I'm trying to use the Google Speech API v2 (at address https://www.google.com/speech-api/v2/recognize?...)
I need to use my Api Key, but when I use it I get error 403 Forbidden
When I use an API key that was on the example project I downloaded it is working fine.
I saw that at the Google Developers Console I can enable a lot of api options, but didn't find any Speech-API option. Is there anything else I need to enable to get access to this API using my key?
Thank you!
Instructions are here : http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/api-keys
!! Do not forget to activate the API "Speech API" in "APIs" under "APIS & AUTH" !!
According to chromium that there is no quota for google speech to text APIs anymore.so you will not found it in your google cloud project console
I am not sure this API is available to everyone, but here is a github project that provides a valid key. You should try with this key.
This is an old post, but hopefully it will help someone.
I couldn't find the Speech API listed under the popular APIs on https://console.developers.google.com/ either. You have to search for the Speech API using the "Search all 100 + APIs" search field.
In order to use the service you need to:
get a developer key (see above answers for instructions)
send a mono flac audio file to http://www.google.com/speech-api/v2/recognize (Google doesn't accept stereo audio anymore)
specify your audio file's sampling rate (e.g. 16000, 44100, etc.) and Content-Type as audio/x-flac in your HTTP header
specify values for key, client and lang parameters in the url
Here is a wget example with full parameters and header:
wget -q --post-file file.flac --header="Content-Type: audio/x-flac; rate=16000" -O - "http://www.google.com/speech-api/v2/recognize?client=chromium&lang=en_US&key=AIzaSyAcalCzUvPmmJ7CZBFOEWx2Z1ZSn4Vs1gg"
Note that the free service is limited to 50 requests/day for a developer key.
This repository offers a shell script to use the API from the command line (including voice recording).
I am a beginner trying out api for fun.
The problem is, lets say, I want to write a simple windows program with golang to let my friends read and edit one of the sheets saved on my google drive. How can I do this without having them download a credential file?
What I want it to do is simply redirect them to the Oauth Page right away, and if their email address is one recognized by the app it will grant them access to that google sheet.
What i think you need is to integrate your go app with Oauth protocol.
More specifically, with the Google provider.
This is mainly 3 steps:
add the oauth client to your application
something like this: https://github.com/golang/oauth2
See their docs on how to do it.
go to google dev documentation and see how to integrate google auth flow into the client: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2
I'm not sure if google has something more specific for google drive integration and/or go-lang client in particular. Please do some searching.
make the glue code on your go app so that the user can interact with this (the login button (or command, if it is terminal based), error messages, logout, etc)
More questions will appear when you start to do this, however it is a great example to learn Oauth as well.
General guidelines:
https all the queries or oauth is basically useless
oatuh has many auth-flows and you must choose which one(s) you support. use whatever google documentation recommends for m2m scenario (machine 2 machine)
log errors so that your friends can send you a log file for you to debug issues
maybe set some feature flag so that you can simply disable this feature to run/test localhost ? maybe useful? you decide.
I just want to test houndify API simply by curl application.
But I can't find how can I use it.
If I send text or voice recoded file to houndify by curl application in windows(linux) pc, could you let me know full option for curl?
I would highly recommend using an SDK to do your requests. These SDKs allow for streaming of audio, have code examples, and take care of many things including authentication.
If you really want to use cURL or write your own SDK, you can find more details about the required fields here, but this would require calculating the authentication headers yourself.
I just tried to register a project for use with the Google Speech API, and I couldn't see the API in the the list when I filtered it for the words "speech" or "voice". Is the API still supported?
I just found the new Web Speech API here Did this take the place of the Speech API v2?
You have to be a member of chromium-dev discussion list before you can enable the Speech API in your Google Developers Console.
Go to Chromium Dev group and click Join the list.
Go back to Google Developers Console, select your project, enter APIs & Auth / APIs. You'll now see Speech API. Click to enable it.
Go to Credentials, Create new Key, Server Key. You may optionally specify a list of IPs, for security.
You now may make queries to Google Speech API v2. Keep in mind that this is an experimental API, and limited to 50 queries per day per project.
Please read this older post..
Answered by #gui-ambros
May this help you a little...
I am somewhat new to code, and even more so to the Google Apps API. In the organization I work with, I have so far managed to write a couple of console apps that we run to apply signatures, and manage mailbox delegates as needed.
In regards to the Email Settings API, specifically the signatures portion, is there a way to check this box:
"Insert this signature before quoted text in replies and remove the "--" line that precedes it."
via the Email Settings API? I've looked through the API documentation, and even the .NET api reference docs, with no avail. Any advice will be helpful.
This feature was available while it was a lab (through the admin console, not API), but not anymore now that it has 'graduated'.
It has now been submitted as an official feature request. Hopefully more people request it.
I was told that setting the footer through the API does show up before quoted text, so if that is true, and all you need is a footer for everyone in organization, you might be in luck.
I read the following two pages on Google:
1) https://developers.google.com/google-apps/documents-list/#getting_a_list_of_documents_and_files
2) https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2WebServer
I can go as far as getting an access_token (OAuth2) to be used in a subsequent Google API call (I want to call Google Docs Listing or Google Drive).
I wanted to use curl or something similar and just form my https URL.
- As such in the 1st document states to form a URL as follows:
https: //docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full
- In the 2nd document, the example states to use something like https: //www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo?access_token=xxxxx
(adding the access token to the call)
Several questions
- Do I call googleapis.com or docs.google.com?
- can I call https: //docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full?access_token=xxxxx
just add the access token to the call?
You need some effort to approach a Google API the first time, but then it's easy and elegant:
Manual preparation (One-time action): Sign in to Google, create a project, enable the API in question, create new Cient ID.
Get OAuth code, refresh token and access token (one-time action).
Make the API call (repetitive arbitrary actions).
Here is a detailed explanation of the entire process - Steps to make a Google API call.
A practical sample based on the Google Calendar API with full demo code in a single HTML file can also be reviewed here - Easy and compact access to my Google calendars.
The fastest way to get started is probably the quickstart guide for the Google Drive API, which shows how to setup your environment and write a complete command-line app to upload a file to Drive:
Hie you can go through the Google Docs Sample Available Here
it's a command line smaple but this same thing you can implement in android. it works for me. you will find "docs-cmdline-sample" in repo. that will help you.