JPS command not showing all the working daemons of hadoop - hadoop

I have installed hadoop via cygwin in window 7 .All daemons of hadoop has started but jps failed to show tasktraker,secondarynamenode,datanode. I checked in logs , all are working fine. What could be the problem?
Thanks in advance.


How to start the hadoop which i just install ,rather than the former version

I want to installed the hadoop(3.2) in my linux system which has installed the hadoop(2.7).When I execute hadoop , I can only get the information of hadoop 2.7 ,even if I change the environment variable. And the most confused thing is when I run echo $HADOOP_HOME , sometimes I can get the path of hadoop 2.7,sometimes hadoop 3.2. I hope someone can help me.
enter image description here
enter image description here

Hortonworks Sandbox HDP 2.6.5 on Mac with VirtualBox

I am new to Hortonworks Sandbox HDP 2.6.5. I have it successfully installed on a MacOS Catalina, itself running VirtualBox. All is good - I can access the Ambari dashboard and ssh from my Mac to the Hadoop FS.
However, I am confused about what is where and therefore how to access....
I can ssh using this line:
maria_dev# -p 2222
.... and I arrive here: maria_dev#sandbox-hdp
This looks a lot like the Hadoop file system.
In Ambari, I use the FileView to navigate in the GUI to user/maria_dev
This looks to me like I am navigating the Linux host.
Assuming this is correct( it?) , how to I ssh to here (user/maria_dev) from a terminal on my Mac?
Thanks in advance
Ambari fileview is HDFS
You don't see HDFS files from an SSH session without using the hdfs fs -ls commands, and this is different from just ls/cd on its own
FWIW, HDP 2.6 has been deprecated for a few years
how do I log into the Linux system that is supporting the Hadoop instance
That is what SSH does

JPS command shows only JPS

I installed hadoop and tried to run it. The terminal shows that everything has been started but when i run jps command it shows only jps. I am new to ubuntu and we need to use for academics can anyone help me run it.
I installed java using sudo apt-get install open-jdk
My usr/lib/jvm directory looks like this
The following are my hadoop configuration files:
Its probably due to the users you are using . I can see with different user and jps with a different user. Run both commands with the same user

Namenode is not running without errors in cygwin

I have installed hadoop2.2, ssh, java in my cygwin. When I tried to run the namenode using this sbin/ start namenode", I'm getting no errors but when I run jps command once, I can see the namenode running once. After 10 sec it is not running.

Cloudera Installation Error I want to know can we cloudera manager for Hadoop single node Cluster on ubuntu?

I am using ubuntu 12.04 64bit, I installed and ran sample hadoop programs with single node successfully.
I am getting the following error while installing cloudera manager on my ubuntu
Refreshing repository metadata failed. See
/var/log/cloudera-manager-installer/2.refresh-repo.log for details.
Click OK to revert this installation.
I want to know can we install Cloudera for Hadoop's Single node cluster on ubuntu. Please response me that Is it possible to install cloudera manager for single node or not. Or else Am i want to create multiple nodes for using cloudera with my hadooop
Yes, CM can run in a single node.
This error is because CM can not use apt-get install to get the packages. Which tutorial do you follow?
However, you can manually add the cloudera repo. See this thread.
