't add the form key over there as your extension key. It's meant to be something unique like Namespace_Module.
When you do that, the error should go away and you should be all good!

Error while opening file in VS2010 Beta 2

I installed VS2010 B2 on my Win 7 machine. I create a simple DLL project and try to open the file Class1.cs that gets created by Default. I get a error message "The operation could not be completed. Invalid Pointer. So far i have seen this and similar error messages on previous versions of VS2010. Anyone else faced and solved this problem?
Answer: It seems i have to use true type fonts. The moment i changed the editor font from Inconsolata to Consolas the problem was fixed. Found this solution
Sounds like a pretty fatal error in a fundamental operation, so it's unlikely to be a simple bug that was overlooked - it's more likely to be a problem with your install - If it were me, I would try reinstalling it (and do so with the default options - if the install was customised it's vaguely possible that a required component was not installed)
I had this problem when trying to put a style element on an .ascx page. Lots of times you can solve the error by saving the file, closing the page, then re-opening it.
