Sass mappings and indented syntax - sass

Is there a way to indent Sass' 3.3 mappings?
In scss we can write following:
$colors: (
header: #b06,
text: #334,
footer: #666777
But in Sass I cannot add any break into parentheses. I think that parentheses is required into mappings syntax.
header: #b06
text: #334
footer: #666777
Syntax error: Illegal nesting: Nothing may be nested beneath variable declarations.
I tried some variances and nothing was compiled without errors.
To compile Sass I need to write it into one string like this:
$colors: (header: #b06, text: #334, footer: #666777)
But it is not indented syntax.
I think that will be a good walkthrough to write indented-only things into SCSS file and then import them.

There is number of issues with the indented syntax in SASS.
Unfortunately SASS syntax doesn't support Multi-line. Reading the documentation, there is only one exception, when it comes to multiple CSS selectors like in this example:
.users #userTab,
.posts #postTab
width: 100px
height: 30px
Read the complete documentation here:
So, there is no possibility to get multi-line support for an argument list in SASS.

This is a known issue and will not be addressed any time soon.
This is definitely something I'd like to add, but it would take a considerable amount of effort due to the refactoring of the indented syntax that would be required. Right now that's just lower priority than adding features that benefit everyone.


Get horizontal padding/margin part of SASS variable

There's a SASS variable defined as follows:
$section-padding: 3rem 1.5rem !default
It is then used elsewhere as a padding value which works fine:
padding: $section-padding;
How do I dynamically get hold of the 1.5rem value? Is there some way to extract it, supposing the $section-padding variable will always contain a shorthand padding/margin definition?
I cannot split the value into two separate variables as $section-padding is defined like this in a third-party CSS framework (Bulma).
Seems I was on the right track, but a mistake in a calc() call where I was using it made it blow up.
SASS has the concept of lists. A variable is considered a list if it contains space or comma separated values. You can then extract the desired part by using the nth() function (1-based indexing):
nth($section-padding, 2)
Note that to use this in a calc() the function call should be wrapped in #{} (which was my mistake):
padding: calc(200px + #{nth($section-padding, 2)});

Configure TinyMCE Tag Use (Strong->B, etc) (Django-tinymce)

So, I'm looking through the documentation, and unfortunately it stops short of offering any sort of explanation on how the normal TinyMCE format translates into the TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG dictionary.
Basically, I need to configure it so that bold is represented as b, not strong, and other similar changes.
Does anyone have a syntax example they could share for this?
So, it turns out, using:
As my library, the way this is done is:
Try adjusting the formatting for inline to use the different element
If it's still persistent, add the element to the extended_valid_elements
Finally, if it really won't stop using strong and em, blacklist those tags
'formats': {
'bold':{'inline': 'b'},
'underline':{'inline': 'u'},
'italic':{'inline': 'i'},
and later:
invalid_elements:'em strong'

Syntax coloration on Monaco Editor (Monarch), '#popall' when new line encountered

I am currently writing a syntax highlighter for Monaco Editor, using Monarch.
I am using the states in order to deal differently with tokens depending on where they are in the line.
What I would like to do is #popall the states when I reach the end of the line, as all lines are independant.
Right now the only way I found is to add conditions at the end of all my rules, something like that:
[/\}/, {cases: {'#eos':{token: 'keyword', next:'#popall'},
'#default':{token: 'keyword', next:'#pop'}}}],
which is really redundant obviously as my 50+ rules have this case.
What is the clean way of doing this?

Sphinx and reStructuredText: multiple code highlighting in a single block

I am new to Sphinx. I am writing some documentation for embedded UDFs that requires a code block to contain 2 languages (e.g. SQL and python). At present I can only see how to have a single highlight language in a block.
Is it possible to "switch" languages within a block? Below is an example of reStructuredText that results in 3 code block that I want to merge into one.
Simply removing the second and third "::" doesn't work.
.. highlight:: sql
.. highlight:: R
#Some R markup
MEANS = matrix(runif(nclust*ndim)*sqrt(nclust)*sep, nrow = nclust)
VARS = matrix(runif(nclust)*ndim, nrow = nclust)
ps = 1:nclust
ps = ps/sum(ps)
.. highlight:: sql
FROM myshema.mySQLtable
I am 99% sure that this cannot be done by default, and your solution of using separate 'highlight' blocks is the standard procedure to show multiple languages.
I believe that this is for the best anyway as mixing code in one block is usually a bad idea as it can confuse readers.
Also, when converting reStructuredText into HTML for example, a style sheet is used to make everything look pretty, and a default style sheet is included. If you do some research, I'm sure you could edit that style sheet or make your own, perhaps making the 'border' invisible and the 'margin-bottom' zero pixels for 'highlight' blocks.
You can try this extension to have different languages in tabs:

Simulating nested selectors without nesting them to combine with simple selectors

Say I have this:
Now say I want to combine this into one line. So I write:
p,div.section.type-1 h1, div.section.type-2 h1{$font-size:$my-font-size;}
But say I still want to benefit from the functionality that I don't have to repeat the "parent" which is div. Is there any way to do this? Like for example:
p,div.section((&.type-1,&.type-2)) h1{$font-size:$my-font-size;}
So basically I'm looking for some sort of shorthand syntax so that I can combine it with another selector.
Sass 3.3 or later
The function you're looking for is called selector-append. In your case, however, you also need to combine it with selector-nest for the h1.
p, #{selector-nest(selector-append('div.section', ('.type-1', '.type-2')), h1)} {font-size:$my-font-size;}
Sass 3.2 or older
For older Sass versions, you can use the append-selector function that comes with Compass, but both arguments must be strings. As above, you'll need to combine it with the nest function for the h1.
p, #{nest(append-selector('div.section', '.type-1, .type-2'), h1)} {font-size:$my-font-size;}
